Huge humanoid being around 40ft tall covered in brown shaggy hair. Its four arms and two legs are like a gorillas. It moves around like an ape with two extra arms.
Its head is shaped like a cat but with no visible ears and four eyes, two of the eyes are in the same place as a cat, while the other two are on the sides of its head giving it nearly 360 degrees of vision.
Its two upper canines are like saber-tooth teeth only several feet long.
Symbol is a hour glass with sand running from the center in both directions
Reason for dreams are forgotten
Symbol Geometric shapes
When the Master of Masters attained true enlightenment, he became a god of history, knowledge, and self-perfection. Irori promotes discipline and teaches that one who can master themself finds the greatest benefits the world can provide.
Follower Alignments LG, LN, LE