===== DataNet: Tuset Session 5 ===== Tuset DataNet (DN): Herg, Riza - News from Adros, Bel System, Pas Cluster.\\ ADROS MINING FACILITY DESTROYED IN MULTI-SHIP ATTACK \\ Illegal or undesirable mining is a bane for any world, either through questionable interstellar traffic or waste disposal from the mining process itself. Not every world has the benefits of guidance from organized bodies such as the Universal Trade Combine (UTCSW +0.45c). Regulatory bodies in the Pas cluster corroborated reports of an illegal mining operation devastated by a raid of questionable authority.\\ Roughly a week ago, a warship and frigate violently razed an illegal mining site on the surface of Adros. Reports are unclear, as most potential witnesses are dead or presently missing. Descriptions of the events say that a frigate appeared low overhead, spraying flak fire over the exposed workers during their surface relief break. An anti-ship battery disguised with aerial camouflage surprised the assailant and managed to mortally wound the vessel on its second pass. Additional reports claim that after the battery fired on the freighter, a large warship appeared. A survivor, a mining employee, stated, "She appeared near silent in the sky, high up mostly in clouds, and she rained hellfire on us. It was loud enough, even I could hear it, all at once then it was over." The attack shrouded the vessel from further view and was successful in collapsing the mining entrances, laying waste to the exposed buildings and vulnerable resources. Estimates of the damages are in the millions of credits (footnote 1).\\ A surviving miner described the warship, and it is a matching description for The Big Stick, a known mercenary cruiser captained by the notorious Trillian (footnote 2), N'Nebe. The ship is known for its obsidian metal coloring and red lighting, along with several English ship ID characters and iconography from an unknown organization. Those travelling to, from, and within the Pas cluster should beware interacting with this vessel. Local authorities investigated the downed frigate crash site(s), only recovering a small portion of the ship before calling off the search due to weather. They identified the ship as Stellar Delight, which our readers may recall was involved in a failed orbital cleanup operation over Krunjiac Junction, which had resulted in a peppering of the surface of the planet with hot metal in various locations. No one was injured, but Stellar Delight's operational license for their guild was revoked by local system managers, likely leading to their desperation to join the raid on the mining facility despite their apparent ineptitude.\\ The free operation of warships and merchants should raise concerns and questions that will one day demand a firm response: How do we decide in this sector who cleans up these damaging operations that steal opportunity intended for formal agreements of a more civilized cluster? And how do we decide who has the authority to handle those who would take these resources for themselves? At best, these efforts fuel a divisive industry for questionable mercenaries with unprofitable motives. Will our sector know peace for all unless there is a central authority with the ability and experience to manage collectively the precious resources of our worlds? Time will tell.\\ (1) Only 31 miners were lost and 1 reported missing (the foreman) in the mining facility attack in addition to the substantial financial damages.\\ (2) Trillians are not native to this sector, and are green-skinned/shelled aliens, predominantly female, and extremely dangerous.\\ [This editorial brought to you by Ernest James, Chief Coordination Officer for UTC Riza Branch.]\\ |{{:swn:npc_nnebe.png|}}|{{swn:ships:ship_bigstick.png|}}|\\ (Artwork attribution: Jocarra of DeviantArt - "Endless Realms player race - Silean female")\\ (Artwork attribution: Ivkol of DeviantArt - "EFSF Battleship v2.0")