The Hades is commanded by Helaena Rockford, a privateer/freelancer that has spent years slipping metaspace on uncommon routes, making her a regional favorite for subtle or time-sensitive missions. The Hades is a modified frigate with dual guns, upgraded spike drive, advanced cargo and ECM capabilities. |{{:swn:ships:ship_hades_internal.png?400|}}|1 - Not pictured - Recessed Topmount Monofocus Laser Turret \\ 2 - Not pictured - Front Mount Sandcaster Turret \\ 3 - Not pictured - Belly Cargo Lighter\\ 4 - Bridge Support\\ 5- Bridge Lookout\\ 6 - Captain's Quarters\\ 7 - Bathroom Fwd\\ 8 - Comms Stations - Port and Starboard\\ 9 - Gunnery Stations\\ 10 - Communal Area\\ 11 - Bunks Mid\\ 12 - Exit Ramp Control, Aft Exit Path\\ 13 - Airlock\\ 14 - Topside Vaccsuit Exit\\ 15 - Engineering Mid\\ 16 - Bathroom Aft\\ 17 - Escape Module (not fitted), Alternate Exit Path\\ 18 - Cargo, Bunks\\ 19 - Engineering Aft, Bunks| === Concept Art Inspiration === {{:swn:ships:hades_sq.jpg?400|}} {{:swn:ships:hades_gunner.jpg?400|}} {{:swn:ships:spike_drive.jpg?400|}} {{:swn:ships:hades_bridge_nose.jpg?400|}} {{:swn:ships:npc_halaena_rockford.png?400|}}