Speaker A: The microphone is still on.
Speaker B: You played with the system or. And I have. These are the crib notes that I put together. I sat down with the book. Let me know if. I mean up close.
Speaker A: Oh, we'll run through all of it, too, so you can. You can double check. Okay. But, yeah, this, like. Yeah, this looks just a quick.
Speaker B: It's pretty much. That's all it is. It's a single page.
Speaker A: If you want, you can have this. And if you want me to. Or maybe Nick can look at that too. Or. Or if you guys want copy that's just out of the back of the book. That's, like, all the reference sheets. If you guys want copies of those, I can print them out too. All there. But.
Speaker B: I've got electronic copy, but yeah, I'd have to load it.
Speaker C: Sometimes it's nice to have it. Trying to bring up some of it up here.
Speaker D: Is it a book for all these nights?
Speaker B: Especially when it came to, like I said, the occupations, the boons, and the flaws.
Speaker D: Family says there's, like, ever wind and then bludgeon. Like three have to jump between.
Speaker A: Yeah. All your careers come from people at sundown. And then there's a couple boons and flags and sundown, but then most of them are in every. But the biggest question we have is for your guys's weird power. Do you. Do we want to keep that or, like, modify it somehow or you just don't care if you lose it?
Speaker D: I never use mine.
Speaker C: I use mine. But I could probably, you know, facsimile something.
Speaker A: And I mean, yeah, there would be, like, something else, too, that we could do. Either it's just like a roll, and then I don't. And then I don't know if you guys want to keep, like, the corruption element of it or if we just change that to something else. Like, you can reach out and with your thing and then just roll and see what happens or.
Speaker C: I don't know yet.
Speaker A: Yeah. Because I know. I know Paul has been really the only one that's used it regularly. Part of why I didn't want to use it because of the corruption part.
Speaker D: Because your corruption was so small in the other system. And it was like, well, I want to keep playing this guy. I don't want to, like, max out. And then he's just.
Speaker A: That's nothing like my sister element.
Speaker C: Like, it's the only way for him to get info about his sister. So when he's, like, kind of leaning where if the situation is dire, he's like, oh, I also might be able to ask about my sister. So he just like does it.
Speaker A: And we can also like modify that a little. Like we don't have to like decide that tonight even work. Take more on it too, if it comes up in the. Like.
Speaker B: I was trying to figure out how to lay out the jobs, like, but now all of a sudden you've got a little bit of arcane in you. Yeah.
Speaker A: There is the sorcerer career for actually. But we may tweak a little like that. I think you'll want to like, need to go into that if you actually want to like start casting actual spells and stuff or like dipping into the. Into the weird power more. But otherwise I think we may just end up using like a mind roll. And then if you. When you like want to use your power, maybe depending on how well or like how much success or whatever you get on that will be like the strength of your reach. The corruption will also be using the result damage, which is like damage to like your psyche or whatever, which it does heal.
Speaker B: All right. Yeah. I was kind of curious on that.
Speaker A: Yeah.
Speaker D: Night at the bar.
Speaker A: Yeah.
Speaker B: Higher resilience.
Speaker A: Yeah. Other than. Yeah. So maybe I'll just make a note of that.
Speaker D: Drink till the brain is smooth. Good morning.
Speaker B: Just don't stop.
Speaker A: Because this does have. Basically we can do six levels of success because nine. Nine is like the basic rule to do everything like 89 or better. And it can go all the way up to heroic, which is a. Either a negative 8 modifier on your roll and you still need to try and get over nine plus or the target number 17 points. 2D6.
Speaker B: That's pretty impressive.
Speaker A: Well, yeah, well, every. Well, we'll go over some of that too, I guess. I guess. Yeah. So you'd have to have your step maxed out.
Speaker B: So that would give you four and the 2V6. No, that's still 60. Unless you're tossing in just usually.
Speaker A: Usually you roll with the 2D6 plus an ability plus either. Well, if you're in combat, you use the combat abilities for your career. So you could Potentially get a plus 8 to your 2D6. So you could like. That's why Heroic resultant, which you probably can't actually almost ever actually get unless you run roll double 12. And that's a success. That's a crit set success.
Speaker B: That would be the only heroic.
Speaker A: One.
Speaker B: Night I would do nothing. The other nights, not so much.
Speaker A: I guess. Before we get to the. Does anyone have any, like, specific questions about the system?
Speaker D: Yeah.
Speaker B: Do faith professions that Faith points like medicine man. It pulls Faith and priest or missionary.
Speaker A: Yeah, I would. I would assume because.
Speaker B: Yeah, your faith point is your. Your profession level and that's how many fake butts you have. That was the only oddball thing. That kind of. You're a blacksmith and you're trained in brawling. Does that give you extra damage for your strength?
Speaker A: Usually don't add career to your. You'd add your strength to your damage role, but not your actual career.
Speaker B: But yeah, the. The faith points are the only thing.
Speaker A: Yeah, the magic's a little different.
Speaker B: There's so many different flavors. Like, I wasn't even sure. I thought maybe the weird would be more psychic than sorcery based.
Speaker A: Yeah, I'm like, fine with however, like the. Well, except for divine. You can't divine the weird. But if you want to do arcane or psychic, violent the weird.
Speaker B: Okay.
Speaker A: In that way, I guess. Well, I guess you could still get draw divine weird powers, but you're just worshiping something that's probably a little darker. Just weird. It'd be more like the. Like a warlock. Like you have a patron. I think it would be. If you wanted to do the divine route. Well.
Speaker B: And it's interesting to figure out how many points it takes to do something. I'm still trying to sort through that. I mean, the stronger it is. But with faith, you got only such a limited pool to pull from versus the arcane and the. The psychic.
Speaker C: Yeah.
Speaker B: Where you're starting at 10 plus.
Speaker A: Well, Faith, you're only. It's only one point. I think you can spend two to spread it to like six. Up to six other people. But you're just. You're just putting boons and flaws on people, which is. Is basically the boons and flaws in the.
Speaker B: It's the pole that you're going from. For. For faith points. It's your job level. So let's say you're a level three priest or medicine man. You've only got three faith points.
Speaker A: Yeah.
Speaker D: No, I would be like.
Speaker A: I think it would probably stack. It doesn't say anything, but I don't like. Or it would be two pools or like.
Speaker B: Yeah.
Speaker A: And that's kind of weird. But I'd be fine just like stacking up. Okay. I think like, if you really wanted to go down triple, like creature, triple dice. Like if you want to go that route.
Speaker B: I was looking at Audrey's background with his dad being a preacher, but he. He would fall into that student category where he's learning. So he might have medicine man or whatnot or other bumped into other arcane Things I was like, well, maybe paws into a little bit of the herb.
Speaker A: He might be.
Speaker B: The healing herbs. Yeah. The challenge was finding jobs that matches what we've kind of already established as his background.
Speaker A: Yeah.
Speaker B: And I was nearing that. That point going through of maybe he's a non combat due to his age and being a stint. So that would be two points for the. The combat stuff and that would move two points over into the. The job level to try and match out the. The story wise.
Speaker A: Yeah, that makes sense to.
Speaker C: I figured out what. I want my language to sound like that again. It sounds like this gave the stones.
Speaker B: To someone that they could trust.
Speaker A: In a hotel.
Speaker B: Sounds almost Italian.
Speaker A: He's actually a little bit of French.
