===== Trudisco Tea Set ===== Crazy looking, white and black marbled teapot with two spouts that would pour into one cup. Engraved along the topside of the handle, in gold inlay, is the phrase, "Health, Energy, Escape, Rest". Painted on the pot is three faces, one looking content and healthy, one looking in shear terror, and one looking asleep. The lid is engraved with the word Trudisco. Each cup is white and black marbling like the tea pot and has the phase, in gold inlay, "Health, Energy, Escape, Rest" around the rim and on the top off handle in gold inlay is the word Trudisco. The cups are have the same faces painted around their **Usage** Once per day you can make a pot of tea which will fill the four cups, with one of the below effects. You wont know the effect till you drink it. This only happens if you drink from one of the companion cups. ^Number^Effect^ |1|Heal 6d6 HP\\ Recover 6d6 Mana| |2|HORROR\\ You're overwhelmed with a blast of sheer terror. Until you succeed on a Willpower (Courage) test vs. TN 15, you can do nothing but cower in fear. Failing the initial test you may try again at the start of your turn.| |3|Heal 6d6 HP\\ Recover 6d6 Mana| |4|WAKING NIGHTMARE\\ Your trapped in a waking nightmare. Until you succeed at a Willpower (Self-Discipline) test vs. TN 15, you fall into a fugue and attack the nearest living creature to the best of your ability.| |5|Heal 6d6 HP\\ Recover 6d6 Mana| |6|SLEEP\\ You are overcome with heavy drowsiness and are falling asleep unless you succeed at a Willpower (Self-Discipline) test vs. TN 15. If you fail the initial test you may make another test on each of your turns until you awaken. You have a Defense of 10, but are not subject to a coup de grace. Any damage immediately awakens you.|