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2024.12.07 - Frontier Scum

Adventure Summary

Train Heist south of Tornwater in Grimwater

The Coyote Crew, the players, were hired by Sable & Sinew Trading Co. to kidnap Maria Cherry for ransom.

Players lose if they don't get her off the train before sessions end.


Frontier Scum


  • Jacob (GM)
  • Nick
  • Steve

Recorded Audio

AI Transcription

Speaker A: Stop praying and praying.

Speaker B: And then after that one, we're going like every other week. They're halfway through this other one. One of them traveled. He's doing a fighter and he came with like his. His mentor, gunslinger buddy, and he's sick. So I was looking through and I don't know how much you know about like silkies. It's more British lore. Okay, well, basically, supposedly they can come out, they can take off the. The seal skin. And they look like a human and they're very good with medicine. So I was like, something weird. All right, let's have a silky. And she's lost her skin. It's hidden. And she's been forced to move out of the city because they're in a port cigarette. So they've made it to the farm where those healers at. And they had to find the skin. One of them took the weird where if you touch an animal and you can command it. And what I've done is all the. The animals that you hear about thousand years. So like the polar grizzlars and, and whatnot. And the koi, the wolf, coyote mixes. Well, they're on a cliff, they're fighting this koi grizzly. And every time he wants to touch animal, tell it what to do, I have him roll to see if he can get out there. The danger roll.

Speaker C: Yeah.

Speaker B: And he tells it, you're not going to eat us and you're going to give us a ride to the farm. Okay. So they write it down, they get there, and by this time the bear can smell the animals in the barn and everything else. Yeah, they get off. It's like the bear's going to the barn. No, gotta stop them. So they open up fire and they're taking damage from this great big polar grizzly. And then the hunter that lives there, the helmet comes out. Buffalo rifle ends it. Long range. So that's where they're at right now. One of them's talked to the healer and she's like, don't show this to anybody. You keep it safe. So I think what I'm gonna do is have her slip away from the farm. I don't know if she's gonna leave a note or whatnot. He's gonna be the jealous type to come after to get a chase. And I'm thinking of giving two routes. Either go back through the. The outpost towards town the way they came, or they cut off and go cross country trying to shake him off. And I found old legends, Indian legends of the Nimigor. I'm just Calling them nannies.

Speaker A: Yeah.

Speaker B: Which are like these pygmy hunters that use poison darts and they're cannibals.

Speaker A: All right.

Speaker B: So I think I'll have them come across the old road where the cars. They're living in, like rusted out cars.

Speaker A: Yeah, Nice.

Speaker B: And see what they do when they come across that they ran into Bandit. So they've heard the name, but I don't think they know what it is yet. So. So far so good. I have high hopes for this.

Speaker C: Yeah. Yeah. I had. Paul did make a guy. Two people. You have the character creation stuff in use that way?

Speaker B: Yeah.

Speaker C: Okay.

Speaker B: I printed out just the character creation.

Speaker A: Okay.

Speaker C: So that all.

Speaker B: So I've got five pages. I left out the you gotta carry it page because I figured guns were more important than rolling on what my horse could carry.

Speaker C: That's fine. And I'll print your copy.

Speaker B: So 3D66. Scroll through six sided dice twice.

Speaker C: Oh, the character. I'll be walking through it too. So I'm building two of the guys that you guys will be okay.

Speaker B: A lot of it made sense.

Speaker C: Yeah. So let's say.

Speaker B: Yeah, I mean, it's very similar to what we've been doing with Weird West.

Speaker C: Yeah.

Speaker B: Four stats. They've changed.

Speaker C: Those are all for you, Torah.

Speaker A: More coming out.

Speaker C: Good.

Speaker A: I don't know what it.

Speaker C: Yeah.

Speaker B: They renamed the.

Speaker C: Should have printed like five sheets or something like that. I think I'm actually one here. Outlaw. You are outlaw scum. I missed that one. I say something.

Speaker A: Carry your weight to the.

Speaker C: Yeah. And then they'll walk in. Probably miss your almost.

Speaker A: And the nine things.

Speaker C: Carry your weight. Oh, yeah. I love how you roll D4 minus D4 for your portability. You can have negative.

Speaker B: Yeah.

Speaker C: I'm just gonna do one guy and then I'll go back and do the next guy.

Speaker A: We are forced at V. I think.

Speaker B: This is for someone to D4 since you got path, you know.

Speaker C: Yeah. No, I just need two. Let me decide which one you picked one to be there, the front die.

Speaker A: And the other one to do your back die. Add them together.

Speaker C: You subtract one from the other. That's why you pick one to be there. Well, this guy's scooped. Yeah. Like one of Paul's guys has a minus three and it's that zero grip. That'll probably be a lot of it.

Speaker A: Oh, this guy's slick. Oh, pain. These guys suck. 0 so far. Both 3 each time. This guy's been D6 plus here.

Speaker C: Grit hell. This guy's got 4hp.

Speaker A: This guy's toast. He has minus 3 widths.

Speaker B: I managed to keep it all 0 plus.

Speaker C: Red.

Speaker B: I rolled a 1 and 1 my.

Speaker A: Guys all zeros except for minus 3 width and 3 sons do anywhere.

Speaker C: I think V6 is the average damage. That's why I decided like to give you guys like a gang because after reading someone looking through some of that it's like onto this plus the gang will make more sense for. And then for your trait table which I guess is your outlaw scum. Yeah. So you get two D sixes and numbers together like 56. So what is this guy tell? Yeah, 56. Morals for sale. All right.

Speaker A: Your trait through outlaw scum page.

Speaker C: No, that's. That's the traits table. Page 14. So that probably they don't have page number.

Speaker A: It's not background.

Speaker C: No. Oh, there's a page 12 for first for names too. Yeah.

Speaker B: So it's you roll 2D6 kind of like keeping the score. And one row is one through six. The second is one through six. So kill the bar at Harris Scarum bad.

Speaker C: This guy's name.

Speaker A: These are your traits are on the outlaw stone, please.

Speaker C: Probably in that middle box. You can put on there big box if you want Wanted for catalytic sal.

Speaker B: Guess it depends on how I went about it.

Speaker C: Printing you a name page too tomorrow.

Speaker B: Yeah.

Speaker C: Understand get there. I'm rolling up my guy's name but.

Speaker A: He'S not having page numbers.

Speaker C: Yeah, you should write them down if you want that Name page is 12.

Speaker A: Makes it hard to know which one's which.

Speaker C: Well, some we have page number. So the rules one is 13, that one's 12. And the rules sheet is 13. The out your outlaw scum is 14. Then wanted is 15.

Speaker A: Want is the one with the dude on.

Speaker C: Yes.

Speaker A: Yeah, yeah.

Speaker C: On 2D12, that's 15. Then backgrounds is 16. Which it actually has the page number at the very top left.

Speaker B: There'S 12. So I'm figuring you're all in D12 or two D6.

Speaker A: Background 16. 17 is background. Oh yeah. Now we're getting something.

Speaker C: Yeah. Bonus item.

Speaker A: No, that has a page. I think they all have them except for the wanted and wanted their name.

Speaker C: Dead bird, huh? What a great name.

Speaker B: Sounds like a guy on his way to rickets.

Speaker A: For the wanted. Do you do both 2D12 and you pick.

Speaker C: Yeah, you can do 2D12 or you just do 12 and it's one. So you're wanted. You're for the crime of. And then. And then the other thing is like your.

Speaker A: What you actually did.

Speaker C: Yeah.

Speaker B: So the first one you could be you're. You're wanted for wanton.

Speaker C: Yeah, like, this guy's wanted for casual robbery.

Speaker B: Attempted explosion. Which is interesting because when I roll for backgrounds, I got a discharge Deputy.

Speaker A: My guy wanted for accidental. Accidental explosions. How you do that?

Speaker B: Misunderstanding, Joe. They put all that money in the pizza box. I ordered pepperoni and I got 115 change.

Speaker A: Cool. Lost 46.

Speaker C: Oh, for.

Speaker A: Do you just do one?

Speaker C: It's 2D. So. Yeah. So you.

Speaker A: Where then?

Speaker C: Yeah, so you do like 2D.

Speaker A: Like, I got mystery, mysterious, pass. And then I roll again on.

Speaker C: Yeah. And just. And then it show. And that's like an extra item or something. That. Or something about your guy. Like, my guy has piercing. Like, this dude has piercing eyes.

Speaker A: Always r their parents.

Speaker C: The D. The face of the group. Accidental. What is this guy? What's his background?

Speaker B: Okay, so you roll on your class to get your skill earned by Donald Blank. Then do you go to the bonus skills? Definitely. Well, to see what your skill is.

Speaker C: All right. Yeah. Well, let me see here.

Speaker A: Roll.

Speaker C: See. Oh, wait. Yeah. So I guess your skin. Yeah, my skill was gained by slacking off in the manure pits. In the manure pit.

Speaker A: So you roll your background and then you roll the D6 to see what skill you.

Speaker C: Well, it's the story of how your skill gained by, I believe. And then you go down to the skill list. Or it's a skill gained by.

Speaker B: I think that's something I didn't know. Is there a list of basic skills or is it all bonus skills?

Speaker C: Yeah, these ones might be. Let's see, twice. For your starting. For example, skills, see page 18, which I guess is the bonus. So you just basically, like, make up someone.

Speaker B: Okay, so you roll. I got this skill by not sharing my bribes. And I make up a skill.

Speaker C: Yeah. So my guy's great. This guy can be good at shoveling, actually.

Speaker A: Like, I got a factory cog in my background.

Speaker C: Yeah.

Speaker A: When I rolled a one. And his skill learned from it. Getting stuck between gears. I was like, that's. That's my guy's skill.

Speaker C: He learned a skill from getting stuck between the gears. So contortion. Like maybe you can, like, squeeze.

Speaker A: You just make that up.

Speaker C: Yeah.

Speaker A: Okay.

Speaker C: Yeah. So you just gotta make.

Speaker A: Sending this.

Speaker C: Yeah.

Speaker A: He's skinny.

Speaker C: Could be. Could be skinny. Or he's contorted flexes. There you go. This big.

Speaker B: Making up skills, not sharing. Bribes taught me how to conceal items. Concealed goods. Arresting the sheriff taught me how to block or bluff.

Speaker A: Can you use those bonus items to get through here? Hold twice to get your starting I.

Speaker B: Think that might the bonus might come from the class because the drifter we roll twice on the bonus skills oh man. Sorry.

Speaker A: Bonus.

Speaker C: On your background I was not knowing it should be it might say something in the background or it's just what you start with because you do have nice like my cous guy has nice to have is which apparently he has a small wagon, an extra horse and a whip that's with his starting items. They're on the backgrounds.

Speaker B: Yeah well you have two you have.

Speaker C: The skill side factory called here though it's formatted different.

Speaker A: It's just catalog for yeah my rent.

Speaker B: I guess except for carrying all those.

Speaker C: In the pockets Pockets are your on your back or on your belt.

Speaker B: Like I've got a heavy wool coat for for starting item in a deputy badge and I'm not quite sure where to.

Speaker C: Put it on your horse I guess.

Speaker B: The coat would be on my back bad and pockets.

Speaker C: Also have a canteen.

Speaker B: Trinket wrestling without when outnumbered vote pity.

Speaker C: I need to roll the D10 for each one below zero.

Speaker A: Heck yeah.

Speaker B: I got 3D gym pills heal D4 GP but only when drunk yeah buddy.

Speaker C: Horse like sniffing.

Speaker A: Make sure it might.

Speaker C: Be lost in he probably should and you probably have to get your gun too.

Speaker A: I have get my gun.

Speaker C: Yeah she should have settled up gun. Okay let's see Wolver's Dolan horse.

Speaker B: Sister D twins.

Speaker A: Matter.

Speaker B: Becoming a functional alcoholic in this game.

Speaker C: I would just put it in your pockets right now but we're not going to worry about that because you can use your hat like you can have instead of getting taking damage you can elect to have your hat shut off. It's a D4. It's on the top of the big wantage she at the very top. Yeah this guy's be set by flea. Oh this guy negative 2 Brit yep yep.