Speaker C: He actually made the language. I actually read about this that. Wow. Lucasan had like written this since he was like 15. Designed over time and it was based on several different European languages.
Speaker A: I'm screwed.
Speaker B: Well, props for her for being able to memorize the lines.
Speaker C: Yeah, yeah. She was in an interview actually when I was reading about the link to an interview and it's like she was talking about. She goes, I don't remember any of it except for like random things.
Speaker A: But.
Speaker C: Because I was like so focused on just learning it right then. But he had like all this documentation. It was like very Tolkien, like not as fleshed out. It was like the main like 400 words that people will use kind of a thing. And then they fleshed out a few others. But that made it easy to learn because it's like, oh, I just have this short list and then here's my lines.
Speaker A: But it made it where it was.
Speaker C: Natural to pronounce it. We may have rewatched that recently. So it was on my mind.
Speaker B: Well, as long as you're not playing a neat popsicle, we're good.
Speaker C: That's right. I know where the safety is on the guy.
Speaker A: Don't have safety. It's easier that. Yeah, there's. I guess no other question yet. Go over to building your crew. Steve, do you need a. You have a character sheet?
Speaker B: Yeah, I printed out some extras too. I wasn't sure how badly I was going to hatch them up.
Speaker C: Yeah, I've got a digital one I.
Speaker A: Can do you want a paper one, Paul, or. I figured the fillable. I'm not.
Speaker B: I wrote down the fillable and it printed off fine and then I took it to work. So I did it in the computer, brought it out, changed some stuff on it and then the words didn't show. You click on it and it would be there but you click away and it's blank.
Speaker C: So how many years after PDF came out and they still have figured out some of those. Yeah.
Speaker A: So really I guess the big thing is you got the four. I mean this I know Nick needs as well. You get your full. Your four attributes for the strength, agility, mind and appeal. You can only eat there. They are maxed at three. So you can start with three. It's something if you wanted.
Speaker B: You have four points.
Speaker A: Yeah.
Speaker B: Right. Just spread through and you can make one in negative one.
Speaker A: Yes. To gain another.
Speaker B: To gain another one. Yeah.
Speaker A: So yeah. And then. Yeah. And they're an. Agility is used in combat as part of the combat role on top of whatever either melee or ranged that you're using.
Speaker B: So okay.
Speaker A: As. And on top as. Yeah.
Speaker B: So strength enhances damage.
Speaker A: Agility is. Yeah. For the fighting. Yeah. Yeah. And then mine. And appeal appeals to classic charisma. I think it does also if you want to attract followers and stuff it does affect the amount you can attract at one time but not how many you can control. I believe.
Speaker B: That just sounds like a dangerous way to play.
Speaker A: High appeal.
Speaker B: High appeal.
Speaker A: Yeah. Oh. It does also affect your credit rating which is basically what we'll use instead of I'm out. Yeah.
Speaker B: I looked at the credit rating. It's like I wasn't sure if you're going to use it so I didn't.
Speaker A: Dig too deep into it. A lot of the. And I probably should have dropped that too that a lot of the optional highlighted going through when I was reading. So probably use a lot of them. But you can also spend. When you. When we get to advancement which will worry about that later. You can actually spend XP to increase your credit rating. So even if your starts out pretty poor, it's not a huge deal.
Speaker B: Audrey's a kid.
Speaker A: He's not worried about credibility.
Speaker C: Spend all the things.
Speaker A: And I guess yeah strength and strength effect does add to your lifeblood total also because everyone starts a flat 10 and then your strength does add to your life and then mind adds to your resolve which is when we're dealing with fearful things or mind attacks or whatever. So you could. You could die if you're. If you take. If your critical track down your mind gets resolved gets wiped out. But yeah. So do you guys have your abilities assignable and on to the next one. It.
Speaker B: It.
Speaker C: Country doctor and Saba.
Speaker D: Unknown.
Speaker C: Trained physician for Bacchus but just as likely a horse doctor who's just a.
Speaker B: Biological mechanic for all things. That's right.
Speaker A: I just wasn't sure. When your combat's the same you have four. Unless you want to be a non combatant, then you only have two and then you'll have two points that you can put into your careers. Two extra points, I guess. Initiative is pretty much only used at the start of combat from what I saw on top of your mind to affect your initiative role. Oh the melee and range here self explanatory so. And then the defense is a negative modifier applied to people attacking you. So if you have really high defense, you'd be applying a negative to.
Speaker B: Now is that used for all attacks?
Speaker A: Yeah.
Speaker B: Or just physical attacks?
Speaker A: No, it would be. It would be probably. Yeah, it would be all physic probably. Well, not sure. Let me read what it says in here, but I think it explains mostly it's physical attacks on dodging, getting out of the way.
Speaker B: So if that worked on men's but too then all of a sudden defense becomes a much stronger stat.
Speaker A: Yeah, it's just. Just a physical. Yeah, call it dodgy ducking or side stuffing. That's the skill of being able to avoid attack.
Speaker B: Do you roll initiative for each round or just.
Speaker A: Just the start. Yeah, just the start. There's like a. There's actually a engagement role to see if. If either side has an advantage in further initiative. Which roles? They. They call it a priority role in the system. But okay, which the. The enemies are broke up into rivals which are essentially equivalent to player characters. And then there's Tufts and Rabble and they're in the priority list when combat it you're basically going to see if you act before rivals. Tufts or Ravel Brav will always go last unless someone has a calamitous failure or chooses to have a calamitous failure in their priority role. So if you do. Let's see. Yeah, if you fail, you'd go after the toughs and rivals. But if you succeed on your role, then you'll be before the Tufts and Rivals. Unless the rivals have a particular boon or spend a hero point because they also have hero points. Yeah, that's interesting. But you won't see Rivals are meant to be like boss level here. Like someone like Emil or the Orzine would be your rival type character. Most of the time you're going to be running to Ravel, which is like the normal person. Okay. And then Tufts would be like I guess like an elite or like a boss, like a mini boss or a lieutenant or something like that.
Speaker B: What's the name?
Speaker C: Black.
Speaker A: Yeah, Black probably. Black probably would have been a Rival. Just for what he was doing and who he was. But everyone at like, I guess like some of the people you ran into town like the six guns guy or whatever that was the tough and the muscle guy. He would be like a tough. Most named NPCs would be are usually a tough because you'll be interacting with them more often.
Speaker C: I'm crewman number six.
Speaker A: And then. Yeah so that's stuff assignments career picking which need to also have four points.
Speaker C: So how does four points work in.
Speaker A: So if you spend one to get your career at zero and then you can spend. You can put another point in it to go to 1 similar to the 2. It starts with that number kind of. It's. It's basically exactly the same as your attribute and combat points except the first point. If you get. You basically purchase the career and then.
Speaker C: You can get two careers for two points at zero. Could you get four careers at zero?
Speaker A: Yeah, if you wanted to. Yeah.
Speaker B: Okay.
Speaker A: And then like if you went the non combatant route you would have six points that you could spend because you'd have, you'd have two less combat points.
Speaker B: So by going student and you're starting at level two, is that three career points?
Speaker C: That's actually really tempting on that vehicle.
Speaker A: Trying to think of be a non combatant.
Speaker C: I'm just trying to think of Doc would be. Doc was fought too much.
Speaker D: I think I'm the one, the only one with a gun.
Speaker A: Well it just, it affects your. Your initial combat ability is all it's doing. It's more of a story like I.
