# Grimwater (6) human controlled {{ :savacola:territories:grimwater.webp?direct |}} ===== Locations ===== * [[savacola:territories:grimwater:tornwater|Tornwater]], Captial * [[savacola:territories:grimwater:braveslanding|Braveslanding]] * [[savacola:territories:grimwater:blackrock_mine|Blackrock Mine]] * Abandoned mine because a large amount of Tunnel Critters invaded the mine and took up resident * [[savacola:territories:grimwater:mystic_flats|Mystic Flats]] * [[savacola:territories:grimwater:nightmoure|Nightmoure]] * [[savacola:territories:grimwater:phantombank|Phantombank]] # Government - Human Controlled - Theocracy : Theocracy is a form of government in which a god or deity is recognized as the state's supreme civil ruler. - Leadership: They’re practically an institution of their own - Stablilty: Stable, able to endure even fierce shocks - Adminstrators: They tacitly usurp power from the ruler - Strength: An expert spymaster serves it well - Struggle: Ministers are trying to usurp power - Problems: Corrupt and untrustworthy market officials - Event: A general was dismissed for incompetence ## Bounties - Cemetary Wolves ## Neighbor Relations | [4](token://11) | Allies | | [7](token://13 "") | Hostile | | [8](token://14) | At War | | [The Church](token://38 "token://38") | Allies | ## Sites - [Braveslanding](token://45 "token://45") - [Blackrock Mine (Gold)](token://52 "token://52") - [Phantombank](token://79 "token://79") - [Nightmoure](token://92 "") - [Mystic Flats](token://102 "") - [Silverfort](token://118 "") - [Tornwater](token://120 ""), (Capital) ## Rivers - [Taa River](token://122 "") - [Yahto River](token://121 "")