===== Soul - Battle Axe ===== Owned by [[da:characters:khai_mera|Khai]] {{:da:magic_items:soul_axe.jpg?nolink|}} **__Stats__**\\ Damage 1d6\\ Dragon Die + Magic pen damage **On Hit**\\ Dragon Die + Con is returned as health **On Miss**\\ Lose Dragon Die HP **On Draw/Equip**\\ Everyone in sight hears a dark voice in their head say, "//It is good to feel flesh once again. FEED ME!//" Lose 1d6 HP as the etching and skull eyes begin glowing blood red. **__Description__**\\ Forged as a solid piece of steel from a possessed steel golem the axe yearns and hungers for life drawing it from whatever life it comes in contact with. The axe has the face of a raging demon etched into sides of the 12in serrated blade. It has a 4in triangle spike on top with another 6in talon like spike coming off the back. On the side connecting the blade and spikes to the handle is a sculpted human skull on each side. The handle is wrapped in black leather and capped on the bottom with a ring of 1in spikes __**Example attack**__:\\ On Hit \\ Target takes Dragon Die + Magic pen damage.\\ You gain Dragon Die + Con in health.   Roll 1d6 for damage as normal   On Miss\\ You lose Dragon Die in health