Speaker B: Was trying to build story because Audrey had low decks.
Speaker A: Yeah.
Speaker B: If anything it was more of a grip melee scrapper. Which is why he kept asking.
Speaker A: It's like. Yeah. And you can put your, you can put a career to a max of three.
Speaker B: The thing I read where student starts at at two.
Speaker A: Yeah, that's what I'm. I'm checking. Let's see.
Speaker D: Blah blah.
Speaker A: Which one do you do? Well you would start with two because you would start at student because you would have no careers.
Speaker B: Okay, well student at 2. I'm wondering is that 3 career points or is that 2 career points?
Speaker A: It would be 3 because I mean you'd be 012.
Speaker B: Okay, see that's what I was thinking.
Speaker A: I was figuring but you would. That's. I think that that's all you do though is you, you're a student because you don't have a career yet is so you wouldn't have any other careers. Oh okay.
Speaker C: The students a thing.
Speaker A: Yes. You can be A student. But you have. You only have. You get ranked 2 in student and then you have two free student boons. Oh, okay.
Speaker B: See, I was still trying to add.
Speaker C: That's the benefit of doing it.
Speaker B: Other careers in there for the story with student being the main. So student would start at 2.
Speaker A: Right.
Speaker B: But filling in other stuff. But it does come with the two boons.
Speaker A: Yeah. So it. When you all. So when you level up as a student, you actually reduce your student career by one. Let's see. Yeah. So. So if you buy a career, when a character who is a student spends xp, they leave their student years behind. Each time the student gains or increases a career or gains a new, she must either do the student boon or subtract one from her student career. When it reaches negative one, the student career is immediately removed from the hero's career list. Okay. And that will come into. You guys will have XP to spend because you've completed adventures and all. But we won't be spending that now.
Speaker D: No, you have to choose one.
Speaker A: No. You could do Gunslinger 3 if you wanted to.
Speaker D: No, that's another idea.
Speaker A: But no. Yeah, you spend one point to get it to zero and the career spend one point. Yes. To get it to zero, you spend one. You're purchasing the career. So you're at zero, which the career allows you to actually roll with without penalty dice. When you're doing stuff related to that.
Speaker C: Career, it's like being trained.
Speaker A: So like. So like if Jacques was trying to do doctor stuff, he would have penalty dice, which is basically 3d6 use 2 lowest. Or if he had 4 penalty dice, it would be like 6 dice equal 6 dice and then roll use the 2 lowest. So the penalty dice is. Is bad. But bonus dice is the opposite. So if you had four bonus dice, you would roll six dice and use the two highest. But I think, I think Audrey starting like just starting now as a student probably makes sense. And then, and then when we hit level up, can I. Or do you want to like figure out.
Speaker B: If. If I went non combatant, the students starting at three. So that would mean one point was going to the extra bones, but that gives me two more career.
Speaker A: So I don't.
Speaker B: So I'm not sure if a student can be a non combat.
Speaker A: Yeah, that's true. Because you wouldn't. Because you would. You'd be buying your student. As you're purchasing careers, you'd be buying your student thing down.
Speaker B: Yeah.
Speaker A: So yeah, you would just basically that would be pure story. Like I'm a non combatant. I don't know how to like fight or have good defense. But you could. But I would say you could still argue not being the. Not having non combatant because I mean you could have defense or initiative. You're just.
Speaker B: Well, that's what I'm. I'm thinking is I need to skip looking at the other careers which would fill in the story and then put them into the. The combatants. So defense and maybe type.
Speaker A: Yeah.
Speaker B: So if we did it that way. When you buy your student career down and it goes away, do you lose your student boons?
Speaker A: Yeah, that's part of the leveling up as you. Your free. Your two free student bones go away as you advance. Because they're most of them. Oh let's see. Because a lot of them are. I think they're geared or like learning.
Speaker B: Well, the, the student ones were. Gives you a better. A little bit more health or a little bit better regeneration. A little bit better resilience and you don't become socially awkward as quickly in your conversations. Those are the. Just the four listed, remember?
Speaker A: Yeah. Yeah. Because there's the innocence one where you don't cause shifts on the social track. If you fail, you get. There's an. You can get an extra hero point which can be taken twice. So you could actually have seven to start with which those are per adventure. So like. So like this orzine adventure, when we started that you would have your five hero points and that would be it until either did a calamitous failure to get a point to get like get one or you completed the adventure and started the next another adventure.
Speaker B: So unlike Pathfinder, it's not per night where they reset, it's per entire adventure.
Speaker A: Yeah.
Speaker B: Until you complete the arc.
Speaker A: Okay. Which I'll try like. Well for the most part I'll try and keep them shorter. But I do have some other stuff too where you'll be able to get some hero points back by buying them. But we'll get to that when we're done with this.
Speaker B: That's fine. My mind went to Pathfinder.
Speaker A: Yeah, well exactly that's because some booms a hero point. Yeah.
Speaker B: How often did I use him in Path?
Speaker A: But yeah. And then I mean you got the two extra lifeblood but like. So like that wouldn't. That wouldn't just. You wouldn't lose the extra life. Well, that wouldn't. I don't know. If you remove bones, do you lose? Oh, I guess you would lose. That would be weird.
Speaker B: But yeah, no, I would. That was one of those curiosities because I did take The. The youthful vigor when I was originally looking at the student because I figured you can't go wrong with extra help.
Speaker A: Yeah. I would probably just say like as the story, like you're no longer a youthful vigor. I don't know. We'll see.
Speaker B: You're now an old man. That's. Yeah. And already health work just helps for.
Speaker C: The region.
Speaker A: Because like, depending on what you guys do, you may have an opportunity to like level up fairly soon. Questions on career 15?
Speaker C: I think coming down more like playing it and seeing how it functions.
Speaker A: Yeah. And also too, like I said again, like, this is such a brand new system. If you like build your guy and you're like, this freaking sucks. After a few sessions, my character pulls out his gun. Just you can change your build.
Speaker C: I test out my.22s efficacy.
Speaker A: So this system is. Has familiar things, but also has some things that are fairly different.
Speaker C: Nice little Smith and Wesson 9 millimeter compact. Something I will enjoy shooting, but still is variable.
Speaker B: Just remember that you got it when.
Speaker A: You go to the airport.
Speaker C: Oh yeah. I've had some friends tell me stories. It is like, this is my life good, you know, 2200 gun. This one's not. This is like a 600 gun. But I've heard stories of guys with like really nice. All kitted out. It's just part of them. Like ex military guys, they go to the airport and go, I can't believe I did that.
Speaker A: I just couldn't imagine being that comfortable wearing a weapon that you just forget you have it.
Speaker C: If you were like in law enforcement or something, I could imagine like you'd just be used to it all the time. Yeah.
Speaker B: Go to a different state, find out.
Speaker C: That you're no longer legal.
Speaker A: Yeah.
Speaker C: The Idaho is pretty good because they actually have somebody who checks with other states and makes reciprocity agreements. So ours actually is one of the best in the United States, actually transferring to other states.
Speaker A: Nice.
Speaker C: As long as you do a. Usually you have to do an advanced carry license, advanced concealed carry. You do a training course, you have a background check. Once you do all that stuff in other states, you're like, we'll accept that.
Speaker B: If you do this, you've done the proper leg work.
Speaker C: Yeah, yeah, I know there's a little expost factor. They'll. Because they're like, you can just carry it for a reason. But at the same time they.