Speaker A: This guy has a fat gun leg shotgun leg.

Speaker C: It's all a negative free slick. This dude's a bad time that was D4.

Speaker A: Damn.

Speaker C: Oh what is this dude. This guy is bad. No wonder he got discharged as a deputy all these long though. All your guys start with 1 8.

Speaker A: Okay.

Speaker B: One before for seeing if your horse was stolen is.

Speaker C: I don't even know like you're you're on a stolen like this horse is stolen I yeah that's just part of the start is your horse is stolen.

Speaker B: Ah you begin with the stolen horse 7 in my case like black man.

Speaker C: Yeah my guy's got a black mule also. Then the other guy has a gray donkey. He Also has another horse with a cart.

Speaker B: So how did you get an additional cart and horse?

Speaker C: That's I go as the ranch hand. Was his background. And that was one of the things you could roll. Cool. Which actually. Okay, that's fitting for what you guys.

Speaker B: See if you can put together another.

Speaker A: Oh, yeah. That sucks.

Speaker B: No, the bad part is I rolled two fours.

Speaker A: Zero.

Speaker B: It's like.

Speaker C: This guy has a long rifle.

Speaker B: I rode rolled more doubles.

Speaker A: Yes. That's been. I've been rolling so many double sixes.

Speaker C: 10 damage.

Speaker B: 4, 4, 4, 4. Now I got a 2. 1. So he's a little lucky.

Speaker C: Yeah. We'll be able to start. You guys are ready?

Speaker A: Yep.

Speaker B: We'll have a casual grave logging.

Speaker C: Lovely color, this hat. Or you could just do a random hat. I just did like black and brown hat. Just a cowboy hat. Wasn't gonna spend much time on that. But I'll definitely have to put together a character gems for these. Be pretty easy. I'm actually curious to see how this is actually gonna play.

Speaker A: I'm gonna be logged in.

Speaker C: Oh, I, I.

Speaker A: You little D20.

Speaker C: Yes. It's a D20 for everything. And then whatever damage for buckets you have. I don't know. I think that might just play out in the system. Does he have a 210 rewards?

Speaker A: But it doesn't say anywhere where you get that from that. No, but whatever.

Speaker C: No, it doesn't.

Speaker A: That's. We're gonna get these guys 210 silver. I guess I have like 10 bucks.

Speaker C: Yeah.

Speaker B: A lot of money.

Speaker C: Oh, total result. Oh, reward. Total result multiplied by 10. So whatever you rolled. What type of value for your D12. So you. You do just do roll two D12 and then times 10 and that's your. That's your reward. It's underneath the.

Speaker A: Gathering though.

Speaker C: This guy's only worth 90 silver. Oh, we just saw it. Yeah. I just learned it.

Speaker A: Had rewards on.

Speaker B: Do what?

Speaker A: That's 2d12 and then add that times.

Speaker C: 10 and that's how much they're worth.

Speaker A: Nice.

Speaker C: Wonder how he got so high.

Speaker A: 210.

Speaker C: Yeah, that's too high. That's impossible.

Speaker A: And if he just added them like one with this.

Speaker B: Those are D12s.

Speaker C: Well, I guess he could get 210. It would be like 1010. Yeah. Or 11. 10. 11. Yeah. See?

Speaker A: 130 and 150.

Speaker C: 190.

Speaker B: But their crimes are pretty meh.

Speaker C: Yeah. That's my guy. He's like one guy is casual theft and the other guy is like casual robbery.

Speaker A: Wants and wrestling. Whatever. Wrestling Made the last hon. Earthly hunger and a shotgun leg.

Speaker B: Remind me never to play cards with your. You never know what's being pointed at me.

Speaker A: How many discharge deputies do we have?

Speaker C: One of my guys is.

Speaker A: I have one.

Speaker B: I got one.

Speaker C: That's pretty funny.

Speaker A: Oh, I had to reroll in the career or like a couple of them. Think of being the same ones I just made. I was just rerolling it. I want something different. Yeah, the same stuff.

Speaker C: Okay, good.

Speaker B: Come up with some really colorful characters.

Speaker C: Yep.

Speaker B: Not that we didn't in the other system.

Speaker C: No, there's some neat things on here that I'll probably add into my. Add to my like, western character generation. Should I do rollies for me with D20s?

Speaker A: 11, 15.

Speaker C: All right, you want black or red? What are they signifying the character and cards? They're just a color. Oh, yeah. In black or red?

Speaker A: No, we'll go with black.

Speaker C: There's the. Also the four aces for your guys.

Speaker A: Which you can you have me ignore guys?

Speaker C: Yeah, you guys all should have four dudes, basically.

Speaker B: Oh, I've just made two and you gave me one.

Speaker A: Yeah.

Speaker C: And then you have another one from Paul.

Speaker B: Oh.

Speaker A: These are just aces for all our dudes.

Speaker B: Yeah, they all start with one.

Speaker C: Yep, they all have an ace. And then. Then Nick, why don't you name you number your guys one through four, and then Steve will do the five through eight. That'll just be when you're getting shot at. I'll just do a number. The wallet to pay out friction, of course.

Speaker A: Oh, that's fine. I don't know. My guys are Chicago. This guy more than my guy might.

Speaker C: Yeah, it's gonna be how much. It's just gonna come down. Like how much shooting happens and stuff like that.

Speaker B: Little randomizer numbers.

Speaker C: There you go. And that will also help you guys. Like saying, oh, I'm moving. Whatever I should do.

Speaker B: I got one guy with six gp. Everybody one with one.

Speaker C: Oh, and two with two. You guys got the guy with the card. That was one of the cards for me.

Speaker A: I don't see it.

Speaker C: It'll be listed. I think I brought it on his.

Speaker A: Horse.

Speaker B: Telling Venus 15.

Speaker C: Oh, maybe small part, remember? Oh, there it goes. No, I did write that. Small part something. What number?

Speaker A: Say two. Two.

Speaker B: Where did you get the. Oh, okay.

Speaker C: Oh, that was on one of them.

Speaker B: Yeah.

Speaker C: I don't know if I filled those out. 100 like how your powder is.

Speaker A: Yeah.

Speaker C: 100 supposed to be filled out with this.

Speaker B: I'm not sure on that one. You could be doing it right at this Point. I was like, wait a minute, I can put that in. Then I noticed Paul didn't have it either.

Speaker A: Yeah.

Speaker B: That'S strange.

Speaker C: Yeah, it's super dumb. And they have us. They have a server client set up, right? Yeah. All right, what numbers?

Speaker A: He's one.

Speaker C: Okay. All right, so one and two have wagons. That's funny. All right, so you guys got everything?

Speaker A: Yep. I think ready to go. Good enough.

Speaker C: Good enough.

Speaker B: I put a lot of love in something that's not gonna survive the night.

Speaker A: Yeah, like all these guys can get one shot.

Speaker C: See, you guys are all. All your guys are from the. Oh, you guys right here. The coyote crew. They were hired by Sable and Sinew Trading Company to kidnap Mary Cherry. That's. Or Maria Cherry.

Speaker B: Cherry works.

Speaker C: Yeah, that's true. That is on this train. You guys are riding up to a train.

Speaker A: Someone's dying. Just gonna try and get on that train.

Speaker C: So.

Speaker B: I could see him being a gambler, it's like, if this is where it is, I'm gonna go play a card game. Y'all catch up.

Speaker C: So the. The train is south of Torn Water and Grimwater, which Torn Water is the capital of Grimwater. And it's heading towards. To the capital. You're in between like two. Like, it's just. It just crossed over the southern river and there is a river to the north. So essentially you guys will have till 9 o'clock to accomplish your kidnapping or die trying, I guess, before you run out of land for your horses. So they keep up with the train or whatever. Yeah, it's a steam wagon. It's. Or a steam train. And it's got six cars attached to it. After the engine in full, you guys are brushing up on behind to the caboose. You do see one guard person in the back.

Speaker A: One of the guys has a rat rifle. That's it. Everyone else got shotgun and a revolver.

Speaker B: I almost took a long rifle, but I figured he's a gambler, he's not gonna have a rifle.

Speaker A: I just rolled.

Speaker C: One of the guys I made does have a long rifle, I think right.

Speaker A: Up to this guy looking out.

Speaker C: Yeah, he sees you. Like, he's got. He's got his gun up. So actually what we'll do is we'll just do this one to two.

Speaker B: They go first.

Speaker C: The enemy goes first. Yep. All right, so, yeah, so he's just going to actually. All right, he shoots at number eight. So this is a tough shot. So number eight, you do get to roll your D20 plus luck to see if you dodge.

Speaker B: No, I got zero luck. So five.

Speaker A: There goes the sack guy.

Speaker C: So yeah, so that was under a12.1 damage.

Speaker B: Oh, hit a repeating rifle. He hangs on. He's.

Speaker C: Actually. I guess what we'll do roll. Yeah, it's one damage, but you can roll a D6 and like even the guy odds of the horse if you want to do that. That's where you guys are all getting like. Everything's galloping. The trains.

Speaker A: Yeah, the horse has donkeys. One guy has a horse. Everyone.

Speaker B: I got one writing horse.

Speaker A: Yeah, I have one guy that writing.

Speaker B: So it was evens to the horse or odds to the horse.

Speaker C: Not at you. We'll just keep. We'll do that even to horse odds, dude. Okay.

Speaker B: In this case, the horse took it. They like watching duel. It doesn't like being part of.

Speaker C: All right, so you guys are up. So if you want we could. You could stick minifigs on there too and just for whatever. Yeah, you can just grab like eight if you want. That's true. I guess you could do green and green and gray. So you guys know who here?

Speaker A: Yeah.

Speaker B: Variety of. Some of them are mounted. Didn't notice that.

Speaker C: The top is one is. I could swap them if we don't want. The top four up here are. That's one to four and these are five to six.

Speaker B: You want to use the gray one. So go for parts with.

Speaker A: There mine and I miss.

Speaker B: And then go ahead and drop the. The green ones on the.

Speaker C: So yeah, on your turn you can move and do an action. And then shooting is. Well, this will all be tough shots. So they will be with slick.

Speaker A: Okay.

Speaker C: Because you're all writing just shooting at this guy that's in cover or trying to. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker A: I'm just writing down what miniatures are which.

Speaker C: Okay. Okay.

Speaker B: Considering the best shot is the guy with saw off shotgun. I just don't think I'm in range. No.

Speaker C: So you can move first. So.

Speaker B: Well, how close is a slow mule gonna get? 45.

Speaker C: So roll. So what we'll do is roll with your split. And you're a mule, so you'll need to beat a 12. And if you hit. If you get 12 or better, you'll be wherever you want to be. 20 minutes. Yeah, everything's D20 plus your slit. And you. You can do. You can do whatever you can. We can multi simultaneous this because if you're shooting at the guy, you just have to. Guns have range. You guys will be close to like pistols. So would you.

Speaker B: Seventeen.

Speaker C: All right. Yeah. So you can be. You can be wherever you want on this and actually, I'll just show this thing so you can see cart more. You can be anywhere you want and be alone here on the caboose.

Speaker B: Oh, if I could make it on the. The caboose.

Speaker C: Yeah. So if you want to ride up to it, that's number seven.

Speaker B: Yeah.

Speaker C: Okay. Yeah. You okay? Yeah. So are you jumping from your horse onto there, or are you just riding up next to it?

Speaker B: He probably jump on and then.

Speaker C: All right, open up. Then give me another slick. Yeah, let's do a dexterity thing. Just leave it at the.

Speaker B: Not one. Boom.

Speaker A: Everyone.

Speaker C: No, just. Actually, I think it's all players. Yeah. Not when everyone loses all their aces.

Speaker A: Can we get them back?

Speaker C: If you roll a nat 20, you can.

Speaker B: Can I use my ace to negate that?

Speaker C: Honest. No. The not one is the only time you can't use an ace.

Speaker A: One, three, and four are gonna ride up and try and get onto the.

