Speaker A: We started one from scratch.
Speaker B: I was thinking of the NPCs that you picked up for your party. So you're a motley crew of eight.
Speaker C: Yeah.
Speaker A: Since I jacked myself up I've been just working occasionally playing Baldur's gate, sleeping. What's the nx?
Speaker B: Quiet. I'm pretty sure there's something going on over in Boswell because there's a lot of cars around there when I came in. Yeah, I have no idea. It could have been a dance recital, it could have been church meeting.
Speaker A: It could have been anything bad.
Speaker B: Just nothing bad. And I'm pretty sure there was a basketball game or some sports thing going on over in the. In the gym. There were a lot of cars that normally wouldn't be there for bundle parking.
Speaker A: During the summer. There's always something going on.
Speaker B: I think the phone ring once.
Speaker A: Nice. That's a good Saturday. So feel like it was a four hour call though.
Speaker B: It's. I'm finding the longer I work and I for classes I'm old school. Give me the brick and mortar building. Put the instructor up there in class discussions. I've talked with some students to take online classes and they celebrated by buying their first computer. It's almost that bad. I've had almost hour long conversations. One gal, she used Excel, everything from like 2001. Current decided she was going to get a degree and she was having a hell of a time understanding the instructors directions in the canvas class.
Speaker A: Some of those instructors probably need computer training themselves.
Speaker B: I think the instructor is fine but the. The way the instructions are written because you're using simnet which is Pearson Books which is its own portal of course so you're reading through inside.
Speaker C: Okay.
Speaker B: You're going to want to link it. Link through. Oh and we're using this older version of Office so you're going to need to remote to a computer on campus so you've got the right version of Office. Yeah I had another older guy. It's like so I found out this 365 and it's not quite matching. Yeah but that seems like a lot of extra clicks and work.
Speaker A: All right, let's get required. Yeah.
Speaker B: Get you the page with all the computers listed. Bookmark that one so you could go to it and just so. But we're what three weeks in so if folks haven't figured it out by now they can take care of themselves.
Speaker A: Yeah right. It's unfortunately.
Speaker B: Panopto for one students is the crate you want for me now what is that? The student could go to the Class, and there was an exam review. Bunch of little videos recorded. They go there, they say the playlist is empty. They've done different computers, different browsers. Originally I thought it was a Safari thing, because that's always hit S. And I log in. Linux box, Firefox, Boom. Windows box, Chrome. Boom.
Speaker C: It's there.
Speaker B: She's like, well, I'll come down on campus, I'll turn a computer in the lab, and we'll see if that works. That should be fine because we cleared catching cookies and all that good stuff. She went to the writing center. Same error.
Speaker A: I'm thinking it's, are you a walking virus?
Speaker B: Well, and then she came to the office, logged into a computer at the office. She gets the same error message. I go ahead, I bring out Firefox, go incognito just to make sure I'm not getting anything. Works for me. And the instructor center, A direct link to where the videos are.
Speaker A: Because you have the ability to simulate all the students.
Speaker B: Yeah, unfortunately, my access is better than hers.
Speaker A: Weird.
Speaker B: I don't understand it. So I took the link the instructor sent to her, dropped it in Firefox, got the videos to come up in the panopto player, and spent like five minutes downloading every little video and putting it on sick for. So she could study for a test.
Speaker A: At least get her going.
Speaker B: Yeah, and then I cross my fingers I can figure it out before the next exam review.
Speaker A: That was nice. Yeah. All those custom systems for players and stuff, they're. They're rough.
Speaker C: Like, loads.
Speaker A: So are like, like. Nope, just shoot me.
Speaker B: At least she was in pretty good mood. I mean, she was frustrated.
Speaker A: You were totally understandable. You got what she needed. That's like the job, man.
Speaker B: But she wasn't like, spitting nails and other people cursing the world and.
Speaker A: Yeah, well, other people would not have gone and downloaded the video, so that was good.
Speaker B: It's triage.
Speaker A: That's right.
Speaker B: How do we stop the bleeding?
Speaker A: It's a tribute to you, Steve, as a person that's never been beaten out of you.
Speaker B: No, but the therapy bills are going to kill me.
Speaker A: That's right. Combat mode. And deep.
Speaker C: We didn't go to red alert.
Speaker A: Oh, yeah.
Speaker C: Oh, wait, no, sorry. Red alert. I'd have to turn all the other ones to red alert. Even they're on their own. Little things, too. I should just see if I can find a unified controller. I don't think any of those will start Bluetooth or walk down to WI Fi. The lights are WI fi. Which probably didn't tell you. Hacked it.
Speaker A: We start strobing.
Speaker C: Oh. So last time started off in breakfast at the Swinging Fist Saloon and the party headed to Fable and Fiction bookstore. Audrey got some books. Jack got buys three of the five Dub and Desperado colonies.
Speaker A: Buy his what?
Speaker D: That dove and Desperado book series, right?
Speaker A: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Speaker B: Five book series.
Speaker D: But you only got three of them being written.
Speaker B: That means you may get like 1, 2, and 4.
Speaker D: Yeah.
Speaker A: Quality.
Speaker C: Yeah. Then you have the maple and co. You got the globe and fosher map of the world and a map of Grimoire there. You guys headed to Buckthorn Guns and gear. Doc got his silver saber. Aubrey got a regular saber. Back to the Swinging Fistland for dinner.
Speaker D: One.
Speaker C: That's one. Last night, it was fight night at Swinging Saloon. Andre signs up for a fight. After encouragement from Doc, Jock, and a kiss on the cheek from Nora. Audrey had an intense boxing match inspired by Nora and insults trolled by Jacques. And his opponent wins by knockout. While Audrey was fighting, Jacques shared his plans with Nora and successfully recruited her. Now she'll stay in Rattle City and get her permission. Audrey spends a final night with Nora Nor Audrey say goodbye at the train station. You guys have boarded a train bound for the Fortress of Light. So we're so about a day has gone by, and Jacques is here. You guys are sitting there in a passenger compartment. You see, unfortunately, gallop by your passenger window.
Speaker A: This is fine.
Speaker D: Yeah.
Speaker A: What do you look like?
Speaker C: They didn't quite get, like, a good glance at him. But then as you're sitting there, another one doing fine.
Speaker D: How many people are in this passenger car? Is it, like, seats? The seats like a bus? Kind of.
Speaker C: Yeah. Kind of like you're like back to back. It's kind of like almost like restaurant booths in here. So, like, you guys are occupying, like, a booth. So it's kind of like stacked up right there. It's full. There's quite a few people in here. And you see someone else, like, they're on the other side of the aisle.
Speaker A: Have you seen that?
Speaker D: Yeah. I'd probably stand up and just be like, you may want to move away from the windows and lie down.
Speaker A: Just so you don't.
Speaker D: And if there's actually workers or guards.
Speaker C: I'd be like, you got some riders.
Speaker D: Coming up on both sides.
Speaker C: Give me an appeal role.
Speaker D: And if you want to throw one.
Speaker A: Of your careers, you can know what your guns like.
Speaker D: See how convincing you had your appeal plus gun slinger.
Speaker A: Yeah.
Speaker D: If you're like.
Speaker C: Yeah.
Speaker D: So it would be 2 and 3. Yeah.
Speaker C: 12. Yep. So when he stood up and, like, shouted at everybody, they. Everyone.
Speaker D: It wouldn't be like yelling panic. Like, you guys might want to move away from the wind.
Speaker C: I'm like, commanding panic.
Speaker A: It's like a quicksilver and the Marvel film where he goes and gets a AK47 and comes back in and shoots it into the ceiling.
Speaker D: Get out of here.
Speaker B: That might wake me up. I'm probably asleep in the bench across.
Speaker D: That's plan B. Plan C is enjoying the. This is a stick.
Speaker A: Desert.
Speaker D: No jock could be a little impressed to be trying to rob this train, considering it's going to fortress up there.
Speaker C: Or stupid. Yeah, maybe both.
Speaker D: Workers or officials. I see what they. How they'd react.
Speaker C: There'd probably be like. There would probably be. There'd be a couple guys like guards in here.
Speaker B: Train marshals.
Speaker C: Yeah, essentially.
Speaker D: I truly know who I am, but don't shoot me good.
Speaker A: Guys, look me in the eyes.
Speaker D: Yeah.
Speaker A: I'm security now. So are we with you or we by ourselves?
Speaker C: Yeah, no, you guys are just. You're all to there.
Speaker B: I'm asleep, so unless somebody kicks me.
Speaker A: Yeah, I probably kicked you.
Speaker B: I'm used to hearing you Chuck yell at me.
Speaker D: Smoke him yelling.
Speaker C: Yeah. So the. The guards, as you were like, st. They're already, like, looking out the windows.
Speaker D: Is this just a passenger rail or is there other sections?
Speaker C: There's other sections. You guys are up near the front. You're behind the dining cart. And then on the other side of the dining cart's another passenger training. And behind you guys, just some livestock and cargo.
Speaker A: Other windows where we're at.
Speaker C: Yeah.
Speaker A: Like, are they openable?
Speaker C: Yep.
Speaker A: I grabbed my rifle. I'm gonna, like, just open one. Like, just kind of.
Speaker D: Yep.
Speaker A: Carefully peek out, see what I can see front and back.
Speaker D: See how many riders are on one side.
Speaker C: So you guys, you only have your sidearms because they didn't allow. Oh, rifles, large R standing big guns in the passengers.
Speaker D: We got our horses.
Speaker B: Passenger.
Speaker D: Cargo. I'd probably start making my way to the front. At least the giant, like, the front of the passenger car.
Speaker A: Does the side of the train car look like it might be resistant to bullets, or does it look like it's pretty?
Speaker C: Then it'd be hard to tell.
Speaker B: Please don't shoot it to wake me.
Speaker A: We're just testing.
Speaker C: Yeah. So at that point, too, you guys see, like, another two writers pass by.
Speaker D: Are you going to tell anything about six right now?
Speaker B: Four.
Speaker C: You've seen four pass on your side.
Speaker D: I could just do zoom there for him.
Speaker C: Yeah. So you guys Are going up this.
Speaker B: Did we ever launch the bird with all the reading materials?
Speaker C: Are you worried about that, like, after this? Because you've already been traveling for a day, so.
Speaker B: Okay, well, that's one of those priorities of get the bird off so I can come back.
Speaker C: Yes. So where are you guys going? To the front. Going. This is forward on the train, or you just stay where you're at.
Speaker B: You want to be a hero?
Speaker D: Maybe.
Speaker A: Yeah.
Speaker D: I'd go and be, like, up to the door, so they'd have to step across.
Speaker B: So this is the order, I guess, from the quick description. We got the. The engine, the coal. There's a passenger, a diner. A passenger.
Speaker D: Yeah. All the way to the front passenger.
Speaker B: Probably cargo animal on a caboose. I think that's all that was, just the random.
Speaker A: Okay, I can remember. Maybe I should check the caboose at the same time.
Speaker C: Yeah. If you. You. If you're gonna go to the caboose, you. You. There's no connection. You have to climb up and out and run down the top of the train car. You guys are in the last, like, passenger section. And then there's a d. Thinner car.
Speaker B: Then another passenger. Is there anything and. Okay. And then SP engine.
Speaker A: So this stuff's not connected well, not.
Speaker C: For a way to go inside it.
Speaker A: Right.
Speaker B: No way to walk through it.
Speaker C: Yeah.
Speaker A: All right.
Speaker B: Kind of a freight.
Speaker C: Yeah, there's freight on the back. And then like a moose.
Speaker D: I'd actually just go to one of the dining room tables and just sit down. Wait.
Speaker A: I'll sit at one. Like. Like, if you're on. Where you can be on a long one or a short one.
Speaker C: Try to be a long one.
Speaker A: Okay.
Speaker D: You can always push the table on.
Speaker A: I'll go to, like, hold it down. I'll go to a short one. Like, up ahead of you by one. Like, we're sitting separate. You face the front. Yeah.
Speaker D: I'm kind of in between the two passengers. To see what the writers are gonna do. If I could, I'd maybe. If we could see the front of the train, I'd maybe stick my head out and see where the train's going or listen for the train whistle, like, trying to actually stop the train.
Speaker B: Is there a bar in the dining car?
Speaker C: No, there's just, like, a kitchen.
Speaker A: Right.
Speaker B: Okay. So it's kind of a sealed kitchen. It's not like a. A diner with a.
Speaker C: Right. And there's people in here. You can see them, like, talking.
Speaker A: There's a little kitchen here.
Speaker C: Yeah, Talking as.
Speaker B: Okay.
Speaker C: People as time. About these two Writers that went by. Yeah.
Speaker D: And like, you may not want to sit next to the window.
Speaker C: You can see, like, some of them looking out.
Speaker A: There's no guards in here.
Speaker B: What's this? The white.
Speaker C: Table. Might do the refreshments. Yeah. Okay.
Speaker B: Pottery's headed there. Just woke up his compute. And it probably sit right there.
