Speaker A: No. So, like, basically I was gonna, like, just go over a lot of the world built, like doing world building and stuff, depending on how much you guys want to contribute versus consume. That's probably. I guess the first question is how much do you guys want to mostly consume stuff as far as, like, the world and missions, or do you want to contribute more, time permitting, to, I guess, for whatever, but for even stuff like making villains in the world or filling out more for a territory or anything like that, or do you just want me to do all that stuff? You guys just consume it as you come across it?
Speaker B: I'm pretty used to the kind of dungeon world method of like, sometimes the stuff is like. It just makes sense for that to hand it to, you know, your character because you're from there or whatever. I like contributing that kind of stuff is fine. I think a hybrid of the two is pretty neat.
Speaker C: I can see doing a really general backstory and then throwing that into whatever floor you do.
Speaker A: Yeah, that's like, generally. And I will ask the table too. So if you're like, looking for books or something, and you're like, what does this book say? It's like, well, you're reading it.
Speaker C: You tell me.
Speaker B: Exactly.
Speaker C: Guess what? It's coming back to five years. It's a tenacious weird for you.
Speaker A: So pretty much how we've been doing. But there are. There are 30 territories, granted, I doubt we'll visit all of them, let alone most of them. And I did tag. There is a political map and like. So you guys are definitely welcome to contribute names. Taurus put out a couple, and the only one that's actually named right now is Grimwater, which is over here is this territory, which probably doesn't show super good.
Speaker C: I was thinking it might be a little swampy.
Speaker A: But yeah, and they all have numbers, so if you're like, oh, I want to name that place or write lore about something, please just go ahead and do it. Because, yeah, nothing has names. And that was some of the session is if we want to go through and name all of them tonight, or if that just wants to be like a homework thing. Oops. Your scale, roughly how big are these areas there? The scale is down there. It's like 400 meters. Is that miles? Is that meter? That'd be a small world. So this is like 400 miles. So some of these are. They're a lot of over. Yeah. And then this is too blurry to see, but several of them are actually controlled by monster like, or the monsters or whatever are in power. Yeah, some of those are really hard to. So they're all either tagged human or monster. And that's who's the primary power. What in the zone do you have to worry about?
Speaker C: Environment.
Speaker A: There's actually like, oops, we do. It is. And I will probably actually post. You can kind of tell by some of, like a lot of the dark green. That's like pretty swampy area, if I remember right. And then there's like kind of more like plains and grasslands and then there is some like desert stuff. But. And these in this land map, it does have the borders on there. That's what the red marks are. So you can line up the political and the.
Speaker C: Rivers of lava that keep people apart. So don't call straight line.
Speaker B: So that scale 400 is about like just slightly longer than the wood for the Washington state.
Speaker C: Okay.
Speaker A: Yeah. And then of course, there's also mountains and stuff on the map, which they're much easier to look at on your own computer.
Speaker C: There's one white spot over there by Grimwater. Is that like. Because the mountains, it's got an underground touch.
Speaker A: So, yeah, there are. There were two. There is like this area.
Speaker C: Yeah, yeah, that's the one that I did.
Speaker A: That's when I was generating this. It doesn't have any, like, there's no association. So that could just be either really tough mountains, like, so nobody like actually lives up there or that can be something that you want to make up. Same with some of these island pieces over here. Nobody owns these chumps. So that could just be true wild west. That could be the wilderness.
Speaker C: The only law is what you carry with you. We don't worry about the politics there.
Speaker A: That could just be wilderness area. That those are like the two pure wilderness places. Or if someone else wants to make something up for that area or the both areas, whatever. That's. And also, I know the west is definitely has like heavy ties into a version of Christianity and spirituality stuff. So it's everybody. Okay if we. If that features fairly heavily in this.
Speaker C: No, I'm looking at this upside down.
Speaker A: Yes. Yeah, yeah.
Speaker C: I'm figuring this is.
Speaker A: Oh, yeah, I should put a. I should put it. I'll put a row map compass rose on there.
Speaker C: That's okay. I'm just.
Speaker A: Oh, it needs one. Anyways, this won't be a big deal.
Speaker C: We did.
Speaker B: Which one?
Speaker C: Warhammer. That was old style maps. I couldn't tell you nor done those either.
Speaker A: And like, once we're actually in a territory, I'll make a big version of the map so we can actually like, see the trails, because all the roads and railroad, I guess trails, slash roads are on there with. With towns and stuff marked. And I'll send you guys. I'll probably post the actual map file that you can use on as. As you can actually, like, zoom in and look at the full world map, and I'll update that as shall make a note. Besides there, I guess, any issues with using, I guess, any version of Christianity or spirituality type stuff? Okay.
Speaker C: Pretty english sentences that just sounded cool. No idea what.
Speaker A: And then how many moons should the planet have?
Speaker C: Two or three.
Speaker B: Freeze the phone number. But do we get a three body problem?
Speaker C: Possibly.
Speaker B: Does it make high noon really hard to do?
Speaker C: Only when you're drawn to the wrong moon, Hyun.
Speaker A: That could be something like Japan. We want to name the moons.
Speaker C: Well, three moons, but only one sun.
Speaker B: You weren't there. You're a yellow bellied chicken. Like, why was there first high moon? Oh, I was the second high moon. Sorry.
Speaker C: If you're throwing monster wars, you know, one of them had to come from the green.
Speaker B: I'm good with what. Dava.
Speaker A: Do we want to name those now or come up with those names over the week?
Speaker B: How many weeks?
Speaker A: We have three.
Speaker C: I'll come up with that over week.
Speaker A: Okay, Steve's going to name the three moons. Then if you want, you can give them a, I guess, their cycle days or whatever. And I usually, I have a calendar app, so we can actually put all three moons in and we can have their cycle. So you could see, we can know, like, what moon, which moon is in what phase. Steve's naming the moons.
Speaker C: Wasn't that the name of the planet?
Speaker A: No, that's where Braxton and Max were from. Yeah, it's a swampy planet that had, like, the virus from monochronics or something. I don't know. I don't quite remember.
Speaker C: But PI's had that similar feel to it, but without the virus.
Speaker A: And then I guess. Okay, so moons are taken care of for the calendar. Do we want to do a custom one or just use Earth.
Speaker B: Calendar?
Speaker A: The calendar? Yeah.
Speaker B: From how long has the planet been plagued?
Speaker A: It's ten years is what I have for the setting of the veil got torn, and I just need to divine what, define what that kind of means.
Speaker B: Too, because it's only been ten years. It wouldn't have changed whatever calendar clock system they had previously.
Speaker A: No, like, if you did something for.
Speaker B: Hundreds of years, then you change how you perceive time. So they probably have a pretty standard calendar based on the moons. It wouldn't be like ours, though. Because of the moon.
Speaker C: We have a month, but the moons are in their own phase. So maybe the three moons.
Speaker B: The seasons are determined by the shapes of the three moons that need them.
Speaker C: Throw a little dark crystalline, wait for conjunction and yeah, cross your fingers.
Speaker B: So you leave here. There is one there. The triform length, or at least every third year you get a trifold trifle.
Speaker C: Means.
Speaker B: It'S like playing slots.
Speaker C: Now we're getting into western gamble. We're just waiting for the, that's what the astronomers do. Yeah, they're waiting for things to happen. When do you think the next.
Speaker A: And we basically have like free reign as far as like how long we want each month, even how long we want a week to be.
Speaker B: Or maybe say that the year has.
Speaker C: Like three periods to three seasons because.
Speaker B: Of the three months.
Speaker C: That's why we become stronger than.
Speaker A: Works for me.
Speaker B: Maybe a random chance for the triform moon causes something negative in the weather.
Speaker C: Oh, it causes a calamity of some kind. Some kind undetermined, depending on where you're at. The lore is something's coming back. If you're on one of the islands, it's like, oh, crap, everybody die crown. So I guess there'd be three main seasons.
Speaker A: About three main seasons. And how long do we should I guess the season or how many, I guess how many months or how long is a month do we want to do on just even months are always like x days. And then there's this many months in a season.
Speaker C: Each season is three months long. So I'd give us a nine month year. Yeah. The alignments kind of COVID reset a dark jubilee.
Speaker A: Boom. I just want to stick with this like threes and just have 30 days or 60 day months. And we want six weeks. Six day weeks. Three day weeks.
Speaker C: This week was wrong.
Speaker A: Or nine day weeks.
Speaker C: Maybe nine would be three, nine months in a year. So nine days we didn't run. So 27 day months. That'd be three. Three, nine day weeks to a month.
Speaker A: Yeah. Three weeks to a month.
Speaker C: Yeah.
Speaker A: I like this. Yeah. The naming days of the week. Do we want to work on that now or make that homework and you guys can, well, I guess you guys could each wait nine week days. So you guys each name three days and you guys can do that over discord if you want. Or do you just want to, or do you want to do it today or do we want to wait until some more of the world is defined? Okay. Okay.
Speaker C: Do seasons build up or do they wind down? Well, if you broken it up into three, there's three months to each one. So let's say you're going in the summer. Do you start a high summer or do you start a low summer and high, they'd be more like local vernacular, and that could change from region to region.
Speaker D: Yeah.
Speaker A: Let'S see. And I guess also months names, too. You guys can name months as well, but that can be defined later, too. All right, I'll make a note for that. And then this is a tropical planet. So there wouldn't. So having, like, three seasons would be. Would make sense, I guess.
Speaker C: Two, the wet, the dry, dry season. You can't just collect the humidity for water.
Speaker B: Yeah.
Speaker C: And everybody has their own personal still because you just don't know what's in the air.
Speaker A: So maybe with the seasons, maybe peak in the middle. Would that feel, would that be weird? Like the. The middle month is the. Is like the peak. So, like, where we're in, like, summer, that's the worst time is in the middle, and it kind of wanes and then it starts building up to rainy season. So more and more.
Speaker C: So I build crest in the middle.
Speaker A: Okay. Seasons. Sine wave seasons. Let's go. And I guess, do we want the year to start with, I guess the worst weather or start with the best weather or something else? Or do we want the middle of the year to be, like, the worst weather?
