Table of Contents

Feeding Spores

1 use, 3 coins, 0 weight

When you sprinkle these spores on the corpse of a once living creature, mushrooms quickly sprout from it. They can be harvested for 1d4+1 rations. Gruesome, but they’re tasty and edible.

Fungal Spores

1 use, dangerous, 50 coins, 0 weight

When you inhale the spores inside this vial, roll+CON.

Spend SPORE, 1 for 1, to exhale a cloud of spores that affects whoever inhales them with the following effect:

Maggot Flask

1 use, thrown, near, touch, 25 coins, 0 weight

The eggs of a particularly ravenous fly are suspended within a thick, clear fluid. When they come in contact with dead flesh, the eggs quickly hatch, and the maggots burrow into it, slowly consuming it from the inside out.

Octopus Ink

1 use, 75 coins, 0 weight

This tiny glass bottle is filled with, well, inky black fluid.

If you hurl the bottle on the ground, it explodes into a cloud of black smoke that both obscures the area and stains whatever it touches.

When you drink the contents, your skin gains the ability to change color and texture; you take +1 ongoing to conceal your presence for a while.