===== Inspiration ===== Old west hellfire damnation Christianity and Catholicism, but its directed towards the [[token://178|Annwn]], the weird, and the darkness. Baroque - Architecture - Music - Art ====== Lore ====== A 1000 year old religion formed around [[token://135|Belenus Lugh Mithras]], the dragon, that sealed off Savacola from the [[token://178|Annwn]] with [[token://78|The Veil]]. It is the dominate religion and most towns have a church in them. Since the veil was torn they have become more militant and have begun to hunt and fight the darkness and weird coming from the [[token://178|Annwn]]. ====== Important Sites ====== * [[token://167|Fortress of Light]] ====== Organization ====== Three branches Paleriders, Clergy, and Missionaries, all ruled by the Trinity ===== The Trinity ===== The leader of each branch forms the church’s leadership. Goals to rule the world, control information, and destroy the weird. ===== Elders ===== Leadership for each branch formed from the oldest and most experienced members. ===== Paleriders ===== * gunslinger / preachers, witch hunters, weird hunter, think the templar from Dragon Age * the bogeymen * white horse, unique themed weapons * unique hat style and belt buckle * players need to be careful around them, will get reported by clergy and missionaries * orphans as pale children squires of paleriders * generally very dangerous people 50/50 mix of good vs fanatic/zealot ===== Clergy ===== In charge of local churches, healing, provide sanctuary, feed the hungry - generally good people, Jesus like ===== Missionaries ===== In charge of spreading the church’s message and gathering information - generally zealots and dangerous, old testament prophets ====== Boon of the Church ====== A single use favor the owner of can use to request something of the church. Very valuable and a mark of a great deed done to help the Church.