Speaker C: Middle of the year. So what would the worst weather be? If you're used to muggy, would that be the dry season or the monster?
Speaker A: That's true, because we are, like, tropical wet planet. So I. That would, like, maybe the Dryden. I don't know. Cause I know, like, I lived in Arkansas. The hot muggy was the worst.
Speaker C: Oh, it'd be miserable.
Speaker A: Yeah, it was bad. And then, like, winter was great because it was, like, cool, but it was like 70. A lot of the time. Like 50 to 60.
Speaker C: There's also that difference with the humidity cut. I mean, in the summer, it probably felt like you were swimming from place to place even though your feet were on the ground. In the winter, it just cut. It just go right to the bone.
Speaker A: Yeah, it was fairly chilly feeling, but it was always nice. All right, so I'll just say that's, like, hot muggy.
Speaker D: Sounds good to me.
Speaker A: 100% humidity, 200%.
Speaker C: Boy, you haven't been swimming in how long you got swimmers here?
Speaker B: How'd you pull that off?
Speaker C: Don't worry. We clogging when it gets cold, growing too fast. So if it being that humid kind of a tropical environment, imagine there's a lot of things that go. Plants.
Speaker A: Yeah. Especially like along the. Yeah, I think there would be a lot of, I guess, like bamboo and whatever else kind of tree. Like maybe people even live in like tree houses a lot. Like maybe the. Just to be off, like the ground since it's a lot of. It will be like swampy.
Speaker C: Imagine stuff like leather would be rare.
Speaker B: Expensive, hard to put, depending on the leather.
Speaker C: Yeah. Might provide some waterproof.
Speaker A: And then we can use a lot of just, I guess, earth environments for thinking up how the area looks and stuff too.
Speaker C: Living off the land, I dimensioned for the most part. So higher rocky areas of Yellowstone and the swamps. I don't know where the bud set. Where would you like, raise your mangroves to live in walls.
Speaker A: Yeah, probably do that. And probably. Maybe. Probably some sort. And, like farming in like those areas would probably be, I guess, like rice field kind of things. But also maybe even some like primitive, like type of like hydroponic farming would be done too because it is like 1860s earth technology. So there is like steam and I. All that kind of stuff.
Speaker C: Cities on the hill, all the water runs down the fertilizer fields.
Speaker A: Yes. I guess we got the calendar sorted. Three seasons, three moons, three weeks to a month. Actually, we just have 27 days to a month. 27 days? Yeah. Night and day, week. And we'll figure out week and month names later. You guys will name those three for three. Season peak, worst one in the middle. Let's see.
Speaker C: Celebration for the outcome with your waiters. Yeah, I can even see that shifting depending on the area.
Speaker A: Yep. They're definitely. With all our train, we'll be able to have more varied, I guess, cultural feel to because there definitely will be swamps and plains and mountains and there is a little bit of some desert savannah type areas, I guess. Yeah, I guess we could talk a little bit more about the weird and what the veil being torn actually means. I'll say this. This is done for. No.
Speaker C: Was it an issue with the corporation and the witches? Like two different factions.
Speaker A: So the only thing that basically, of course, I guess we could name one of the railroad companies after that other is that there are witches. So what I wrote.
Speaker C: I was trying to remember the original.
Speaker D: Yeah, there was a corporation in that one.
Speaker A: So what I've what I got right now for weird west for the inspiration, this quote straight out of the weird, weird west book. But it's a pistachio western, tropes and psychedelic supernatural. This make believe film will be about weird and strange monsters, slayers in a fictional alternate universe, America esque old west using their powers to save the day while hoping and praying they don't succumb to the supernatural themselves. Yeah, it's like, think DJ Django Unchained. I've never watched that movie. Meets X Files. The good, the bad, the ugly meets supernatural. Wild. Wild west meets Buffy the vampire slayer. Werewolves kill cattle, all outlaws fight off vampires. Technology is strange and the world is. And he's like, dot, dot, dot weird. And then I have, like, hunt showdown, which is a video game, which is what the original, I guess, our stars without numbers Savicola was drawn a lot from. And then Lovecraft horror. And then I guess the stuff that's set specifically right now is. It's weird. West technology level, 1860s. Earth humans and monsters on a tropical planet. And then I just have the years. 1866. Ten years after witches of Sabacola breached the veil, opening the world to creatures of darkness. Many have been touched by the dark powers that infest savicola. And you are one of them. Will you choose to fight the darkness or to spread it?
Speaker C: So is this veil similar to dragon age veil or is this a different.
Speaker A: The only thought I had recently is like, the christian God is like, had sectioned off this world or something. And, like, the old. And the old gods got shunted out and now the witches, like, tore that barrier and they're come back. It was something like I thought, like if. I don't know if that's. That was just a thought I had while thinking on this over the last couple of weeks, but definitely have more input.
Speaker C: It's just that when I hear veil, I think dragon mentioned was. Yeah, that was. I don't know what's in the veil. It could be anything coming out of it. It's not really.
Speaker A: Yeah. And that means the same thing with this one too.
Speaker C: This one, it's like, I'm sorry, y'all got vanished and you're making it back.
Speaker B: So are they coming back through the veil or were they here and they tore the veil trying to get out?
Speaker A: No, they. I guess, like, the witches tore it. So whether the stuff is coming, and I just assume, like, the stuff's coming in now.
Speaker B: So this was sectioned off?
Speaker A: Yeah. Savicola was protected by this veil and Diablo.
Speaker B: So somebody's messed with it.
Speaker A: Yeah.
Speaker B: They'Re just using whatever did come out of it.
Speaker C: Why not weld?
Speaker A: And then. Yeah, and then people have, like, mutated.
Speaker C: And we got the bail a little thin and now we're using it to.
Speaker B: Power our goods, which would be a little bit similar to the dragon age veil because although people are more, like tempted by the spirits inside of it.
Speaker C: As opposed to just the power that death.
Speaker B: I guess your backstory of Santa Cola, when we were playing before, like, there was a plague, but there were mystical elements.
Speaker A: Yeah. Like I said, we had.
Speaker B: So, like, from your backstory, you guys kind of had some of that.
Speaker C: Yeah.
Speaker B: Does that kind of fit with what you were thinking before when you guys were designing it?
Speaker A: Oh, I've changed. Well, there. The witches in the original one were, like, the science psionic people on the planet, because I don't. And then they were basically good. And, like, every tribe had a witchen that was, like their advisor to leadership or whatever, which we could still. Like that. We could still apply that to this for the most part, but I just made it more generic. They're not like I had right now. The witches are just typical witches, shaman type people. They're not necessarily a cohesive group of wielders or something like that.
Speaker B: Sure, because different. Different people encountering the power would think it comes to them by different means for different purposes. So their interpretation would be different. So you would have people. That was absolutely crazy. Hell, Ben, done making themselves more powerful versus people.
Speaker C: Oh, this is a gift.
Speaker B: We're gonna make life better. You'd have the entire running it, right. It was a gift of purposely getting.
Speaker C: Smacked around on my life. And now I got power. I got Jesus. I could also see, timeline wise, just taking what we had for worlds without number. Take this back, like a couple hundred years or 400 years or something like that. Free space travel.
Speaker B: That should definitely be thousands of years.
Speaker C: That works.
Speaker B: I mean, because the space travel thing was thousands of years.
Speaker C: Yeah, but I mean, as far as planet itself or.
Speaker B: No, it was 600 years. I think it's what it was. It was a long time, but I get what you're saying.
Speaker C: And then that way it would match out with the witches being visors. You'd have various groups of political factions going on. The mega corps probably wouldn't have landed yet. Depending on where you want to work it in that timeline, they'd either scouting.
Speaker B: So, like, are in this particular world. Are there visitors from offworld in this?
Speaker A: It could be, but originally, like, I had. I was basically just, I guess, reusing parts of Savacola, but it was divorced from the stars without number setting.
Speaker C: No, that's fine.
Speaker B: Does it sound like there's not, like it's contained in here?
Speaker D: So from.
Speaker B: Even if it was part of stars, it would be in the period maybe direct or a while after it happened. It. Nobody visits here because it's that was explained.
Speaker C: The ancient tech, the weird tech.
Speaker B: I'm not trying to link it to that. My brain goes back to thinking of what we talked about with Savacola before.
Speaker C: Yeah, my brain is just running out of.
Speaker B: Screen start. Yeah. For me, it doesn't have to be directly tied to the other. Unless we wanted to.
Speaker A: No, I wasn't planning to. Because it would be so far back in the history that it, like, wouldn't matter. This would be like priests. Yeah, I mean, it could still be from that, like, from that universe, but it's would be so far back that it wouldn't matter.
Speaker C: Or so far forward.
Speaker B: Things have just not gone well.
Speaker A: Yep, that's true. That's like, I guess, mostly irrelevant because, I mean, psionics or whatever is totally viable in this setting. Like, depends on how you applied. Yo. And then do we want to name, I guess, instead of referring to them. Yeah, we should name, I guess, the deity that was protecting the planet that put the veil up. And that's where, I guess, the old time western Christianity or whatever came from.
Speaker C: All of a sudden, he was gone.
Speaker A: And that's why the veldor, the protection.
Speaker C: Has got a whole plant of mazes and traps and constant entertainment. Probably don't want to go that direction. Played around so many different worlds. It's like what can't be on heaven touched on.
Speaker B: Or maybe there's a degree of uncertainty. I mean, as you mentioned, like, you have people who are saying it's the christian God. Maybe it is, but you have people who are playing with the veil that may go. It just happens to be. That's the struggle on some of the people. Yeah, well, people consider it or don't consider it, or even are confused by. If they encounter beings through it, they consider that to be the deity that comes from it.
Speaker C: Therefore it's the manager of that.
Speaker B: I was just thinking of how humans behave with that kind of stuff, with the unknown as they start to attribute it to all sorts of things that.
Speaker A: I don't know.
Speaker B: I'm not trying to make it, like, overly generalized, just thinking about how humans do.
Speaker A: Yeah.
Speaker C: Or would it be a lot of native religions, kind of a paganism, and then one kind of dominant from.
