===== Shooting Star - Long Bow ===== Used by [[da:characters:jynn|Jynn Aschente]] Doesn’t use arrows. Doesn't need to reload ^Elemental Shots - Dragon Die is shot type^^^ ^1 |Fire |Damage 1d6 + Magic| ^2 |Ice |Move Speed is halved for next turn. Test Dexterity TN 13| ^3 |Lightning| Damage 1d6 + Magic| ^4 |Earth |Lose Minor Action. Test Willpower TN 13| ^5 |Death |Take 1d6 + Magic Health from target and heal for that amount | ^6 |Air |Skirmish 2yds. Test Strength TN 13| **__Description__** Made of dragon bone inlayed with red, brown, blue and clear crystals in various elemental patterns flowing outward from the handle. This bow has no need of arrows. Can be a focus for arcane lance