Speaker A: But it's.
Speaker C: The understanding is if you're carrying, you are saying that you qualify underneath all of the federal guidelines. So if you get arrested for something and they find out you're a felon. You're like, we're having a gun charge.
Speaker B: Yeah.
Speaker C: Because you weren't supposed to be carrying a gun or if you never had a, you know, a list of like 10 things that it could be that you just added gun charge. Which makes sense. That made a fast track to be able for people to purchase stuff.
Speaker B: Keep having flashbacks to high school. The kids take off hunting after school. Yeah. The gun rack in the back of the track.
Speaker C: Oh, yeah.
Speaker A: Rifle's just.
Speaker B: It's just there.
Speaker C: Yep.
Speaker B: And everybody left it alone. Nobody broke into their truck and. Yep. Went on a spree on the football field or anything.
Speaker A: Just.
Speaker C: I'll be able to like, really facsimally dock on some aspects of.
Speaker A: No, you. You will. His healing is a lot different in this.
Speaker D: I think inventor instead of blacksmith.
Speaker A: Can I still be gunsmithing stuff? Yeah, the inventor is like. Makes more sense. Inventor. Yeah. I'd say blacksmith. That to me would be more like superior, like doing that stuff and like building like swords and. Yeah.
Speaker D: They'll say the inventor can do like.
Speaker A: The metal urging and all that. Yeah, yeah. Because he wanted to make a gun. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, a blacksmith could probably make a gun, but I don't know if I'd want a black.
Speaker D: The original guns are just the wood in a tube.
Speaker A: Yeah.
Speaker D: And a fuse.
Speaker A: You get it. And it's all rough on the outside. You're like, what's the barrel look like? Yeah. That would be Venture. Be more. Make more sense than black stuff.
Speaker D: That and some of the boons for blacksmith are like fist fighting stuff.
Speaker A: Oh, those are the recommended. You don't. You're not limited to what's in here. Careers. No. Then once you have your careers picked, you do. You get a boon. And then if you're a student, you get two student boons. Then if you want to take a flaw, you get a boon per career. No, you get just one. You get one boon and one flaw. No, you don't. Unless that's. You can only get flaws if. I don't think Blood Sundown I don't think had any extra rules. I thought it was.
Speaker B: You got one of each. And if you wanted, you could get a second boom for an additional flop. Or you could spend a hero.
Speaker A: No, you can get the. You can get us. Yeah. You just. You don't start with any flaws. I'm pretty sure.
Speaker D: You buy your skill or your career, and that's zero. And then you put another one in, and that's one. And you have four.
Speaker A: Yes.
Speaker D: Okay.
Speaker A: Yeah. So if you wanted to spend all your points you have like level three gunslinger.
Speaker D: Yeah. Seen them and get kicked out.
Speaker A: Yeah. The blood sundown says here encourage to pick a starting boon and possibly a flaw based on your origin. But we don't. The origins don't from blood sudden down don't make any sense except for really. So we're not worried about that. So yeah, you just get a boon and then again if you're student you get two student bones. And then if you take a flaw or spend or permanently lose one of your hero points you can take a second boon and then it. You can take another second flop or permanently lose another hero point to gain a third boon.
Speaker C: So I, I misunderstood that.
Speaker A: So how many boons you get one for free. And then you can. If you want to take a flaw you can get a second boon and then if you want to take a second flaw you can get a third boon or to. To not have flaws you can lose your hero points. So normally you all start with five. Yeah. Or you can permanently lose your hero points. What does boon do they have. They're like buffs. That's actually a lot of where like a lot of like kind of some of your abilities come from stuff comes from. I guess they're on like they're early in the book. Everyone. They start on page 16. And then from the blood sudden down which there's not too many of them like you like Jack would probably have dead eye. All shots are considered one rage increment lower due to your uncanny hand eye coordination or like lighting hands.
Speaker D: Hurt.
Speaker A: And then there's there's a two gun mojo. Yeah.
Speaker C: The careers have suggested boom. But you don't have to take risk.
Speaker A: Yeah. No. Yeah, yeah.
Speaker C: A picture somewhere of my grandfather on my dad's side. My dad and myself in the picture were all making the same like the race is kind of up a little bit. Apparently that muscle is hereditary.
Speaker A: Yeah. So if you're two weapon fighting which you. If you want me to. If you're dual wielding pistols, it's just a minus one. If you're shooting the same target but you step the damage up one step or you can fire it two different targets which take the minus two on both attacks.
Speaker D: That's probably what I should go look at in gear.
Speaker A: I'd say you guys would probably all have medium pistols or. Yeah, medium revolvers. Let's get 50 counter which is a D6 and a recoil one. If you fan the hammer you'd have that. Minus one is what the recoil Is. Yeah. So if you have pistols. Medium revolver. Unless you want something smaller.
Speaker D: Medium rack would be like. That'd be the same. It would be close to.
Speaker A: Yep. And if you guys had rifles it would probably be.
Speaker D: R. Does like a D6.
Speaker A: Oh repeating rifle does D6H. Which I'll explain that. That's higher damage. That's better than D6. But you can look on the bottom of your character sheet that actually has the damage track. Yeah. So yeah. You. And then there is shotguns for double, single or saddle.
Speaker D: Okay.
Speaker A: So I think you guys faced it all. A pistol. At least one pistol. A rifle. And me and Audrey didn't have sawed.
Speaker D: Offs a pistol soft pin a rifle.
Speaker A: Which I'm fine with you guys all starting with all that. That's not a big deal.
Speaker D: Most I just kept using the shotgun except hitting like way more damage. This one there like the same.
Speaker B: Wasn't a very good shot. Saw off worked.
Speaker A: You guys do with orazine.
Speaker D: I'll be a gunslinger with gunshine. I don't panic when I shoot.
Speaker B: Just the occasional wits.
Speaker A: They just need to have really high defense that you're like the putz guy that like kills people but can't get hit. He's like stumbling around Mr. Mean. Yeah.
Speaker D: Mr. Bean gunsling.
Speaker C: It always looks like an accident.
Speaker D: Yeah. Somehow it just moves every time someone shoots them.
Speaker B: Stuck in the holster. I'm really debating especially if I lose bones as a student.
Speaker A: But you. You. Yeah. You would just lose the two student bones as you.
Speaker B: Those would be replaced with a new profession.
Speaker A: Three if. Yeah. So when you level up the boon would go away.
Speaker B: But would you get a new boon to go with the chosen profession?
Speaker A: No. Because you either you're advancing your. You're increasing a career or gaining a new boon. So you do one or the other when you spend xp. But doing the careers is basically like your skills at what you know how to do because otherwise you roll with penalty die when you try to do stuff that you not trained in.
Speaker B: There's more in the main book.
Speaker C: We can use the man.
Speaker A: Oh yeah. Yeah. That's you. Yeah. You need to. Yeah. There's not enough. Then I was like wow.
Speaker B: It's pretty limited. And the blood.
Speaker D: Yeah.
Speaker A: The blood sun down are setting specific ones. But all the ones. Yeah, that's right.
Speaker C: I'm sure you already said that too.
Speaker B: Your occupations are limited.
Speaker C: The blood send that. But that makes sense.
Speaker A: Yeah.
Speaker C: That can't be a space dwell.
Speaker A: No. Not yet anyways. Yep.
Speaker B: Valid.
Speaker C: Yep.
Speaker A: There's. You can be wanted as well.