Speaker B: And someone could be right? I mean, we could decide that someone is right. Or do we know that the people are just in factions partly because of that sometimes? I mean, there's gonna be people witch.
Speaker C: Hunting guarantee no matter, it's an old west world, we know that there's going to be two families feuding.
Speaker A: Yeah, well, that's all it's time for Hatfields and McCoy. That's, like. I guess, probably why? Like, maybe we should, like, there is, like, the dominant, I guess, religion over, I guess, most of the world, christian religion.
Speaker D: Are we doing, like, the old west, like, fire and brimstone, manifest destiny stuff?
Speaker A: Yeah, yeah, that's. That's what. Yeah, that's. That. That's time in Christianity or whatever, where. Where you do have, like, preacher gunslingers. Yeah, very much. And they would be direct. Like, they would be definitely, like, hunting, I guess, these witches. I mean, that could be. That could be either an arm of the church. Maybe we should just call him the church. I don't know. Yeah.
Speaker C: Everybody calls it the church.
Speaker A: Yeah.
Speaker C: Specific name to be.
Speaker A: And they have the pell. Yeah, they have pell riders that are, like, gunslinger preachers slash witch hunters.
Speaker C: Kind of a circuit judge of sorts.
Speaker A: Mm hmm.
Speaker C: What was it called? Dread.
Speaker D: Yo.
Speaker A: How about the church is the dominant religion that formed, I guess, from the deity that sealed the world? Yeah, there we go. I should say formed around the deity that sealed the world. And then, like, some of the quotes, like, there are, like, people, like, if you dive too deep into, like, the darkness, I guess that you're the weird. That you got touched with, you do, like, transform into monstrous something. And that's actually part of the mechanics of the playbooks.
Speaker C: Something the Pell riders are looking for.
Speaker A: Yeah. Weird hunters.
Speaker D: What's the Templar?
Speaker A: They. I'd say that the Pell hunters would probably be pretty close to kind of like the Templars from Dragon age. Yeah, they're out looking for. But they're also, like, kind of a safe place for the average person, too.
Speaker C: Judge would probably have three main forces. There'd be that hill writers, probably regular clergy, and then a missionary.
Speaker A: It. So we'll have a deity name that we can come up with at some point if it becomes relevant, and then. Yep. So the witches tore it.
Speaker C: Seems to give good advice.
Speaker A: Bob Moss. They tore Bob Moss open. We're all just inside Bob Moss when it rains.
Speaker B: It's just little, soft pellets from Bob.
Speaker A: That might be too weird for a weird west.
Speaker B: The pilot's now been consumed.
Speaker C: What did we name that mouse creature when we first started doing? Was it just Bob?
Speaker D: It was Bob Moss. I think it was Bob. And then Bob boss.
Speaker A: Yeah, it's very Bob. Let's see. We do need more. Any more definition for what the veil means or work on or add more to it later as we just discover.
Speaker C: I mean, Bates Lord, you know, there's a veil. It's letting them weird. Don't exactly know what that entails. It's just kind of like folklore.
Speaker A: And. Yeah, I'm saying there also is, like. Yeah, monsters are.
Speaker C: And I can see each area having their own pain. The werewolves screaming in the night.
Speaker A: Yeah, we can do the territories. Like, each territory kind of has, like, a unique weirdness to it.
Speaker C: Almost like it's all the same painting. It's just a different part of the palette. So there might be some things that are similar, but.
Speaker A: So, say has a unique weirdness to it. There we go. Territory has a unique weirdness to it.
Speaker C: And that might tie with the areas that you said are monsters. There's probably a wide variety of monsters. Are there some that are considered intelligent? That might be a little squeak.
Speaker A: Yeah, I would say especially since it's been ten years since the veil is torn. Like, there would be, like, demon Lord type, you know, that esque of, like. Or higher, like, bigger monsters or even people that have, like, embraced their weird and have grown and maybe they're, you know, then the weirdness does whatever.
Speaker C: So I could see the Lord from them being, like, not opposite of the church, but very different.
Speaker A: Yeah. And I do will. I do plan to make the world feel a little more alive. So there will be, like, territories, will have, like, alliances and be at wars and stuff with each other. And, like. And the. And that would be something I, like, basically just roll, like, once a month. So if you come up to, like, a border area, maybe riding through battlefields or stuff like that.
Speaker C: You're wearing the wrong color, boy. We're gonna have to shoot you.
Speaker A: Yeah.
Speaker B: We don't know why we hate.
Speaker C: You, but you're wearing a blue sash.
Speaker B: I gotta shoot you.
Speaker A: And then maybe the.
Speaker C: Passports.
Speaker B: Now.
Speaker A: Maybe with the territories that are monster controlled are actually, like, where there are port, like, portals, and that's where, like, actual. And that's why they're controlled by the humans or whatever just got overrun or turned or whatever. Or decided these are our new gods.
Speaker C: Kind of, like, supernatural hot spots.
Speaker A: Yeah. Okay, I think that's definitely enough for specifically dedicated to the val fir. Let's see, I guess. Does anyone want to pick our starting month and day, or do we just want to roll for it? I think we can roll a d ten.
Speaker D: Can we finally roll?
Speaker A: All right, someone throw a d ten out there? All right, one seven, and then a day. So I guess we're gonna need a d nine, actually. I guess I can always.
Speaker D: Hey, we got 90.
Speaker C: The party got hit with something. We don't know what it is. I just don't know what day is.
Speaker A: Seven. Day nine. Yeah, month seven. Day nine. All right, I'm sorry. That's where we'll be starting in the year 1866, which is at the start of. We just like finished the crappies season. Start of whatever. The regular, less rainy. I don't know if the middle is the worst. Then we. So we go to like hot, muggy and then do we move into like monsoons?
Speaker C: Yeah, it's probably cool into a monsoon.
Speaker A: Okay, so it get dry.
Speaker C: Actually, that dry season makes it interesting to go from dry to muggy. Or would you go to monst from monsoon to muggy, not hot?
Speaker A: No.
Speaker D: Monsoon used to be weird.
Speaker C: That works.
Speaker D: Super hot and all time.
Speaker A: So season three goes to rain season, monsoon season.
Speaker D: Everyone gets pressure headaches.
Speaker A: All right. And I guess then season one is just like regular. Regular weather.
Speaker B: Yeah, regular crappy weather.
Speaker A: The chill season.
Speaker D: The chill season. Cold 70 degrees.
Speaker A: Actually, that would be the winter essentially.
Speaker D: Yeah, monsoon would kind of be winter.
Speaker A: I don't know.
Speaker D: I don't know when monsoons, I think monsoons are usually.
Speaker A: Well, that could be the like heavy rain season. And then we like move into like cooler.
Speaker D: Yeah, a chilly 80 degrees.
Speaker A: Yeah. Oh, they melted together.
Speaker B: It was like one of those packages.
Speaker C: When did get a wrapper?
Speaker A: Or do we grow during months soon season.
Speaker C: Depends on our crops.
Speaker D: They could, they could have crops.
Speaker A: They could just be like, we just grow everything in the rain because I'm fine with that. Cuz maybe it only. Maybe the majority of the rain comes in that season.
Speaker C: Be almost like a winner for pride.
Speaker D: I'm fine with that.
Speaker A: So besides, season one is the growth season. Like following the rain. Everyone stored up rain and now it's like prime growing weather before it gets too hot and poopy and then it.
Speaker C: All kind of dries out and then it rains again.
Speaker D: Rains for like months.
Speaker A: There you go. That makes some decent. That sounds good.
Speaker C: Say that now until your waiters got a bullseye. Can you imagine the drainage system? You have to have all these old west movies where you see the muddy streets. Streets that they're all gonna cross on either side.
Speaker A: There. Okay. Okay. There we go. Yeah, that actually kind of works out really good with how we're. How the seasons, like peak in the middle. So you get all your like, prepping, planting done and then it like grows and then you harvest on them. Okay. All right. And then do so character death is going to be a lot more depend on like, what happens with the fiction, I guess this is kind of jumping a little bit into what happens when players die, because when your trauma fills up doesn't necessarily mean you're actually dead. You're just out. Yeah, you may wish you're dead, man. I wish I was dead.
Speaker B: How many bullets I got left?
Speaker A: But this. So when characters die, do you guys want to do last breath, like Drudgeon dungeon world? So you go talk to somebody?
Speaker D: Maybe mine might depend on what? My character.
Speaker A: Well, you always have the option with last breath to not even roll.
Speaker D: Yeah, no, that's. I don't care. I'm planning for a mechanic. That's gonna be me. How does my guy die?
Speaker C: Determined.
Speaker A: We could make that an option, like, because when your trauma is full, that's turned into a discussion. So that could be just like, oh, like, this is it. I'm gonna burn everything and kill everything around me before I bite the dust. And I'm fine with that.
Speaker C: Hold on for dear life and hope that your team wins. So you get hauled off to the grind, or if you need to, story, plot. Kind of like how PI collapsed. He got done.
Speaker B: Yeah.
Speaker D: Yeah, yeah.
Speaker C: Yeah.
Speaker A: So I guess that's, I guess a distinction between when your traumas full and that'll all be fiction too. But then, like, if I guess, too. Well, I guess that's not really. Because if you want to. If you. If you want your guy to, like, die from all of that and you want to do the blaze of glory on. That's from Dagger heart has a move like that. Like when you're dead, you can go out in a blaze of glory.
Speaker C: I think a lot of that would depend on what your final move is, that it can pass it. But if you're decapitated, you're done. You're not going to be running around like a headless chicken.
Speaker B: How weird you are.
Speaker C: This is true.
Speaker A: Depending on your wellness level. Okay, so I guess we'll just.
Speaker C: Roll.
Speaker D: Or depend on what happens.
Speaker A: Yeah, I'll just do.
Speaker C: I mean, I. I guess you were depending on your playbook if you're a servant. Yeah, maybe whoever you made your contract with. Not bad, boy. Not bad.
Speaker B: Yeah.
Speaker C: You're not done yet.
Speaker D: Conversation.
Speaker C: Yeah. Perfect techno. You're thinking, I'm not quite dead yet. No, you are. So. Yeah, sadly, I'm up for the babies.
