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Carasil - Deity of Time

Huge humanoid being around 40ft tall covered in brown shaggy hair. Its four arms and two legs are like a gorillas. It moves around like an ape with two extra arms.

Its head is shaped like a cat but with no visible ears and four eyes, two of the eyes are in the same place as a cat, while the other two are on the sides of its head giving it nearly 360 degrees of vision.

Its two upper canines are like saber-tooth teeth only several feet long.

Symbol is a hour glass with sand running from the center in both directions

Dream Farmer

Reason for dreams are forgotten

Symbol Geometric shapes

Irori (LN)

When the Master of Masters attained true enlightenment, he became a god of history, knowledge, and self-perfection. Irori promotes discipline and teaches that one who can master themself finds the greatest benefits the world can provide.

Follower Alignments LG, LN, LE


  • be humble
  • help others perfect themselves
  • hone your body, mind, and spirit to a more perfect state
  • practice discipline


  • become addicted to a substance
  • destroy an important historical text
  • repeatedly fail to maintain self-control
fracterra/dieties.txt · Last modified: 2023/08/26 15:57 by rabidbaboon