Table of Contents

Savacola (Weird West)


“A pastiche of Western tropes and psychedelic supernatural, this make-believe film will be about weird and strange monster-slayers in a fictional, alternate-universe, America-esque Old West; Using their powers to save the day, while hoping and praying they don’t succumb to the supernatural themselves. Think Django Unchained meets The X-Files. The Good, The Bad and The Ugly meets Supernatural. Wild Wild West meets Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Werewolves kill cattle, outlaws fight off Vampires, technology is strange, and the world is… weird” - Weird Weird West

Hunt Showdown

Lovecraft horror

Music →


Weird West. Technology level 1860s Earth. Humans and monsters. Tropical Planet.

The year is 1866, ten years after witches breached the veil opening the world to creatures of darkness. Many have been touched by the dark powers that infest Savacola and you are one of them. Will you choose to fight the darkness or to spread it?

Those touched by the weird are seen as others, similar to how Native Americans, Chinese's, Africans, etc were treated in America during the wild west.

The World



Territory Relationships: Google Sheet



Cast of Characters

Campaign 1

  • Doc
  • Jaq
  • Odri

Notable NPCs

Campaign 1

  • Ramseys
  • Emil
  • Madame Luna
  • Zastak
  • Or'Zean
  • Nora