Speaker D: Yeah. Mine sit towards the middle so I could watch both sides. One of the bigger tables. And if there's people there, I'd just be like.
Speaker A: I'm gonna go up to the kitchen and ask him if some. I'll just say there's some horses that pass by. I'm not sure if they're friendly or not. Don't raise an alarm. We've already called some guards and they'll say, do you have an extra kitchen outfit? And if they do want to put a kitchen outfit kind of on to.
Speaker B: Disguise my guns and outfit neighboring camouflage.
Speaker A: Yeah.
Speaker C: I mean, if you'll see if you convince these real workers, because you've been around them, they're pretty hardy folks. They may not care for some random trying to get in there.
Speaker A: Nope.
Speaker D: You always have RP points that you.
Speaker C: Want to spend, though.
Speaker A: Is that what they're mainly used for?
Speaker C: You can't increase your roll. Right. There's other things you can.
Speaker A: Well, that was on the list the other day.
Speaker C: Five or even. Yeah.
Speaker A: I'll make it a seven because it's seventh pass.
Speaker C: Right. You need nine. Nine. Oh, nine total.
Speaker D: So whatever you're.
Speaker C: I'm gonna do this.
Speaker A: So I'll make it nine.
Speaker C: Yeah. So the. The guy goes and gets an apron and tosses a team.
Speaker D: Someone got up and sit at their places. Start eating their food. Act like I was saying they're eating.
Speaker C: Yeah. So as you guys are hanging out, after about five minutes, feel the brakes engage on the train.
Speaker B: About five minutes, I'd probably be sitting right there. That seat's open.
Speaker A: Whatever.
Speaker B: Sunday parfait beer floats.
Speaker A: Probably should have kept the train running, but we'll see.
Speaker D: Yep.
Speaker C: Oh, then let's see. Jockey here.
Speaker D: Shouting from.
Speaker C: As the. You know, the train takes a bit to stop, but it does finally stop.
Speaker B: Have the hounds been following at a. At a distance?
Speaker C: They wouldn't be anywhere near the.
Speaker A: Okay. Yep.
Speaker C: The train stops you here. Some gunfire coming from the other cart. And then you hear gunfire coming from the other back and front.
Speaker D: Yep. They're like back and forth.
Speaker C: There. Yeah. There's some gunfighting go off. And then it stops pretty quick.
Speaker B: And the train starts moving again.
Speaker A: Start boiling some water.
Speaker B: It's too early for Ron.
Speaker C: 10 minutes passes, and then two people come into the dining curtain. Actually, four people, two from each side. And they just go, all right, hand over your valuables. People start getting their stuff up.
Speaker D: You have to do anything. Are these just wooden tables or they have, like, tablecloths.
Speaker C: They have tabletop. Thoughts on. It's like a nice dining room, but the tables themselves are attached to the.
Speaker D: Yeah, I would have had, like, my gun out, like, under the table in hand.
Speaker C: So, yeah, so they're going. They have two guys are watching the exits, and then two people are walking through, collecting stuff from everyone.
Speaker D: And then I'd act like I'm getting something out of my bag, and then, like, drop. I'm going to be like, oh, see what they do?
Speaker C: What do you drop?
Speaker D: It'd be just like, I was nervous, and it would just be like, silverware, Silverware. Like, they don't care.
Speaker C: You get this in. You guys have done this?
Speaker D: Oh, yeah.
Speaker C: Before. They. They just watch you, and they're just going around there. You're wherever. That's basically where you guys, like, said where you wanted to. But it's just mostly the year of mine. So.
Speaker D: Yeah, I would just reach down. Then as I'm coming back up, I'd try and shoot one onto the table.
Speaker A: Like, three to table one.
Speaker C: As they. As they see you, like, go to bed, down. They yell at you, hit you, sit up, get your valuables out.
Speaker D: Shoot.
Speaker C: All right, roll it. That just combat.
Speaker D: Is it? Range?
Speaker C: Yeah. Range flat.
Speaker B: So agility plus ranged.
Speaker C: Yeah. Snake guys? No. Yeah.
Speaker D: RP points or a hero point if.
Speaker C: You want to up the weird stuff or re roll.
Speaker D: Yeah. Spend equal points.
Speaker C: Yep. However many RP points? One per one.
Speaker D: I'd spend three to make it nine.
Speaker C: All right. What's your damage?
Speaker D: I'm damaged.
Speaker C: All right, that guy goes down. And then we all need to do an initiative roll.
Speaker A: Is this a low cupboard or is it full wall?
Speaker C: It's a wall. That's a room.
Speaker A: So I don't know if I see that. This is a two roll for initiative.
Speaker C: Two dice. Yes. It's all right. Double check. It's mine. Plus initiative.
Speaker B: Nine, eight twelve.
Speaker C: Okay, so.
Speaker A: For one round, and then he'll become lethargic. It's a speed potion.
Speaker C: Fall asleep. Yeah. Okay, so you. So Doc is the only one that failed the priority.
Speaker A: Oh, it's not just a number.
Speaker C: Because I can spend an RP point to get nine. No, it's supposed to be nine or higher.
Speaker A: Okay. And RP it for nine. All right, so you guys all get to go before.
Speaker D: Double check, guy shot. Still standing?
Speaker C: No, he was down. Oh, he's out of the fight.
Speaker A: Did these guys, when he shot, would they have come up or would they have just stayed where they're at?
Speaker C: There's one.
Speaker B: There's one at each door.
Speaker A: Only one.
Speaker B: And now there's like one guy wandering back here.
Speaker D: Yeah.
Speaker A: Oh, yeah. There were two at the doors.
Speaker C: No, there's. There's. Well, there's one on each door.
Speaker A: In the car.
Speaker C: Yeah. And there was two guys just be like, watch this. Did Jacques. Did you just shoot one of the collectors? Did you shoot a door guard?
Speaker D: I would have shot one of the collectors and then rotated.
Speaker C: Yeah. So that guy. Then you hear, I'd assume Doc and.
Speaker D: Audrey get them and I could take this guy. So I probably would have shot and then rotated around.
Speaker C: So you guys have the initiative. You do whatever you want. You have your actions, basically. And then you can have move and you have movement.
Speaker D: I drop my only pistol and then shoot.
Speaker A: Yeah. So I'm at door with my apron. I'm just like, what's that? And I just shoot my apron with one of the pistols.
Speaker B: That guy's gonna be so happy to get it back.
Speaker D: I have to clean the whole kitchen.
Speaker B: I got new dishes for the rest of us right there.
Speaker C: Yeah, you need nine plus to succeed, and that's crazy. With two dice, two D6 plus agility, I got 16 plus range minus the target's defense.
Speaker D: I got 16 and it's my pistol. The hang is two D6 times two.
Speaker C: And you're two weapon fighting.
Speaker D: Yeah. And I have the two gun mojo. So I don't take the time on.
Speaker A: The spending on my RP that succeed.
Speaker D: That guy takes 11 damage.
Speaker A: So it's just if you can you shoot with both guns.
Speaker C: If you have two guns out, yeah.
Speaker D: You just take a penalty. But unless you have two gun mojo.
Speaker A: Okay, well then I probably would do that then. So I just shoot D6.6 damage.
Speaker C: All right, then what did Odd Roger do? So you guys, those guys are out. So blast.
Speaker B: This one's down, that one's down.
Speaker C: It. Yeah, it does it like whoever.
Speaker B: Yeah, I don't want to do focus fire. If.
Speaker C: Yeah, you can just shoot it. Like, because this isn't like necessarily tactical, like theater. It's not like you want to say just shots someone that didn't get shot. That's all it would be for this.
Speaker A: Plus we're all spread out so you're shooting the guy closest to you. It kind of makes sense.
Speaker C: Yeah.
Speaker D: So.
Speaker C: Yeah. So there would be a Collector guy.
Speaker A: By you, I'd definitely be wheeling around.
Speaker C: With my other pistols. And you can. You guys can move too, if you want. Like, if you want to move somewhere.
Speaker D: After hearing all that, Andre, shoot.
Speaker B: The guy's going to be looking both directions. Andre, just pull out a pistol and point it out and say you really want to just kind of drop it.
Speaker D: I would look through here real quick if I see them maybe trying to hold them up and see if there's more coming.
Speaker C: You definitely would get here shouting and like, they're. Oh, yeah, you would. You're gonna. You would know that, like, I would.
Speaker D: Go on the side of the door and wait till I hear this door open and then.
Speaker A: Yeah, well, when I see you do that to him, I actually shoot the guy.
Speaker C: Yeah. As you can do. You can have a bonus die because he's distracted.
Speaker A: Does this add to the total, actually?
Speaker C: Well, I guess we're in combat, so you. You would have to. We don't have to wait. So. Yeah.
Speaker B: Advantage.
Speaker C: Well, hold up. Well, we're. I gotta. Yeah, it's a dish. So you go to hold him up. So. Yeah, give me a. Either. Yeah. Appeal or mine if you're trying to intimidate them. And I mind trips. Yeah, appeal. Plus you can throw in one of your careers if it's appropriate. Yeah.
Speaker B: Gunslinger would work for that one.
Speaker C: Yep.
Speaker B: Eight. And I'll throw in an RP for nine.
Speaker C: All right. Yeah. He puts his hands up. Yeah. So you guys, if you want to move, move. These guys are all toasted. Do you want to move anywhere? Do you have, like. You basically have eight, plus your agility and meters. You can run around. Since you guys already did his actions. But. Yeah. So do you want to move her?
Speaker A: Who?
Speaker C: Andre? Any of you? Yeah. Well, Audrey's holding the guy up.
Speaker B: You give me your stuff.
Speaker D: I just whistle a bit of light pointing at the door. There's more coming this way.
Speaker A: Yeah. I go to the door, watch through the door. Same kind of setup as you.
Speaker C: Oh, yeah.
Speaker A: So I'm like.
Speaker C: Yeah, yeah. You guys can throw Minis on the map.
Speaker A: Do they have any kind of, like, uniform?
Speaker C: Who the. No, they just look like bandits. They got their bandana hats on.
Speaker B: So, friend, what should I call you? Keep in mind, we can always name you day.
Speaker C: Yeah. So. Yeah. So, jockey.
Speaker A: See?
Speaker C: Three guys.
Speaker B: So what's worse in this world? Going to jail or just being shot dead?
Speaker C: Depends on your view of life, I guess.
Speaker B: Well, some prisons are far nastier and death would be preferred.
Speaker C: I'd say probably in this area. In this Territory you'd likely just get conscripted. You get conscripted to the storm guard.
Speaker A: What does it look like across here? Like do they have to step on something or is it.
Speaker C: It's. There would be a bridge, so it would be safe for passengers to tram traverse between the two cars. So there, there's like a bridgeway. And you see.
Speaker A: But it's narrow.
Speaker C: Yeah, but you see three guys kicked open this door.
Speaker A: When they kick that open, I start.
Speaker C: Shooting through the well, which we get to. Because it's their turn.
Speaker D: It's initiative.
Speaker C: Yeah. So they shoot at you. Let me double check.
Speaker D: I do have a stick of denim.
Speaker C: Yeah. Doc, what's your defense? Two. Okay, and then what? I guess Audrey's got two defense also, right? Yeah. And then when you take damages, does Jock have any?
Speaker D: I have one defense.
Speaker C: Okay. Because that's. I defense is just a stat that reduces enemy. So when I'm rolling, I subtract your defense from what they roll. Okay.
Speaker A: Okay.
Speaker C: So two guys are attacking you. Yeah. So you see. So doc, you see three guys. One of them looks like is yelling at those guys, go shut that down in there. And then two of them. Two. Those two guys run up, see you like watching through the window and shoot at you. The bullets move past your head.
Speaker B: Can they take out the guy that I'm holding up?
Speaker C: No, they didn't do it. They didn't have. If it was clamped as failure then.
Speaker B: Okay, I was thinking they're shooting through the glass, not the straight line.
Speaker C: The guy that was shouting at orders shoots at you. Yes. If he hits you. So you'll get your dust there. Right. So he pits you for put my.
Speaker A: Armor on my duster.
Speaker C: It's a D6 minus four. So roll a D6 and then subtract four from it.
Speaker D: And you can either have get protection as well.
Speaker C: Yeah.
Speaker D: Do a five or six.
Speaker A: No protection.
Speaker C: Do you take five Normal damage does that.
Speaker A: So how do you just do slashes?
Speaker C: Yeah, from the. Oh, from the left side. It's process. Yeah. X, five, Y. Jeez. And then shot. You see three guys bust out from the other door and shoot at you. Let's see. That's some new voice. They miss, bullets go with you, pasture past you, around you, back to you guys.
Speaker A: Load them.
Speaker D: Can you target multiple people?
Speaker C: Only if you have a mighty success. Otherwise you're just single shotting or picking targets to shoot at.
Speaker A: They have an advantage since they're stacked up in the skinny space.
Speaker C: No, you did.
Speaker A: You're just.
Speaker C: Just shooting at him. Okay. Yeah. So nine plus hits 17 for me.