Speaker A: Oh, no, that's. That's fine. I don't. I don't mind doing that. Keep. I mean, it makes it interesting or keeps it more interesting. Let's see, there's. I think your trauma maxed out. I think that's also becomes ag, like a discussion at the table when you max your weird out.
Speaker D: It does.
Speaker C: It's supposed to be dramatic.
Speaker A: Yeah.
Speaker D: Yeah.
Speaker A: So that I'm gonna. That's just gonna be up to the player. I think what I'll say is vastly more of, like, what?
Speaker D: Yeah, because each class has their own.
Speaker B: What happens in your.
Speaker A: Is there a weird. Your weird power?
Speaker D: Yeah.
Speaker A: Yeah.
Speaker D: At least for me, that's where I'd say what happens.
Speaker A: I'm just gonna. I'll just leave that up to you guys. So when you max your weird out, that's gonna be up to the player and. Yeah, the player. And I think we'll just leave it there. So if you wanna keep wanting mutate and become monstrous and get chased by Pell riders as part of your players, I'm down for it. All right. Yeah. All right.
Speaker D: Yep.
Speaker A: Know where that. Because your party has pell riders in it. They're like, ah, nope.
Speaker D: Just looking at the fighter here. I mean, theirs is rip and tear with teeth and claw drinking gorge or break their spirit and maim their soul. So it's like, depending on which one you pick, you're gonna be something.
Speaker A: Maybe too. Like, you guys may need to be careful around the Pell riders specifically, I think.
Speaker D: Oh, definitely. If you're, like, any form of weirdness around the weirdo, like occultist or the servant, you probably wouldn't, like.
Speaker C: You wouldn't want to make your best friend. Well, maybe later. Once they got to know you, they might not kill you on site because the cultist reason.
Speaker D: Right.
Speaker A: There you go.
Speaker C: Quite spanish inquisition level. Pale riders. Yeah, but.
Speaker A: And I say they probably won't. I'd say hell, riders probably won't be, like, super prevalent, but there will be, like, clergy and missionaries, like, in every town that may report you.
Speaker D: Yeah, they would report.
Speaker C: Hey, we found.
Speaker D: This person.
Speaker C: Boogeyman, and I could almost see that being part of it or lore, depending on where you go. It's like, the type of stuff parents tell their kids to tell her. Mitch.
Speaker A: Yeah?
Speaker C: You listen to your mama, Boyden.
Speaker D: Yeah. I can almost see, like, a power rider show up in town.
Speaker A: There's, like, people can be like, oh, yeah.
Speaker D: You know, like, normal townspeople kind of what's going on.
Speaker C: Did you ever see that old anime Claymore like that?
Speaker A: Yeah.
Speaker D: Yeah.
Speaker A: So should they be, like, dressed in, like, generally, like, all white themed on white horses to, like, really lean into this pell rider thing? Or should they be like, more like, you just there's some insignia or uniform they wear and their horses or whatever.
Speaker B: Actually, bring a little bit of like old english catholic church.
Speaker D: Yeah.
Speaker B: Almost like a little bit more like the. Not the dark amalgam of Warhammer being how Warhammer amalgams a little bit of catholic church into it. It's like the zealotry woven in, but in a western.
Speaker A: Yeah.
Speaker B: You know, dirty style.
Speaker D: Yeah, no, I could see them having white tassels. Yeah. White horses and.
Speaker B: Yeah.
Speaker D: And unique weapons. Like, almost like catholic weapon.
Speaker C: You mean like that Edison rifle or something?
Speaker D: Yeah, well, like they have like a look.
Speaker A: They're like theme. Yeah, yeah.
Speaker C: I don't know if it'd be a duster or a certain brooch or pendant or a tattoo. Like maybe they're all marked with a certain tattoo over part of their face.
Speaker B: I can imagine that generally their hats would be some similarity. Like. Yeah, they always wear a shade of a hat. If you're looking in a crowd, when you walk into a saloon, the first thing you're doing is scanning for that color hat just to make sure, you know, like, what am I dealing with in here? Something about the hats?
Speaker D: No, I think we have it, like, you know, when they're in town, maybe.
Speaker A: They just have like, a unique hat style. So, like, they generally all. Maybe that's. Maybe that's just like the part that's like sets. Maybe they don't wear uniforms per se, but they all have, like, that hat. Matching belt buckle, patent belt buckle. Yeah.
Speaker C: Maybe magic.
Speaker B: I do like the weapon aspect.
Speaker D: Yeah.
Speaker B: And weapons that maybe are just unique.
Speaker D: To them as far as, like, church weapons, maybe even function, you know?
Speaker A: Yeah, they could be. Because they do. Cause like, because for like, kind of the weird. And maybe since the veil is torn, the deity, whatever, has granted them like some extra, like, super natural for their stuff. So they do have, like, holy water that actually, like, burns the weird out of you. Like kind of like that. Kind of stuff like that.
Speaker B: To some people before. Not in the religious sense.
Speaker C: That's nearing that Warhammer weird level.
Speaker B: Yeah. I am religious, but I'm not. Chaotic.
Speaker C: Religious waffle. Chaotic.
Speaker A: Ok, let's see. And then we do have railroad company. Railroad companies. They're basically. There's two of them, one on each continent, I guess. And they. They control the entire railroad. So they maintain the railroad defend it. They make sure stuff goes where it's supposed to go. And I guess they would maintain. They also would control the Morse code thing.
Speaker C: Telegraph.
Speaker A: Yes, telegraph. They would be. They would control that.
Speaker D: Is there a railroad across the continent.
Speaker C: Or is it both?
Speaker A: No, you have to. There is. That's why there's two of them. Because there is. Yeah, they're not connected. There is no railroad in the. Across the water. You actually have to go take a boat. That's why. Why there's two. And I don't know if we need to do. They do need names. I don't know if you guys want to make that a homework or I'll name them myself or what. The two railroad corps corporations, I could see those being.
Speaker D: They probably wouldn't be.
Speaker C: After they had that down. They would be fighting over shipping lanes.
Speaker A: And that could be too. Is it like they fight over. They fight, they do naval battles to control shipping lanes because they have monopolies of their.
Speaker B: Yeah, they totally would too. Because you have railroads going right up to docks.
Speaker D: Yeah, drop it off.
Speaker B: That'd be like the money maker.
Speaker A: Port towns are going to be papers and they're. And they are like, I guess they don't. All the territories, I guess it's not like, I guess give them a wide berth per se, or like give them free reign because they make sure goods go where they need to go. Like that kind of stuff.
Speaker C: I can see them almost having the equivalent of their own personal armies.
Speaker A: Yeah, they definitely do like an office.
Speaker C: That they would have, almost like Wells Fargo. So there'd be an office. Depending on the importance of the city, they might station.
Speaker A: Yeah. Because they. If you. I mean, anybody that rides it, anybody that ships anything there, they get their cut and they run them through. The trains run even through monster territories in either. And then also, like, I don't. If you guys want to like train styles or anything. I'm totally down for whatever.
Speaker D: Steam or coal.
Speaker A: Well, yeah, the tech wise.
Speaker C: Yeah, I mean, different, but the old spurs that aren't really in use, they're not valuable, would have older engines on them. The newer important line, the better tech, the better steam engine. So that would run again, but everything from the 18 hundreds to 1920s, you got that nice streamlined. But you get back in the mining village and it's like some old Bertha, this great big steam barrel on wheels. Probably do a top of like 5 miles an hour. So that would be an early steam engine. And they might not have the really cutting edge stuff out yet, but it'd definitely be in development. Unless something replaced the train system, which I don't see happening.
Speaker A: At least on the. On this continent. Over here, the train generally runs along this inside piece, and then it also has a chunk that goes, like, out here. So I don't. That was weird. No, and I think the other ones, there's not too many, like, weird spurs. The other one, and. Yeah, the other one's kind of crazy, too. It looks like they run mostly on the interior, which is kind of interesting. Yeah, routes. We'll worry about that.
Speaker C: It makes sense for the swamp. That would be.
Speaker A: Yeah. And I think. I think that's why it might be why the roads were generated that way, because they do seem to run through a lot, like, avoid the swamp area, which is. Roger.
Speaker C: Now, if they found some resource, but I don't know if they're using Pete or coal or they found something cool. I can see that. In the process of building a line onto it.
Speaker A: Yeah, yeah. And then we could. That can always be something, too, that we, as we need. We'll, as Japan. We play the game. It's like, oh, there should be a railroad to this town for, you know, whatever reason. So then we'll just. We'll replace the road there with a railway. Won't be that.
Speaker C: Catan said make it. So, do they do much water travel? I mean, I see a lot of water in the world.
Speaker A: There are actually. There are a lot of. So, like, all on this interior in here is water routes. There's water routes all, like, along most of the coast. And there's water routes along. Through here to connect to the other one. Okay, so, yeah, no, there's. There's definitely, like, steam, like, paddle wheels. Yeah, there's actually water routes. It looks like, around the entire. Yeah, all the way around. You can travel the entire circumference of the land, it looks like, by water routes. It looks like there's a single one here. So maybe the reason this is unclaimed is because. That's. No, man. That's the railway corpos are freaking blasting each other in the center. Okay, I will make a note of that.
Speaker C: Training grounds. Make it through here, maybe give you another position.
Speaker A: Because from the. From what I. From the what I can see on here, it looks like there's actually, like, the two. There's a single, like, shipping line through the center there. So they could be fighting each other constantly.
Speaker C: Proxy battles. Small Cuba, Dominican Republic, and Caribbean between pirates. So you'd have proxy rolls going on with that. And then the pirates are just free builders, looters.
Speaker A: And then. Let's see. Okay, does anyone want to name the railway corporations or write any lore about them?
Speaker B: I think it would be funny. Let's do this. There's some nice amalgamations off of the monopoly railroads.
Speaker D: Chat, GPT. That gave me.
Speaker B: What's that?
Speaker D: No, I asked. Chat. GPT. Gator. Grin.
Speaker B: Railcom. There you go. One of them in monopoly was called BMO. Railroad railroads do often view amalgamations of the names of people.
Speaker C: Are there major faction leaders in one of the railroad thing where it could.
