Soul - Battle Axe

Owned by Khai

Damage 1d6
Dragon Die + Magic pen damage

On Hit
Dragon Die + Con is returned as health

On Miss
Lose Dragon Die HP

On Draw/Equip
Everyone in sight hears a dark voice in their head say, “It is good to feel flesh once again. FEED ME!

Lose 1d6 HP as the etching and skull eyes begin glowing blood red.

Forged as a solid piece of steel from a possessed steel golem the axe yearns and hungers for life drawing it from whatever life it comes in contact with.

The axe has the face of a raging demon etched into sides of the 12in serrated blade. It has a 4in triangle spike on top with another 6in talon like spike coming off the back. On the side connecting the blade and spikes to the handle is a sculpted human skull on each side. The handle is wrapped in black leather and capped on the bottom with a ring of 1in spikes

Example attack:
On Hit
Target takes Dragon Die + Magic pen damage.
You gain Dragon Die + Con in health.   Roll 1d6 for damage as normal   On Miss
You lose Dragon Die in health