Speaker D: I Think so when you delicate you know small intelligible.
Speaker A: Oh you lose from your that's your nickname life blood bell.
Speaker D: Your life blood goes down.
Speaker A: Yeah got.
Speaker B: It.
Speaker C: Must be gold anymore.
Speaker A: Related to actually.
Speaker C: I had a boon it's field medic requires a medical career in a bonus that would make me a healing role during the golden hour of true Light.
Speaker A: What happened? Oh that bad. I think the golden hour would be something that you define as the. As your Some of the. I think it's in the arcane section on recovering arcane points or casting a spell as the player. You decide when that is and that's just like the time that is always the golden hour.
Speaker D: Can you do wielding the vulture gun for them?
Speaker A: No it would be so if you're shooting at one guy it would be the D6 but it's stepped up to the next damage level which I think is D6H. Yeah. So then you would roll that for your damage which I'll explain what those mean because it's. It's not. It's weird in the book. I don't know why they Their notation is weird.
Speaker B: It it.
Speaker D: Take a fly with another balloon.
Speaker A: Yep. You can have up to three boons if you take two plunder spend zero points.
Speaker C: If I wanted to like turn my ability my ability because are we going to like make the void? Is that going to be kind of similar to what we have with the fade like arcane points. Is that going to be related more to the fade or.
Speaker A: Yeah. The the arcane's power. All that stuff would come from the an arcane for sure.
Speaker C: So I'm looking at if there's three and seven at least if I took them they'd simulate whatever they have as a your power. It's like they have a boon called power of the void Gangster darkness of universe and they simply request two archival points depending on the setting. They ask me to take long. There's stuff about psionics and stuff which.
Speaker A: We oh the psionics you can. Those are valid options that hippie driven powers powered by the beard so that.
Speaker C: It could be just like I have unnatural senses of my surroundings related to. That's what I've been using it for.
Speaker A: Yeah, I would be fine. Yeah that would be fine. So I think that would only that would just give you. Unless you have a career that gives you arcane points.
Speaker B: So do you need to take a psychic boom sidekick or would it just be there?
Speaker A: Let's say yeah you need the psionic career to gain a number of psionic points. Yeah so the arcane, if you wanted to have actually get like the full amount, you would invite sorcerers or change career in the Blackstone. Let's set down his face.
Speaker C: So.
Speaker B: Yeah, it's a druid.
Speaker C: Gotcha.
Speaker A: So you would. So you would end up. I mean. Yeah, you would. And then. So you'd end up having like a Patreon, essentially. Yeah. And I would. I would be. And we. You can also call it like something else. Like, doesn't have to be medicine man because the title doesn't fit, like where you want to go.
Speaker C: But medicine is three versus the weird is really arcane is not.
Speaker A: Yeah.
Speaker C: This would be. I need to do probably that.
Speaker B: But you can stack them. And it says in medicine. A lot of them do. They'll do two careers. They'll have medicine man and then they'll also do sorcery, but they do more of the white magic versus the dark.
Speaker A: When they get kicked out of whatever.
Speaker C: For the Fetish man.
Speaker A: Yeah. Then also to the blood Sundown is like the traditional weird West Wild west setting. So their stuff is going to be geared more exclusively Native American.
Speaker C: Right.
Speaker A: Kind of stuff. So no, the medicine can be tweaked.
Speaker D: Okay.
Speaker A: I'd be fine. If you want to use either fate, if you want to use faith, or if you want to go arcane with it. God.
Speaker C: I'm looking at how to replicate.
Speaker A: Yeah.
Speaker C: My other characters.
Speaker A: Arcane would be more appropriate, I think, because when you're doing the faith, you're just doing basically boons and flaws on people. This essentially is what that magic is where the arcane is way more free form. Right.
Speaker C: And you're actually interacting with.
Speaker A: Yeah.
Speaker B: It. It.
Speaker C: So if you do non combat, you can still combat.
Speaker A: Yeah, it's. It's your. You're training two of your combat points instead of four. You just have two to put two points into your careers. Right.
Speaker C: Because that's kind of. I think that might be actually fitting the dog.
Speaker A: Yeah.
Speaker C: He's not a great combatant. He's a support. But most of what he does is outside of combat.
Speaker A: Yeah. And when you do fight, it's more defensive at play. Yeah. Because I have to. Yeah. No, that would be. That would make sense to me. And then you're. You're starting. The most you can have in your career when you start is a three. Yep. Yeah.
Speaker C: I'm gonna consider that. He's just not. I feel like I need to unlock the sorcerer because if I want anything weird the way my guy uses it.
Speaker A: Yeah.
Speaker C: And I'll just make that at A zero. He's not experience with it, obviously. That'll be. So that would give me six points. So I could do Doc Alchemistic Sorcerer and then have doc 20346.
Speaker A: So.
Speaker C: So I'm focused on Doc the Alchemist. I'm trying to say it kind of makes up for like he's got this thing about where you can do the autopsy stuff. I'm like, there's too much to like, try to copy that. I'll just be like, okay, use this.
Speaker A: Good. And too like this is also like a very. Like there's a lot of general roll stuff. So like, oh, I'm autopsy. This guy will just roll. And it may be just a very easy bowl for you depending on like how like high up you roll on there. Like so it's not. I feel like. Yeah, that too. And we're also like. We can also like, if you think of like boons and stuff, you're like, oh, this boom would make sense for my guy. We could not make it because this guy in the system.
Speaker C: So I was looking at like tools of the trade. You have extremely high quality tools for one of.
Speaker A: If I do an autopsy that I.
Speaker C: Wouldn'T really do it because I got that with me all the time.
Speaker A: Yeah. Now this system is made to like be able to do like any genre. So it's a lot of. It's a lot of generalized stuff I'm gonna have. But you. You can spend XP to get rid of those. So like when you guys level up, can spend XP to get rid of flaws. And also my Die and Blood Sundown does have some other flaws too as well to check on. And if you got all your boons figured out, you do have. Depending on your mind, you can speak multiple languages. Have like there's common. So everyone that's in a railroad territory can speak it. It's just a language of business essentially. Like art. Like kind of like English is an art real world. It's common. So all you guys can speak. Comments. You're all from railroad territories and whatever your native territory. Language.
Speaker C: Medicinal cocaine.
Speaker A: Yeah.
Speaker B: It, it, it, it, it.
Speaker A: What's afternoon? That's weapons here and stuff. Not really, but it's like not being ridiculous. Yeah, no, if you're. Plus you have a horse too. So no. I assume you guys all have like leather duster, buck skin or heavy clothes for your armor, which doesn't help against bullets but helps against everything else. R Light. And there's some various other things. There's not a whole lot of. Let's See if I basically just whatever you had before your guys give that stuff that there's stuff not in the gut in here. Make it up on the spot system.
Speaker D: Is pretty flexible and made for it.
Speaker A: Yeah. There's nothing they pull on them. There's not much gear in here.
Speaker B: It's getting weird in there.
Speaker A: Yeah. You basically need to get if you like for you Steve, like you don't like on your next like level up you could like pick up Sorcerer if you're still going to student or out. And then we can still access the weird too like our fiction wise. I mean you guys are all touched by the weird. We'll just do like either a role or there'll be someone that just seem almost like.
Speaker B: Well the way he was fighting would be almost brave.
Speaker A: Yeah.
Speaker B: But I can't really say. Well you're raised by Indians. Right.