Speaker B: Be like their first initials?
Speaker A: Sure.
Speaker B: Then it could just be either the name and the name refer to you as initial and initial.
Speaker C: Yeah, for one. And then make one a family. Wells sons or something like that. That was the thing. Fargo and sons.
Speaker B: But I'm fine with one that's like based on the land.
Speaker C: And the.
Speaker B: Other monopoly ones are interesting. But being a railroad, like a lot of railroads did do something in suns.
Speaker D: Or so and so and so let's go into.
Speaker B: Because they were big conglomerates that took lots of money.
Speaker D: I'd be fine.
Speaker C: They devoured everybody else.
Speaker B: It could be two different styles. Do one that's like that, one that is like that.
Speaker C: And that could be your managerial style. One is going to be very family. It's a family business. And the other one is the way I did before. So more of a federation have come together to run the other.
Speaker A: All right, so one's family based and the other one. What was you saying?
Speaker C: It'd be like a federation basically. A bunch of rebel owners that got together, got rid of the competition.
Speaker B: And there's a lot of land in here that's pretty dangerous, right?
Speaker A: It's. Yeah, I say for the most part I was thinking because I think I have it set up so it's like four mile hexes. So I was thinking like, you know, you go, you like one to two hexes off like the road even. Most of the roads are going to be old west think like crossing the prairie type stuff. A lot of the time I can.
Speaker B: Imagine the railroads would have because it's so dangerous and there's so much protection. They would have their protection forces, but then they'd also have like expedition forces that like have to go out because something has to be repaired. And so they have to take a crew out to repair it and protect them while they do it. Because you're not just going to send workers out to a railroad in the middle of nowhere. You're going to have to send experts, shoot critters and bandits. Yeah. To protect that. So they would have really interesting, I think groups that go out.
Speaker A: Yeah, that's definitely part. Yeah, because they, they're, they maintain all that. So yeah, they would very much have armed crews that would go out there too. And they be grizzly people. Grizzly. But also probably well taken care. Well armed. Or would they be more like just higher. Or would they. Or could maybe that's. Or would that be like traits of the two? One of them like just hires whoever. So, like, if you guys wanted to, like, we need putting together a crew to go fix this road. You need to need guards. You were hiring?
Speaker B: Yeah, I think it'd be a mix. Depending on the severity and the importance of a piece of track or something. They might mix and match that. Or we need extra guys. So we have our core crew, but then we're going to hire a bunch of extra guys. They're going to be in front.
Speaker C: They're headed. Take care of that spur in the.
Speaker B: Middle of nowhere that we really don't care about. Yeah.
Speaker A: So we want to name the family based one first. What was that name you had? Tora Grimm? Something grim.
Speaker D: Gator.
Speaker B: Grinning gator.
Speaker A: The grinning gator. Fam railroad.
Speaker D: Railco.
Speaker C: So I hear you're taking a ride on the GG.
Speaker D: There's even gators.
Speaker A: Yes, there's some gators.
Speaker B: There is now.
Speaker A: Green Gator family railroad. Do all their. Do a lot of their engines have like the. Instead of a shark mouth like painted on the front, it's got a gator mouth. Or maybe it's just like an actual gator head.
Speaker B: Well, it'd be like, you know, gators and props. Like they'll spin in the water and they'll like flail around. It could be a logo that's like a gator. That's like Bentley a little bit, but it's almost like a smile. So the body itself is a little bit turned up like a grin. Where it's the tail of the head. That makes sense. You just see it in kind of a spinning gear. Bottom parts flat, but the upper body and the tail kind of crawl around. That's just like the logo. They just stamp on things. Like if they have cattle, they stamp it on there. Something that's easily reproducible on clothing cattle beside of a train car. Like, what's that company with the Gecko logo? It's actually a.
Speaker A: It's actually a gecko. There's like a t shirt company maybe?
Speaker D: No, that's the one with the Gecko system. Gecko company.
Speaker A: Then do we want to generate some random names for the other Federation one or does someone have names in mind?
Speaker C: I don't.
Speaker D: I don't.
Speaker C: So this is the group of people that got together or the more the.
Speaker A: Family one, it's the that got together the Federation. How about Humbert?
Speaker D: Humbert?
Speaker A: Humbert for one of the nukes.
Speaker C: Fargo.
Speaker D: There you go.
Speaker C: Like a lopper. Cucumber, Fargo. And.
Speaker B: This would be a pretty good one for the green gator. Just have it be like a little.
Speaker D: Up at the end.
Speaker A: There you go. There you go. You can save that and post it to me if you want.
Speaker B: Just slightly upturned.
Speaker C: You see that as an easy stencil. Slap down and just break in. Yeah.
Speaker B: I know it's been a bad week and all of you guys are way down on my discord list of people that I've talked to lately.
Speaker A: So we got Humbert Fargo and Montreal Railroad. Montreal. Montreal.
Speaker C: In their sense would just be the initials.
Speaker A: Yep. All right. And then for naming territories, how do we. Do you guys just want to, like, name them during the week or just name them as we come to them when we just start in grimwater or.
Speaker C: Yeah, name them as we go to them. Or if we get a mission.
Speaker B: I think if we get a feel what the world's gonna become. There needs to be this. There needs to be this.
Speaker C: Yeah.
Speaker A: And then if you guys do get like a name id, because Tora posted a couple and I'll probably use at least one of those for one of the monster territories, I would love for.
Speaker B: You guys to have record labor to stuff because you guys thought about Savacola.
Speaker A: A lot.
Speaker B: But the subscribe.
Speaker A: Good. Oh, maybe we'll do twilight wilds and then one of those. The unique weirdness about it is it's like always twilight and they're like, it has a weird shade. Okay, well, that's.
Speaker D: That's post processing effects.
Speaker B: It's all like that glossy walk in.
Speaker D: And you can go back in and out and your filter changes.
Speaker A: Twilight.
Speaker D: Not twilight.
Speaker C: Twilight.
Speaker B: One valley that goes in, like, one, you know, crag path. You ride through it, sprague as you.
Speaker C: Go through it, almost like a fog or something.
Speaker A: All right. And then I'll roll the relation shifts that. So you don't need to worry about that because that's just a d six. And I'll just go through this. Yeah, so if. Yeah, if anyone comes up with an item like a name, like, oh, we need to name it that. And then eventually we'll name capitals too, so we know, like, the capital and the territory. But I guess that that can get decided when the territory gets. And again, too, like if I someone like, you're looking at the map and you see a territory, say, oh, I'll write some lore, make up government stuff for that style, you know, whatever, I'm totally fine.
Speaker C: I think one needs to be picked as like, the hub for the church.
Speaker D: Hey, I was just thinking, I don't.
Speaker C: Know if it's the island in the middle or if it's up in ithood.
Speaker D: Almost like the Vatican or something.
Speaker A: Yeah.
Speaker C: Yeah.
Speaker A: Okay. Yeah, that's. That could be that. White territory in the mountains, because we do have. It is tiny. Because it's.
Speaker B: It would need to be hard to approach, like, if you wanted to fight it.
Speaker C: So with their lore.
Speaker A: Yeah. Okay. White territory north of Grimwater.
Speaker C: And whether it's a high mountain plateau, they grow their own. Or if they've got tunnels through that entire mountain system.
Speaker A: It could be that they have. Because it sits. That sits in the mountains. Like, that's this little red territory here.
Speaker C: Now, if we're doing wild, wild west, that sort of thing. Is there any air travel?
Speaker A: I'd have to. I would have to go and look and see what there was in 1860s earthenhouse is. That's like. That's the balloons.
Speaker C: Dirigible.
Speaker D: There would be balloons.
Speaker A: That is the. I guess the litmus test for, like, should this be in the. And it's only been ten years since the devel torn, so I wouldn't say there wouldn't be a whole lot of, like, weird powered hot air balloons.
Speaker D: I don't know if they had. I don't think they had, like, Zeppelin Jack.
Speaker A: Yeah. Because I think Wright brothers was 1910.
Speaker D: Yeah, it was something like that.
Speaker C: They had balloons in the late 18 hundreds.
Speaker D: Yeah, I guess mostly just hot air balloons.
Speaker B: First air balloon flight was 1783. That's crazy. I'm sure it was very safe.
Speaker C: And I think the dirigibles came up before they were flying. Annenberg was like, 19 hundreds.
Speaker D: They were doing hot air balloons before.
Speaker B: They started washing medical equipment.
Speaker D: It wasn't until, like, leaking on 18 hundreds. That became standard practice to wash your hands before surgeries or.
Speaker C: Death defying. High up, low down.
Speaker D: Like, people had nine kids. Three of them might throw up.
Speaker B: Right?
Speaker A: Yeah.
Speaker B: Shed a tear and then eat dinner. Yeah, not quite that. Definitely. Kind of like, this is a reality. Yeah.
Speaker A: All right, I guess. Any others territories that we need for?
Speaker D: All right, now, depending on who I play, maybe I'll be from a different territory.
Speaker A: Okay, that's it.
Speaker D: Story stuff.
Speaker A: Okay, so probably right now, we'll probably start in Grimwater, since that's got a name, but we'll see. Or we may just start in a new territory. And I'll be like, what's the name of this? I'll roll it a D 30. And that's where I might actually do that. Roll a D 30 and see where you start. That might be interesting, actually. Especially if you land in a monster territory. Okay. Yep.
Speaker C: Are they raising humans for food? Slave labor. Dare break somebody out. That could be fun.
Speaker A: Yeah. If you guys want to start. And then. Yeah. So I guess, um, what kind of game are we playing? I guess. And I guess for this, I guess for, I guess, the starting scenario or I'll just make something up, but I guess generally more of, like, are you guys wanting to be, like, more good guys and gray guys or outlaws or do you want to, like, kind of, like, have that more play out? Because this will help, like, influence what you guys are making for characters, too.
Speaker B: Yeah, I figured this world sounded pretty great.
Speaker A: And then move as the story, I guess, as the story unfolds.
Speaker C: As the lord precedes us, as our actions precede. I heard about you guys. You saved that one kid by dangling him over the whales. Scared the weirdness right out of him.
