====== Encyclopedia of Fracterra ======
===== Stories of the World =====
* [[dw:sessions_fracterra|Dungeon World Party]]
* [[pf2e:sessions_fracterra|Bellowsong]]
===== Facts of the World =====
* It is a dangerous place
* Shattered by an arcane disaster over 400 years ago
===== Planes =====
* Material
* Fracterra
* Fey aka First World
* Pandemonium
* Shadow
===== Dungeon World Party =====
* Arbory - The Living Mannequin
* Darrius - The Vampire
* Ellie - The Seadog
* Gromm - The Strongest
* Otto - The Spellblade
* Shad - The Clock Mage
* Rah'thul - The Summoner
===== Dungeon World Retired =====
* Stich - The Thief
===== Pathfinder Party =====
* [[fracterra:characters:iaso|Iaso]] - Human Cleric
* [[fracterra:characters:ishkan|Ishkan]] - Lizardman Monk
* [[fracterra:characters:torin|Torin]] - Dwarf Druid
===== Pathfinder KIA =====
* Darryl - Human Fey Sorcerer
* Fizzle - Goblin Chirurgeon Alchemist
* Koin - Goblin Thief Rogue
* Striog - Dwarf Fury Barbarian
* [[fracterra:characters:jerry|Jerry]] - Fetchling Witch
===== Pathfinder Retired =====
* [[fracterra:characters:rokkus|Rokkus]] - Catfolk Swashbuckler
===== World Info =====
* [[fracterra:dieties|Dieties]]
* [[fracterra:peoples|People]]
* [[fracterra:magic_items|Magic Items]]
====== Continents ======
==== Asor ====
{{ fracterra:fracterra_discovered.jpg?direct&400 |}}
==== Edus ====
{{ :fracterra:edus.webp?direct&400 |}}
====== Asor ======
===== Regions =====
* [[fracterra:regions:blood_plains|Blood Plains]]
* [[fracterra:regions:the_forsaken_isles|The Forsaken Isles]]
* [[fracterra:regions:ind|Isle of Ind]]
* [[fracterra:regions:markovs_blight|Markov’s Blight]]
* [[fracterra:regions:logscureaux|Logscureaux (Logs-cuhr-oh)]]
* [[fracterra:regions:sawteeth_mountains|Sawteeth Mountains]]
* [[fracterra:regions:shadowgulf|Shadowgulf]]
* [[fracterra:regions:sky_bluffs|Sky Bluffs]]
===== Settlements =====
* [[fracterra:cities:deadhallow|Deadhallow]]
* [[fracterra:cities:kald|Kald]]
* [[fracterra:cities:solaris|Solaris]]
* [[fracterra:cities:alora|Alora]]
===== Sites =====
* [[fracterra:sites:crypt_of_arinax|Blackport Prison]]
* [[fracterra:sites:the_cube_of_chaos|Cube of Chaos]]
* [[fracterra:sites:crypt_of_arinax|Crypt of Arinax]]
* [[fracterra:sites:crypt_of_the_wcience_wizard|Crypt of the Science Wizard]]
* [[fracterra:sites:psygen_compound|PsyGen Compound]]
* [[fracterra:sites:the_unholy_grove|The Unholy Grove]]
====== Edus ======
===== Regions =====
* [[fracterra:edus:regions:alderglade_forest|Alderglade Forest]]
* [[fracterra:edus:regions:glistening_plains|Glistening Plains]]
* [[fracterra:edus:regions:The_Great_Arena|The Great Arena]]
* [[fracterra:edus:regions:hell_steppe|Hell Steppe]]
* [[fracterra:edus:regions:lowheart_forests|Lowheart Forests]]
* [[fracterra:edus:regions:stormy_wood|Stormy Wood]]
* [[fracterra:edus:regions:shadow_hollows|Shadow Hollows]]
===== Settlements =====
* [[fracterra:edus:regions:stormy_wood:otari|Otari]]
===== Sites =====