Speaker A: But we can also tweak that like you can like tweak that stuff. Like if that career like fits and like the stuff it gives you fits then you just change this change the story.
Speaker B: Stories of adventure that he like craved would allow me as a gunslinger. Is he a real gunslinger? Does he have the skill? Nobody dreamed of being one.
Speaker A: So also the I'll find the skill level but the there you're ranking the career does mean something kind of like start without number.
Speaker B: Yeah. Well and that's why I thought oh maybe soldier at work. Hey your dad is ex military became a priest or a preacher. And you were raised in the military style really. But your skill is based on your rank is though you actually had.
Speaker A: Oh in the military. Yeah. Like so like gunslinger would like you could do that because a rank zero is an apprentice. You know the basics. Like you know how to. You know how to like draw a gun and shoot it. But you're not going to be like Jacques who's probably like a craftsman level. That's true. So you you could write a magazine articles on it. That's what they're meaning in here. Or it's the best in county.
Speaker B: I could do dime store novels.
Speaker A: There you go.
Speaker B: There's Audrey's profession. He's an author.
Speaker A: I didn't go. You're the group bard. You come around, you travel around with him and record the the deeds of Josh. Yeah. So like if you ran into someone that had a rank 5 in their skill they're the world grand master. They're the best in the world as a level 5 is for their career. And this is the similar like level when you with your skills if they have described it like that. But it's kind of the same medium. Yeah. Ability rank, negative. One is feeble. Sickly. Zero is the average normal person. And then like two is a great athletic person. And three is where you start being spectacular. Best in the country. If you do have actually get to a 6A level 6 in your ability rank, your mythic out of this world, you start with five. Yes. Oh, that's true. We have your derived abilities. I forgot about those ones. So, like your lifeblood and resolve. I think that was actually in the.
Speaker D: Not in the lights found in it.
Speaker A: No, it's not. No. I was in the quick character sheet thing. I was falling. Oh, yeah, yeah. You choose your languages and then it's. Your lifeblood is 10 plus strength. Here's. Yeah, your strength stat. And then your plus any moons, of course. And then your hero points are five. Unless you spent any to get no flaws or you had the student or you took the student bone that gave you more. Your rnk Power is 10 plus your Arcanis career rank plus any boons. I don't think anyone has faith points with the Divine Realm or Psionic. Doesn't matter. Then your credit rank rating is your mind plus your appeal plus your current career rank, which is whichever career you decide you would be making your money with. You need to add all those together, and that's your. And then your Resolve is also 10 plus your mind. No, it's probably just a node you have to put somewhere. Yeah, it's. No, it's just mine. Plus appeal plus current rank. And that's just your starting point. It'll go up and down during plays. All right. Yeah, that's your starting point then. That's just how it's where you start. So you don't need to remember that formula because it only applies hero points.
Speaker D: You get unless you bought long.
Speaker A: Yeah, yeah. So you would have five.
Speaker D: We're gonna use these.
Speaker A: Yeah. Five. How is odd yet seven or five?
Speaker B: What are we calculating?
Speaker A: It just starts at five and then. Oh, hero points. Yeah, heroes.
Speaker B: I haven't really messed with them.
Speaker D: So five.
Speaker A: Yeah, you have five. Unless you use them to avoid taking flaws or if you took the student bones.
Speaker D: I need to put myself. I'm gonna sit there and do that. Whatever reason.
Speaker C: Ochre style.
Speaker A: Yeah.
Speaker C: Yeah.
Speaker B: I'm gonna go with a brave gunslinger and sorcery comes up one on the brave because he's wandering around middle of nowhere vagabonding for a brief while. They caught up to everybody and.
Speaker A: Sounds good.
Speaker C: I don't want to understand the golden Hour. It doesn't explain it.
Speaker A: It's what you so like with our daytime. So you could say the golden hour is at 10am and that's when your healing power is most effective. It's like 10 between 10 and 11.
Speaker C: So this seems hugely limiting.
Speaker A: It's weird. Yeah. It's some of the. And we may well tweak that and look at it when we get a little more sense of the. The magic is kind of weird. Everything. Yeah. If you got your. You got your life blood and then your resolve.
Speaker D: Yeah. What are we going to do for like I have like six holy waters.
Speaker A: You have six holy.
Speaker D: Seven Molotovs.
Speaker A: Yeah. You got seven more puffs. We'll deal with that. When you throw it. Throw them at someone. It's just. I mean it's not a. Yeah. It's pretty. It'll be pretty simple to deal with that. Some of the sorcery stuff and we. We may even do away with the arcane points and just make it. You just pull but the bolter harder just to fan. But we will tweak all that as we play and see what feels good Yell and some of the casting of first magnitude spell has that auspicious owl spell may only be cast at a specific hour of the day. Yeah. But I don't know how much we'll do deal with that stuff.
Speaker C: I have a healing kit. I could just do tools of a tree then do a focus time.
Speaker A: Because what was that boon that the auspicious hour or whatever Field medic.
Speaker C: I just wanted to be a good medic. But it's like.
Speaker A: Do away with that. That is weird during the falling out.
Speaker C: Because the three the tools of the trade. I could choose my doctor profession and just get the bodice die whenever I'm using the.
Speaker A: Yeah. I'm fine with either like either or do you take both of them. You get two bonus die.
Speaker C: Extra special at the golden hour. In that case if the golden hour would stay for the field medic. If I happen to be in the morning. You know we break camp. I can do extra healing in the morning because we have time or whatever.
Speaker A: Yeah. However you want. Or even like the first healing of the day is your golden hour because you haven't like worked on anything. Right. However you want to work that out. Or it could just be like you can do it. Well you get the bonus once a day or something. You go to sleep in here. Go on the next day or whatever.
Speaker C: For your help from you on gun. If I do the sorcerer thing what am I Am I choosing a power later or no.
Speaker A: So the magic in this is basically the free form. It has some like on the what pages on. It does have like. It has like the scale of the stuff that you can like essentially what you're doing and like the time it takes. But you can go up to like beyond like planet level casting of stuff.
Speaker C: Because my guy's not so much like his power. The emulator is weird. I saw things like second sight. So this is a reinterpretation of the nose for the unnatural functions. Similarly, you can see ghost spirits, have occasional glimpses of the future, sense the presence of supernatural. These are the function.
Speaker A: Right.
Speaker C: The GMs win that are not 100% dependable. Then there's the Power of the Void, where you gaze upon the darkness of the abyss and gain plus two working points depending on the setting. The GM may ask you to take an extra claw.
Speaker A: Yeah. Extra plot, maybe. We're not. We probably won't do flaws to level up your arcane power seconds. Like, I'll just do power in the.
Speaker C: Void and then you can interpret what that looks like later.
Speaker A: Yeah.
Speaker C: They're probably going to spend a lot of hero points just to like make a character like that.
Speaker A: Yeah. Page 80 is where the arcane stuff kind of starts. Some of it doesn't really apply, but the magnitude on 82 gives you an idea of what you can do in the casting requirements sometimes. Yep. All you'll need is D6S. You probably want more than two.
Speaker D: Yeah.
Speaker C: I'm going to take tools of the trade. First gun. And then I'm going to take genius.
Speaker A: But eliminate no flaw. Yeah.
Speaker C: And then I'm going to take Power of the Void, but take cocky. I'm a doctor. And then take field medic.
Speaker D: We have two geniuses.
Speaker A: That's what, three boons and one flaw.