Speaker A: I guess that kind of falls under the. Oh, I guess maybe what I meant by oh, that's what I remember what it was. And great characters for I guess I guess meant more. I think I remember what I meant by the outline was, like, a more of, like, sandbox style where you guys are gonna be the big driver for a lot of stuff. And if, like, plot hooks come up, then chase those down.
Speaker C: If you have a big buck of hooks.
Speaker A: No, I don't. I haven't actually prepped anything yet, so a lot of that, too would be, like, on some of. Maybe some of your guys's backstory too, but I guess so just kind of generally how we've been playing dungeon roll without the tower.
Speaker D: Build a trailer.
Speaker A: So maybe a sandbox with hooks plots.
Speaker D: Yep. I like that.
Speaker A: Okay.
Speaker D: See how much trouble we get into.
Speaker A: Okay, then gray characters. Yeah, I don't. And then. Yeah. Do we really need, I guess, weird west? I guess you guys are all. Well, actually, I have no, I was just gonna. The overview adjusted on the wiki. Yeah, you guys, all that's powered by the apocalypse, so it's the plus the stat thing. It does have advantage disadvantage. I don't. Do you guys all read all the pages that I suggested or. Not really. Okay.
Speaker C: How do you come up with stats? Is it an array?
Speaker A: Yeah, it's an array. As part of the character.
Speaker D: You get plus two. Plus one.
Speaker A: Yeah, we'll get to that one.
Speaker C: Right.
Speaker A: The character creation.
Speaker D: And then your stats never go up.
Speaker A: Yeah. So this is some of the notice.
Speaker C: That you save up your left.
Speaker D: So I think a lot of it's gonna be our weapons and gear will be.
Speaker A: Yeah, yeah. And there is. There is. This does have advantage and disadvantage, which the advantage is three D six. You keep the highest two disadvantages. The opposite of keep lowest two. Well, single page character sheet, which is, I guess, of note because of Pathfinder. Yeah. There is no leveling as far as, like, you build your character and that's who they are. As far as, I guess, stats and powers and whatnot. It's got the trauma instead of HP. So. And generally the, I think in the minor stuff is you can get. You can heal it by resting. And then the moderate you need, you'll need actually dedicate time to. And then major is like, you need to go find somebody like a doctor because your arm got cut off or something, or you got shot.
Speaker C: I. Maybe people at the church.
Speaker A: Yeah.
Speaker C: Herbalist healers, maybe one of the witches, depending on what it is. Yeah.
Speaker B: Surgeon.
Speaker A: And then they have their name kind of like city of mist or unknown, uncharted worlds. But. So, like, I may, like you have like a minor of panic. So now you're a guy, like, you would act that out kind of in the fiction that your guy is panic. Yeah. So it'd be like a minor one panic or like. Yeah, or you got, like punched in the gut. And they have examples on that. These aren't page numbered, but. Yeah, and then like the major moderate. Let's see. Yeah, that could also be panic or you get like a big gash or something.
Speaker C: Well, that's the way things. How it gets taken out because your minors go in. But if they're all full, your next minor becomes a moderate.
Speaker A: A moderate, yep. And if your moderates are all full, that moderate becomes major. And then if all you are full, then you're just in bad shape.
Speaker C: So when somebody slaps you and all of a sudden, that's your last slot. Odds of survival are a little better than.
Speaker A: Yeah.
Speaker C: Amputation under hallucinating mushroom or something like that.
Speaker A: Let's see. Yeah. And then when you roll the six minus, you know, whenever you get a miss, you get luck, which you do get to spend one luck for, plus one to whatever you rolled and you can spend as. So if you had, you rolled like, you know, like a six minus and you're like, nope, I'm gonna spend lot four luck to make that a ten. You can do that. And it does only go away if you spend it or a move calls for it or if I say something happens to it. The other thing with this, there is no wealth tracking. So you. So when you need to, when you want to go buy a gun or something, you're gonna go borrow and haggle with somebody. And there is no mechanical encumbrance. So as long as it, like, makes sense for you guy to carry it, you can carry it. It does make a distinction between stuff on your person and then, like, in a backpack on your horse. So. So I think that's basically. That's the general stuff. And then, of course, you know, the typical. You got to do the thing to do the. To trigger the move. And it does look like there's some, I guess, kind of more traditional rpg move styles of, like, looking at stuff and reasoning. Yeah, very simple. Oh, it very much is for a lot of those. Yeah, I don't think there's pretty much. It's pretty simple system, and we'll probably end up. There'll probably be some other, I guess, custom moves that I. That make it added as needed. But I guess we're ready to create characters. Does it. Anyone need stuff printed or.
Speaker D: That's the playbook PDF here.
Speaker C: If your glasses are good enough, printed out, too. I realize I'm gonna have to figure out. That's pretty much what this is. Yeah.
Speaker A: Okay.
Speaker B: I'll be good with this for now. I can make a copy of it.
Speaker C: That's what it printed out as.
Speaker A: I don't know if I posted those to discord or not. I don't think I did. No.
Speaker C: Did you have some larger?
Speaker A: No, I don't. Let me look at the ones that are actually included because I have. There is a PDF that has all of them. I don't. Is there a particular one you want, Steve?
Speaker C: I'm kind of leaning towards weird.
Speaker A: I guess maybe you guys can, like. I guess that's up to you guys to kind of discuss what you guys are thinking, because I can print. Yeah, these look like they're bigger.
Speaker C: The killer for me was I got them all on one page. My eyes are so blurry. Otherwise I would have tried to figure out how to make them bigger.
Speaker D: I was either thinking a fighter, a weirdo, or sneak pen with you guys.
Speaker B: Well, he's thinking weirdo, so I'll look at the thinker that, since he didn't mention anything.
Speaker C: Yeah.
Speaker A: Mix it up with the three of you. With just three of you could actually all play this one bass player playbook and just pick a different from each option.
Speaker D: Yeah, we don't have, like, this name moves.
Speaker A: That's true. Choose two weirdo moves.
Speaker C: Yeah.
Speaker A: You kind of would overlap with moves. Yeah. You would actually end up being pretty similar to each other.
Speaker B: So how does this build?
Speaker D: You pick the left column.
Speaker A: Yeah.
Speaker B: Yeah.
Speaker D: You pick one of the things, and then you pick one of the titles.
Speaker A: Yeah. On the left. Let's see. I have the.
Speaker D: Middle.
Speaker A: Yeah. You pick the playbook, which is, like, the title. Like weirdo. And then you. Yeah, then you pick your weirdo title. So like a cultist, seer or servante. And then you have your. Choose your two weird moves. So you have pick two of the four, and then you have your weird ruination, and you pick one of those, or you write your own. And then after that, you finally set your attributes, which it looks like. You just circle the ones, and you have an array. You have a single plus two, a single plus one, and a minus one. And then the fourth is a zero.
Speaker B: Do we have that? Or is that the.
Speaker A: What, like, what was the numbers again? Oh, two. Yeah, you have the access to them. I can just drop that in.
Speaker B: Is it in the resource library?
Speaker A: Yes, it is in there. In weird west system. It's missing one. An extra weird. No. And that. You'd want the core rules. Cool. Yeah. And then I think you pick your background after that, while you do your inventory. Yeah. Here's your playbook. Background is who you are. And things got weird. Yeah. You pick your background, and then your background will have another starting item you get to add to your person, and they'll probably be. Actually, there's. Yeah, these ones aren't really that gray. I guess I get colored ones. Might be easier to read than access.
Speaker B: That's good. Yeah.
Speaker A: These are a lot bigger.
Speaker C: Oh, yeah. To earn complaints with, I pray to the heaven above turn my back to those, love.
Speaker A: Why does it have work?
Speaker B: She's gonna blow you away. Yeah. Where's my dolly?
Speaker A: Oh, let's say tiny Tina from the western stuff.
Speaker D: That'd be fun.
Speaker A: Nope. Most of this music has been from hard space shipbreaker. Apparently, it has a lot of country music. Yeah, apparently it has a lot. Most of its soundtrack is like old western, which is interesting. I guess if once you have an idea of what you want to play, you can let everybody know, then you also, I guess. Yeah, you have your backstory. So then you also have a horse. I do have a horse generator, too, that you can just click buttons.
Speaker B: At the very top. There's a little generator.
Speaker C: Okay.
Speaker B: But it doesn't pick from all the options below.
Speaker A: The breed info. Those are all in that list that is generating from.
Speaker B: 50 of them. And it has, like, only two types of horses ever showed up.
Speaker A: Really?
Speaker B: It was weird.
Speaker A: Bad Rng. Yeah, like, the precursor names would change.
Speaker B: But the horse types, it was always mare or one other one. I would just switch between those.
Speaker A: Oh, yeah, you would get Marengel Dean most of the time because there is only mare gelding and stallion.
Speaker D: Yeah.
Speaker A: Is the female horse neutered male horse or unneutered male horse? No, the. Yeah, there's only. And I. The. I think the stallion is a low chance. So you'd almost always get Marengeline. I just had one named Obi.
Speaker B: So we all know each other. Is that how we're gonna start out?
Speaker A: Yeah, I think so. Like, yes, you guys all know each other. So that way you're in a scenario together somewhere, for whatever reason.
Speaker B: I will be a travel surgeon. I run around on the railroads finding jobs to do for a while. Interesting people do interesting things. Hash people up and get paid.
Speaker D: Try.
Speaker B: Not to get killed.
Speaker A: And then on. I mean, I guess you're on the wiki, which I'll. I guess I can drop in the Sabbakola thing, there is a bunch of. I guess it has all your background stories, but then there's also some background questions, too, about, like, how did you get those scars? And there's a D six. Or you can roll. But yeah, you guys can. That's all the homework stuff you can do for. Bring that the next week. And then there's the think about questions that those. Some of those can get answered as we're playing and stuff. But also, if you do have stuff that pops up, that would be great, especially to answer as much as that as you. Yes, I have.
Speaker D: Oh, no, just the generic.
Speaker A: It's got the move, so you can.
Speaker D: See what you're holding on stuff.
Speaker A: This is a status? Yes. Does that one have a background? Yeah. Okay. It's got the backgrounds. Do you want one, Steve? This has got all the. That's got the basic moves. And then on the back, it has the backgrounds with their questions and stuff and their inventory.
