Shadow - Battle Axe

Used by Khai Mera

Damage 2d6
+2 Stealth (+5 while incorporeal)

Requires Spirit focus
As a major action you can attempt to fade (TN 15 Magic - Spirit)

On Success
You become incorporeal for turns Willpower.

On Failure You become unconscious for Dragon die turns.

Incorporeal: Having a tenuous existence in the mortal world. You ignore the effects of terrain. Normally only magical attacks (spells or hits from magical weapons) can harm you, other attacks pass through your form without effect.

An axe made of obsidian, black wood, and shade essence. The axe head is obsidian with a 12in long cutting face narrowing to almost a spike. The head is bound to the black wood handle by black leather. The bottom of the handle is capped with a large bear talon colored black.