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Talos the Hammer

Avvar, Warrior, Champion, Reaver

Played by Jacob

Avvar male, 45 years old, 6'5“, 340lbs Greying short hair with a trimmed, greying beard Body has many scars from battles and wild animals Has the sunset riders brand on his left shoulder

Warrior, harsh, likes to drink

Talos, First of the Hammers, Champion of the Sky Queen and last of his clan, lost his family and clan in a major darkspawn attack. He came down to seek the means to end the darkspawn threat to his people and mountains.

Character Sheet Data

Level 13

Communication 3 Animal Handling +2, Gambling +2, Leadership +3
Constitution 5 Stamina +2, Drinking +2, Swimming +2
Cunning 0
Dexterity 2 Riding +2, Initiative +2
Magic 0
Perception 0
Strength 6.5 Intimidation +2, Lances +2, Might +2, Jumping +2, Bludgeons +3, Climbing +2
Willpower 5 Self Discipline +3, Morale +2
122 / 1224 / 8 / 161212-4
Weapon Attack Damage
2H Maul - Stuns on Stunt, TN 12 Stamina 3d6+9 2d6+14
2H Maul - Clear Crystal - Spirit Bane 3d6+9 2d6+12
Throwing Spear 8-16yd Minor Reload 3d6+7 1d6+12
Heaving Lance 3d6+8 2d6+12
Will of Ammgorak 1h maul 3d6+9 2d6+15
1H Maul - Blue Crystal 3d6+9 2d6+9

Weapon Groups: Brawling, Polearms, Lances, Bludgeons, Spears, Axes

Powers / Abilities

  • +1sp
  • Duel Strike 3sp, Mighty Blow 1sp, Threaten 1sp
  • Charging Shout -1 attack rolls in 8yds
  • Rally mode +1 def, +1 melee dmg, +1 moral, +1 courage in 12yds
  • 3hp Spirit Bane
  • Expert Strike +3 / -3 for attack / dmg
  • Veteran add focus to weapon dmg


Money: 0g 474s 0c

  • Leather duster 4 armor
  • Candle of Truth x1
  • Eagle Helmet +1 Leadership and Courage
  • Blue crystal 2h hammer 2d6+3
  • 4 - 4hp around 6rounds 3 uses each
  • 4 - 2hp around 4 rounds 3 uses each
  • Ring +2 elemental dmg
  • 10 - 10×10 sleep gas nades
  • Tankard of Sobriety
  • 1h maul
  • Heavy Sheild +3 def
  • Ring of Suffering
  • Nightvision Eye patch
  • Drake Trap x2


Master Armor Training

  • Novice: You can wear leather and mail armor without suffering a penalty to Dexterity.
  • Journeyman: You can wear plate armor without suffering a penalty to Dexterity.
  • Master: You can get the most out of your armor. You gain the benefit of half the Armor Rating (rounded down) of your armor when you take penetrating damage. (Normally, armor provides no defense against penetrating damage.)

Master Champion

  • Novice: Your battle roar intimidates your opponents. When you take the charge action, you can shout a war cry that gives all enemies within 8 yards of your charges final position a –1 on attack rolls on their next turn.
  • Journeyman: You can lead your allies in an inspired defense. First, you must use the activate action to enter Rally mode. Your allies within 8 yards of you gain a +1 Defense and a +1 on Willpower (Morale) tests while this mode is active. You can end Rally with another activate action.
  • Master: Your presence on the battlefield cannot be ignored. When in Rally mode, your Journeyman effects affect allies within 12 yards of you. They also receive a +1 bonus on Willpower (Courage) tests and inflict +1 damage with melee attacks.

Journeyman Two Handed Weapons

  • Novice: The length of your weapon and the power of your attacks forces foes to yield ground. When you hit with a melee attack with a two-handed weapon, you can move the target 2 yards in any direction.
  • Journeyman: You can strike fearsome blows with your weapon. You can perform the Mighty Blow stunt for 1 stunt point instead of the usual 2 when wielding a two-handed weapon.

Novice Horsemanship

  • Novice: You can jump into the saddle quickly. Mounting a steed is a free action for you.

Journey Thrown Weapon Style

  • Novice: Your accuracy is uncanny. You gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls with throwing weapons.
  • Journeyman: You can ready a throwing weapon in an instant. You can reload a throwing weapon as a free action instead of a minor action.
da/characters/talos.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/04 16:23 by rabidbaboon