Speaker C: All right, so then just roll. What horses are they? Actually, that's 1, 3, and 4. Number the types. Sorry.

Speaker A: Donkeys and racing horse.

Speaker C: Riding horse. Oh, just regular horse. One riding horse and the rest of the donkeys. All the donkeys need to beat at 12, and the horse just needs a.

Speaker A: Beat at D10.19 on 1.

Speaker C: Calling the guy with the wagon.

Speaker A: Yeah, the wagon.

Speaker B: Wow.

Speaker A: Oh, and that 20.

Speaker C: Oh, you're red, right?

Speaker A: Yes. Ugly numbers.

Speaker C: Yeah. We'll just say you have the aces you can use for whatever. It could be any money.

Speaker A: Then an 18.

Speaker C: Man.

Speaker A: It's gonna start later, actually.

Speaker C: You guys might as well just manage yourself. Yeah.

Speaker A: So those guys would have jumped up here.

Speaker C: Okay.

Speaker A: And then this guy would just stay alone. Fire support on the outside. Number two. All right.

Speaker C: So they're all your guys.

Speaker A: Yeah.

Speaker C: Up. See the car. Okay. No one was. No one.

Speaker A: No one's jumped yet.

Speaker C: Jumped yet. We'll just be in range to jump. So if you do. So we'll actually. What's that? Oh, yeah, that's true. Actually, keep all your aces because you did your. You did your movement. So you're actually four aces. Yeah. You have all your aces. So I don't. Yeah, because you could move and then I think attack basically changed double check.

Speaker B: And the other three would probably be writing up.

Speaker C: Yeah, you can. You can do the checks on them. Yeah, you can. I guess you can do an action. So that guy that went to go jump. Jump from his porch.

Speaker B: Twelve was the. The high for mules.

Speaker C: Pool.

Speaker B: Oh, they all made their. Their roles for ride.

Speaker C: Okay.

Speaker B: They got two riding horses and mix and two mules.

Speaker C: Okay. So everyone's up there.

Speaker A: Yeah.

Speaker C: All right, so I'll do moves. So you guys. So this will be. You can be anywhere on these carts, Wherever you want it, wherever you want to get to. On that.

Speaker A: Trying to get onto the train.

Speaker C: All right, so that wasn't. Let's say that's the move and then actions. Yeah. So if you want to try and jump, that will be slick.

Speaker A: Number one's gonna go abort. What do you have to beat?

Speaker C: No.

Speaker B: 12, 13, 14.

Speaker C: That's you guys. You're right there. All right, so then your horses. Yeah. Just rides off, Just leaves the train.

Speaker A: Yep.

Speaker C: You guys can, like, if all. Yeah, you can. Well, you can do this. This. It's a 12 you need to feed. So. So who got this mark?

Speaker A: He's number one.

Speaker C: So the guy that has a wagon.

Speaker A: Yeah. All right, so he doesn't need no wagon.

Speaker C: All right, so this falls back, you know. All right, so he's gone. All right, so one's on you if.

Speaker A: You want more like Dungeon World or. Was there actually an action opponent?

Speaker C: No, there's. It's one. You get a movement in an action.

Speaker A: Okay.

Speaker C: So if you guys. So I'll say all you guys rode up and did your moves. Now you can do your action. So you can shoot or. Or try to get on.

Speaker A: What is it? Number four is going to shoot.

Speaker C: Okay. All right.

Speaker A: What are you doing? Is it 12? Always 12?

Speaker C: Yeah. Let's speak. Well, right now, because you're riding, and the guy is kind of like your other dude is in the way. So it is a tough shot. There's stuff in the way.

Speaker A: So 12.

Speaker C: Yep. 12 or better. And you use your 4.

Speaker A: 15.

Speaker C: All right, roll up that damage on your shot.

Speaker A: Damn. 3 damage the shotgun that goes around next to the guy standing over. All right, so how does it hit anyone over here?

Speaker C: All right. Yeah, so the. The guard's like. He gets shot. Okay.

Speaker B: And then.

Speaker A: The other guy's gonna jump onto the carts as well.

Speaker B: For these four. Number five made it. Number six didn't. Number seven and eight made it.

Speaker C: All right, so you see, he goes to leap. Followed and just tumbled along the train. So he took four damage.

Speaker B: He's dead.

Speaker C: Number six is dead.

Speaker A: That happened fast.

Speaker B: Now, do I keep the AC head to start?

Speaker C: Yeah, we'll just. We'll keep aces. We'll just have. The aces are for the. For your party. Your party. Yeah, your party of guys. Your Gaggler dudes here. All right. All right.

Speaker A: And then my guy did not make the jump. He got a sick.

Speaker C: All right, who Is that number power strength? Number three eats dirt and takes three damage.

Speaker A: He dies.

Speaker C: Actually, no, we should do. You guys should do a grit check for landing. It's D20 plus grip. We'll say 12.

Speaker A: He still would have failed.

Speaker C: That's all right. You just roll it and we'll see.

Speaker B: Yeah, he's dead.

Speaker C: Okay.

Speaker A: Yep, he's dead.

Speaker B: Yeah.

Speaker C: Trampled by the horse.

Speaker A: Yeah. In between he gets.

Speaker B: Now part of the rails.

Speaker A: Yeah. He hits the ladder and then falls down and get ran over by the frame. Yeah.

Speaker C: All right.

Speaker A: All right.

Speaker C: Who wants to roll for a D6 new round.

Speaker A: Go for it. All right, you guys are up first.

Speaker C: If you're just shooting at him, just roll your damage. Because you guys, he's got. He's has nowhere to hide.

Speaker B: Six points. That's a sawed off shotgun. Both barrels.

Speaker C: All right, there.

Speaker B: There's no chance at that rate.

Speaker C: So sawed off with both four. Oh, did you roll your 2D four?

Speaker B: Yeah.

Speaker C: Okay.

Speaker B: That's how you got six.

Speaker C: Yep. He just gets cut in half. He's gone.

Speaker A: Get splattered. This guy gets splattered.

Speaker B: You just pepper it a little bit.

Speaker C: All right, that goes.

Speaker A: Number four is going to try for the jump.

Speaker C: All right.

Speaker A: 19 plus three. All right.

Speaker C: Makes it.

Speaker A: Then this guy with the cart. I'm just going to stay ready next.

Speaker B: Okay.

Speaker C: There are. There is a doors and windows. Yeah. Grab this.

Speaker A: I hope there's doors. Once we have to jump back onto our horses. No.

Speaker B: Then we're going over the top. We're running across the top of the car. So we find this person.

Speaker A: No more jumping.

Speaker B: And then I'm thinking we disconnect that.

Speaker C: Yeah.

Speaker B: And kind of run from there. All right.

Speaker C: There you go. Yeah. So you can kind of see in here. There's like tables and a stove. Is that the door is here. All right. What is it? What's two doing? He's a wagon man up here.

Speaker A: Yeah. Oh, I just see what he had.

Speaker C: If you want him to just keep.

Speaker A: Pace, he can just wait. No. 2's the lizard. They're windows.

Speaker C: Yes. That you do see windows down the whole side. So if you. So you can ride. So like you're keeping pace with this cart so you can go wherever you want down the side of the cart.

Speaker A: He would probably just ride along or maybe right up ahead to see if.

Speaker C: He can see if you want to go to the next cart. Then give me a. A check roll. And if he's got the dolphin, see.

Speaker B: If you can keep your cart moving that fast.

Speaker C: Well, yeah. This is to get up to the next car. You can keep pace with no real problems or pain.

Speaker A: Plus two.

Speaker C: All right, so you go to the next cart if you want.

Speaker A: Do I have up in the. In between them.

Speaker C: Okay. So when he. I'm just gonna.

Speaker A: And then he'll probably maybe jump in.

Speaker C: I'm just going to get rid of this stupid group. More problems for. Okay. Yeah. So as your guy is riding up to the ne, going by the next card, he does see another guard as you get up to this next card. So.

Speaker A: And he is he.

Speaker C: If you want again. Yeah. He's standing out. So if you want to shoot him as you go by, you can.

Speaker A: Sure, why not?

Speaker C: All right, this will be a. Actually, I still. Let's do 12. 12 plus the slit.

Speaker A: It's slick.

Speaker C: Yeah. The aim. Yeah. Shooting is a lot of slits.

Speaker A: Natural wool.

Speaker C: All your aces, you can just put them wherever you want. All your aces are toast. All right. See you, man.

Speaker A: Yeah.

Speaker C: Hustling by with your cart.

Speaker A: Pretend I'm just spinning my gun in the air and it went off. I'm not shooting at it.

Speaker B: Yee haw.

Speaker A: Yee ha.

Speaker C: All right. All right. Did all your guys move? No, no, no. You guys haven't moved yet. Sometimes.

Speaker A: Yeah.

Speaker B: My three are gonna go to the roof.

Speaker A: Yeah, I'll go through the car.

Speaker C: All right. You had any climb up on the roof?

Speaker A: Yeah, my guy will kick in the door because we all have shotguns. All right, you guys have shot.

Speaker C: You guys bust into the room. You don't see anybody. Yeah, this guy is four, and this guy is one, which, I mean, it doesn't really matter. I guess for you they're just placements.

Speaker A: Yeah, wherever. No, my guys would go through the caboose here.

Speaker C: All right, so all three of you guys are going to climb up the. Onto the roof of the caboose. Okay.

Speaker A: Splitting apart. Let's go.

Speaker C: Actually, I'll put them out here like this. Yeah.

Speaker B: It'S one of those things of. Let's just run and jump between the cars and see if we can.

Speaker C: Okay.

Speaker B: Then we can provide backup. If we jump down between here, we'll do this.

Speaker A: I'll make all the noise.

Speaker C: There. All right, you're on the. You're running down the roof.

Speaker B: As long as I don't have to worry about bullets coming up through the roof, life is good.

Speaker C: Yeah. All right. All right. Yeah. When you get up under. If you don't see them, I'll say you can get for this round. You'll get halfway across, and then I guess for your guys do you want to just keep moving in or.

Speaker A: Yeah, they keep moving in until they got up. All right, so where there was people.

Speaker C: Okay. You get. You'll get halfway because I don't. I didn't see any, like, movement, so I'm just gonna say around 30ft.

Speaker A: Okay.

Speaker C: All right. So this guy is. He's gonna run over here and try and shoot at you. So give me a D20 plus your luck for number two.

Speaker A: 15.

Speaker C: All right, so you duck. No bullets.

Speaker A: All right.

Speaker C: All right. Back to around. Another initiative again.

Speaker A: V6.

Speaker C: Yep.

Speaker A: One.

Speaker C: All right. Bad guys go first. So he's going to. This guy's gonna shoot at you. So at number 20.

Speaker A: 16.

Speaker C: All right. Your dog goes in here and yells at the.

Speaker A: As soon as he steps in, these guys are gonna shoot if they can. Unless that is something.

Speaker C: No, I say it'll just be a tough shot. So you'll need to do a D20 and B12 with your slave.

Speaker A: Who would shoot this guy shoot.

Speaker C: And then these.

Speaker A: Yeah, Number four will shoot.

Speaker C: People are getting out of bag uni. All right, that guy missed.

Speaker A: Good job, dunderhead.

Speaker B: Did they both fire or just one?

Speaker A: Just one.

Speaker B: Okay.

Speaker C: Yeah. So you see like, four, like, train engineer people get up.

Speaker A: Tell them we're not here to hurt you guys. We're just looking for Mary Cherry. Whatever.

Speaker C: That's why Mary Cherry works.

Speaker A: Talking.

Speaker C: No, they kind of like. And back up. Like, put their hands up. But then the. The guard guys, like, better not you.

Speaker A: Yelly bellies, you better help me here. So they're.

Speaker C: They're sort of conflicted now.

Speaker A: Number one would say, oh, we got ourselves a hero. And take a shot.

Speaker C: All right.

Speaker A: 15 plus.

Speaker C: That hits one that hits him. So roll your damage.

Speaker B: Five damage.

Speaker A: Headshot. Headshot of the shot. You.