Speaker A: One damage, you get hero points or reroll damage, right?
Speaker C: Yeah. I think you can spend hero points.
Speaker D: And then the front nine tank.
Speaker A: Those are different than XP. We have like RP points, Hero points and XP points.
Speaker C: Oh, yeah, you have XP, which.4 damage. So I guess docu we're shooting at the minions or the leader if they're.
Speaker A: All in a row. Can I actually pick?
Speaker C: Yeah, the. We're not. This is so kind of think it. This is kind of like dungeon world but with initiative. So, like. And you guys are actually like. And you're more heroic in this. Like, you're not like the system. You're expected to be like, yeah, you can shoot. Yeah, yeah. And they're not like they're coming through, so they're not like, trying to like, take cover or anything.
Speaker D: Dynamite would be so much fun.
Speaker C: Do you want to throw it in there?
Speaker A: Yeah. Two trains. Congratulations.
Speaker C: You might get in trouble. Yeah. You probably have consequences for that one.
Speaker A: I don't have.
Speaker C: No, I don't.
Speaker D: Imagine the guy.
Speaker C: That you'd have your knife in a. And sidearm.
Speaker D: They wouldn't take my phone, would they?
Speaker A: Let me have my saber.
Speaker C: No. So that would just be bulky. And you wouldn't. You wouldn't want to have that like, on you anyways, as you're traveling in.
Speaker D: The train, it depends on the person.
Speaker A: I don't know. I'm with these guys all the time, but I don't think I have a knife.
Speaker B: I just. I got a knife.
Speaker A: I think I got two knives.
Speaker B: Yeah, I got a long knife.
Speaker A: No, I might have grabbed one from the kitchen, though, if I didn't have a knife.
Speaker C: Yeah, you could also just have a knife. Like, that would be like a knife and like a sidearm would be pretty normal standard for people to have.
Speaker B: So knowing.
Speaker C: Okay, so you shot at the boss for how much damage?
Speaker A: Four.
Speaker C: Or is it. Yeah. Then trail boss. Okay. So he reduced it by one. He's still standing, but he is not happy.
Speaker A: I'm gonna yell through that. I'll be like, is there an equivalent of marshals or guards or whatever?
Speaker C: There were some guards on the train.
Speaker A: But I mean, like a named like weird. Like marshals or.
Speaker C: There would be sheriffs or marshals. The storm guard. Storm guards. I mean, Hell riders would be like the boogeyman.
Speaker A: Yeah. I'm gonna yell through there and be like, you guys are crazy. You're talking to Carl. Pale riders gonna die just like your buddies.
Speaker B: I'm just going to look at the guy. He's got curry he's going to say, you have a decision to make. You want to join the storm guard, or should I shoot you now? Because I don't have time to watch it.
Speaker C: He.
Speaker D: He.
Speaker C: He would. When you say that, he just. I'd rather be in the storm guard. He just lays down and throw it, like. And he would have. Like. Actually his gun would have been holstered. So I assume you would either tops. Took it away or. Yeah, it's. Yeah, he's. He's out of the fight. So I'll just put this guy.
Speaker B: If he wasn't. I was gonna throw him in the kitchen and let the guys in the kitchen watch him.
Speaker A: I don't know if there was anybody else in the kitchen somebody had to.
Speaker B: Touch with that apron.
Speaker C: There would have been a couple people, like, a couple cooks in there, but they're all sitting in there. Yeah. Everyone's ducked down. There's people in here too. And they're all under. Like, as soon as Jacques started blasting, they all dove for the ground. You guys started lighting off. Okay. Oh. All right. So, Jacques, you hit?
Speaker D: I did eight dam. I rolled, like, the 17.
Speaker C: Okay, so that. That guy's toast. Yeah. So another guy's out of the fight.
Speaker B: D. Roll damage. He killed this one. And the extra goes to the next guy.
Speaker C: Oh, so, Audrey, that dude, he gave up and is not a threat. So he's essentially out of the fight. Yes. So you get to shoot at anyone you can move. And I mean, you have. You can move to. You can get into range system. If you want to shoot the east or west side, I would probably come.
Speaker B: Up and help Doc.
Speaker C: Okay.
Speaker B: Because Jock's use in this stuff is.
Speaker C: Yeah.
Speaker B: People trained. And he's got two guns.
Speaker C: Okay.
Speaker B: So I take the extra pistol with me just in case it's needed.
Speaker C: No.
Speaker B: And. And then I take another shot at.
Speaker D: The leader right in the track. Reload.
Speaker C: No good. I'm not. We're not gonna worry about that. And if you fan the hammer, you'll have a stoppage, but otherwise, no.
Speaker B: So 11.
Speaker C: No. Yep. That hits.
Speaker B: Four or five.
Speaker C: Five. Okay. And you had a clean shot. He didn't block with his duster scene. So he goes down.
Speaker A: Is that the boss?
Speaker C: Yep.
Speaker A: Leader played while too long.
Speaker B: You focused fire.
Speaker C: He goes down. You hear the other guys shout, bosses down.
Speaker A: Bosses down.
Speaker D: Run for it.
Speaker B: Kill Kenny.
Speaker C: And so they start. They actually all jump off and start running.
Speaker A: That's right. We're stopped.
Speaker C: And that's. Yeah, they jump down and start running.
Speaker D: Did any of them have, like, loot bags on or anything.
Speaker C: Like the two guys. You don't know what's. If there's any. The two guys that are in you. They had them, but they're on the ground spilled now.
Speaker A: So.
Speaker C: Yeah. So the bad guys are all running. I probably wouldn't follow them. So what do you do? Yeah. So we're back around.
Speaker B: If they're going by foot, I don't know. I'd probably make sure doc was all right. But then it's just up and down and. Oh, there you are.
Speaker D: Yeah, bud. Pick one side.
Speaker C: Yeah. When you. Yeah, you drop down, you see they're running for their horses. Like they're. They have horses. Like their horses are tied to the train or whatever.
Speaker B: It's not like we did when we jumped off and let the horses run.
Speaker C: Yeah, yeah, because they stopped the train.
Speaker D: At least they made the jump.
Speaker C: The train. Yeah, because the train is stopped. So they hopped down and running for their horses.
Speaker D: The guy carrying the sledgehammer and shotgun.
Speaker C: Audrey chases one.
Speaker A: Doc.
Speaker C: Are you chasing Doc? Or. I mean. Yeah, Doc.
Speaker A: I think with my wound, I would say no.
Speaker C: Okay, so then.
Speaker A: Well, and just to understand that, like, if that filled up with X is uncapacitated.
Speaker C: You're. You have critical health. Yeah. That's where. Yeah, I think you're fine until. Till crit. The critical starts. How much? Yeah, it's that. It's that bottom. It's the whole. It's five. So let's see. Damage by two tracks, blah, blah. Yeah, so I. I think you're fine. Yeah, you go. Actually, you go down when your life blood is filled. The crit, I think, is what actually kills you.
Speaker A: Well, it's like if you're down on the ground and somebody's still shoot mag or something.
Speaker C: Yeah. All right. No, you're fine until you exceed your lifeblood. Okay.
Speaker B: So the critical is part of your life blood.
Speaker C: Yes, That's. Once you take critical damage, you go down. You're unconscious or dying. You're down. Yeah. So you're. You're basically fine until you're critical damage. Take critical damage. Yeah.
Speaker A: And then.
Speaker D: Really, I have actually have.
Speaker A: Five less bubbles to fill.
Speaker C: Because your. Your life. No, the critical track is separate. So you have lifeblood is 10 plus your strength, plus if you have open.
Speaker D: Okay.
Speaker C: And then the critical is a separate thing.
Speaker A: Yeah, electrons, 10 plus your strength.
Speaker C: Yes.
Speaker A: Yeah.
Speaker C: As your total. And then you black out the boxes on the right for any. That you have extra or when you have too much to get down to. Okay. Yeah. So Doc or Docus. Sit tight. Jacques And Audrey jump down and chase.
Speaker A: I do look down here. What do I do? Where did you go?
Speaker D: I stepped out.
Speaker C: They jumped out. They're chasing.
Speaker D: Can I just lean?
Speaker C: Yeah, if you don't want to hop down, you just peek out and shoot.
Speaker A: Did I see which way he went?
Speaker C: They. It would be hard to tell, but they're not. Like, you didn't move and look out the window.
Speaker A: That's what I was gonna say. I was gonna go to the window and would take my gun, look out.
Speaker D: I try and just lean and shoot the guy on this side, then run over to this side and do it.
Speaker C: But, yeah, you can move over there and shoot, and then we'll get around to the jackass. And the same with Audrey. If you want to shoot, control your damage.
Speaker B: Take an RP to make it a 9 for 3.
Speaker C: 3 damage from you for Audrey. Okay. That guy fights. He eats dirt.
Speaker D: 4 damage.
Speaker C: That guy eats dirt.
Speaker B: Okay, then run over to the other side. If he's still there.
Speaker C: Yeah, you guys would still have some movement to cross over, but you won't be able to shoot. So you have one action.
Speaker D: Yeah.
Speaker C: Oh, but, yeah, as you guys are running over there, you hear a buzzing sound. That's like the. Like the dragonfly cop just from Dune or just like a dragonfly or hummingbird. You hear that sound up above you? When you look up, you see four huge dragonflies coming down with riders on their backs.
Speaker A: You guys see those?
Speaker C: Yes, that's what they see over on that side.
Speaker A: Do I see some on this side?
Speaker C: No, you just see. No, you just see. You guys just. Yeah, I'd say. You wouldn't. You might. You probably hear the sound since your head's out the window.
Speaker B: What lore do we know of dragonfly riders?
Speaker D: Yep. Be like, huh, no good guys, bad guys, or just.
Speaker B: Local tribe that befriended dragonflies?
Speaker C: That's very. Audrey would probably know for sure who they are, but.
Speaker D: They look unfriendly. Or are they looking at my shoe?
Speaker C: Yeah, Audrey would have heard of them for sure. And then, like, as they're, like, zooming in closer, you do start to see, I guess, on, like, the. The belly of them is the symbol of Mithras and the Pel Riders. And Audrey would know that these are most likely wind burners, and they're like. They're like the cream of the crop of Pell riders.
Speaker B: So Audrey would be in awe. He may or may not. If he looked down and saw you. Don't shoot.
Speaker C: They have symbols on. Yeah, that's. But yeah, you'd see the at least.
Speaker D: Know they're like pell riders.
Speaker C: You'd see the. The symbol, like, as they're coming, but then you'd also like, hear, like, a booming, like, voice.
Speaker B: That's just to dissuade me from shooting at the other guy.
Speaker C: That you. They. It's a. A command for. They command. They're just like, I'll probably put my.
Speaker D: Gun away so I don't get shot.
Speaker C: Bandits lay down and give up or be killed.
Speaker D: I just put my gun away and go back inside, sit down and continue eating someone's meal.
Speaker B: I would probably. Well, I do the same, except I go back to my meal.
Speaker D: I just took someone's.
Speaker C: I know.
Speaker A: I see you come back and I just go. We good?
Speaker D: We're good.
Speaker A: All right. I come over to you and start pulling out some medical stuff. Thanks. I said pass the kitchen. Sorry about your apron.
Speaker D: You have to clean this floor. What a mess. I just moved the bodies from the door over to the side so you can at least get in without anything else.
Speaker B: I'd probably start a small conversation with the guy who's, like, sprawled out. Get up, tell me a story. Depending on how good the story is, because right now you might blend in as passenger. Can you hear the dragonflies through the.
Speaker C: As they get closer? You would hear that, like that inside the car, the buzz. Because, I mean, there's windows and some. Several have probably been shot out.
Speaker B: Well, I'm just thinking that the bandit's face should tell me a lot if they can hear the buzz.
Speaker D: Too dark pie with you, right? So why were you dumb enough to rob this tr.
Speaker B: So close to the mountain?
Speaker A: Yeah.
Speaker D: You're gonna rob trains, you don't rob this.
Speaker B: Or if you do, you wait till it's a whole lot further away from.
Speaker C: It's about as well. It's. It's like a day from Rattle City and a day from the fortress.
Speaker A: I'm sorry.
Speaker B: Audrey's still in awe with everything about the mountain. It's like no five day minimum away from the mountain.
Speaker C: The guy just says, boss said it'd be easy. Huge score.
Speaker A: Well, your boss is an idiot. Andy's dead.
Speaker B: He got a huge score.
Speaker C: The guy goes, it was easy. And.
Speaker B: Do you really think you could have got out of here before they land?
Speaker A: You're not the sharpest toothpick in the bunch, are you?
Speaker D: He's as sharp as a marble, huh? Yep. He didn't.
Speaker B: I'm wondering, was he really a bandit, but just a not so helpful person on the train?
Speaker C: He kind of just, like, looks confused at the banter. He's not sure what's going on now.
Speaker D: Maybe he probably point them out. I don't know. Did they have bandanas on or mask?
Speaker A: Yeah, he said they had.