Speaker C: That would be you get one boon automatically. Right.
Speaker A: And then. Yeah. Did I get a second one? You either pay the hero point or I paid one for that. And then you get a genius.
Speaker C: And I paid one for that.
Speaker A: Oh, it didn't have no flaws. Right.
Speaker C: And then I added power deployed into a cocky.
Speaker A: All right, so you only. You get three.
Speaker C: What I'll do is I'll drop the.
Speaker A: Field that it can. Okay.
Speaker C: That'll make it kills the trade. Genius. Power of the Void. Okay, that was still two, though. No, you're right. You're right.
Speaker A: Because I get. I took a. Yeah, you have one flaw.
Speaker C: It says a Kachi character gets a penalty. Die resisting a challenge. And when it comes to danger, that's.
Speaker B: Been accurate so far.
Speaker A: Yeah.
Speaker D: Fair enough.
Speaker C: I think I've taken the most damage I degree.
Speaker A: Yeah. So, yeah. Hero points recover. We'll worry about horse stuff later. That's not really. It's not really anything. Corso has like five hit points. They're not super durable. This game. This. You guys are more heroic in this. But that it still can be lethal.
Speaker B: Okay.
Speaker D: I have no clue.
Speaker A: Most of the stuff you'll fight, you'll probably be like one shot either.
Speaker B: Well, that's the way the guns work.
Speaker A: Y.
Speaker D: The gun didn't kill you. The.
Speaker C: The infection.
Speaker D: Infection later.
Speaker A: It's like that.
Speaker C: With that used the movie where he's like. He got shot. This guy was shot in the gut. And he comes upside and he ends.
Speaker D: Up hand in the guy with a bullet.
Speaker C: It's like I'm gonna turn and walk away and you can shoot me, but.
Speaker A: You got a decision to make.
Speaker D: Yes. I don't remember which one that is.
Speaker C: It's about time for me to walk through all my western rewatching.
Speaker D: Have you seen Skeleton Crew?
Speaker C: I'm liking it so far.
Speaker D: Yeah. Well, over on the newest episode. I like how it brings back the.
Speaker A: Mystery of Star Wars.
Speaker B: Yeah.
Speaker D: It feels.
Speaker C: It's still a kids.
Speaker D: Yeah.
Speaker C: There's a kid element to it. An adult can still enjoy it. So it feels like a Spielberg adventure.
Speaker D: You know, I've seen people call it the Goonies.
Speaker A: Yeah.
Speaker C: Yeah. That's what they're trying to go for.
Speaker D: Fun.
Speaker C: Yeah. I'm glad that came out. And then the guy who did Logan is supposed to go do really, really super old. His Star wars and he's like all of his movies so far, like 7.5 and up reading most platforms and stuff.
Speaker A: So.
Speaker D: Yeah, we'll get good Star wars and not good Star Wars. Bad Star wars is the.
Speaker C: Got a whole other season of Andor coming out too. Yeah, that's true.
Speaker D: I think that's this year.
Speaker A: Yeah.
Speaker C: I'm looking forward to it. Yeah. The skull is great.
Speaker D: Daredevil comes out this year. What does the Daredevil.
Speaker C: Oh, that's right. I forgot that they're revisiting with that same actor, right? Yeah.
Speaker D: Even Punisher and stuff.
Speaker C: Crazy or involved. Amazing. Almost too good.
Speaker A: Pretty brutal.
Speaker D: What's funny? Have you seen him out? Like you may ever see him. He's like a chill guy.
Speaker C: Did you see him and Deborah Ann Wall who played that. Talking about dmv. Yeah. Post that. That was super funny. Is like she just unlocked his brain about. That's all the game is. She might have Made a player. But she's a really good.
Speaker D: She plays the Punisher, murder hobo. The GMs like stop.
Speaker A: That'd be an interesting like Murder Hobo group to play. Or just like Punisher group and go after criminals and stuff.
Speaker C: That's on the player until the gym.
Speaker A: I'm playing basically the Puna Die man. Yeah.
Speaker C: He's actually a really good actor. Yeah, he had kind of a bit part in. Do you remember Sicario?
Speaker A: No.
Speaker C: He's really good in that thing. Even though it was a small goal.
Speaker D: Probably get typecasted now as the Punisher and stuff in the Blue Tree.
Speaker C: So lifeblood, the value of 10 plus your strength attribute.
Speaker A: Yep.
Speaker C: Well, I have 10.
Speaker D: I have zero strength in it.
Speaker A: And then your arcane power would be 10 plus your arcana secure rank, which is probably zero, which would be the Sorcerer. But then you just be 10 plus your boon. Yeah. And then your credit rating, which I don't think you just have to make a note of that somewhere is mine plus appeal. Appeal plus your money making career. I guess whichever career you decided.
Speaker C: Mine plus appeal.
Speaker A: Yeah, plus career rank. So.
Speaker B: First you don't have a profession that uses faith points. Then you take as a flaw a lack of faith which slows your accumulation of faith points. I means you're skeptic. But.
Speaker A: Is your mind plus 10? Sorry, mind or mind plus 10? 10 plus mind.
Speaker C: Oh, actually my. I have three mind now. I forgot. So I actually have six. Query. Okay, sorry, I said mine plus per zone.
Speaker A: That is 10 plus mine. 10 plus mine.
Speaker B: It.
Speaker C: The attributes normally max out at five.
Speaker A: Yes. Unless you have a specific.
Speaker C: I got big old. It's just going to get my head like mega mine. I'd like to be in that several times.
Speaker D: Yeah.
Speaker C: I don't know why. Okay, so we now had a medium pistol. We had the rifle pistol. Standard rifle. Pistol shotgun.
Speaker A: Yeah. So it's a medium pistol. European rifle. And then if you had a shotgun, you could decide if it's sawed off or mine was sawed off regular.
Speaker C: I borrowed a shotgun. I think I just have a right to what? I guess.
Speaker A: And then your other inventory items are just advance the world by like. Yes. Your characters stay alive for 10 years. Maybe maybe 20 years. The inventor would be able to create a semi automatic pistol. Mythic weapon. Actually as a mythic project. You'd be able to do that. Mythic projects are ridiculous. Everyone's got their characters.
Speaker D: We'll see.
Speaker A: You guys also have roleplay points you'll want to keep track of now which are basically like Weird like you'd get for when you failed a role or the yes at the end of the session question and you'll be able to spend those on different things. And these are a player resource. They're not tied to your character.
Speaker B: It.
Speaker A: That'S one of those games. It's a ton of fun. When it's fun and it's absolute garbage. I don't think I just like running around with dumb Romero one shotting people with a stupid. Yeah. So I'm even jumping ahead.
Speaker C: It's fine.
Speaker A: No you're. You're. That's you. You roll two D6 and keep the highest. That's like the L the D6 L is your. Well two D6 and he lowest D6 is just a D6. So like on the far end of that track where it's like 3d6h you're actually. You'd actually roll 4d6 and keep the three highest. That would probably one shot. I think almost anybody in this game. It's a repeating rifle.
Speaker D: I figured they were like lever action is.
Speaker A: Yeah, that's here. You guys have the.
Speaker C: Guns on the west?
Speaker A: Yeah. The classic one.
Speaker B: Yeah.
Speaker A: You said the mifty and rifle.
Speaker C: Show somebody carrying a guy.
Speaker A: Yep. Heavy weapons dynamite and a field cannon. So he has one of Berkey's field.