Speaker B: Oh, I bet that ended the conflict. All the engineers out there.

Speaker C: All right. Yeah. So you can still. You can move if you want to move your guys.

Speaker A: Yeah, you guys would move up. Take the corners here, man.

Speaker C: Okay. All right. And then. Okay, so Steve, we're running the.

Speaker A: The rest you get here.

Speaker C: You want to jump for the next cur.

Speaker B: Probably take a peek over the edge. If there's nothing there, then.

Speaker C: Yeah, yeah, you would. You wouldn't see anything because the it over actually overhang. Like, you would just see like the.

Speaker B: Little one foot gap between your nerves.

Speaker C: Yeah, there'd be the gap, but then you, like. If you looked. Yeah, that's all you would see if you just looked over the roof. If you, like, got down and then looked under, you would see, like the little Area on the caboose where you guys were.

Speaker B: Yeah, they would hop it and keep going.

Speaker C: All right.

Speaker B: There's no way Mary's gonna be in that.

Speaker A: Yeah, that'll be a.

Speaker C: A slick with. Let's say that's a 10. Oh, no, give it eight. That's pretty straightforward.

Speaker A: Don't fall.

Speaker B: Oh, and that 20 and a 14. So the two of them definitely.

Speaker A: You get it hard.

Speaker B: And a 14.

Speaker A: You get an 8.

Speaker B: So all three of them.

Speaker C: All right, Austin guys, jump over, make it across.

Speaker A: Nice. Fall in between. Yeah, he's gone it.

Speaker C: And you could. Yeah. So you. You're able. You can shout at number two over there if you have to, but we'll say you're there. Now.

Speaker B: At least one of them would be looking back down where the window is just to provide cover if needed and to find out if. If there's any new information, like which car we headed to or. While the other two would. Would keep watch to make sure nobody else has come up on top.

Speaker C: So number two, all you see is, like, a box car. It just looks like it. Car for number two, the guy that's. Yeah, dude, that's right. AC Box car and then box car.

Speaker A: Yeah. I could go back and try and make the jump.

Speaker B: That's our getaway vehicle.

Speaker A: That's what you want?

Speaker B: Okay.

Speaker C: Yeah, you guys can, like, have, like, little, like, chat if you want.

Speaker A: Yeah, we'll see how that goes then. He'll stay riding with these guys right now.

Speaker C: Okay. Stay on this car.

Speaker B: We have to get out. We might all be jumping in the back of the car.

Speaker A: Yeah, we'll see how this goes up here.

Speaker C: All right. Yeah. So everyone moved into action. So. Yeah, so let's roll. Next round.

Speaker A: Your turn.

Speaker B: One. They're going first.

Speaker C: Yeah, go first.

Speaker A: Oh, who's going.

Speaker B: See if there's any engineers there with y.

Speaker C: The engineers all break. Run out the back. Law man goes, like, out the back here to, like, use the door for cover. And then we'll shoot at.

Speaker B: I thought he was dead.

Speaker C: No, he's still alive. He's wounded.

Speaker A: Yeah, that's why I kind of took cover behind, like, the side.

Speaker B: Oh, the one guy that's watching that back door, if he sees him come out, he cut shoot of. But he'll get his shot off first.

Speaker C: He shoots at number one. So we'll make this as straightforward because he's shooting from COVID and urine cover. So you just need to be eight or better.

Speaker A: Two.

Speaker C: All right, so you get shot. Oh, dang. He rolled a six. Steve's dead.

Speaker B: Boom.

Speaker A: One is. He stuck his head out.

Speaker C: All right.

Speaker A: Yeah.

Speaker C: All right.

Speaker A: One's gone.

Speaker C: Okay. All right. That's their turn. Yeah. So you would see. So, yeah, shooting down at him. That would be. That will be a. We'll make that a standard 12 because. Kind of angle is weird.

Speaker A: I got Tombstone.

Speaker C: Well, then I guess. Do you. Are any of your guys you. Oh, that. Yeah. That's his turn. So it's background to your guys, is to do accents. Turn.

Speaker A: Steve here.

Speaker B: Which one is this one?

Speaker C: Oh, that's number seven, according to me. So. All right.

Speaker B: No, that worked. That tells me which one I'm rolling against.

Speaker C: Yeah.

Speaker B: 19.

Speaker C: Yep, that's.

Speaker B: And that's the. The double shot off. So he gets peppered from on high with six.

Speaker C: Yep. He's dead. Blasted in the back because he wouldn't have heard you guys up there.

Speaker B: And then he like, this is Calum bad. He's happy Indian. He looks down there and he's like, where's Mary Cherry?

Speaker C: They. One of the engineers would shout back the. The passenger car as like, two cars up.

Speaker A: Good.

Speaker B: And then he disappeared.

Speaker C: And they're just like, leave us alone. Please.

Speaker B: Stay here.

Speaker A: Shoot us.

Speaker C: So we all learn we're not paying for this.

Speaker B: I'd wait for number two.

Speaker A: Number.

Speaker C: Yeah, Number two is wagon. And then four is inside.

Speaker A: That's good.

Speaker C: Yeah. So you would. Yeah. You'd hear the shotgun go off and the guy died.

Speaker A: Yeah.

Speaker B: You'd see the door just go red.

Speaker A: Number four is gonna grab the double barrel that was off. Yeah. And get rid of his rat rifle.

Speaker C: Okay.

Speaker A: And he's gonna come running through.

Speaker C: Okay.

Speaker A: And then ask the same question because he probably didn't hear him.

Speaker C: Yeah.

Speaker A: Oh, where's Mary Cherry? They'd be like, pass your car. Two cars off he goes. All right. And then he's gonna. If there's a door. He get to the next cart.

Speaker C: There actually wouldn't be here. Actually, let me double check. There might not be.

Speaker A: If it's a.

Speaker C: No, it's. There's a ladder.

Speaker A: Climb up.

Speaker B: We give you a hand up.

Speaker A: Yeah. Yeah.

Speaker C: I was gonna say you can climb up without any issues onto the roof up on the. Climb the ladder and even take that guy's w. Actually, no. Give me. Because you do have a little bit of a gap to jump. So give me a straightforward. So slick D8 is the better than 8:15. Okay. All right. Yeah. So you roll up because that would be interesting if you failed kill you this. You go under the train.

Speaker B: That's when you fall down. You.

Speaker A: You hope.

Speaker C: Yeah. Yeah, that would be another.

Speaker A: No sparks.

Speaker B: No sparks.

Speaker C: All right, move this up. Move it all the way to the end.

Speaker A: In the dust.

Speaker B: All righty.

Speaker A: Go running up. Yell it.

Speaker C: Yeah, I was gonna say you guys can just keep well at two.

Speaker A: That they're out two carts.

Speaker C: Okay. So you guys can just go running down.

Speaker A: Yeah.

Speaker C: And we just run if we want. So number two, he can keep pace with this one, but if he wants to get to the next part, he'll just keep pace. He can get to here.

Speaker A: Yeah. Then jump over to the next card.

Speaker C: All right. Give me a straightforward. So be an 8. 8 or better with your slick.

Speaker A: Good things. It actually has, like. That's not 13.

Speaker B: 19.

Speaker A: Yeah.

Speaker B: And 10.

Speaker C: All right, so nobody failed.

Speaker B: No.

Speaker C: All right.

Speaker A: This is just another cargo train.

Speaker C: Yeah. This would be a box car. Yeah. You just run down.

Speaker A: Yeah.

Speaker C: Does two want to go try and move to the next. Up to the next car as a 12?

Speaker A: Sure, why not? Any Swiss lake.

Speaker C: Yeah, me 13. Okay. So she's actually. They wouldn't.

Speaker B: And then watch it happen.

Speaker A: Yeah.

Speaker C: Well, yeah, I was gonna say the map's gonna move again because you're at the. Yeah, you will be back there again.

Speaker A: The movement. Dangish hustle. Yep.

Speaker C: There's no reason to lolly. Gagging, not fighting.

Speaker B: What are these?

Speaker C: Oh, yeah, those are the tokens. Yeah. So you guys are at the edge of the next part. Yeah. So when you, like, look down, you do have a ladder to climb down, but. Yeah, you do see, in this snare sheet. Let me get the. I'll get the route and move it. All right, so, yeah, you look down, and you, like, see this? Yeah. See, down here, you see there's a doors and windows. And then, of course, there's, like, a ladder.

Speaker A: Cover me. I'm going down the ladder and start climbing down the ladder. All right.

Speaker C: When you get to the bottom ladder to jump over, give me it. Eight. Eight or better.

Speaker A: I'm slick.

Speaker C: Yep.

Speaker B: I got two of my guys saying, why don't you go down with him? And the other going to the other end of the car.

Speaker C: So who made it? Was it number eight?

Speaker A: Number four. Number four down and jump.

Speaker C: Cool.

Speaker B: Superhero landing.

Speaker C: Yep. Climb down and, like, hop.

Speaker A: So, yeah.

Speaker C: All right, you're over.

Speaker A: Then peer in, like, go on the.

Speaker C: Side and peer in the window.

Speaker A: Yeah.

Speaker C: Okay. When you look in the window, you see, like, it's like a. A little, like, office. Nobody's appears. No one's. You don't see anyone in there.

Speaker A: And I'll wait. So.

Speaker C: Okay.

Speaker A: See if anyone else Comes down and I'll relay. I don't see anyone. Looks like an office.

Speaker B: Is there a door going through the rest of the car?

Speaker C: Yeah. Oh, for. Right here. He's right next to this white thing here is the door.

Speaker A: Can we actually see way up or is it like.

Speaker C: Yeah, you do. You do see there is a door. Like, it's a window. And then. Then like right next to the windows, a door, another door to like go into the car. And then your number two would see windows all down along the side of these carts. Along the side.

Speaker B: No riding.

Speaker A: Long and like. Like halfway. Or look down all the way up to halfway. If I can.

Speaker C: Oh, yeah. Give me the 12 roll. Yep.

Speaker A: 18.

Speaker C: All right, so you make it. Yeah.

Speaker A: Let's just imagine someone looking out and seeing this donkey and cart just like.

Speaker C: Well, it says a horse. So you have a horse and then there's like a donkey tied to it, which maybe you cut the donkey. Yeah. So I will say. Yeah, if you.

Speaker A: The donkey, then the cart just stand.

Speaker C: Yeah, that's why it's a 12. Yeah. Donkey would do.

Speaker A: The donkey just standing there.

Speaker B: The first car has got like the two front goes in and it's trying to get up.

Speaker C: Yeah. As you go by it right here, you see like, you see a. You briefly see a guard. Like a guard dressed dude. And you like, see him go like, wait, like, whipped over. Like, what did he just see? And then he, like. Then he rushes up to the window and looks out. And then you hear him shout something, but you don't know what. All right, there. The other guys on the roof, they staying or jumping down?

Speaker B: One would probably jump down. The other two would go to the other end of the car.

Speaker C: Okay. So I jump across. Okay.

Speaker A: Do we know what Cherry looks like?

Speaker C: Yeah, you would have given. She's short, like, not even 5 foot. He's like 4 11, late 30s.

Speaker A: Okay.

Speaker C: Emerald green eyes. Yeah. She has brown hair.

Speaker B: 14S. So the two that need to jump, they make the jump.

Speaker C: All right. Do you do specific numbers or.

Speaker B: Number seven and number eight.

Speaker C: Okay. So five climbed down. Yeah. Okay.

Speaker B: He's not feeling too great with all this drafty experience.

Speaker C: Okay. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. So let's keep trucking along, I guess, because there's actually not.

Speaker A: Four. We'll try the door.

Speaker C: Okay. Yeah. It opens.

Speaker A: You stand off to the side.

Speaker C: I'm going to move the route.

Speaker A: Guard.

Speaker B: Are they guards or are they passengers?

Speaker A: These are guards, I think.