Speaker D: Oh, man.
Speaker C: Yeah. So their faces weren't recognizable.
Speaker B: How many other people are in the car with us?
Speaker C: There's quite a few. It's probably, like, half full.
Speaker A: Oh, a few witnesses. Yeah.
Speaker B: I was gonna say, if it was.
Speaker D: Just us, I'd be like, well, we'll let the jury decide. And I just not say anything. Continue eating whatever.
Speaker B: Slide over the parfait. Might be the last one for a long time.
Speaker D: Refreshment. Stand back there. Might just be eating bread and water for sure.
Speaker A: Gentlemen, decided to interrupt our train ride. Ironically, the less sharp one of the bunch managed to survive. I point that up. Kid on the floor.
Speaker B: If it was just us, Audrey be like, we can let him go, Right. It's not like he did anything, but if it's a train full of witnesses.
Speaker D: Doc's just gonna say anything. He doesn't really care. People point him out. Oh, well.
Speaker A: He did surrender, but he also did storm the train. We don't know what he did in the other cars.
Speaker C: Yeah, he came in with the. He was one of the guys that was carrying a little bag.
Speaker D: He was the bag holder.
Speaker B: Literally stuck with the bag.
Speaker D: Yeah.
Speaker A: Someone's cousin. Probably the first time on the trip.
Speaker D: I probably would just tell him, like, how about you just go back there and start giving people their stuff?
Speaker C: But I don't know.
Speaker B: Our pel riders, they're probably not very forgiving.
Speaker C: No.
Speaker D: Got some different things. Just the bag holding to actually shoot in probably would be a little bit.
Speaker A: Considering some of the stuff we've done.
Speaker B: I really debated for Augie because, I mean, we did take out that one caravan.
Speaker D: Yeah. Jock's just like, yeah, we didn't kill anyone.
Speaker A: Whatever.
Speaker D: He surrendered. The jury figured, yeah, jury making other passengers. If he survives. He learned a basketball lesson of what trains not to row. He doesn't. Well, he gets hanging work somewhere.
Speaker B: Go through and check for tickets. We got an extra passenger in this.
Speaker A: Kill you.
Speaker C: As you're talking to. And the guy is like, starts, like, handing back stuff.
Speaker B: He didn't make it very far into the car. I hear most.
Speaker D: I hit that first one.
Speaker B: Yeah.
Speaker D: But that's why it's like I go to other car and give her stuff back.
Speaker C: That'll work.
Speaker B: Just telling you. He got the bag after this shootout.
Speaker D: Yep.
Speaker B: Returning the. The proceeds.
Speaker D: That many weapons that we know.
Speaker B: No, I got his gun.
Speaker C: Yeah. So he like leaves and starts going over to the back to like the faster car where he came from. Handing out stuff. In a few minutes, probably like five minutes later, you hear some like, you hear a couple gunshots, but not too much.
Speaker A: Clean it up.
Speaker D: Yep.
Speaker A: I'm gonna definitely do the even rest of the physician myself, but I definitely would mention do it. Hey, one of you guys should check out the ringleader. Something like that. Okay. Car forward.
Speaker C: That's true.
Speaker D: We could do that while we want. Make sure the guy's giving stuff back. Yeah.
Speaker B: Does he have a fine jacket? Is it better than the jacket I got?
Speaker A: It might even tell where they. Where they came from.
Speaker C: I was gonna say. Yeah, his desk chair is. It's probably. It's not better than yours. You would have just got like brand new clothes.
Speaker B: Oh, that's right.
Speaker D: Yeah.
Speaker C: Yeah. You know, we look fancy.
Speaker D: We do look nice.
Speaker C: Yeah.
Speaker A: Yeah.
Speaker C: So I guess we'll do at least. We'll practice the healing thing too. So after the combat, he rests for 10 to 15 minutes. You regain all the fatigue damage. And then any normal damage is you cut it in half, round up and gets rid of it. And then the rest of it is converted to lasting damage, which is like gastric. Yeah. So yeah, you would reduce. You would heal three normal damage. You took five, right? Yeah, yeah. So you heal three and have two lasting damage. And then you have a. Then you can do a moderate roll, which is like just like the nine plus they feel one extra. You feel one more of those, you'd only have 20.
Speaker A: I have tools of the trade, so I can actually add a bonus die, fix myself up. I have to add my doc skill.
Speaker C: It would be mind and doc. Oh yeah.
Speaker B: 4.
Speaker A: So you're gonna be fixing you guys up. I forgot I actually made it because I have three mind and three dot now six plus a bonus die. So I have to actually. I can't fail.
Speaker C: Well, you can. If you do roll, Snake eyes is an automatic failure.
Speaker B: And you would miss because it would only be eight.
Speaker A: So the bonus I have to actually.
Speaker C: Shooting well, the bonus die is. Is basically rolling with advantage. So you'll use the year two highest. Is how that how those work. Now the bonus and family guys work right.
Speaker A: But at least I'd have to roll trip ones to crit fail. Because if I had one of them that was a good die. It would be the double. That would be like epic fail. You just immediately die on the spot, give up the will to live.
Speaker B: It look a little game greeny.
Speaker A: All right, so six, five. So.
Speaker C: Yeah, See, one lasting damage, and it falls back. Yeah.
Speaker A: Heals one. Now to get the. The special one. Not legendary. What's the other one?
Speaker C: Mighty success.
Speaker A: Mighty. You have to actually roll a natural double six.
Speaker C: Yes, I believe so. I don't think you can spend a hero point.
Speaker A: I think you just spend a hero point to make it legendary.
Speaker C: Yes, that you do.
Speaker A: 100%, but it's not breaking 12. You have to actually roll double six.
Speaker C: Yes. Yeah. Yeah.
Speaker A: It's like nat 20 versus fake 20.
Speaker C: Yep.
Speaker A: Well healing. Yeah. I practiced on myself stitching up some hole in my.
Speaker B: I got your popsicle stick.
Speaker A: I don't care what's in it. Feels good.
Speaker B: Something to bite on.
Speaker A: Rambo it.
Speaker C: Yeah.
Speaker A: Hair blow my eye out.
Speaker C: Oh. You can boost success with a hero point from normal to mighty success whenever you succeed. Yes.
Speaker D: And those don't come back.
Speaker C: They come back between adventures. Okay, so, like, essentially, you guys have your hero point allotment until you start a new adventure, and then it resets, and then that's what you have until you finish the next adventure. Cool.
Speaker A: So I can spend a hero point and actually get an extra healing point.
Speaker C: Yep.
Speaker A: All right.
Speaker C: Yep.
Speaker D: Look at that one.
Speaker A: Patch them.
Speaker C: Yeah.
Speaker A: It's, like, sitting there like it's a through and through. I just put some goop on it.
Speaker D: And I'm like, all right, you started.
Speaker B: With five, sucked it up down to two.
Speaker A: That's just a flat one.
Speaker D: Little gauze patches on your gunshot wounds like in movies.
Speaker A: Yeah.
Speaker D: All good.
Speaker A: This is duct tape stim pack.
Speaker D: Yeah.
Speaker A: Versus the John Wick version, where everybody's trying to punch it for the rest of the. Opens the same window four times.
Speaker B: Bleed out, Tammy.
Speaker C: Bleed.
Speaker D: I'd just be sitting because of, like, the pel. Riders is kind of like, oh. Basically showed up. I'm not gonna, like, put yourself. I'm just gonna be invisible.
Speaker C: Yeah. As you, like, walk. As you, like, follow that guy into the passage. And you do see that the. The bandit leader is, like, unconscious but still alive. So that's one thing that's interesting with the system, too. After combat, you roll. I roll A die to see what happened to the tough set. You fought like he was a tough. Which is, like, the second level. And everyone else would rabble. So. And then you guys, if you like. So if you've, like, in the. If the pell riders weren't showing up, you could actually do a mind pool to see if any of the gravel that you rabble, bandits that you guys knocked out or killed or whatever. If there was one alive, that you get for a prisoner. Kind of interesting.
Speaker D: I'd probably bring them in and just sit him in a chair.
Speaker C: The bandit box. Yeah.
Speaker B: I check his pockets.
Speaker D: Yeah, he can check his pockets and take his guns.
Speaker A: Yeah, he probably has good guns.
Speaker C: Yeah.
Speaker A: No, probably not. Never know.
Speaker B: These might be pearl handkerchief.
Speaker A: They pretty don't do any extra damage plus one appeal. But you have to brandish them. Colors break.
Speaker C: So yeah, the I just sit him.
Speaker D: In a chair and then let Audrey go through his pockets and then just.
Speaker A: Wait for people in the cart. Just see you drop this guy in the chair or you drop him in the chair and you start rifling through for change.
Speaker D: Like bleeding out. It's like waiting for the police here.
Speaker C: And then your spot.
Speaker B: You just wait but for identification.
Speaker A: Look for knives too. Get knives off. He wakes up. So after lasting the My healing thing says within like an hour. If you don't do that, does lasting damage then require you to go to like a doc, another doctor.
Speaker C: You heal over a day. Like over time. That's the stuff that the lasting damage which heals over time. Cool. And then you also can do your doctoral every day. So you guys will actually probably heal pretty quick.
Speaker A: Looks like the do is after combat.
Speaker C: There's also one about resting and healing. If there's a dot, a physician, they can heal an extra point. Yeah.
Speaker B: Oh, you could practice cauterizing wounds.
Speaker A: Yeah, that's what my role is.
Speaker D: If you want doc try and heal him.
Speaker C: No.
Speaker A: If you guys ask if he's an.
Speaker B: Arcane point, really hot Doc generally wants.
Speaker A: To help people, but he's not too fond of people that try to put holes in him. So he's not going to like just jump off. Like know that guy. He's a nice guy, but not that nice. I'm not like a television doctor. That's like I have to save everyone. I don't know.
Speaker B: Is there a Hippocratic oath in this world?
Speaker A: Hypocritical oath.
Speaker B: Oh oh, hypocritical all over the place.
Speaker A: It's subjective.
Speaker C: So Audrey, you do you find like a. A small little map that show showing a river, two caves and farmhouse on a road and valley.
Speaker B: We think this is the hideout. Do you know where this is?
Speaker C: If you also finally in this another pocket crumbled up. But this has a note that says give me my money or die. No.
Speaker B: Yeah.
Speaker C: It's probably like after 10 minutes or so writer walks into the. Into the dining cart and asks who is. Who is fighting? Like who is like shooting the bandit? Shooting at the band. Like shooting at the bandits who helped.
Speaker B: I look at Jock because I'm not quite sure dealing with cops.
Speaker A: Doc would just be like, open up. Like me.
Speaker D: You can call him Ben. But.
Speaker C: You see him kind of like. Like, I don't know, like, snort a little bit, Trying to be professional. No, it's more like one of these people.
Speaker A: I got a green on too. And I look at civilian.
Speaker D: I interrupted my breakfast or whatever time of day it is.
Speaker C: Pretty.
Speaker D: More like twilight getting hosted there.
Speaker C: They would probably be closer to that near the end of this. It'd be your dinner being too loud.
Speaker D: So I take care of them.
Speaker A: I kind of interject when he said something. Well, they had their guns out. They were. We felt threatened for our lives, obviously. Obviously. They'd been shooting people on the train.
Speaker B: But we got good information.
Speaker C: Oh, yeah.
Speaker B: And the node.
Speaker D: The leader's over there. The one leave making a mess on that table chair.
Speaker A: The one we got pretend eating at that table.
Speaker B: We think his name's Bernie.
Speaker A: Go up and like, put his hand on a cup. Looks like he's not.
Speaker B: We didn't want to disturb the other passengers.
Speaker D: These people in here. I think.
Speaker C: He takes the. The map and. No, honey, thank you. And he looks at the three of.
Speaker D: You, and it's like, is there a reward for being a hero of the train?
Speaker C: It's like, yep. You get to guard the passengers till they get to the fortress.
Speaker D: Oh, boy.
Speaker C: You get to guard the prisoners. And he's like, all right, boys, I need you three to come with me.
Speaker B: Audrey's just like.
Speaker A: I can't believe you.
Speaker B: Said that to a fail rider.
Speaker C: All right. When they take you all the way to the back of the caboose, well.
Speaker D: There'S not a rubber hose. I'm gonna be this one.
Speaker B: Oranges. Come on, oranges.
Speaker C: And they. They tell two of the engineers, oh, you two are back up at the front now. And they kind of just come. Yes, sir. And dart. And then he goes. And there's another, like, two other Pell riders. There's still one like, kind of like circling above. They load the. The bandit leader and a few of the other of the henchmen into the back cart that's just like, full of coal. And they just. And they goes. Make sure they arrive.
Speaker D: All right.
Speaker B: As I scan the. The henchmen did. Our humble repentant.
Speaker D: The bag holder.
Speaker B: Bag holder?
Speaker C: Yeah.
Speaker A: I definitely. As they. We put him in there. I would have them all get checked for knives, extra guns hidden in the crap.
