====== Virgo Draconis ====== * [[uw:virgo-draconis:sessions|Our Story]] * [[https://www.mithrilalmanac.com/calendar/cb9db590-e76f-11ed-b9b5-6b7948aaa242|Calendar]] * [[uw:virgo-draconis:galaxy_map|Map]] * Humans arrived 50 years ago. * Rumors of alien sightings. ===== Characters ===== ===== Factions ===== [[uw:virgo-draconis:factions:home|Data Points]] ^ Relationship Matrix ^ Ascendancy of the Infinite Menders (AIM) ^ Ebon Circle ^ Scarlet Regiment ^ Undying Talons ^ ^ Ascendancy of the Infinite Menders (AIM) ^ | Neutral | Allied | Neutral | ^ Ebon Circle | Neutral ^ | Neutral | Neutral | ^ Scarlet Regiment | Allied | Neutral ^ | Neutral | ^ Undying Talons | Neutral | Neutral | Neutral ^ ^ ===== Sectors ===== * [[uw:virgo-draconis:sectors:cygnus_helix|Cygnus Helix]] * [[uw:virgo-draconis:sectors:devil_s_abyss|Devil’s Abyss]] * [[uw:virgo-draconis:sectors:outer_delphi|Outer Delphi]]