Speaker C: Yeah. Yeah. So you like, pop your head in and. Yeah. You immediately you see like one guard down here, but you wouldn't see these guys on the side because this is, like, the wall here. And I guess that's just a toilet window. Hopefully there's a curtain. You immediately see one guy, like, you open the doors and see one guard, and I guess you'll. You'd see another guy, like, pop out, because this dude would shout. So. Yeah. So you immediately can see, like, two or three guys.

Speaker A: This is brutal.

Speaker B: Where's the flashbang when you need it?

Speaker A: Where's the final tear gas?

Speaker C: I'll also say, too, like, if there's like, some, like, minor equipment or something, like ropes or something, there would be, like, some guy. Like, there'd be some leeway for stuff you have because you knew what kind of had an idea of what you were doing. So. Okay. Yeah. So you see, I guess I think.

Speaker A: This guy, he stepped back and wait.

Speaker C: Like, just, like, peek and then look.

Speaker A: And wait and see.

Speaker C: Okay. All right. What's five doing? Is he gonna hide behind the wall, too, or.

Speaker B: Oh, yeah.

Speaker C: Okay.

Speaker B: No, he. She is not courageous in any sense of the word. He is all survival.

Speaker C: Okay. Yeah. And then what's two doing? Is he. I mean, you just said he was writing about halfway. I'll say, like. Yeah. As you're writing along, give me. Yeah. Wits or luck, and we'll just say a 10. 10 or better.

Speaker A: 13.

Speaker C: Okay. Yeah. So as you're writing past this window here, you spot a lady that matches your description of who you're after. Yeah. You ride by. So two is around here. Yeah. So you see the person that you're after.

Speaker B: Oh, this is the car that the engineer said she would be. Some of my guys would probably come down to this one and take a look, make sure it's clear, and then start in from the other side.

Speaker C: All right, so you guys just run down.

Speaker A: Yeah. And if we. If this guy could see up.

Speaker C: So what we'll do is. Yeah. While you're running down, they have two guys come rushing out. And since you're waiting, these roll. Both of you guys could roll damage on the first guy.

Speaker A: First guy.

Speaker C: Well, yeah, just roll your gun damage. As this guy comes rough. I assume he's blast. I want to see three.

Speaker A: Three as well.

Speaker C: Sorry. He gets shot twice.

Speaker A: Yeah.

Speaker C: And stumbles, but he's actually still up.

Speaker A: Shoot him again with another. My second barrel.

Speaker C: Oh, you have double barrels.

Speaker A: Honestly.

Speaker C: Yeah. You could just let it rip.

Speaker A: So five damage.

Speaker C: Okay. Yeah. So he's. He got annihilated by a double barrel, man.

Speaker A: Reload.

Speaker C: All right, so now let's roll.

Speaker B: I got A revolver. So if the guy comes out.

Speaker C: Yeah. Three. All right. So they're going to first hold on.

Speaker A: Your boot and a bear trap set it down.

Speaker C: That would have been funny.

Speaker A: Not about it. Yeah, it's probably pretty obvious.

Speaker B: Well based on the stats that we're dealing with.

Speaker C: All right, that's true.

Speaker B: Probably will work.

Speaker C: I'll say this guy runs into this room and then smashes out the window and goes to shoot at you. So you give me a luck and you'll need to 12 rebutt nat 20.

Speaker A: Oh, sorry. Yeah. Because you hear him breaking the glass.

Speaker C: Yeah, we broke the glass and try and it could see that.

Speaker B: Well thank you.

Speaker A: Should have the bear trap ready. So he sticks his hand out.

Speaker C: That would have been all right. Yeah. All right, you guys are up now.

Speaker A: I stepped through. All right. Go to the window and just double barrel. All right.

Speaker C: Let's see if it's roll your damage because he's right there.

Speaker A: Only three damage. Oh, turn.

Speaker C: Yeah, he's still. He's still there. All right. I say. Yeah, you don't even have to move. So if you want to move. Well, you moved a little bit, but you can move some more.

Speaker A: I just step off to the side.

Speaker C: All right. A little more.

Speaker A: Yeah.

Speaker C: Okay. Up that way.

Speaker A: Yeah.

Speaker C: Okay. So you actually have to lean out.

Speaker A: Uhuh.

Speaker C: All right. Two doing anything the wagon guy.

Speaker A: No, for now I'll keep eye of them. Okay, you do actually.

Speaker C: Yeah, you do see a guard guy like is like squats down there and is looking out down the to sanity card.

Speaker A: Okay.

Speaker C: But he hasn't like he hasn't. He didn't try to shoot actually people trying. Oh he already went so it doesn't matter. All right. Yeah. So you see. You see a guard through the window then. All right. Steve's guard is bas.

Speaker B: You're going to continue to run down.

Speaker A: I'm telling I hit him.

Speaker B: All right.

Speaker C: Yeah. So these guys can get down there.

Speaker B: Oh my God.

Speaker A: The sledgehammer died.

Speaker C: You will to get down you will have to jump across the other cart and climb down and then jump back because there is no like ladder from the passenger to the.

Speaker B: Okay.

Speaker C: So if you want to do those rolls to jump across.

Speaker B: So that's eight across.

Speaker C: Yeah.

Speaker B: One of them makes it and one of them doesn't.

Speaker C: All right, which one made it? I hear.

Speaker B: I'm scared. Made it.

Speaker C: Well number I mean. Oh, eight. Sorry.

Speaker B: Seven Made it.

Speaker C: Okay. All right. Give me a. Yeah, I guess another slick with a difficult. Yeah. Difficulty. Yeah. The guy that missed see if he.

Speaker B: Oh, he got an 18. The guy that missed.

Speaker C: All right. So, yeah, he goes to jump, like the main. The cart shifted a little bit, and he. So he slipped, and he fell down. But he grabbed the ladder. So he's on the ladder.

Speaker A: Nice.

Speaker C: All right. Yeah. So he's on the ladder. He grabbed the ladder. All right. Number five.

Speaker B: Number five would be.

Speaker C: He's the guy by the door with.

Speaker B: Yeah.

Speaker A: Imagine thunderhead.

Speaker B: His personality. He would probably hold tight, Waiting to see if somebody else came in fully loaded.

Speaker C: Yeah. Because he did. You saw four. He, like, runs by Just left, Rips with a double barrel. And runs up and says the guy is wounded. So, like, just rules. Why, if you wanted to up there and shoot him, because he's, like, he's just exposed. He doesn't. You could do that.

Speaker B: You'd probably do that. I was trying to figure out if he'd actually look in the window to do that or if you do that.

Speaker C: Yeah. If you want to run up there and run back, that's fine. If you just want to run up there and shoot them, Just roll your damage. See if you kill him. So you did. He did three. Five. Five. Yep. He's dead. Nope. All right. Yes. It's initiative again.

Speaker A: Oh, no.

Speaker B: 6. We did go first.

Speaker C: Yep. You guys are up first.

Speaker B: One guy's gonna jump over, and the other one's gonna come down on to those two.

Speaker C: Okay. So, yeah, Just a straightforward eight to leap across.

Speaker B: Well, good news.

Speaker A: Hair made it.

Speaker B: The other guy had trouble Jumping off the ladder.

Speaker C: All right, well, the guy on the ladder Would have to go for the climb down and then jump across. And then your other dude climbs down the ladder. And so number ace, did the eight make it?

Speaker B: So in that case, eight would have made it.

Speaker C: Not bad.

Speaker B: And aaron would have had six.

Speaker C: Okay. Why don't you give me a slick? I will do 14 again for number eight. Let's see. He tries to, like, catch.

Speaker B: He missed it all together.

Speaker C: Oh, God. Yeah. So that guy misses. Yeah. You guys do have aces that do let you reroll.

Speaker B: I thought you couldn't do that on the net one.

Speaker C: No, on that, ones, you can't. But the other.

Speaker B: Oh, well, in that case.

Speaker C: So if you want it, like. Yeah, if you guys. We'll spin the ace to re roll the guys.

Speaker B: Roll that down.

Speaker A: Maybe doesn't go under that.

Speaker C: Yeah, I'm gonna say. Yeah, that's what they're for.

Speaker A: All right.

Speaker B: So he just makes Just barely.

Speaker C: All right. Yeah. So both of your guys get down here. All right. So they're on. No. Yeah. So, yeah. You still have your aces.

Speaker A: I've had one.

Speaker B: Yeah, you said about yours. I would have spent money.

Speaker C: Yeah, because that's what the aces are for. You can. You can re. Roll any dice once. Sorry if I didn't mention that.

Speaker A: I figured there was something, but it don't really matter.

Speaker C: Yeah, I mean, it kind of did.

Speaker B: And then it goes either side of that.

Speaker C: Okay. All right. I guess. Oh, yeah. You guys.

Speaker A: Yeah.

Speaker C: Yeah. What are they. What are your guessing?

Speaker A: Is that window big enough to crawl through?

Speaker C: Yeah, if you want to climb through the window, you could.

Speaker A: He would. I want to use the door. Is this like a solid door or is it.

Speaker C: It'd be like kind of like a. Like, I don't know, like the laundry door. Be like, it's a solid or you can't. There's no glass to look through. All right.

Speaker B: I think my guy would go through the door and cut. Like, whichever way the door opens, he would go straight through to that side.

Speaker C: All right. He was going to run over here. Like, whatever side you want. You just pick.

Speaker B: Well, depending on how the door open.

Speaker C: I'm telling you which way. Which side are you going? Your guy running the door. They open. They like, would like. They like, slide open or.

Speaker B: Okay, so.

Speaker C: But you just go whatever side you want.

Speaker B: Probably go to this side then. And I'd make small talk with passenger.

Speaker A: Oh, he was.

Speaker C: He actually. Let me see. He's freaked out.

Speaker A: What's up?

Speaker C: Yep, he's. He is freaked out.

Speaker B: Well, sir, this looks like a nice cushion. Travelers train often it would be.

Speaker A: He's like, deuce, don't hurt me. Like, what the heck?

Speaker B: Ah, have no desire for you, sir. I'm aiming for the pretty lass in the middle. And I smile my shiny silver teeth.

Speaker C: Be like.

Speaker B: This would be so much easier if she'd just come out. We'd be gone and you could go about your merry way.

Speaker C: Give me yeah. Wits.

Speaker B: Yeah.

Speaker A: Persuasion.

Speaker C: Or you can use grip to intimidate. It'll make this it.

Speaker B: Well, for skills. He does have an intimidation.

Speaker C: They'll say that gives you. That can give you a plus one.

Speaker B: Okay.

Speaker C: And that guy failed his morale roll. Let's make this an 8.

Speaker B: 19.

Speaker C: This guy, like, steps over to the side and just shot sounding.

Speaker A: They just walk very cherries at the leaf. If I can my guy come out here.

Speaker C: Yeah. If you want to come run out there and do the like.

Speaker A: We don't need any heroes. We're just after the girl.

Speaker C: So Lawman also. Yeah. So you can give me. Actually.

Speaker A: Yeah.

Speaker C: So you. Yeah. So you Came out there and did that too. You see up here, you see movement and this guy, a guard guy grabs the lady and shoves her out into the aisle.

Speaker B: Lads, if you'd be so kind to walk down here and join us at this end of the. Of the car.

Speaker A: This kind of like nice weather having today, huh? Oh how about them sports ball.

Speaker C: She's super freaked out and starts moving that direction. Yeah, we're. Are we? Yeah, this is a new realm.

Speaker A: Yeah.

Speaker C: Yeah. So the guys back. So these guys back here too have they. Do they come busting into. What are they doing?

Speaker B: Oh yeah. They probably. They'd both come in and each one would have a gun like point blank right in the ribs of the guards because they're all facing the other end of the car.

Speaker C: If, if you want to just dust them you can do that too because they're fully exposed and it's just full damage. You are outlaws.

Speaker A: How big of an outlier you want to be?

Speaker C: But yeah, that's an option.

Speaker B: The initial is not so much to decimate. Kind of a walk up. Did hear the click of the hammer one on a sawed off shotgun as it's poked up into him. The, the other one would be a. A repeat. No, the other one would get clocked with a wrench. What sort of damage would a wrench do?