Speaker C: Oh, they're. They're like. I say, no, they're all in their underwear.
Speaker A: I was gonna say. Next thing is to take the pants, the long gowns.
Speaker C: Yeah. No, they're all in their underwear and they're all handcuffed together like one long chain.
Speaker A: Good.
Speaker C: Perfect.
Speaker A: Just how I would have done it.
Speaker C: They shove them into the. This last box car that's got materials in it. And they lock the door. Make sure they arrive.
Speaker B: Don't we get dinner?
Speaker A: What about breakfast?
Speaker B: How about a light?
Speaker C: No, you guys are. No, you guys aren't in the coal car here.
Speaker D: Those guys are, right?
Speaker C: Yeah. You got put. You guys are put in the caboose.
Speaker A: Okay.
Speaker C: Which there's like a small little.
Speaker B: That's almost like a home away from home.
Speaker C: Yeah. And there's two other stuck in the car.
Speaker B: Don't watch them.
Speaker C: There's two other engineers there, too. So there's five of you in the caboose.
Speaker B: That's a longer train than I thought.
Speaker D: It was way back there.
Speaker C: Yeah.
Speaker D: At least it's quiet. Yeah.
Speaker B: But you feel every jerk of the train.
Speaker C: Yeah. It's pretty straight. So windows. Yeah, there's windows and everything. There's windows. It's like. It's like a traditional caboose. I've even got the little piece up top where people sit and like, watch. Yeah, yeah. So then he goes. I'm Spades.
Speaker A: Spades.
Speaker C: Yep, Spades. I'll meet you at the platform.
Speaker D: That's the pill rider.
Speaker C: Yeah.
Speaker B: Begins to consider getting an autograph book for all these fancy folks in the.
Speaker D: Ask if you ever seen a moving house. Never been chased by a house. Forever. Forever.
Speaker B: Hungry. Be careful. Per chance, are you headed to a haunted city in the. The next county over?
Speaker A: That's a couple days away. There you go.
Speaker D: I don't know how far away I live.
Speaker B: That would be at least three or four days away now.
Speaker C: Yeah. That's probably close to a week now where you guys are at. Really. Not quite that far.
Speaker D: We in charge of feeding these people or the front of the house building?
Speaker C: No, they just locked them in the box car. Like there's no services or anything in there. They threw some canteens of water in there and that's it.
Speaker B: Glad I don't have to hose it out when we get there.
Speaker D: Yep.
Speaker C: How far are we out from a day? Like, it's not too bad.
Speaker D: No learning experience.
Speaker C: Yeah. You guys are like less than 24 hours. Yeah. It's like almost like 130 miles to Nightmore from where you guys are roughly right now. Maybe a little more. Yeah. Spade's after him. Tells you. He'll meet you at the platform. So. Appreciate that. Does that help? It's been quite a while since we had someone bother one of these strains down here. Yep.
Speaker B: Looks like somebody wanted their money. Hope they're happy.
Speaker A: They don't think they're going to get it.
Speaker D: Not the train I would have robbed but like stop.
Speaker C: Gunslinger stuff.
Speaker B: Back.
Speaker A: Yeah.
Speaker B: Kind of a back and forth. Who's going to win the steering contest?
Speaker D: Those are beds back there. I just go sit on one of the beds.
Speaker C: Yeah. There's like four right there. At least four. There's probably like eight maybe my people.
Speaker D: I hope there's more. Up to our time sh. There's two engineers by size.
Speaker C: Yep.
Speaker D: Someone's got a lot big at the floor.
Speaker B: Audrey's pretty wired right now. He was asleep when this all started.
Speaker C: So yeah.
Speaker B: Next time he wants to see the.
Speaker A: Engine.
Speaker B: Sit on top of the car.
Speaker D: Too concerned about them getting out.
Speaker B: Unless another group decides to attack the train.
Speaker C: Yeah. So then Spades does a weird whistle in here and his giant dragonfly comes and lands right next to him. He just hops off the tips his hat and like basically like lifts off and then shoots like straight up.
Speaker B: One of these days we should get some of those.
Speaker D: Maybe I have to.
Speaker A: What.
Speaker B: What do I can eat?
Speaker D: No. That's what they do with the prisoners.
Speaker C: Yeah. Then a little bit the. The train starts chugging and gets moving again. And as it's clacking on a little bit you do see like a half chewed up body on the ground.
Speaker D: Or.
Speaker C: Mostly chewed up body.
Speaker A: Flies neck. Yep.
Speaker B: Audrey begins interesting ways to feed hellhounds crossing its mouth. You probably get a little nostalgic. So he. He has these little conversations of so where are you at? Almost like trying to do small talk with somebody who probably doesn't do small talk.
Speaker C: Yeah. He just got far. It's just not.
Speaker B: Not safe. Yeah. Somebody tried to attack a train. Definitely not safe. Yeah. Well seriously named.
Speaker D: Leader 9 is before we get there.
Speaker C: No there he. They would have patched him up. Yeah. He actually would have been like his wounds would have were closed up and fine. Yep. So the rest of the journey will pass quietly.
Speaker D: Unless there's any key. You guys need to read his books. You always do.
Speaker A: Rock one of them.
Speaker D: Guns and ammo.
Speaker B: Dogs awake. I'm gonna start talking about various. What medical things could we do? Oh, he's got a two and sorcery. It's like so I can't heal him. I could cauterize him.
Speaker A: Makes more damage than good. Talking about to the Prisoners.
Speaker B: Yeah.
Speaker A: Do anything to him right now?
Speaker B: Well, not right now, but he had thought about cauterizing the bullet with us, but using magic with pill riders above did not feel like a.
Speaker C: Also in the cartwheel in the passenger train with lots of people, and in a pole car. There are two, like, engineers in here, so.
Speaker B: Oh, they would all be cryptically. So how do you stop a bullet hole? Don't you have to pull a bullet out first?
Speaker A: Sometimes I actually, like, open my kit and, like, pull out a little. But you have to. Can't just, like, noodle around in there, just cause a bunch of damage. Start going off into medical jargon.
Speaker B: You have to cut a bigger hole to get that in there. Or do you just kind of.
Speaker A: I had to do that a few times. I'll try to do that a few times. It'll pull it down in a muscle. Because it's the ones that are the fat guys. Those are the ones you don't want to work on. Have my whole arm up in some old man trying to get a bullet out. I'd rather not do that again.
Speaker B: Why don't you just cut off the extra fat and sew them back together?
Speaker A: That'd be an interesting service, removing fat for people. I don't think anybody would ever do that.
Speaker B: Well, the bullet's in there. You just cut off the fat so you can get closer to a bullet.
Speaker A: Oh, it goes through that, but I have to reach through that to get it out. I don't have a tool long enough for that.
Speaker B: You got your magic mushroom.
Speaker A: I need one that attracts, not one that repels you. Push it all the way through maybe. I guess if it's. If they got enough holes in them. Yeah, maybe go back to that cave and get a. Get one of the mushrooms and pulls. I could put that on the end of my tool and have a little grabber.
Speaker C: Yeah.
Speaker A: I'll use it on somebody else before I use it on you guys, though, just to make sure it works.
Speaker B: Thank you. Blood's not exactly magnetic, if I remember right.
Speaker A: Depends on the sh. At the end.
Speaker B: That's true. Audrey just continues to brainstorm interesting ways to get bullets out. Gravity can help.
Speaker A: You don't want to leave them in there.
Speaker B: Feel addressing a patient, hanging him upside down.
Speaker A: Yeah. Gotta keep them alive.
Speaker C: Yeah.
Speaker A: I mean, if you just want a bullet, it's easy.
Speaker B: They can grab you.
Speaker A: You gotta. Well, I mean, like, this bad. You're facing down while you're trying to get it out of. Stuff naturally work its way out.
Speaker B: Where's the best place to shoot at the head. Ah, you just want it said and done.
Speaker A: Yeah. I started pointing out places, describing all the major arteries. If you wanted to suffer, just shoot him in the gut a couple times. That's evil. But my peers, you got lung, hard lung, liver, spleen, kidneys. Kind of hard to go wrong. Just don't shoot in the same hole. That's kind of worthless. They don't need two holes in their heart, they just need one. You got a hole in a heart and a lung.
Speaker B: What if I just want to slow him down?
Speaker A: Okay.
Speaker B: I said the rear end, but yeah, that do it.
Speaker A: Or just anywhere in the leg. Kneecap if you hate them, leg if you're not sure.
Speaker B: I think the sheer embarrassment is shooting.
Speaker A: In the rear end. God work.
Speaker B: Especially if they got to have somebody dig around to pull the bullet out.
Speaker A: Yeah, I prefer not to do that one. If you know, I'm going to work on them. Don't shoot them in the butt.
Speaker B: Treat the road to that.
Speaker A: We're just talking in front of these prisoners.
Speaker B: Well, they're in the next car up.
Speaker C: In front of the engineers.
Speaker B: Engineers are probably giving us the strangest looks.
Speaker A: Wait, so who's watching the.
Speaker B: They're just locked in the car.
Speaker D: They're just locked in.
Speaker B: Then if the train ever stops the.
Speaker D: Car, they like can't do anything.
Speaker A: Can we see them though?
Speaker C: No.
Speaker A: So like they're not even a way over there right until I stopped. Okay.
Speaker C: Yeah. And the doors are locked, so they have to like break the doors open and then all fall out. All chains. All handcuffed together.
Speaker D: Yeah. Oh brother.
Speaker B: Where art thou, doctor?
Speaker A: Probably a little paranoid. Keep looking at the car.
Speaker D: They figured out some way to break out.
Speaker B: Somebody keeps a handcuff key under their tongue or something.
Speaker C: Not the. It passes pretty uneventfully.
Speaker A: Chit chat.
Speaker C: It's actually only cloudy. It's not actually rainy, but as you.
Speaker D: Approach the train, it doesn't rain.
Speaker B: That's the elevation.
Speaker C: As you're like approaching the fortress, you begin to actually see like towers built out of like the, the mountain, like watchtowers and various like, like almost like big windows too. And then as you begin to enter into like the, the big tunnel underneath, I guess you would see some aqueducts and that kind of stuff too, built on the outside. As you enter into the base of the mountain, one of the first things you like notice is the, the walls are like all painted with like nature scenes and like the ceiling, a little bit of that you can usually see is like almost painted like this sky soot Covered sky. And then there's like these glowing crystals evenly spaced down the tunnel that providing like a sunlight. And as the the train pulls up into the the rail station and this a very bustling place, there's you see like smaller almost like tram tracks coming into it on the same level and you can see like the same like painted tunnels and light crystals just like fading off into the distance. There's like these six other like smaller like tram tracks and converge at this rail station. And then you. It pulls up the passenger section. It pulls up and stops from the. They're like oh, you guys can hop off and get your prisoners.
Speaker D: All right.
Speaker C: And then as you step over onto the actual rail station you already see Spades is standing there in his lake. Immaculately clean, bright white clothes, golden belt buckle and insignia on his hat. He still.
Speaker A: I trust your journey was quiet.
Speaker C: Nobody got out, did they?
Speaker B: I don't know. Let's open the door and find out. Not like we stopped but you never know.
Speaker D: Find out.
Speaker C: Now. One of the rel engineers opens the carton. All the prisoner guys come out climbing out like blinded.
Speaker A: So bright in there.
Speaker C: Super dirty now.
Speaker A: Probably smells amazing.
Speaker B: Yeah, it's only a day.
Speaker A: Not to mention that somebody's got to go in the bathroom that they weren't.
Speaker B: Too right before they went in.
Speaker C: Spades flips you a coin. Flips each of you a little coin.
Speaker B: I have one question for Spade before he left.
Speaker C: But yeah, also you can ask it too because I'm have to look up where he's invited.
Speaker B: How did they know the train was being robbed?
Speaker C: Wouldn't you like to know?
Speaker B: Yeah, that's why I asked sir.
Speaker C: He just chuckles and just leaves it at that. Unanswered your question.
Speaker B: Which is. I'm walking back at the engineers who they're it's like so how did they know you that we were being locked? There's some sort of top secret security system.
Speaker C: He just goes the green gator mixtures between the green between the company and the fortress. They make sure these trains are watched.
Speaker B: He's like yeah, he buys it but it's like there's gotta be something though.
Speaker C: But yes. Fades.
Speaker A: Flip.
Speaker C: To each of you a gold token says you're welcome to join us at the pel Riders hall. Share share some drinks. You find us in the warriors enclave. Enclave.
Speaker B: Not that I'm going to pull one out but the coins are tossed. How do they compare to the scorches coins about the same size. He's like yin yang deity things.
Speaker C: If I like focus a Little. No, that's. It's just like.
Speaker B: Just a marker.
Speaker C: It's like. Yeah, it's like a gold. Just like a little like quarter sized gold. And it just has. It actually has the windrunners things signal. Like. Oh wow.
Speaker B: Instead of the Pale Rider boom coin that you got from Ramsey. This is the wind rider equivalent.
