====== Everywhen ====== ===== System Details ===== "Everywhen is a set of roleplaying rules that builds upon the system created by Simon Washbourne in Barbarians of Lemuria to provide a rich but flexible and adaptable game to support action and adventure in your favorite setting!" - Everywhen pg6 ==== Available at ==== Everywhen -> [[https://www.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/249193/everywhen|]] \\ Blood Sundown -> [[https://www.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/260195/blood-sundown|]] \\ Character Sheet -> {{ :everywhen:everywhen_character_sheet.pdf |}} ==== Features ==== * Core roll is 2d6 * Lifeblood (HP) and Resolve (Mind HP) trackers * Hero points per adventure, You can use Hero Points to affect the outcome of a situation and swing the odds in your favor. * XP based leveling * Initiative based combat * Combat is turn based with Move + Action per round * Fairly lethal. I think Dungeon World would be pretty close. * All damage is d6 based * Credit Rating for wealth management * Vehicle and Crafting rules * Three magic systems: arcane, divine, and psionic * Character Boons and Flaws * Everywhen Reference sheets pg132-141 ==== Core Mechanic ==== The core roll is 2d6 * + attribute * If non-combat: + career * If combat: + combat ability * If relevant + bonus or penalty dice Success is result >= Target Number (default is 9+)\\ Rolling with bonus dice means you roll all dice and use the two highest.\\ Rolling with penalty dice means you roll all dice and use the two lowest.\\ ===== Players Must Read ===== ==== Everywhen ==== * 8-23 - Character Creation, Stats, Boons and Flaws * 24-28 - Core rolling mechanic * 32-34 - Hero Points * 98-99 - Leveling * 99-105 - Projects, Crafting, and Inventions If planning on doing Magic * 80-84 - Arcane * 85-89 - Psionic * 89-90 - Divine ==== Blood Sundown ==== * 8-10 - Boons and Flaws * 10-26 - Careers * 27-31 - Gear * 31-32 - Rules If planning on doing magic * 33-37 Sample Spells ===== Players Should Read ===== ==== Everywhen ==== * 36-41 - Combat: Movement, Attack, Options, and Mounted Combat * 45-49 - Taking Damage, Dying, and Healing * 51 - Damage Track * 52-54 Weapons * 55-57 Armor * 59 - Credit Rating * 60-62 - Social Roll and Social Attacking