Speaker C: Have a wrench, isn't it? I think it's awesome. We'll say that's a heavy melee weapon. So it's so a single handed. It's a D6 but if you're swinging with two hands it's the eight. Oh then they're exploding. So if you roll eight even you add, you get another D, another die and roll it and add that so it's.

Speaker B: Seven. So the one that gets the shotgun, it's like we don't need any heroes. And the other guy just gets wrapped.

Speaker A: With his more terrifying.

Speaker C: That actually just. That kills him.

Speaker A: The guy C him with a wrench.

Speaker C: So was. Is it seven or eight?

Speaker B: Seven.

Speaker C: Okay. Yeah. So seven. Yep. Squats hit kills him. Yeah. So while. So that all like happens and then you yell out and be like give.

Speaker A: Us the lady Mary.

Speaker B: Just keep on walking.

Speaker C: Yep. And then. Yeah, we got you covered. Yeah. So that law guy kicks them out and for their turn actually they filled their. So they, they all just like put their hands up. So they give up too.

Speaker A: Is there a window here that could open?

Speaker C: Actually yeah, there is a win. There is a window here.

Speaker A: He would bust it out and whistle for this guy to come back.

Speaker C: So we'll be out of combat.

Speaker B: So yeah, it's pretty much they load up Mary and they get in the cart and then when the cart catches up to the the other end we would hop on and so if disappear.

Speaker C: If you guys are putting that's gonna be skill rolls to get transfer to the card.

Speaker A: I have rope. We could just hog tire and toss her under the car and then we could cover these guys to walk through.

Speaker C: So they. They like they threw their guns down and stuff like.

Speaker A: So I would go collect somewhat more.

Speaker C: And if you want you can rob the people too. This is all up to you guys.

Speaker A: Might as well make some extra coin. Underhead wood.

Speaker B: We'll split the loot later. My guys would stay right. Right there.

Speaker A: You can hold all these bag collector here.

Speaker B: And my other guy would look at the guy across way. It's like thank you for your kind assistance. And with join Marion make sure she doesn't do anything foolish like jump from the train.

Speaker C: They're with their successful intimidation roles and their film morale roles. They're. Everyone is like freaked out and yeah, you guys have it. It's totally un.

Speaker A: Minus the three that yeah those guys got dumpster. Two of them make it on the train.

Speaker C: Okay. So.

Speaker B: The survivors are going to be wanted a little bit more than the Dang.

Speaker C: It's the luxury make sense. Let me see here.

Speaker B: Hopefully this in your Paul has hypocritical tendencies. Walking clock open.

Speaker C: You end up collecting because these are. These are all wealthy people and they all have five D10 silver on them. So there was. You end up collecting a thousand for silver. Everyone.

Speaker B: Do you have the muscle to carry a thousand ounces of silver?

Speaker A: Sure.

Speaker C: It could be like bank notes or whatever. But you end up collecting a thousand silver worth of money. I think I did that right because there's 38 of them. Wow. And they're each. So I times that by maybe eight times five. Yeah. That's 190. So then that would just be 190 defense.

Speaker B: Yeah, something like that. Yeah.

Speaker C: Okay. Yeah. So that's. That's right. So yeah. 1004.

Speaker A: Well we can retire now.

Speaker C: All right. Yeah. So you guys rob everyone. Collect any. Collect any guns. All right. And then are you guys all heading down this way too? Yep.

Speaker B: Yeah. If they're completely cowed then yeah, we'll all jump from there. Otherwise my guys would be staying right there. Wait.

Speaker C: You see in front of you. Yeah. You still. You see one more car and then the engine. One more box car and then.

Speaker B: So that would be the engine coal car or the cold.

Speaker C: No, there's. There's a box car. Then I guess the cool part. Okay, got it.

Speaker A: Ah, let's have some fun and just jump and see what happens. Unless you want to go up the engine and get it to stop.

Speaker B: No. If we're here, how hard is it to. To separate the train?

Speaker A: Oh, that's true.

Speaker C: Honestly, just get a. Give me a grit strength and we'll just say it's standard. So you'll need 12 or better.

Speaker A: My guy has zero grip.

Speaker C: I say. Well, I say we'll say like to one person. Another guy could assist you. So you can either roll advantage or. Yeah, with the help.

Speaker B: Not 20.

Speaker C: Hey, get an ace. Yep. Well, I guess so that will disconnect.

Speaker B: The car that we're on. So the rest of them just continue going about.

Speaker A: We.

Speaker C: But you're. So you would be. So if you. You'd have to get everyone up on the across onto the roof because that's a box car. That. So it's passenger box car. You're on the passenger car. So yeah. So you.

Speaker B: So this standing spot is just part of the box.

Speaker C: Yeah. Right.

Speaker A: Yeah.

Speaker C: So you. Yeah, that's. We'll keep the roll. So you do pop the pins when you. When you want to. So they're basically have to get everyone to climb up and get on. So. So yeah. Yeah. So if you guys are all go. So yeah, you just have to do eight or better get to the ladder and get up.

Speaker B: I'm gonna spend an AC9 4.

Speaker C: Okay.

Speaker A: Okay.

Speaker B: So there's Mary on a roll, not 20.

Speaker A: Nice.

Speaker B: That's good. So one of them makes it. The other one didn't.

Speaker C: All right, mary about and 16. So which guy?

Speaker B: Number five. When we made it up before the train starts to park. So he might do a running.

Speaker C: Yeah, I'll say. Yeah, he's the guy at one of the pin bowlers.

Speaker B: Oh, he be having a no prep moment.

Speaker C: Yeah. So did. Did 8 and 7 make it?

Speaker B: Yes.

Speaker C: Okay. So yeah. So they all. And he was the last one as the cart pulls away and jumps and misses and eat dirt because he. Yeah, he missed. Yeah. Okay. So he takes five damage.

Speaker B: Oh, he's dead.

Speaker C: He gets ran over by the card, I guess. Oh, wait, no, we need to do the. The check first. You can do grit or luck to see if he's like seeing how he hits the ground.

Speaker B: Oh, luck you have to do.

Speaker C: All right. Yeah. So give me that a roll. So we'll just do standard 12 difficulties.

Speaker B: And that one. He is so.

Speaker A: Yeah.

Speaker C: Yeah, he Goes to jump and get.

Speaker A: Between the tracks, not across them.

Speaker C: Run over by the train. And then two is fine. You can just.

Speaker A: Yeah, two is just fault. Like he.

Speaker C: Yeah, it's gonna rise. Are you guys just sit on here until it slows down enough or. Yeah. Okay.

Speaker B: There's no reason.

Speaker A: Yep.

Speaker B: If anything, we might go back and play cards with the engineers.

Speaker A: That's true.

Speaker B: Say poker. We got chips.

Speaker C: So as two is, like, sliding back. The train is slowing down. This door over here opens. There's a door on the side of the car over here. Oh, I'm sorry. All the way back here. Yeah. Over here. The boxcar doors slides open. There's a guard shoot set, too. So give me a luck. And five. All right.

Speaker A: Get away, Mike.

Speaker C: He gets shot. Four damage. Well, actually roll a D6 because of the odds. All right. So even to hit the horse. So the horse took. Gets shot for four.

Speaker A: Horse is dead.

Speaker B: Oh, my guys would have heard that.

Speaker A: Yeah.

Speaker B: What? It was all done.

Speaker A: Yeah. And you would have heard poo. Just like, eat it and be like, what the.

Speaker C: Yeah. Give me a 12. Grit or luck to see how you land.

Speaker A: It doesn't matter. Six.

Speaker C: He hits the dirt hard. Three damage.

Speaker A: Barely alive.

Speaker C: Yeah. He gets partially. That almost gets hit by the. Yeah, the dirt gets hit by the cart.

Speaker A: He finds all the sharp rocks.

Speaker C: But then the cart goes by. I guess you actually would have seen two cars at the door. And they, like, watch you all right? Yeah. You guys hear gunshots go off on. And we'll say this guy. He's actually all the way, like, back here now. So the card slows down. Yeah. So you see two go by. Two as he's, like, pulling on the ground and. Dead horse. Yeah. Good thing he has a donkey in the car.

Speaker B: That's a spare.

Speaker A: No.

Speaker C: Yeah. So do you guys just wait for the train to end or, like, come to a stopper?

Speaker B: I have a feeling. Seven and eight.

Speaker A: Yeah.

Speaker B: Neither one has a revolver. But you picked up the rewards inside. So they'd probably hit you up for.

Speaker A: Oh, yeah. If you made overs.

Speaker B: And they come over, Find where that door is and peek over the edge to. To see what's going on.

Speaker A: We have to go all the way to the back car to get through here.

Speaker C: Yeah.

Speaker A: Yeah.

Speaker C: So there's a box car.

Speaker B: There was no door.

Speaker C: Yeah. The doors were just on the side. Yeah.

Speaker A: I'd go where that shooting was, maybe see if we can hear anything.

Speaker C: Yep. The lady's just.

Speaker B: She doesn't strike me as a jumper.

Speaker C: If you want it, you can look over and you could see, like, two, like, heads kind of, like, sticking out. But you can give me. If you want to try and shoot them. Standard D12 with your slick or a D20. Sorry. I'm doing that 20 with the slick roll. Trying to shoot them. If we look out and watch the guy, like, 19.

Speaker B: 19 and a one. So one guy eggs them, and the other one 19.

Speaker A: My double barrel shot. No damage.

Speaker C: Oh, that double barrel is only a 2. D4. Oh, it's like. Oh, you have regular double barrel. Oh, I didn't realize that.

Speaker A: Yeah.

Speaker C: All right. So, yeah, you blow 1, 2, 6, 11.

Speaker A: That guy's head's just missed.

Speaker C: Yep. Minor.

Speaker B: Both doing revolvers. So one's definitely wide. The other one hits for four.

Speaker C: All right.

Speaker B: And then he. He leaves the gun there. He's like, now are you sure you want to take the chance?

Speaker A: Reload my double barrel.

Speaker B: So a distraction. You can jump now, or we can shoot you.

Speaker C: He actually will roll initiative. One guy is toast.

Speaker B: Three.

Speaker C: All right. Yeah. So when you say that, he goes and ducks. Ducks inside and goes to shoot at you. So give me a luck roll.

Speaker B: You only need to 10.

Speaker C: Yeah. Just say, since you're kind of, like, pretty covered up. Yeah. Team Justin grazes. Your guy.

Speaker B: Gonna do this the hard way.

Speaker A: Another hero.

Speaker C: For four dance like four damages. He shoots at you and jumps back in the cart.

Speaker B: Oh, there's cursing. Oh, but he's still alive.

Speaker A: My guy would shoot through the cart, like, through the roof with his shotness. You saw where that bullet hole came from. He just.

Speaker C: Oh, that guy was. Because he was looking over, and he shot and then ducked back in. But you want to see him duck back in. But if you want to go and just try and shoot through the floor.

Speaker A: Yeah.

Speaker C: That's gonna be 18 or better. Almost impossible because you have no blue.

Speaker A: Nope. Nothing. Yeah, through the roof. Trying to hit him.

Speaker B: Lloyd has free climbing. Could he do almost an acrobatic.

Speaker C: Yeah, I'll say. I'll say. If you. If you want to flip down in there, that will always give that. Make that a straightforward. For him. You do actually goes. Yeah, the train stopped. So you'd see two. Two guards jump out of the train down here.

Speaker A: Horrible.

Speaker C: But you wouldn't. You probably wouldn't actually. Yeah, you would see them. So let's zoom out a little bit.

Speaker B: Oh, if they're gonna jump up because they're slowing down. I'm not jumping in.

Speaker C: No. So this is on a different car. Car. Oh, it's the one behind you. 2Y. Because it was the car is like stopped now basically. And then these guys jump out. Yeah. Your guys swings into the other cart. So what you get on that?

Speaker B: Okay. Thirteen.

Speaker C: All right. So you wing down into the cart. The guy is like right there exposed. So you can roll your damage.

Speaker B: Four.

Speaker C: All right. I think that guy's been shot already. So that definitely.

Speaker B: And then it. He died for cover.