Speaker C: It's. It's not the same. It's not like an actual. It's not the actual boom. But this is more like he says like this will get you in the. Oh the hall.
Speaker B: Like a challenge going.
Speaker C: Yeah, it's kind of like you did something for them. So you can. You're allowed in the.
Speaker D: You're cool.
Speaker C: Yeah.
Speaker A: Brady.
Speaker C: When we go in, aren't they get you in. In for the day. Like a few. So you can find me there. Unless you have any questions, I will be taking care of these persons. No, my God.
Speaker B: He just keeps his mouth shut. Not quite sure how to.
Speaker C: Yeah. So you guys are in what's called the Great Bazaar. It's a bustling marketplace filled with exotic goods, rare commodities, unique services. That's the district that's home to first array of merchants, artisans and traders catering to the needs and desires of the inhabitants of this place. And you do see like branching off from like the train I guess there's would be like a kiosk area that shows like the main districts which is. There's the Spire of Mithras, the Great Bazaar where you guys are at the Academy of Knowledge Artisans Quarter, Farmer Enclave, Healer's Enclave, the Warrior Enclave, the Diplomat's Quarter, the Innovators Hub, Church District. And then there's like kind of like on this kiosk area there's showing you like what the different trams that you can take. And you do see like now like that you're out and like looking around more that there's actual like aerial trams that ride up through these bigger tunnels that go to different areas.
Speaker A: Kind of like a monorail.
Speaker C: Yeah, there's like a monorail kind of deal. So there's like foot traffic and then like above that is actual trams to get place to the. To get to other districts faster. This area, the place is like pretty massive and with all the light and sunlight coming from these crystals and the paintings up on the ceiling and stuff, it's. You can almost forget you're inside a mountain. The place is like pretty vast in here. So like like minds of more air condition kind of like vibes. But I'm big.
Speaker D: Okay.
Speaker A: Good question.
Speaker B: Probably find a place to sleep first. Work out from There. I mean it sounds like we'd be. Let's see. It's drawn twilight 24 hours. So it's early evening.
Speaker C: Yeah. Yeah, roughly. So you guys were probably closer. He left in the mornings. He probably arrived. So it'd be mornings you were closer to. Just say you guys arrived in the morning. Morning is no place to sleep.
Speaker B: Or do you want to pour your enclave it?
Speaker D: Maybe tonight if it's early morning, then we could hit the wear in place.
Speaker C: Yeah, I'll say It's like just after like breakfast you guys ate.
Speaker D: Okay.
Speaker B: Then I. I don't know if you go with tlc. Hey, where do we take the boon to. Am I feeling the draw of a coin that doesn't have a.
Speaker A: An owner?
Speaker B: Well, I know it could be wedged in the tracks waited for somebody to get smacked by a train.
Speaker C: You don't feel any tug on your. The Great bazaar where you guys are at right now, there is the Golden Griffin Inn, another luxury level.
Speaker A: Should my CR Take that?
Speaker C: Yeah, you haven't spent, you know, overspent so. But it's really kind of what you guys want to. Want to do.
Speaker D: You type a store here like market is there.
Speaker C: So there's. So some notable ones here in this location are the Moon Whispers Emporium, Red Morven Auction House. There's the Spice Drop Market, which if you're looking for. There's the Blacksmiths and Guild Hall, Star Weaver Studio. Curious Photographer in the rail station. But also there's specifics.
Speaker D: Yeah.
Speaker C: But that's just in the bazaar. In the bazaar where you're at other districts also have. What.
Speaker D: Are you here for? The boring information.
Speaker B: The coin, the maps, where we can find the spires. Yeah, the boom. Which we're not quite sure what. What the equivalent to that is. If it's.
Speaker A: It'd be nice to find the library here at some point, but we don't have to do anything with that now.
Speaker B: Go to the library and see if there's a door.
Speaker D: Place. The weird cartographer place you mentioned.
Speaker C: Curious.
Speaker D: Yeah, that one. Go check there. See what they do.
Speaker B: They have any anti maps or any chain nets. At some point when the engineers were asleep, the bird got set.
Speaker C: You guys could have sent it too like before you even. Okay, so it could. You could have left like sent it off before. Yeah, he even got on the train.
Speaker B: I'm just thinking the mechanical bird done in the middle of a great bazaar.
Speaker C: Yeah.
Speaker D: Five's down.
Speaker B: Which means it might have made it back. Otherwise I can be just as. Just as bad in the middle of his heart.
Speaker C: I'll say. If you. If you sent it to like one year, got on the train or whatever, it would have come back already.
Speaker B: Okay.
Speaker D: That'S the way.
Speaker C: Yeah. So you guys walk through the very busy streets of this giant market. Arrive at that experienced cartographer. It's a fairly large shop.
Speaker D: Behind the counter or wherever.
Speaker C: Yep. As you go in, you enter in one of the tenants as young. Young lady with like short spiky black hairs with some silver streaks in it.
Speaker A: Stretch it on links. How can I help you?
Speaker C: Maybe some old maps. Sure. Oh, where?
Speaker D: Give the somewhat. Yeah, give the location. This area like it was a pretty.
Speaker C: Big area we had to cover. Grim water.
Speaker D: Yeah, Grim water.
Speaker A: We got the map of the world.
Speaker D: Yeah.
Speaker C: We also at one area. Sure.
Speaker A: Old maps.
Speaker C: So they help now all the dockers.
Speaker A: How old are those.
Speaker B: Pre rendering?
Speaker C: Yeah, it's very old. Close to a thousand years.
Speaker A: So even maps that you might think might be an error. Old.
Speaker C: Yeah, just collect old maps.
Speaker D: Just seeing what you have.
Speaker C: I need to go dig around for a bit.
Speaker D: That's fine. You need to come back tomorrow.
Speaker C: Sounds good.
Speaker A: No Internet.
Speaker B: Are there any antique shops in the Grand?
Speaker C: Of course. What kind of antiques?
Speaker B: Possibly other old maps, coins, lamps. I remember a cool tale about a genie in a bottle. Or was it a lamp? I don't know. Have you ever heard that story?
Speaker C: If you want all the books, you probably best go to the libraries.
Speaker D: Yeah, that's on our stuff. Unben.
Speaker B: Any good spot for any of the rest of it. We're not going anywhere until we come back tomorrow, so.
Speaker C: Okay.
Speaker B: Worth exploring. I was in a model. I said wouldn't it be just be perfect electric. We found the coin in an antique shop. We can just bought it.
Speaker D: Yeah.
Speaker A: Stranger things.
Speaker B: Yeah.
Speaker C: Oh no.
Speaker B: Does this city have catacombs?
Speaker C: Yeah, you'd assume like. Actually no. They incinerate. They're dead.
Speaker D: No bone piles underneath the city.
Speaker A: Altars or maybe secret places.
Speaker C: Maybe not provide you. Yeah. She mentions there's the auditorium that you can go to.
Speaker B: Auditorium, Nice. I want to understand the name it.
Speaker A: Just becomes on.
Speaker C: Anything else. All right, well come back tomorrow morning and I'll.
Speaker B: In the library go check out the auditorium.
Speaker C: Yeah. So the library is in a different. She would mention that it's in the academy of knowledge district. Great library. Oh, then she also would have mentioned that there is a museum of antiquities in the Academy of Knowledge district as well.
Speaker B: Swap it with challenge coin. They might have the map on this way too.
Speaker C: Have to steal a decoration.
Speaker A: Yeah.
Speaker C: They're off to the auditorium.
Speaker D: Yeah, those movies kind of faded away. They're like a big deal.
Speaker B: Oh yeah. Got what, at least one sequel.
Speaker C: And then they made a TV show too.
Speaker D: That's right.
Speaker C: TV shows. Yeah. Pretty bad. Yeah. I think Disney plus only, I think. Was it on Disney plus? Oh, I forgot about that.
Speaker D: But yeah, it was Disney plus.
Speaker A: I'm gonna.
Speaker C: Canada first season. It was too bad.
Speaker D: And it was like her.
Speaker C: It was teenagers.
Speaker D: It was teenagers.
Speaker C: It might have been college students.
Speaker D: Well, I think somehow they were. One of them was related to the guys.
Speaker C: Yeah. That was weird though.
Speaker D: Yeah, that's right. Catherine Jones in it.
Speaker B: Yeah.
Speaker D: As the villain.
Speaker C: Yeah. They laid the. The kid with. I think the guy was her grandpa or uncle. Yeah, something like that. He like just died or something. Strange. That was a very strange thing. No, I don't remember. No, I think her grandfather was part of like a Freemasons or something and had like this secret room. It was like. Right. Facade, but there was like really bad, like water.
Speaker D: Oh, it's terrible. Thoughts and stuff would just like show up. People would just show up. Like, I'm big.
Speaker A: Just watch like the leg.
Speaker B: Warehouse 13 warehouse.
Speaker A: I was thinking that too. Yeah. It's campy, but it's fun. It knows what it is.
Speaker B: Crosses with Eureka.
Speaker C: Yeah.
Speaker A: At some point. Connection.
Speaker C: I could use a little bit harder.
Speaker A: To hit this up.
Speaker C: To the links or whatever. Or are you guys just talking?
Speaker D: We're just walking and talking.
Speaker C: Okay.
Speaker D: Talking about stealing a document from the government.
Speaker A: We haven't said anything yet.
Speaker B: We just got to see if it's there. Now with this system, the way the magic is coming and negotiating with the demon, could you charge your. The pistol so it does more damage using the arcane?
Speaker C: Yeah, I don't see why not just look and see what magnitude that something like that would fall under.
Speaker A: That's like. That's kind of what the empower is.
Speaker C: Have to build on.
Speaker B: Well, I mean, if you've got a gun, but you charge up the bullet and then as long as you don't double wind, it all doesn't belong. I was just trying to think how. How you can make weapons stronger with.
Speaker C: Yeah, it just depends on like how much stronger you want to make it. Really kind of determine what magnitude it is. That would determine how much. How hard it was to cast it and how long.
Speaker B: Holy bullets.
Speaker A: I have some silver bullets. I still have a handful.
Speaker C: First, magic does pretty low damage.
Speaker B: Simple screw with you spells. Like because you do the splits, because your foot slides out too far. Trip or put your finger up so you can counter Those simple annoying things versus the ripping up a hole to bandwidth jumping in to avoid somebody finding you.
Speaker A: Yeah.
Speaker C: So like the cantrip stuff you could like make somebody slip or do more damage. Times the minor curse one like minus one to the targets. Next level.
Speaker B: Could you like force choke on?
Speaker C: That's probably a. Probably a first magnitude. Yeah, that's a D6 damage to victim. Like so that would probably be a higher level. That'd be a harder cast spell.
Speaker B: Like the creativity that we're left with.
Speaker C: Yep. But then you just have to determine how you cast it. There's a whole list of casting requirements that you pick from to make it reduce the arcane power. Because just a first magnitude starts at 5 arcane cost. You can get it down to 2 if you pick enough requirements. Yeah. So you guys get to the auditorium. Slogan across the lane. It just says stop right up. Behold the strangest and most fantastical collection of antiques the quest has to offer.
Speaker D: Yeah, we are good.
Speaker B: There's a two headed goat in the slime.
Speaker D: Remind you of the one.
Speaker C: Step in. So this place is also like pretty big. But no, as you're like walking through like the entrance there's a taxiderm like jackalo with red eyes. Red eyes. Then like on the next side there's like a vintage harmonica that says it belonged to a notorious album. You see a. And this other another like display through the entrance. It just says oh, behold these cursed artifacts.
Speaker B: I'd have to go with it. This is almost like the fruit show at the carnival.
Speaker C: It has like kind of has a bit of that vibe like going through this entrance. But then as you actually like get into like the inside this is kind of like in the. And like when you look at like the display that's like these cursed artifacts they just look like old stuff.
Speaker D: Like there's no perception. Trying to see if you want to.
Speaker C: Try like read on something that'd probably just be.
Speaker D: Jack would be more skeptical. Like if this is just old stuff and they say it's weird.
Speaker A: I guess I would if I was.
Speaker B: In office I would try to see.
Speaker A: If anything feels like. Like if I get the same vibe that I get when I'm in the presence of what's his name.
Speaker C: Yeah, just go ask him about all.
Speaker D: These and then you just go through saying that's fake.
Speaker A: That's fake. Why don't you give me.
Speaker C: Yeah, give me a. Actually what's your mind? Three.
Speaker A: Three sorcerer's.
Speaker C: Yeah. So as you kind of like reach out with your weird. You don't feel like any you don't get any sense of any kind of abnormal energies or anything off of them.
Speaker A: This is cross. I just go back over when I feel the ice. Go back over the door and be like, I'll wait here for you guys.
Speaker C: Oh, and you continue down the hall. The next, like, the next little exhibit through this entryway is. There's actually a really.
Speaker A: Oh, this is a big place.
Speaker C: Yeah, it's.
Speaker D: You're like.
Speaker C: This is just like. Yeah, this is just like, the entrance. They're, like, trying to, like, hype you up or whatever.
