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Session Zero Outline

  1. Foundry
  2. Dungeon World Refresher
  3. Type of game we want to play
  4. Region Introduction
  5. World Creation
  6. Character Creation / Introduction
  7. Why is the group together
  8. Adventure Time


  • Get anyone that wants to use foundry setup with character and journal
  • Adventure log

Dungeon World Refresher

  • Run through how the game works and player handouts.
  • Its a conversation
  • Fiction first
  • Do by describing what you are doing
  • Moves are only triggered by action
  • Any one can ask questions about something or someone
  • Answers will be figured out when a question is asked. Round-robin, popcorn, etc
  • Improve rules ten-improv-rules.pdf

Type of game we want to play

Figure out the type of game we want to play. Exploration, Political, Base building, Intrigue, etc, or a little bit of everything.

Region Introduction

Each person introduces their region and answers any questions about their region.

World Creation

  • Arrange the regions on the world map.
  • Add extra regions if needed.
  • Name the world.
  • Go over the calendar and current date.

Character Creation / Introduction

  • Fill in character sheets
  • Introduce characters, questions and answers.
  • Bonds, must have at least one bond with another character

Why is the group together

  • Decide what the group is about
  • Pick a name and decide leadership

Adventure Time

The party will be starting in the great city of Deadhallow of the Blood Plains.

dw/session_zero.txt · Last modified: 2022/01/16 11:54 by rabidbaboon