Speaker C: But there's. There is. You don't see anyone else in here in that cart with you.

Speaker B: Because I know one ain't that double barrel shotgun blast and wouldn't need things look slick.

Speaker C: Yeah. So your guy. Yeah. You swing in there and drop down and dust the last dude you see in there. And you don't. You know there's two bodies in there. You don't see anyone. You'd hear two shouts out that two more behind him. Like behind. Yeah. So you guys can.

Speaker B: Are there any labels on the. The crates?

Speaker C: They all look like they're. They're all labeled as like alcohol bottles. Like crates full of alcohol.

Speaker A: That's not your alcohol.

Speaker B: Floyd Cinder Miller would kick open one of those crates and he'd take a shot after that. While the other guy who's. Who's been shot would be watching these two guys as they're coming up.

Speaker C: Oh, I forgot about.

Speaker B: Taking a bead on them.

Speaker A: Number two is just playing dead over there.

Speaker C: Okay.

Speaker A: Laying in the dirt.

Speaker B: Because I don't think Floyd would have realized that the other two guys are coming up. But he would definitely take a hit of bonus booze.

Speaker C: All right. Yeah, we'll say that's. I forgot about the healing between scuffles. You actually.

Speaker A: A few. I don't know if animals really damage.

Speaker C: No. Because most of the time it's just been like die. Yeah. After a scuffle, he'll D4 plus one for each smoke, drink or nap. But you guys don't have time to nap if you sour now smoke or grab a drink. You can heal cigarettes.

Speaker A: But he dies.

Speaker C: You guys all have. Well, they all have canteens too, but yeah. So if anyone that's very useful to decor and get your HP back.

Speaker B: That was a healing drought.

Speaker A: Yeah. The ground. I got one extra hp. That's how you ducked it too. I'll stay. Just lay there. Other guy up top would probably start moving over here.

Speaker B: I'll find on the ladder down. Yeah.

Speaker A: Yeah. These guys are going to come up though, and he's going to try and get a drop on them. Yeah.

Speaker B: Quit thinking. We gotta take back some booze. Gotta load that wagon up.

Speaker A: Yeah. Let's bear.

Speaker C: All right, so you guys running across the top. What's the other guy on top doing? Seven, I think.

Speaker B: Yeah, seven. If he's seen the two guys walking up the side, he's looking for an angle to get a drop off. And he's coming down the floor saying, we're not done yet. Curses a little bit. And he would probably. Oh, yeah, the dead guys. Cutie ripping off some shirts to make some molotovs.

Speaker C: All right, what are you doing with the Mary Cherry?

Speaker A: I tell her, sit tight.

Speaker B: This is the safest place you can be right now.

Speaker A: Now my guy's gonna sit, like, up here on the edge and not make noise and see if they come up to check the guy that's playing dead. Because he pretty much is dead.

Speaker B: Yeah, pretty much is.

Speaker C: No, they would come running up.

Speaker A: He's gonna sit there and not make noise.

Speaker C: They would just come running up after they. Especially after they saw the dude jump, drop in the cart.

Speaker A: Oh, they went by.

Speaker C: Yeah, they'd go running by. So if you want to do anything while they're running by.

Speaker A: I would take a shot at one of them and tell them this. We don't need any more heroes today.

Speaker C: All right? Actually, it's not even a difficult shot.

Speaker A: I got 13.

Speaker C: Yeah.

Speaker A: All right. For nine tons of damage on one of them.

Speaker C: Straight up kills them.

Speaker A: Like, we don't need more heroes today. Just drop your guns. We'll be on our way. After I dust the guy next to.

Speaker C: Him, he just goes. You see him, like, roll and rolling. Goes over my dead body. And he goes to shoot at you. So roll initiative.

Speaker B: As I see him strike, you go like that. Is he close enough for a saw off?

Speaker C: Yeah. I mean, but doing initiative. So this is fine. All right. Players are first. So, yeah.

Speaker B: So the sawed off roars from the other car.

Speaker C: Oh, for way at this guy. Way back here for this guy. Well, no, no, your player. Do you have a guy back here making Malta?

Speaker B: This guy is making malt house. This one's still on top.

Speaker C: Okay. So he didn't move up. Okay. I thought.

Speaker A: No, I moved up to the second car.

Speaker C: Okay. Yeah, that'd be way too far for a sawed off.

Speaker B: Okay.

Speaker C: Yeah, that's.

Speaker B: And he'd move a little closer to the. The edge.

Speaker C: Yeah.

Speaker B: And then fire at it.

Speaker C: Cause you can just hop across. It's. The train's not moving, so that's not challenging, but yeah. Okay, Give me. Yeah, make a. Give me a 10 or better roll for a check, see if win the shotgun.

Speaker B: Nope, I missed.

Speaker C: Yeah. All Right out of reach and.

Speaker B: But it peppers everything. It's like, think about it. And this guy, he finishes making up his Molotovs, and. All right, that's definitely a turn for.

Speaker C: Two and four today. With his revolver, throw your damage because he thought the guy was dead.

Speaker A: Two damage. They don't go back to playing dead.

Speaker C: Yeah, four. Four has actions to go.

Speaker A: And four is gonna be like. All right.

Speaker C: Are you shooting at him?

Speaker A: Yeah.

Speaker C: All right. Since he was rolling. Need an 8 or better since it's a shotgun. Right.

Speaker A: Is it slick or.

Speaker C: Yeah, slick.

Speaker A: Oh, 10.

Speaker C: All right.

Speaker A: Still over. Then it'd be like, you still alive too? Or scam. And he's like, oh, yeah. We figure out how to get down.

Speaker C: Yeah. There's just a ladder. You could. Between the carts. You could climb down.

Speaker B: Mary, I'm sorry for all this unpleasantness. That's why I say bring the card up. We hit the mother Lord.

Speaker C: I.

Speaker B: And one would definitely check out the other.

Speaker C: Okay. Yeah. So. So Mary would have been. She'd be still worried. It's like, what do you guys want?

Speaker B: I have money.

Speaker C: I just pay you.

Speaker B: How much are we getting paid for this job?

Speaker A: Thousand dollars.

Speaker C: There's an undetermined amount. So, like, I don't. I did even.

Speaker B: Yeah, no, that.

Speaker C: It'd probably be like. It'd probably be like 100 silver.

Speaker A: Do we know anything about other than just kidnapper?

Speaker C: Yeah, you're kidnapping her for ransom. For stable. But really, you're kidnapping her.

Speaker A: So we don't really know.

Speaker C: Yeah, for stable. So they. You guys were pretty crappy criminals to begin with, so I say they were going to pay you 100 silver. What's. I'll just go with that. I think that's a pretty good chunk.

Speaker A: We just be like, I don't know. We're just kidnapping him for money.

Speaker B: Oh, I totally forgot about it.

Speaker C: All those guys that are at zero might not actually all be dead.

Speaker A: Oh, well.

Speaker C: Well, dude, we'll do a death drop checks on them just to see. So you guys are. Well, the guy that got ran over by the train is definitely.

Speaker A: He's toast if they miss the jump. It's fitting that they're just tied.

Speaker B: Barrel rolls.

Speaker C: No, because they could actually all be unconscious.

Speaker A: Well, they're back away.

Speaker C: Yeah, they're way back.

Speaker A: Dead anyway.

Speaker B: So we just pick them up on our way back.

Speaker A: Yeah. No, if I. My guys would be getting changing out horse for the meal in the cart and patching up scab here.

Speaker C: Yeah.

Speaker B: Heron would be as obliging as possible.

Speaker A: And then whoever's in here would be like what's in there? What do we need to load up?

Speaker B: Oh Floyd. It'd be like who's bring the card up?

Speaker C: And in the other when someone goes and checks this one out, you crack open and it's like silk and other fine cloth. But realistically with your one wagon you could get a crate. One crate.

Speaker B: What is the value of the fine cloth?

Speaker C: It's what else?

Speaker B: Well just an idea because it would.

Speaker C: Be more than the alcohol.

Speaker B: See Hair would probably try and talk him into that. But Floyd would probably be like but it's booze. I can drink it. I don't have to fence it. It's.

Speaker C: Yeah. That's between you guys too. I don't know fight about does he.

Speaker B: Would there's two or.

Speaker A: Yeah.

Speaker B: Would you guys have any? Because it might just end up with Floyd putting as many bottles in his pockets as he can into his saddlebags.

Speaker A: Scab has done robbery and so he would be more favor of the silk to be worth more and then dunderhead wouldn't care.

Speaker B: So it might come back down to fisticuffs. But we get a case of the fine cloth and we'd lower compromise by loading all our saddlebags full of alcohol.

Speaker A: There you go. We put the lady on top of this case.

Speaker B: And that's when the negotiations would begin with Mary. It's like so how much are you? And if we're only getting paid a hundred it'd be like listening to the amount if. Cause I don't know how dangerous is this group that hired us thinking we're all going to get eliminated in the process. Do they have a reputation or.

Speaker C: You would know Sable. I would know that they're. They're from the other continent but they are. Oh well done.

Speaker B: Notoriously evil will hunt us down for the rest of our days to make a point.

Speaker C: Yes. Yeah. So this is actually the group that shocks ran from Ah yo. But yeah they your guys probably would. They would probably know from the underground that like you don't like cross them.

Speaker A: Having scabbard you about that we shouldn't cross these people.

Speaker C: Down their head.

Speaker A: I don't know.

Speaker C: Yeah some of those guys may just be like bump that like bumps that got found in. Found in the scavenging group.

Speaker A: Non casual robberies out here probably know.

Speaker B: Yeah see I've got a disgraced deputy and a factory cog factory guy probably.

Speaker C: Wouldn'T know anything with the deputy maybe but it really depends on where he like worked and stuff. Yeah well and but yeah I'd Say you definitely if you have aren't a well done debut and you would have got the impression from the guy you met or the guy that hired you all for me into this gang was like. Like death walking kind of person.

Speaker B: Okay. See mine was he wasn't sharing his bribes.

Speaker A: My guy had that as well.

Speaker B: And what was the other. Oh, and he arrested the sheriff. So it's like. No, these bribes are mine. No, you have to share. Oh, you're taking bribes now? So I guess he could have been taking bribes from that. That place and then he would have. Depending on the level of a evil he's feeling, he might accept a down payment for her freedom before handing her.

Speaker C: Yeah, she would. She would just say she could send you guys money. Shouldn't have much honor.

Speaker B: How much does she have on her?

Speaker A: Yeah, Searcher actually weapons.

Speaker C: He's at 20 silver on her right now.

Speaker A: Add it to the stag.

Speaker C: You would find a pocket pistol on her.

Speaker A: Oh, that cup of candy all yours. We already made a ton of money. Take her, get the job done and hey, we'll get the more money.

Speaker B: Well, things loaded up?

Speaker A: I don't know.

Speaker B: Did the guards have anything or guns? Yeah, we'll pass them in the back of the cart. Collect a pocket watcher too.

Speaker A: You definitely would have got something from the passenger.

Speaker C: Yeah, there was like. You would like all that. It wasn't just straight silver. It would have been like jewelry.

Speaker A: It would have been jewelries and watches.

Speaker C: And all that kind of stuff.

Speaker B: Saddlebags full of booze. Crateful.

Speaker C: You wouldn't have found too much on the guards other than guns? Maybe a few more silver pieces and stuff. Nothing. Oh.

Speaker B: I might take their hat.

Speaker C: That's true. Nobody used their hats to all the guys that died. Roll it. Let's see. Roll a D20 plus grid.

Speaker A: Forget.

Speaker C: All right. It's just. What's your result?

Speaker A: Five.

Speaker C: Five. He dead? Oh, he's dead. And actually roll a D6. Let's see how. Let's see if he has hours to live and he survives. Five. Five. No, he's actually. He survives. So you guys are like going back and go get your. Get the horses.

Speaker A: That was the guy that got dusted and left end cart not yet rolled.

Speaker C: I had to get shot.

Speaker A: Yeah.

Speaker C: Yep. So you actually find him? He's still alive. Yep. So yeah, he was rolling.