Speaker B: Look, there's a sign to the Grady grass.
Speaker A: I just keep trying to feel as I go through it.
Speaker B: I probably, too. After a while, it's like, is it really.
Speaker C: The next, like, thing on the entryway is this, like, beautifully, like, crafted clockwork like, prosthetic limb that actually looks like it's legit. And, like, the next thing is, like, a really old set of, like, antique tarot cards. Tarot cards with a bunch of weird symbols and stuff on it.
Speaker A: When you get to the army, look at you and say, with that, I could really get bullets out.
Speaker B: I don't know if I'm willing to sacrifice my arm to use it today.
Speaker A: Should have left that little vampire not my arm off.
Speaker B: I wonder what it's powered by.
Speaker A: I feel like I may have lost my arm in another life. It's a good question. Is so the person with his guidance.
Speaker C: No, this is, like, you're, like, like, walking through, and there's. There's other. There's other people, like, walking through into the. It's just the entrance of, like, this store trying to, like, get people interested, get ready to, like, spend money on.
Speaker A: Weird things on the cards and get vibes off the car.
Speaker C: This one's whisper active.
Speaker A: Look at you. Those are interesting.
Speaker B: Are these, like, all under glass, or can you.
Speaker C: Yeah, they're, like, there. You can't, like, you can't touch them, like, because it's like, the whole place is like, these are, like, billion. That's rare and. Exactly. I mean, the. The stuff that you like, even, like, the cursed item collection, whatever they were like, it was, like, old stuff. Like. Like, think, like, Egyptian or, like, like, kind of like that ancient of stuff. Like chunks of pottery and, like, hieroglyphs of. Or like, maybe little, like, idols. Other stuff.
Speaker B: So if you say the cards are.
Speaker A: Whispered to you, I. I just say.
Speaker B: What did they say?
Speaker A: They're the same. This is the same thing going through your mind that's going through my mind right now. Maybe.
Speaker C: I mean, literally.
Speaker A: Would I hear any word or just like in nondescript.
Speaker C: It's non descriptive and it's kind of like the. It's kind of the whispers that you like hear Norm, like consistently.
Speaker A: So is there a price tag on them? Because I don't know, is everything in here for purchase or is this just in New Zealand? No, they're actually.
Speaker C: Yeah, everything in here would have a price tag. Double check then. Can you get four credit ratings?
Speaker D: Whispering tarot.
Speaker A: What's that? Let me see.
Speaker D: You have whispering tarot because of what they do.
Speaker C: Yeah.
Speaker B: Let's see. It's mind and.
Speaker C: Well, no, because this has like the cost of things.
Speaker B: No, I was trying to figure out. Padre, pick up on.
Speaker C: Oh, what's your mind and sorcery.
Speaker B: Mind is two, sorcery is two. So I guess I do the same example.
Speaker C: All right, so you guys are both plus four.
Speaker B: Trying to try and figure out if. If you hear it. Do I hear it?
Speaker A: Yeah, I guess it depends on if it's like peculiar. Particular to my power being more about talking towards this.
Speaker B: Yeah.
Speaker A: And just faith sense or eager sense, which I need to flesh out what that looks like in the new system. But sticking with what I had before me.
Speaker C: I say, Audrey, you don't. They don't. They're not talking to you. You do get like a sense that there is like a touch of anwin in them.
Speaker B: What about the arm? The prosthetic ar.
Speaker C: To you because you don't have any like inventor crafting careers.
Speaker B: No, it just be.
Speaker C: It doesn't like it looks extreme. Like.
Speaker B: Yeah, it'd be cool as far as you can.
Speaker C: Yeah, as far as like it looks legit. Like it's probably on the level of like the clockwork pigeon just in like arm form.
Speaker A: If you could attach that just anywhere.
Speaker C: The third arm.
Speaker A: Exactly.
Speaker B: Come out the top of your head. Yeah. Goes on smaller your back so you've got an extra gun. You can have 33 pistols.
Speaker A: Yeah.
Speaker B: Or if it's got strong weird and it would turn itself into like a little cube or just chokes knives.
Speaker A: That's all it does. Streaming accurate.
Speaker C: Yeah. Like all that stuff that you've like seen walking in here seems overpriced. Like you'll need those credits rating of 6.
Speaker A: Well, that's, that's what I have, but that's a lot. I'm going have to make a deal with somebody later or something. Does it have any detail about him?
Speaker C: I say yeah, a little placard says like, says like ancient tarot cards from before the veil.
Speaker B: It might help Us find the spiders.
Speaker C: So they're. They're claiming to be like a thousand year old tarot cards.
Speaker A: I'm sure what they do, but it can't be good.
Speaker B: Questions you're asking.
Speaker A: What happen you have to talk to somebody about that. Or depending on how feisty he gets, it may be another decision.
Speaker B: Well, if it's in a lot of case, I could probably get to him.
Speaker A: Not making suggestions by the way.
Speaker D: Probably not in here.
Speaker C: Yep. And then as you like finish. That's like the last little display there. And then it like opens up into like.
Speaker D: Almost like.
Speaker C: Almost like a mall. So there's like. There's actually like three dealers in here.
Speaker B: But like an antique mall where it feels like you went to a yard sale and everybody has their own little cubicle.
Speaker C: Yeah, except this is like this one. These are actually like legit. Most of them. Most of the artifacts in here are legit. Besides like the cursed. They're just ancient stuff. But yeah, you see Blackheart bills, professors and mo kettle.
Speaker B: Do my coins feel a draw? They don't walk through here.
Speaker C: No.
Speaker B: Okay.
Speaker C: And then they also see that live seance with Madame and some. And then another little like booth over there claiming they get your spirit photographed. And then there's. And then there's like a little like theater area that says see the clockwork cowboy.
Speaker A: Wonder if he only has one arm.
Speaker B: That's what I thought too. Along with this. Feels like we've gone to Rome. Then we're going to talk to Madam Luna.
Speaker C: Yeah.
Speaker B: Although Audrey might be tempted. This is all he might go and say. Let's just tempt the fates and see what Madam Luna can do to point us in the right direction. If you don't fry our brain with him. You want to go with me somewhere? Madame Luna?
Speaker D: Before the one armed cowboy.
Speaker B: I mean the mechanical.
Speaker C: What?
Speaker A: I just sh. Okay.
Speaker B: How about you J. Go see Madam Luna and see if she can.
Speaker D: Sure.
Speaker B: See what sort of information she shares. See what kind and then check out the mechanic.
Speaker C: The cowboy.
Speaker D: That was good to me.
Speaker A: I was guessing my half arm.
Speaker D: That arm up too expensive to Hyper jar.
Speaker A: Would you want to replace your arm?
Speaker D: Add a second or third one.
Speaker B: Ask.
Speaker A: Look it up.
Speaker B: Imagine how to throw off your gun game. Oh no. That's how they wound down. Wait a minute. Let me wind that back up and start counting again.
Speaker A: Phantom 3 guns. Somehow there's just a fast thumb on that one.
Speaker C: So the three you guys are going down, but damn sure I'm mainly going.
Speaker A: To be entertained by him.
Speaker B: Yeah, I figure that should Be a really low credit rating requirement.
Speaker C: Oh yeah, that's.
Speaker A: You're in the cheap seats now.
Speaker C: Pretty much.
Speaker B: That's all he can do. I think he's got a credit reading of.
Speaker C: I think it's two.
Speaker A: He also have two? I think so.
Speaker C: Yeah. No, it's just that you only need a CR1. That's not. This is.
Speaker B: Yeah, he's got a credit too. 3 if it still counts for winning the fight.
Speaker C: Yeah, you earned enough money to bump you to three. So you're, you're. Your CR is three right now. It won't go down unless you like try and buy like a ton of. A ton of stuff I should say.
Speaker B: That's where she'll use the tarot cards.
Speaker D: From the case because then we can rob her somebody else.
Speaker C: You enter in and it's like a pretty. Like I'm pretty. It's dark in there and there's like little like up on the ceiling, there's like little like glowing like dots that kind of give like the twinkling of like star feel in there. And then there's like a table for several people could sit there so you guys can all sit there. And then like sitting at the table with her like in front of her as like a little crystal ball.
Speaker A: I.
Speaker C: See a not quite middle aged.
Speaker A: Asian.
Speaker C: Woman with a beehive updo that's like red blonde and her eyes actually are amethyst color so they kind of like almost glow in this room sometimes. I love rng. See as you like enter into the. The tent. She speaks with the accent of Tim Curry.
Speaker D: Wow. That the red alert one? Yeah, he's doing a Soviet. Yeah.
Speaker C: And the butler from Home Alone too.
Speaker B: I almost had to ask which movie?
Speaker C: You know Clue. Yeah.
Speaker A: Rocky Horror Picture Show.
Speaker C: But yeah, so it's almost like like the lady smokes too much air.
Speaker A: But she.
Speaker C: She just goes wild.
Speaker A: What can I do for you?
Speaker C: What would you like to know?
Speaker B: Some past and some future and hopefully they lead to the same place.
Speaker A: Watching the show.
Speaker B: I'll be kind of.
Speaker A: Cognizant though if I feel like she's touching the.
Speaker C: So yeah. She just asked you again. What do you want to know?
Speaker B: Let's go for the future.
Speaker A: Or is she asking for specifics?
Speaker C: Yeah, she is, buddy. The future of what.
Speaker B: I'm going young kid. He's like, what am I going to be when I grow up? I'm going to rule the world. Am I going to die young, poor and penniless?
Speaker C: Jesus goes, you don't need. You don't need me to Find those answers. You just need to live your life.
Speaker B: My fun true love.
Speaker A: I thought she's gonna say, you're already penniless. But no, you're here's here.
Speaker C: Three guys.
Speaker B: Always fond of ancient ruins. Will I ever find ancient ru. I mean, other than the city we're in.
Speaker A: But.
Speaker C: She'S like, if you look.
Speaker B: You know what? This is the cheapest reading I've ever had.
Speaker C: Well, you gotta ask a good question.
Speaker A: I just look at her and say, where's my sister? I get kind of serious, but a little bit almost accusing, sarcastic, like, kind of tell me something real.
Speaker C: So when you do that, she stares. Like, she locks eyes at you directly, and then her eyes actually start to glow a little bit and the orb, like, lights up and she goes, the Land of Shadow.
Speaker A: I see. Now we're talking. Ask the woman a question, and I flip her whatever coin that she's due.
Speaker B: Andre's almost expecting, like a general. He's not sure what to expect.
Speaker D: You're quiet.
Speaker A: You flips another coin and says, is she alive or is she something else?
Speaker C: She pauses, like. And then you can see, like her eyes, like, defocus. And that orb, like, glows bright gold. She says, for now, I may be short.
Speaker B: Audrey's fascinated with this line of questions. Like, so how do we get to it?
Speaker D: I flip for another coin.
Speaker B: So how do we savor?
Speaker C: She doesn't need to find a door or someone that can open the door. The Shadowlands.
Speaker A: Couple coins to see what's the name.
Speaker C: Well, so, like, she knows somebody.
Speaker A: That can open the door.
Speaker C: So she got. She just goes that. You need to be specific.
Speaker A: The name, like the name of somebody that could open the door. Like someone here.
Speaker C: I know of no one that can open the door.
Speaker A: Is there a door in the Great Library?
Speaker C: She says there's many doors in the Great Library, but don't lean to where you want go. Or they don't lead to the Shadow Lane.
Speaker A: Questions?
Speaker B: Well, I can help you out with one.
Speaker A: And then it's like, physically not, will.
Speaker B: I find all the coins I'm looking for? Where will I find the coins?
Speaker C: What points?
Speaker B: See, at this point, Audrey's not quite sure how much, so he kind of.
Speaker A: Looks back and forth before you say anything else, like, excuse me.
Speaker B: Really old rare coins. I'm working on the collection.
Speaker C: Not specific, no.
Speaker B: I find the gods, or will the gods find me?
Speaker C: They already have.
Speaker B: Will we be friends?
Speaker C: Not depend on you? Actually, no. When you ask if the gods are. Because he already speaked in the nook.
Speaker A: She'S Good.
Speaker B: What plans does Nanook have for me?
Speaker C: That's his business. Or their business. Yeah. So he just goes, that's their business.
Speaker B: Short of going to the wilds, how.
Speaker A: Would I communicate with my neck?
Speaker C: So do you already know how now she feels? You already know. You already know what you need to know to do that, or you already know where you need to go.
Speaker B: You know it's not going to do that without a long drive.
Speaker C: Suppose your friends are fast.
Speaker A: What's this place called again?
Speaker C: Fortress of Light. And you're currently in the great bazaar at the auditorium.
Speaker B: If Audrey asked a general, like, just life question, would it not be specific enough?
Speaker C: That's been like your.
Speaker B: She's kind of scared. He doesn't want to provide too much information.