Speaker B: He's not Yasuo. Just because he's a surgeon doesn't mean he's Yasuo.
Speaker A: 1860, sir. Couldn't be fun.
Speaker B: I should just play in this 1860s.
Speaker C: Yasuo. So these are matching up with whatever our playbook is?
Speaker D: No, no, these are just like generic moves. Kind of like pack and slash.
Speaker C: No, I was looking at the.
Speaker A: Oh, the backgrounds. The backgrounds. You pick one of those as part of your character creation, and it has like, unlike authority would be like sheriff's veterans, agents, Rangers, and I don't know if the actual does the actual playbook say that?
Speaker D: Yeah, it's in the. Creating a character. Pick backgrounds. Yeah, because you get stuff for which background you pick.
Speaker A: Yeah, that's. That's what I was saying. And then it also has some questions on there, too, but those are just. I put those down there for, like, everybody, I think. Wait, no, not for the background ones. Yeah, so especially the background questions. If you guys build up some lore for that, that would be amazing.
Speaker B: Let's see, next weekend is Labor Day.
Speaker A: I have no clue. I guess.
Speaker C: I don't think we're doing anything, but I'll confirm.
Speaker B: Folks wrote it down. The answer might probably be anything because.
Speaker C: We don't like to, like, go around.
Speaker B: On those unless we're, like, one can't think of people or something.
Speaker C: But within here.
Speaker B: You may just go bike riding around the day or something. Diamond Harrigan.
Speaker C: His dad's e bike. That's right. They're very fun, very expensive. Is it kind of like a Tesla where once the battery dies, you find out, you guys.
Speaker B: No, actually, the batteries aren't that bad. Plus, there's like a million, like, chinese knockoffs. I mean, it might, you know, blow your crotch off with the detonates on.
Speaker D: The bike when you don't burn down, like, the police station.
Speaker B: From an e bike.
Speaker D: Yeah, that portal lane one where they lost all their gear.
Speaker B: Yeah, yeah, some of those things, like, you don't want to puncture them and stuff. So they're not for, like, I would tell anyone to go get one for, like, heavy trail diving or something. You could ride it on a trail, but I wouldn't do, like, steep trails because you'd have to, like, armor that battery. And you don't give lithium batteries a shock.
Speaker C: That's not good for.
Speaker B: If it gets hot, like, in the garage during the summer, we take a battery.
Speaker A: Do you decide on your guy Tora?
Speaker B: What moves?
Speaker D: Do what?
Speaker A: I think your. Your web weapons do have tags, so that.
Speaker D: How gray are we being?
Speaker A: Well, that's a good question because I know Nick's mentioned some of the guys he's made, so you should just describe them and maybe that will help you plan.
Speaker C: I'm leaning towards a server. Yeah.
Speaker B: What kind of weirdo. Okay, are you melting people down?
Speaker A: Maybe.
Speaker B: Or just possibly.
Speaker C: I'm thinking of a backstory similar to Constantine. It's like, that's why you're a servant. You screwed up. Now you gotta go catch all these other people that escape.
Speaker B: A little bit of bounty hunting.
Speaker C: More like trying to deal and keep myself out.
Speaker B: Yeah.
Speaker C: Yeah. Pale rider.
Speaker B: And I want nothing to do with it. I would say pretty great, cuz.
Speaker A: Yeah. I was gonna say, Nick, you should describe your guys so they know, like what you're thinking. Like some of your guys commit crying.
Speaker D: Fighter. My guy's gonna be a gunfighter. Like, and live fast and die young. He won't be a murder hobo.
Speaker C: Sure won't. Like.
Speaker D: Yeah. Won't back down from a fight.
Speaker A: Yeah.
Speaker D: And then maybe. Or I play like the con artist and see what happens. Yeah.
Speaker B: I would just play whatever.
Speaker A: Yeah, sounds fun.
Speaker B: My guy can be adjustable.
Speaker A: Oh, yeah. You can pull that over.
Speaker C: Let's go for a religious background.
Speaker D: There you go.
Speaker C: Just for that of irony.
Speaker A: Is that a usb three down there?
Speaker B: Yeah, it's fine.
Speaker D: I'm done, actually.
Speaker B: It's comfy.
Speaker D: You know what weirdo moves you're gonna take?
Speaker C: I'm leaning towards the third landing. Badass.
Speaker B: We're gonna have two weirdos.
Speaker C: Maybe I'm fixing up two weirdos. Maybe because I'm thinking with. With that background of kind of that.
Speaker D: Bounty hunter, they're gonna leave bodies behind.
Speaker C: So questions will have to be asked. And he's in that gray area, so the trap might need to be set. So we're gonna curse an item.
Speaker A: See.
Speaker C: If it slows down the target. This won't work for the servant, is it said you got a malevolent patron, which really adds irony to the religion back.
Speaker D: You mad I'm reading the wrong book?
Speaker C: Well, you gotta dump both sides of your fight. Yeah, that and religion comes with a box of silver bullets.
Speaker A: For your background.
Speaker C: For the extra traveling space travel bag. But there's just added irony for storytelling that comes with that religious background that I think that would be interesting in dealing with the church being like trying to be one step ahead without being discovered.
Speaker A: I. Yeah, I mean, that's story wise because you can always get a traveling bag.
Speaker C: That's true.
Speaker A: If you want to get more. So I think I would. Personally, I would probably say whatever is going to make, like a more interesting story.
Speaker C: Yeah.
Speaker A: Do you get more stuff? Yeah.
Speaker D: In your inventory, it says, tick three more and add items from the background.
Speaker C: Originally, I was thinking of be like a grave keeper. Can that have your ida be a shovel?
Speaker A: Shovels.
Speaker B: Well, so it's two from the center palm.
Speaker A: Yes.
Speaker B: Because he's traveling around. He's the surgeon. He's fixing people up all the time. He's worked for the railroad. He's worked for all sorts of people. But he's generally like, he might share false names. He just kind of pulls around. She doesn't get in trouble or tries not to. So I'm going to pick the friend and need him to dig up the dirt because he knows people when he goes places. Maybe he remembers somebody he fixed up. They may not remember him, but he'll remember them because maybe he had a different name or different things. And then part of that, too, is, like, as he's talking to people that he's been fixing up, he, like, gets tidbits of information from people. So he's kind of a knowledge broker. At the same time, people just talk to the doctor. I don't think he's anybody you know. And that helps me keep out of trouble or start trouble.
Speaker A: It.
Speaker C: Some of these descriptions are kind of funny. So the bullets puts the fear of God into unnatural beasts.
Speaker A: Yeah, those would. At least for our established lore, those would be like, blessed bullets that you can get from the church. Yeah. Or silver just has an effect. Done. Bad creatures.
Speaker C: Yeah. There you go. Gunfighter, Lone Ranger.
Speaker D: Yeah.
Speaker A: They could be from high society, celebrity. Yeah. You won't.
Speaker D: Yeah.
Speaker A: Actually, Steve has one, too. You know, if he's not gonna be a fighter, being the sharp shooter.
Speaker D: Yeah.
Speaker A: Well, that's fun. Once per game session, you can join the scene, which you're not currently in, appearing on a nearby roof, balcony, outcropping, gun at the ready. As long as it's feasible for you to be up there.
Speaker D: Just be there.
Speaker A: Yo, dangs. Blow up enemy cover and defenses. Only shoot the gun and weapon tool out of their hands. Making a comeback.
Speaker C: One of the items for the basics of clay break is place of interest. Your choice is marked. Can I have that being for my patron and tell me where I need to go next? So the place marked would change.
Speaker A: Yeah, I guess. Yeah, I'd be fine with that. If you have some, like, I guess depends on what you mean by, like, where you need to go next.
Speaker C: There'd be a dot on that.
Speaker A: Like, so, I guess, how would that. I guess. How does that play out as examples? Because that seems like it would be. Unless, I guess it would be like.
Speaker C: You don't know who it is, but it narrows down wherever I.
Speaker A: You could have a map like that. They will roll on it and maybe depend on, like, how your patron's feeling at the time when he, like, gives you a task or you get the task or something, like, depending on, like, what your patron is. Like, what your patron is. If you write backstory on that or whatever. But I think we could tie a move to it so that way there's room for error.
Speaker C: Constantine. Except it's a bunch of spirits escaped from the veil, and they need to be sent back.
Speaker A: Okay, so that's okay. You have. Okay, so if it. Yeah, if it's something like that, I'd be fine with it. And it's like, okay, you're hunting this guy. I need to go get him next. Okay, that makes sense. And then I can always. And then we have 30 territories, so when you get a new target, I'll probably just roll on the thing and it'll be in this territory somewhere.
Speaker B: So it's like we're traveling through.
Speaker C: I know we need to be at this town, or maybe you rolling the territory way over on the other side of the road. Yeah, I'm hanging out with you guys, but it's only a matter of time before somebody comes and collects my soul.
Speaker A: So. Yeah, this. This is like. It becomes like more of like a. I guess a plot item that you're, like, kind of always moving. Need to be moving towards.
Speaker C: Yeah. And switch me into that vagrant because always moving.
Speaker A: Yeah, that's.
Speaker C: But it. Otherwise it's just momentum of what might have been. Because I figure I can always try and buy silver bullets. Yeah, but that would get a plot. An easy plot movement for the story.
Speaker A: Mm hmm. No, I like it. And that will actually. Yeah, that actually be really. That maybe that that might be the starting scenario right there as you've arrived at. I think if you guys are good with that, I think a few other two. That may be the. That may be the starting scenario that your guy is like, all right, this is. We're here, and it's time to, like, go deal with whatever this is that's here. And maybe that's the information you get is like, this is the spot where you need to go to next. You don't know what it's going to be, but you will. Like, I guess once you find it, you'll know that it's the thing you need to do.
Speaker C: I don't know what's going on this town, but something's going to happen.
Speaker A: No, that. I like that.
Speaker B: Something slash something. You need to pick which one. Where, like, with a skill set is roll, plus smart, cunning, equilibrium skills.
