====== Pathfinder 2e ====== Only stuff found in the core rulebook is available for use. Foundry VTT will be available for characters. MapTool will be used for the table display. ===== Resources ===== * {{ files:pf2e:pathfinder_2e_core_rulebook.pdf |Core Rulebook}} * {{ files:pf2e:character_sheet.pdf | Character Sheet}} * Character Builder - [[https://pathbuilder2e.com/app.html]] * Other Options - https://www.reddit.com/r/Pathfinder2e/wiki/resources/character_sheets/ * {{ files:pf2e:pf2e_actions_v1.6.minimal.monochrome.pdf | Cheat Sheet}} * Archives of Nethys - [[https://2e.aonprd.com/]] * Spellbook Maker - [[https://pf2easy.com/spellbook/]] ==== Other PDFs ==== * {{ files:pf2e:advanced_players_guide.pdf |}} * {{ files:pf2e:lost_omens_ancestry_guide.pdf |}} * {{ files:pf2e:lost_omens_character_guide.pdf |}} * {{ files:pf2e:game_mastery_guide.pdf |}} * {{ files:pf2e:treasurevault.pdf |}} ==== Videos ==== * How to play - [[https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYCDCUfG0xJb5I-wDIezuDkTfbd8k21Km]] * Alignment - [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xTSoM7JE4u8&list=WL&index=7]] * Spellcasters - [[https://youtu.be/lWcQ1z4PYK0]] ===== Character Must Haves ===== - Reason for adventuring - Willing to work with a group - What you look like - **No Rare Ancestries** - Not Evil ==== Pathbuilder Setup ==== - Navigate to https://pathbuilder2e.com - Click Menu -> Character Options - Click Manage Available Rulebooks - Make sure all books are selected - Click Finished ===== Session 0 ===== * Each player makes a region. Your character doesn't have to be from it. * Make a group name for the party. * What kind game / group of characters we are playing * Investigation / Larger plot * Mercenary group / no evil alignment * As group make a party of characters / picking classes together. * We will go through character creation at the table as a group. ===== Region Creation ===== Every player will need to create a region for the world. I suggest reading through pages 4-9 of Perilous Wilds for ideas and examples. A region can be anything, floating islands in the sky, underground city, chain of islands in the ocean, the shire, a city on the back of a behemoth, whatever. You can create as much or as little as you want after you make the minimum needed. ==== The minimum needed is ==== * Name * Dominate Terrain * Biome / Climate (Tundra, Boreal Forest, Forest, Grassland, Desert, Rainforest, Savannah, Wasteland) * Traveling danger level. (Mostly Safe, Unsafe, Perilous) ==== Resources ==== * [[https://perchance.org/rabids-region-generator|Region Generator]] * {{ files:dw:the_perilous_wilds.pdf |Perilous Wilds}}