====== Devil’s Abyss ====== * Star - Hypergiant star generating turbulent solar winds * Controlling Faction [[uw:virgo-draconis:factions:ascendancy_of_the_infinite_menders_aim|Ascendancy of the Infinite Menders (AIM)]] ===== Connections ===== * Jump Point 1 * Jump Point 2 ====== Planets ====== ===== Charus ===== * Type: Furnace World * Atmosphere: Breathable * Life: Diverse ===== Ungolla ===== * Shattered World * Atmosphere: None / thin * Life: Extinct * Observed from Space: Preserved planetary fragment and Dense ring system * Planetside Features: Colliding fragments and Energy storms * Shattered by an industrial accident ====== Settlements ====== ===== Burnell Station ===== * Location: Orbiting Ungolla * Population: Thousands * First look: Precarious location, its orbit is decaying * Trouble: Feuding factions - [[uw:virgo-draconis:factions:ebon_circle|Ebon Circle]] and [[uw:virgo-draconis:factions:ascendancy_of_the_infinite_menders_aim|AIM]] ==== Paxton Station ===== * Location: Deep Space Station * Population: Hundreds ===== Rockhome ===== * Location: Charus - Planetside * Population: Hundreds