Speaker A: Yeah. So that's probably saying one or the other. Yeah, that's what I'd take that as. Is there a move you're looking at that says that? Okay, so it's to understand the mechanics of it. Yeah, that's what I would take. That is. Yeah, the manipulate. Yeah, I think they're just saying real cutting or smarts, which would make sense if you're manipulating. That's the only move on the general sheet. Common moves that has that. Yep.
Speaker C: Then one click on bad apple where you're able to curse items.
Speaker A: It's on the weird, right?
Speaker C: Yeah, yeah. Could you. Is the curse close or permanent until it gets dispelled? Or is it like a timed.
Speaker A: It looks like it just sits there until the next. The next person to touch it suffers.
Speaker C: So not touching it. But it said if anybody robs me, they're going through my bags and. Yeah. And does the curse hit once and then it's over? Or is the item perpetually cursed? Could it be used over and over again?
Speaker A: It says other than the objects, curse now, and the next creature to touch it temporarily suffers ill effects. Choose one. So when you curse something, you decide what it does, and then on the seven and nine result, you also suffer the temporarily backfires. Yeah. So, yeah, you curse an object and it's either terror, paralysis, or delirium. Yeah.
Speaker C: Yeah, it's just that reusable. Or if it's a one and done, that's.
Speaker A: It just says the object's cursed now, so someone needs to uncurse it. Yeah. It says you shunt negative energies into it. No worries.
Speaker B: I do like my job.
Speaker D: I hope so.
Speaker C: Something weird is my old business and.
Speaker B: My current job might actually unite. No, I'm talking about the startup that's been on pause. I'm working with another company, so we actually might end up uniting and using this distributed AI research thing as links to do that to crowdsource the NMX.
Speaker C: Cool.
Speaker B: I'm compiling something.
Speaker C: Okay. I was curious to know what you're regretting, because conversation has gone many different directions tonight.
Speaker B: Well, one of the things I have to do for work requires like interfacing with the blockchain. But there's rate limits, like how hard you can edit. I'm not accessing it from insider network, I'm accessing it from my machines. I'm like everyone else. I keep querying a bunch of stuff.
Speaker C: I keep getting timeouts.
Speaker B: Periodically when I get back, I query in a bunch.
Speaker C: So I'm going to set that on my machine. But because it's a Mac, it has.
Speaker B: To recompile the software and it can't use the default image that's in the cloud. So it's something that I thought was.
Speaker C: Going to take 30 seconds.
Speaker B: And it's actually been running for, uh.
Speaker C: 1900 seconds.
Speaker B: Well, I've been looking at character sheets.
Speaker C: Hey, we should have something else to look at. Instead of just watching the timer continually.
Speaker B: Oh, yeah. That was not working periodically, but not. Yeah.
Speaker A: Yeah. I think next session, you guys will arrive on the scene of wherever Steve's map has led you. Huh? Yeah, yeah, that's. This is mostly just to get your. Your character idea gelled with each other. So you know what? Your party is mostly gonna be about.
Speaker B: Monitoring surgeon. I'm with you guys for now.
Speaker A: But.
Speaker B: It might be the right kind of trouble.
Speaker A: Yep.
Speaker B: I'm gonna find out if that's. Pleasure.
Speaker C: Gentlemen. Always a pleasure.
Speaker A: Yes, sir. Okay. Yeah.
Speaker C: Says first aid just removes your trauma.
Speaker A: Is that an item?
Speaker C: Yeah, first aid kit. We don't have hit points.
Speaker A: Yeah, it probably removes a trauma that might be. Let me see that might be under the trauma. Is that equipment on your. Oh, I see on your weird. The first aid it and say those were probably being useful on moderate to minor traumas. If I don't actually see that may be something that allows you to treat, like, to help recover from your moderate trauma.
Speaker C: Okay.
Speaker A: Yeah. Because they have, like, a. I don't particularly see any, like, I don't actually see a Medkit like item that's defined with anything. So that's probably gonna be more fiction or it allows you to actually, like. So if you get, like, stabbed as a moderate, you could, like, turn it down to, like, you'd be able to, like, bandage it up and make it a minor instead. So now you're. You're able to treat it.
Speaker C: Okay.
Speaker A: So it does mention that in, like, treating or.
Speaker C: Yeah, you wouldn't want to leave a knife wound.
Speaker A: Yeah.
Speaker C: Become worse. Yeah.
Speaker A: So does mention that about recovering it. Like, if you. If the fiction allows trauma, because sometimes we're reduced in level instead of removed entirely as a short term solution. So. Yeah, so you get shot. So instead of that being moderate or major, it gets. You can bandage it down and, you know, you can bandage it and deal with it so you stop bleeding out or whatever.
Speaker C: That there's a skill for the weirdo called renew thy flesh. And basically you exchange wounds. And if you're over ten, plus two of their traumas, their choice drop by one level, they're minor, they're removed.
Speaker A: Yeah.
Speaker C: Oh, that's the. There's times when I think I just watch too much tv as a kid. There's one that would be. And interesting. I mean, the basis of it was a cop until a bunch of demons escaped and his job was to send them all back. He had a tattoo on his body.
Speaker B: For each of them.
Speaker A: I don't remember targets.
Speaker C: I think it was on Fox, but it was a long time ago, at least 20 years ago.
Speaker A: Yeah. I don't know.
Speaker C: But as he sent them back, the tattoo would be removed. And once he got rid of all the tattoos and supposedly the deal was done and he was free.
Speaker A: So there's another, there's another show that's similar to that vein called Winona Earp. And it's a, it's like a great granddaughter of Wyatt Earp. And then, like, his gun, there's, like, these, they're revenants, basically, the people that come back, and his gun has the power to, like, send him back to hell. And she, like, inherits his gun at some point. So all these people are like, all these revits are coming after her, trying to, like, kill her and get the gun or whatever. So she's going around, like, killing revenants and sending them back to hell. They're gone. And there's a bunch of other weird west stuff into it.
Speaker C: But isn't that supernatural? They also had a six shooter.
Speaker A: I never watched that show.
Speaker C: In the beginning, it was really almost important, little chunk of ore, and then later, it kind of pops up again. But it was made by, I want to say Winchester. Anyway, it was a gun that was done in such a way that it could kill anything. That was the whole premise. It was kind of busted. They had to get it fixed, but it didn't matter. Whatever you shot, it was dead. I, angel demon, did matter.
Speaker A: Interesting.
Speaker D: Are we tracking?
Speaker A: No, I think it's gonna be, just make sure that you actually have, like, the ammo on you. Because I don't. Yeah, because the rifle just as rifle and mo, and there's nothing in the moves. That may be something that, like, happens on, like, a six minus or. And maybe, but at the same time, like, that's just, like, probably something that's not going to be interesting, but maybe it will on, like, a six minus. I was like, oh, you're out of bullets. Now. What do you do? Well, I mean, like, you're out at mo, not like out of bullets. Like, you have no more ammo. But I don't know, that may be something like, we have, like, a usage die. So when you're on a six minus, you may say, just roll that. And then, like, oh, your bullets, your mos gone down or whatever. And then if you eventually run out, if you don't buy, like, more. But at the same time, the way this system is, it's a lot more abstract. So you should have ammo then for it, for each gun, then that's gonna be fine.
Speaker C: We're supposedly confident enough to be able to buy basic food, shelter, and bullets.
Speaker A: Yeah, that's maybe, like, something like, I don't know, reasonable about an ammo that you carry on your person. It's like, okay, you have, like, 30 shots or something like that. Okay, this is.
Speaker D: All those questions later.
Speaker A: Yep. That's next week homework. Nope. Next week will just be your backstory. Some, you know, some of your backstory questions, and then name your horse, and then we'll have character. Full character introduction. So, you know, your look and all that stuff. Yep. I'm really liking my new note taking software much better. Let's see how it plays out over a year. The notes in a session for study so far. I think this is onto something. I need to make a build. And, like, you could even use it, too, because it's just network, and I'll be able to see the notes you take, and I can share stuff easily with.
Speaker D: No, I'm probably gonna go to pen and paper.
Speaker A: Yeah.
Speaker D: After this session, just because.
Speaker A: Yep. Get yourself a leather bound notebook so you can have a little lender in my box. Yeah. It's used for campaign notes.
Speaker B: Nope.
Speaker A: That only be getting dumpstered because of the way they change their licenses.
Speaker D: Do they make path or that someone.
Speaker A: Know it's some guy and so he probably will get dumpstered by, oh, they have, like, an SRD or something that, like, has, like. That's, like, copyright free. Like, not. I don't know that they can do whatever with, but I won't surprise anything. They'd be offered to buy them out.
Speaker C: Corporations are not strong.
Speaker A: No, generally not. And then I'll. Maybe tomorrow or part of my prep next week, I'll post all this stuff into our lore documents. Oh, yeah, I'll have to post that and that, you guys. Yes. Yeah, we can do that, too. I'll post. I'll post a homework, a reminder, and then you guys can all do that in the sava cool cola thing. All right.
Speaker C: Divvy up the three seasons and name the months they're in.
Speaker A: You guys will have name, season, and then name three days and three months and a horse. Yep. Transnormalize the audio and transcribe it, and those will be linked on the under the sessions weird transcription we get this time.
Speaker D: Yeah. And this words it replaced was weird.
Speaker A: Mike, usually liberal a lot did it.
Speaker D: And mix this stuff out of skimming through.
Speaker A: Funny.
Speaker D: Like, liberal, liberal.
Speaker C: What the heck? AI call it a night clip.
Speaker A: Yep.
Speaker C: The moons and the horse and. Mm hmm. I think he came up with a character name, though. Tim the Enchanter.
Speaker A: Huh?
Speaker D: Tim the Enchanter.
Speaker A: From Monty Python, I think he was. Enchanter, yes. Some called me two. It's like how he, like, starts out. He's like, shoots a little bottle rocket.
Speaker D: Then it's flames out.
Speaker A: Yeah.
Speaker D: That movie is quite ridiculous.
Speaker A: Yes.
Speaker C: I'm kind of torn whether that was the greatest possible ending they could have done or if they just ran out of money and they got tired and said, we're just done.
Speaker A: Yeah.