Speaker A: That was the guy that jumped and missed at the start. Well, he's long gone.

Speaker C: No, you'd find it because you guys would go back and get your horses. You wouldn't leave your horses out there. So you'd find. Yeah.

Speaker B: To track them down.

Speaker C: He had days to live. So I'll say actually roll another D6. We'll see if it's because he's got Thomas read the death drop check. Which you guys don't have those. So yeah, you do want to survive. So anyone else? Yeah, you just roll a D20. You guys have the death drop checks on your reference sheet somewhere. It's at the bottom. And that's just the results. Those might be too small. That might be really small. Any more late.

Speaker B: 2 to 5 goner.

Speaker C: Dead in minutes or hours or days.

Speaker B: 15 or more hanging in there.

Speaker A: So another guy would be a goner in the six days.

Speaker C: All right. So he survives. He has eventually fight him with the horses.

Speaker B: So that guy survives. And then the guy who missed the jump, he's just dead. Dead. We're not even worried about rolling for the Mr.

Speaker C: The guy that got ran over by the train. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker A: He definitely got Henry Miller.

Speaker B: Then anchor him. Wise cracker. Father's being inquisitive. My silver teeth, which my guys would.

Speaker A: Do because that's money.

Speaker B: Yeah. Those teeth were worth 12 silver each.

Speaker C: So wait, do we have two people that totally died?

Speaker B: No, I have one that definitely died.

Speaker A: My guys had days to live.

Speaker C: Yeah, you would have found them that you went back to get the one.

Speaker A: Guy who's been in the end cart since we got dusted.

Speaker B: But I've got a first aid kit. Get you back to Zilber.

Speaker C: I guess if you want. I guess it would be your guys's call if you go back and get your stolen animals or if you don't care. I just take it off.

Speaker B: If they're easy to catch, we'd grab them. If not.

Speaker A: Yeah, we gotta go.

Speaker B: We got over a thousand gold. We'll buy replacements. We'll go legit.

Speaker A: I think the guy that didn't make the jump. The guy in the card.

Speaker C: Oh yeah. You would have got.

Speaker A: Yeah, we would get him. Because we don't want to leave the trail for that.

Speaker C: Yeah.

Speaker A: The guy who didn't make the jump at the very beginning he way back there.

Speaker B: Well the thing is everybody that jumped on their mounts are all way back there.

Speaker A: Yeah.

Speaker C: They put private and they're all donkeys 10 miles back. So there's a riot.

Speaker B: One riding horse from.

Speaker A: They were all stolen. Stolen donkeys. Like whatever.

Speaker C: Yeah.

Speaker B: I don't think we go back from else.

Speaker C: No. Yeah. So any of those guys that missed the train and got goner. The unconscious guys, they would have. So anyone.

Speaker A: This guy Might have survived. If someone came by, I was like, I missed the jump.

Speaker C: Yeah.

Speaker A: In like five days. Where's my share of the loop?

Speaker C: Hey, what was that, guys? The number. Number, I guess. What's this? Just his number. I'll throw three.

Speaker B: Might show up as an npc.

Speaker A: Lemmy Kadiver.

Speaker C: Kids. Yeah, I'll just. I'll keep all those. So who else? So what. What numbers died?

Speaker A: Number five, three and five.

Speaker C: Well, you don't know about three?

Speaker A: Yeah.

Speaker C: Oh, just one. As far as you guys are, as long as this gang is concerned. Yeah. Yeah. And then five.

Speaker B: Yeah.

Speaker A: 5,000 underneath the train.

Speaker B: Six, seven, and eight made it.

Speaker A: Yep. One, two, and four. Never got shot.

Speaker B: The casual thief. The attempted extortion.

Speaker A: I like the accidental extortion.

Speaker B: Like the casual grave robbery and the good humored arson. God.

Speaker A: Heard it too.

Speaker B: What are the odds that you have a character named Floyd Cinder Miller who's a good humored arson?

Speaker A: No joke.

Speaker C: May have built that guy on purpose. Yeah. Yeah.

Speaker A: Quick early thoughts on the system.

Speaker C: It's all right.

Speaker B: That's not bad.

Speaker A: It's better than the Weird West. Just because there's a little bit more to it.

Speaker B: This one goes to the 20 and because you have so little hip belts, you have no hip points in Word west. Which they're focused. Different. Weird west is focused on storytelling.

Speaker C: Yeah.

Speaker B: And you have all that trauma that you can build up before you actually die and you go out.

Speaker A: Yeah.

Speaker B: However on that with this one.

Speaker A: Because we never used our skills.

Speaker C: A little bit. Yeah.

Speaker B: Of course. He couldn't jump but be intimidated.

Speaker A: Yeah.

Speaker C: No. No, I don't. You don't. There's no leveling. No. At least built into this.

Speaker A: Yeah. So this would be fun for one shots.

Speaker C: But it is built on the OSR like old school style of system. So if you could do it, you could pick up it. Use a leveling for something else pretty easily. Sounded like creatures and stuff because they all have.

Speaker A: Is this just a straight western or just like a Weird West? Well, it's.

Speaker C: It could be b. Either. I mean it does have monsters, I think.

Speaker A: Well, like for players to get like skills or how.

Speaker C: Oh, this. It's. Since it's the old school style, you could totally. You could totally. It was all right. Yeah. You could add that stuff in too. It's. It's just a really remove way. So I mean there's like a bunch of like healing and stuff. Yeah.

Speaker B: I didn't see all the healing. How you would even get alcohol. Pills got you D4, but you had.

Speaker C: To be drunk yeah, yeah, yeah. So there's like. There's like you could blonde heal D4 and become drunk. If not fully heal injury kit, heal back to zero. I did have two doctors WP4 uses. Then there's like the doctor's bag heal D6 plus the doctor's wits.

Speaker B: But that sounds almost like you would.

Speaker C: Have to have doctor's class to r. Yeah, you would. Then there's like the gin pills D4HB, but only while drunk. So you take your laud and you can drink some gin pills. There's helpful bitters that just heal you.

Speaker A: Yeah.

Speaker C: On a three plus also cure miserable.

Speaker B: Yeah.

Speaker C: There's a little OPM D 10 GP and check grit or fall into a deep sleep.

Speaker B: It'd be interesting to try picking classes instead of all invol.

Speaker C: Yeah. Yeah. If you're going to balance party. No, I'm glad I decided to have you guys run like eight dudes. Oh, yeah. Like, I saw the system. It's like, well, you wouldn't take like two dudes to like try and rob a train. So I was like. At first I was like, what kind of criminal thing do we want to do? And I was like, you know people.

Speaker A: You don't do much.

Speaker C: Let's do a freaking train because that'll be fun.

Speaker A: Yeah.

Speaker B: Yeah. No, I was surprised we survived as well as we did.

Speaker A: Definitely started off with like losing guys.

Speaker C: Like, well, I think too. Well then like with the. You just deal your damage if you're not like. Yeah. In cover. Interesting.

Speaker B: The jumps and the troll we had right there at the end. That's where I'm like, yep, we're going up.

Speaker C: Yeah.

Speaker B: Run across the top.

Speaker C: That was the. Oh, you would have had to eventually climb on the top.

Speaker A: Anyways. That was fun system.

Speaker C: Yep. I think it's good for one shots. I don't know if I'd want to. No, I. One shots isn't playing much in. It doesn't really have like the weird.

Speaker A: West is like, it's all right, but it needs a little bit more for long play.

Speaker C: Yeah.

Speaker B: I'm waiting to see how that pans out because there's so many parts it. It doesn't have xp. I like how we added the dungeon world XP to that.

Speaker C: Yeah.

Speaker B: There's not a lot of skills.

Speaker A: Well, like, my guy, hard to use anyone.

Speaker B: Yeah. The playbook's really limited.

Speaker C: Yep. That's good for like, you do one shot and it's the. Since the characters are so easy to whip up, you just do a quick little one shot.

Speaker B: I'm curious to see how long I can keep this going before switching, but I like how quick the characters do come up. So if they get tired of one character.

Speaker C: Yeah.

Speaker A: I thought Jacques was gonna die sooner, but.

Speaker C: Yeah.

Speaker B: Well, I'm waiting to find out if Audrey survives.

Speaker A: That's true.

Speaker B: Especially with your reaction of this great.

Speaker C: Big 200 or 2000 pound.

Speaker B: 2000 pound lizard bringing a rag doll of Audrey chasing after you.

Speaker A: Yeah.

Speaker B: But then I'd be like, oh, crap, he's back for more. In which case we all get. I would get shot with. The doc would be like, huh, that's an overgrown puppy dog.

Speaker A: Yep. That would be.

Speaker C: Yep. And if we do. Let's see.

Speaker A: We'll probably. We may even run some of these.

Speaker C: Guys again for like the next one shot at.

Speaker A: You're like trying to get away from the law with this kidnapping.

Speaker B: I do like the system for creating colorful characters.

Speaker A: Yeah.

Speaker C: That's probably one of my favorite things with like looking at other systems. It's just how they do character creation. And I keep adding. Pulling stuff from them and adding them to my character generator online.

Speaker B: Yeah. I'm torn on the. You go in wanted because if you've got enough on there, somebody else at the table is like, you know what? I don't like you anymore.

Speaker A: Looks like they got had like 210 silver, man.

Speaker C: Hilarious.

Speaker A: That means they're just wanting dead. PVP table.

Speaker C: Funny. Be fine. Need to pull up another cat.

Speaker A: Yeah.

Speaker C: But you're also all outlaws, so I don't know if you'd be able to collect your. It'd be funny. You kill some guy and then try to collect bounty. Now you're like in the shootout.

Speaker B: No, you. You find some straw man. It's like, you know what you're going to do for me, boy? I'm gonna tell you. You just did the world a favor. You killed Dead Eye Black man Jack. Just make up some outrageous. You're the hero of this town.

Speaker A: Yeah.

Speaker C: Hopefully next week swamping everyone's healthy.

Speaker B: We can. Yeah.

Speaker C: Play up. And then in January, swap over to everyone.

Speaker B: You know what? One of y'all survives, kill us all, don't collect the money. We're gonna roll new characters.

Speaker C: Yeah, that would be pretty funny to do that.

Speaker B: I thought dynamite would have been handy.

Speaker C: Yep.

Speaker A: It could have been that.

Speaker B: I'm torn. It's like that would have been really good to have. But it would have made things a lot messier.

Speaker A: Yep.

Speaker C: And I wasn't sure if you guys were gonna be able to do it when you have like half your guys are wasted and you get to the passenger card. There's like six.

Speaker A: I was surprised we survived in there.

Speaker B: Some failed morale checks. Really saved our bacon.

Speaker A: Yeah. That was my like play is like going with intimidation. Hopefully.

Speaker C: Yeah. Well it's like too. It's like there's like all these like rich like wealthy folk. They're not. None of them are gonna like. Maybe if someone like there was some really like high rules on them morale. You might have got like some guy tried to be a hero. No.

Speaker A: No heroes.

Speaker C: I kind of like. I like the morale. Well because it makes the. It makes it easier to like have them act more in line with how they should be acting.

Speaker B: Yeah.

Speaker C: Cuz sometimes it's really easy to fall into the all they're just to the death. Well like to the death fighting.

Speaker A: Yeah.

Speaker C: All the time. Because yeah.

Speaker B: I really wasn't a wrench.

Speaker A: The guy that missed the train had a sledgehammer break. That's why he had a wrench and a sledgeham him.

Speaker C: Oh jeez.

Speaker A: That's why he didn't make the jump.

Speaker C: Yeah. There you go.

Speaker A: And he had a double barrel shotgun. Oh D. They had all the weight.

Speaker C: No.

Speaker A: That guy had so much stuff.

Speaker B: And he dies.

Speaker A: That died.

Speaker B: Yeah. That have a much higher survival rate than.

Speaker C: Yeah.

Speaker B: Shift. And I think there was a Oregon Nails is. I think the quest had different train cars.

Speaker A: Yeah.

Speaker C: Everyone's gonna be an interesting system.