Speaker C: She's only answered specific questions. Or the general questions that are like, you can find that out. Like you already know that answer or like, you can already. You can just find that out by looting. She would say, I guess too. If you're asking about the future, she's like, the future is in flux. I deal with the now. Or should even be. Like, there's. There's too many threads for the future.
Speaker B: What signs or portents should I keep.
Speaker C: An eye out for? She would, like, in relation to what.
Speaker B: What's going to kill me or what's going to guide me to success in what I want to do?
Speaker C: She's. Yeah, she's like, keep an eye out for.
Speaker B: Something. What sort of guide?
Speaker C: Actually, when you ask if someone, like, someone's going to kill you, she actually turns and looks at Jacques and just says, otis. And Jacques. You would know that name. So you would know Otis is one of the hunters for stable and sinew that chases oath breakers. Download.
Speaker A: Okay.
Speaker B: That's my spirit animal.
Speaker A: I know.
Speaker B: It's a mechanical bird.
Speaker D: Better.
Speaker B: It's going to be some creature from Anwin that we haven't seen yet.
Speaker C: Yep.
Speaker D: It doesn't make sense.
Speaker A: Yeah.
Speaker D: Excellence.
Speaker B: So he tries to figure out something specific that's going to help him in the future without giving away the bank.
Speaker C: She did.
Speaker A: She.
Speaker C: If you wish to know, like, answers to your spiritual questions, whatever. You should just go talk to the priest. Yep. Talk to Adler. Talk. Adler. Talk.
Speaker B: Adler.
Speaker C: Hot or talk.
Speaker B: Where will I find the best guidance.
Speaker A: For life.
Speaker C: Asking the big question.
Speaker B: Crappy's gone. It's like.
Speaker A: She's like, that's your mom, son. Yeah.
Speaker B: Go home.
Speaker C: When you ask, say that she just says Mithras that for a bit.
Speaker B: John, you got any other questions? I get up.
Speaker C: Jacques is looking for him. Like, put out three coins on the.
Speaker A: Table sitting in front of her thighs, went forward and I say, where's the nearest door of the Shadow?
Speaker C: She knows Twilight Wild's north of here.
Speaker A: How do I open it?
Speaker C: It's already open.
Speaker A: YouTube. SL. Last one. What I do? What do I need to survive in the shadow?
Speaker C: She, like, looks like at all three of you. And she just goes, your wits and your powers.
Speaker A: Well, we're in trouble. Let's go. Oh, stand up. How old is this lady?
Speaker C: She looks 30. Are they older than that? No.
Speaker A: I actually go around the table and put my hand up to, like, ask her to stand up for a second.
Speaker C: She stands up and when she stands up, she's. Because you're what, like six foot? Yeah. And she's almost as tall. She's like five.
Speaker A: I just give her a hug. Just saying thank you.
Speaker B: Audrey starts to walk out. He goes, wait, one more question. Should I search for a patron?
Speaker A: I could tell you that question.
Speaker C: She goes, if you wish to use your power without corrupting your flesh.
Speaker D: Beg for that.
Speaker B: Okay, I got something you can work with.
Speaker A: Interesting. One more question.
Speaker B: What do I need the most right now?
Speaker C: What is the.
Speaker B: Yeah, you in Audrey just laugh.
Speaker A: I flip her a bigger coin. Just, just before I walk out, though, I just say, zest Ax. Is he my enemy or my.
Speaker C: Neither. And that's your perspective?
Speaker A: Sure.
Speaker C: See, I guess also since he specifically said name two, she says, be wary of. And when natives.
Speaker A: Say you too.
Speaker C: She just goes, mithras protects me.
Speaker A: In the shadows.
Speaker C: She says shadows have a hard time against the light. She says. She says that shadows fear in the light.
Speaker A: I was looking like, are you a. Some kind of Herald of Mithras or servant? Yeah.
Speaker C: She goes, I'm a true follower.
Speaker A: How does one become a true follower?
Speaker C: Because you need their blessing.
Speaker A: Mostly I just want my sister back, so I don't know how much they take me. Sure sounds like something against the darkness. Thank you.
Speaker C: When you say you not sure if they would, like, take you, he just. She goes, serve the light, heal and tell the truth.
Speaker A: Well, I got the healing part pretty well down. The other two I could do some improvement on.
Speaker D: Help me out.
Speaker C: And then also, like, seek to improve yourself.
Speaker B: I don't know. I think you're getting better. You tell grown on me or have I grown on you?
Speaker D: My people.
Speaker A: So is there like a sign up place to get your power in the light? No disrespect, man, no.
Speaker C: She goes, not since the Trinity bound to. Mistress.
Speaker A: How'd you become a. I was about to Ask that question. I don't think I have enough money for that question.
Speaker B: Never ask a woman how old she is.
Speaker A: That's fair.
Speaker B: See, I'm getting wiser already.
Speaker A: Predictions already coming true. Just tip my hat. So this has been a pleasure. I wish you could fortune with a little chuckle.
Speaker C: I appreciate good questions.
Speaker A: If I free my sister I'll have her to this again.
Speaker C: Good luck and may the light nearby.
Speaker A: I can figure it out.
Speaker C: She also I guess too I guess you're as you like walk out too says fight the shadow and the light will find you.
Speaker A: That probably won't be a problem especially hanging out with these two.
Speaker B: He's not quite sure how to take that.
Speaker A: It just seems to have a knack of friendliness.
Speaker C: It's a drop and it's like he's been quiet.
Speaker D: Taking it all in.
Speaker C: Really have a question you'd like answered?
Speaker B: No more medals in the earth. Would you know of elderly I'd ask if.
Speaker A: Yeah that's a good clarification there. Like oh there's all sorts of not.
Speaker D: Living in fact the church.
Speaker C: Yeah serious say that.
Speaker B: How long can you tread water.
Speaker C: Chuckle and say longer than you can live? No see it said in the mountains but also look for Lightning Norris.
Speaker D: Lightning Norris.
Speaker B: Is that a person or a place?
Speaker A: A person. Sydney, you live here?
Speaker B: What was the name of that prospector that we ran into that got picked up in the dust devil?
Speaker C: It wasn't bad. It was like Ben or Rex or something. Yeah.
Speaker A: These are my other sheets. You know that's fun.
Speaker C: Oh.
Speaker D: I don't remember that guy's name.
Speaker C: Oh that's the barber surgery that's in my notes somewhere so I'm sure. Oh yeah. What's the your question of do they live here? Yep. Innovators hope.
Speaker A: Cool.
Speaker B: Imagine how that would go over. I'm looking for more of these coins.
Speaker A: Yeah. I don't know how dangerous to show off but if somebody wants your head for him.
Speaker D: Yeah well say about asking those pillars because she's mistress think that other guy.
Speaker C: Wants to destroy m. He definitely wants to.
Speaker A: Yep.
Speaker B: Hey what about these pillars And I caught the urge to ask specific on that too.
Speaker C: Always come back or we just. We'll just buy stuff pick up here tomorrow. So did we? Yes we could but did we learn something new and important about the world?
Speaker D: I know general information.
Speaker C: Wind riders, wind drivers.
Speaker A: That's true.
Speaker D: And we just got to this place.
Speaker B: Does this count as RP or is it xp? Xp?
Speaker C: Oh these are. These are our. These are RP plugs.
Speaker D: We only get XP Yeah we only get XP afternoon.
Speaker C: Yeah I'll. I'll think on that too. Cool. You guys can also use your RP Divide xk. I know. I'll print some of that stuff out and also I'm gonna have to for.
Speaker D: Some of the stuff. Yeah I'm getting that.
Speaker C: I wouldn't see it like two yeah did we overcome a notable monster.
Speaker A: Just train rock though and takes a little.
Speaker D: Bit you1 shot a lot of them.
Speaker C: Do we loot a male driver?
Speaker A: I don't think so.
Speaker B: No no the tarot cards are still in the cave.
Speaker D: Yeah.
Speaker C: Okay. Solid problem without violence.
Speaker A: I did yeah found a bunch of stuff about my system.
Speaker B: The guy was gonna loot me and I told him.
Speaker C: To make a decision I thought maybe.
Speaker D: Trying to appeal film.
Speaker C: You always kind of because too like in this system you guys are like supposed to be like heroes and you're not you're better than the like you're actually more durable than the average person has one to three hit points.
Speaker A: Yeah. The traditional DND one hit die.
Speaker C: Yeah. Basically towns per yeah.
Speaker D: No my thought about this city being like what Are you guys sure you want to do this?
Speaker A: I'll bring that in my Reddit DND threads where it's like somebody does some spelling town and ends up accidentally killing like five bystanders.
Speaker C: Let's see low lights or highlights.
Speaker A: Really bad. So that was a highlight which is.
Speaker D: You quick.
Speaker C: Any new long term goals.
Speaker B: Go in the shadow game.
Speaker A: Yeah. Because I need to go to Sorry.
Speaker C: That was the Twilight Shadowland. Oh the Twilight Wilds is yeah. Where the door where the door is.
Speaker B: Unless there's like hidden altars or something. If nanook had followers over a larger area and then after anyone got open just pushed back. So there might be old ruins that way.
Speaker C: Oh let's see. Oh yeah. So new no no.
Speaker A: I guess but pretty much.
Speaker B: You want to guide.
Speaker C: This next session.
Speaker D: I'm really just looking for information north storm walking around.
Speaker A: Yeah.
Speaker B: Weapons nor got fine light. Yeah.
Speaker A: We get you some pistols or at least one they have recoil though they yeah So I think if you're fanning yeah.
Speaker C: The fanning is what when the recoil kicks in so if you like empty your thing. It does but you're I think gunslinger specifically used their career to reduce fanning the recoil.
Speaker B: Warranty.
Speaker A: Well D6H yeah. Then we can take a little bit during the big stuff.
Speaker C: So next session probably shopping and info.
Speaker D: Far as I know.
Speaker A: Yeah.
Speaker B: How hard would it be to find just a little chun of piece of.
Speaker A: Mild even if it was like a Trinket shop, right? Like. Yeah, a ring or something. So you can like use it as an anchor.
Speaker B: Well then it could be put on that.
Speaker A: Yeah. Go to a jewelry shop and see if they've got some, you know, the end of a cane or something. Like we wouldn't have to buy it. You just have to touch it on there once and it's permanently on there, right?
Speaker C: No, it just shows. As long as it's touching it shows.
Speaker D: But come on.
Speaker A: Five finger discount and the warriors enclave.
Speaker C: Yeah.
Speaker B: Pop the gem out. That's pretty cool, right?
Speaker A: Go, go drink some ale. Yeah, do that Pale Rider Ale.
Speaker D: Probably see what that's about.
Speaker A: Find out. It's like what they are writers. They all love like Pam's beer.
Speaker C: It's like it's not alcoholic.
Speaker D: Yeah.
Speaker A: Light non alcoholic beer. Just.
Speaker D: Just water.
Speaker A: It's actually just a form of fermented urine from their. Well from their dragon flies. That's what they drink.
Speaker B: So this is like the twisted version of the Berserkers where somebody eats the mushroom and then somebody drinks the pizza mushrooms.
Speaker C: So they.
Speaker A: Yes.
Speaker D: What a time.
Speaker B: So for xp, is it two every night or will you let us know when we finish an art to the.
Speaker C: Yeah, that's basically with this system. It's supposed to be with after each adventure. So. So probably.
Speaker B: See I don't know if the train counts was an adventure.
Speaker C: Right. It probably. I'll probably. You guys will probably get 2 XP when you leave here. Okay. And start like the next one. And I'm. And that's like too. It's like balancing that out.
Speaker D: Doing projects too.
Speaker A: Yeah.
Speaker C: You guys need down time to do projects. It takes like a week to do a project. Yeah.
Speaker D: Like a basic one.
Speaker C: You need a week of downtime. So you can sit here for a week if you want. Because I'll print out to the. What's at all the districts because there's a. There's a lot of info here.
Speaker A: Yeah. At some point because they have the downtime thing I'd like to be able to create some stuff. It'd probably be either like a healing thing or maybe more likely it'd be like a stimulant. Like because we like ride the trail all the time. So it'd be like I have stuff to be like, oh, everybody needs to stay awake like stem pills or a little stimulant that you can do to like stay up all night or something that gives you either insurance or like owns, you know, mind or initiative or something.
Speaker D: Yeah.
Speaker A: So I want to make something like.
Speaker B: That during my downtime this this like.
Speaker C: And taste funny no and this is a good place to do all that.
Speaker D: Stuff yeah this might be a hub for a while that we come back here to do project yeah think about.
Speaker C: What you can make together oh yeah.
Speaker A: I can probably make stuff that you.
Speaker C: Can like launch and I have like I've built some stuff and like set story stuff in both and it's like I want to tell you guys as players but I want you guys to like find it out so I know it's like going on now this weekend I had some inspiration so I'm supposed.
Speaker A: To I have to go on a trip for work actually going to be to London never been yeah that new company that I'm signing with is in London and we're going to get a team kind of kick off together which is cool but I don't know all the details yet but it'll probably be like a couple weeks if I do that that's.