Speaker C: Can requires a crew of six firing a 12 pound ball. The damages is D6H scale three meaning three D6L against human targets with a range of 80 yards.
Speaker A: Yeah.
Speaker C: They like deleting stuff since most cover won't stop a cannonball because they're making a damage indirect.
Speaker A: Yeah. So if you wanted to find yourself.
Speaker D: A field cannon and get some follow.
Speaker A: Recruit a rabble crew to man it. You certainly could.
Speaker C: They just carry with you everywhere.
Speaker A: You just have a wagon team pulling.
Speaker D: Scanning.
Speaker A: See a pack of wolves. Yeah. You're like.
Speaker C: Have you ever saw there was a. There's armor in a museum from some European war. It's like this gold kind of gilded armor. But whoever was wearing it got hit by a cannonball up here. Have you seen that?
Speaker A: Yeah.
Speaker B: It's all intent.
Speaker C: You're like that guy got deleted.
Speaker D: Yeah.
Speaker C: Oh yeah. And then just.
Speaker A: Nope. Probably wouldn't from that. I don't think he would.
Speaker D: It'd be so fast. Probably being shot.
Speaker A: He might have a. He might see it about to hit.
Speaker D: You and then be like.
Speaker C: I think the shock of getting hit by a cannonball that hard. Would you instantly get knocked out. I mean if you didn't die instantly your brain wouldn't be functioning because the shock that would rattle your brain.
Speaker D: It's like our own story of a vet that got shot. He lost his leg doing AK round and like he went just after he got shot. He kind of just fell over and then went got up. He looked down and like his whole leg was just like there's the hole in it. Like it didn't register that. So I was like I can't imagine it. Cannon.
Speaker C: Yeah.
Speaker A: Like it was like right up here too.
Speaker D: Yes. So it's like AK rounds way smaller.
Speaker C: Than the can that would have to concuss wearing armor. And it just went through it. It looked like it. It bent it in where it almost looked like it was like melting through it this way. So they had you and knock them out.
Speaker A: Oh yeah. He probably so he might have. He might have gotten. He might have like seen it. Incoming.
Speaker C: Right.
Speaker A: Just because they're big enough or heard the sound. Yeah.
Speaker D: No guys just have been there.
Speaker A: Yeah.
Speaker C: It's one of those pictures you see and you're out loud. Say something. So how did you want to handle our gear reset that we currently have?
Speaker A: Oh you just have it and we'll worry about it like when you go to use it, how it works, what it does like damage wise. Like any of that. If it applies like we were doing before.
Speaker C: I like it.
Speaker D: Fight.
Speaker C: Nice.
Speaker D: Two gun mojo.
Speaker A: Okay.
Speaker D: Let's see how it goes.
Speaker B: That could be forever lost in boons and flaws.
Speaker C: I know.
Speaker A: Yeah. Yeah. That's why I said too is like. Or you can. You can read like read them off. I mean if you like want to like rather swap one eye. Hey, I'm swapping this out for this instead. It's not. I mean we're all learning. It's going to be learning to see what fits. Yeah.
Speaker C: I want to be a soiled dove. Fallen angel.
Speaker A: Yeah.
Speaker C: That was a great title. I've never heard that term before.
Speaker A: I don't think I had either until I started getting reading the western like systems. I was like the plate. Would you say it?
Speaker C: Yeah, it is.
Speaker B: Yeah. So three booms, two flaws. Holding onto the the points. Because based on the flaws I'll probably have a beast friend.
Speaker C: Which that makes sense.
Speaker B: Felt like it really worked with our current situation. And they didn't quite fit the familiar you get with sorcery of a small fuzzy animal. Two tons with spikes. Disease resistant and fear resistant. With the flaws of being young.
Speaker C: Nobody takes me seriously.
Speaker B: And a poor sense of direction.
Speaker A: Pardon.
Speaker B: So odds are if you send me for a bucket of water I'll find the water.
Speaker A: But making it back nice. I did on. I think all of you have the charts and table sheet. That's mostly just a reference. Just a quick reference on the table somewhere. A quick reference when you roll double twelves because you can do other stuff or spend it or when you spend a hero point to bump your normal success to a mighty or legendary. Do some other stuff. I would also recommend reading on what the hero points can be spent on because there's definitely quite a lot. Yes you can actually. That actually is a mechanic that if something's not established you can spend the hero point and say like hey my guy found this or like you know, it's explained it in there. But there's a lot of stuff. So I just getting familiar with those. But yeah, that's our hero points gone.
Speaker D: Once we spend them.
Speaker A: Yes you'll get them back that you. You will be able to spend like some of your the role play points to get them back. That will be an option. I'll print out a thing for that next week. And then also you'll get them back at the start. You get them refreshed at the start of a adventure. So like. Like this or seen one is when this is concluded and you move on to your next thing. You'll get all your hero points back and then damage. We'll worry about rolling that. I've been wondering have some downtime for you guys to level up. I'll let you know. Worry about that next session. I made you guys during the week. And then Steve, I've changed the way the scorches coins work, which you'll find out a little bit here shortly. I thought it'd be more interesting and more in line with kind of what we established with Orzine.
Speaker B: So you want to combine that with a boon because pretty much how do you be like what am I going to need to complete this and survive?
Speaker A: It's no the coins. Well, you'll just have to find out. But the coins do stuff now.
Speaker D: Deck of Many Things.
Speaker B: Do I have to spend them to do the many things? Just a good luck charm that has a bit more luck.
Speaker A: Yeah. Then you guys probably remember your the Horror Talent Pack. That's Audrey.
Speaker D: The Boss.
Speaker A: And then we do have world languages. But I'll worry about that next week. I added some languages. And plus you guys can send me your languages for your territory. Whether it's a real one. I mean if you wanted it to be Klingon, that's fine.
Speaker C: If it's.
Speaker A: If it's Lord of the Rings, Elvish you know, whatever, or you just make one up and it can say this is what it sounds like. That's fine.
Speaker B: I was thinking like the place was set up as a colony where Mystic Flats is from the other continent, but it's kind of diverged. So you kind of got the. A Slavic language feel. It's not quite Russian, it's not quite Ukrainian, but. Or if you wanted to go for the Latin, it's not quite Italian and it's not quite French.
Speaker A: So I will say Latin is as the church's language. So if you wanted to know Latin, you'd have to be from the Church. That's where like there's this. That's their divine language, where all their spell casting comes from. And then you guys, I guess from just a little bit of Nanook speaking to you and Lapu speaking to you, that's kind of an Inuit you would I guess pick up and you would have heard some of it too because you're next to that territory that's screw up that you would have. You would be familiar with Inuit, which is the language. The main language of the territory south of where you grew up, where Audrey grew up. Then there's Evan Lur, which you guys. Well, I don't know if. Well, Jock will probably have probably heard it in some of his smuggling days. Which is the. Which is what? Like the demons, the intelligent monsters. And it's the native speech of the onland creatures. They speak this and it's. It sounds seductive and pleasing to the ear. Kind of smooth and sing song like.
Speaker B: It'S not the dark language of Mordor.
Speaker A: No, the black speech, that might actually be what kind of what the. Then there's the. The Dreamweave language, which is like the Awen words of power, which is like. Like. So that could almost be like black speech, I guess because it actually have it sound sharp, loud, strong, harsh, gut rule. So maybe that does sound like the black speech. But that's like when you're cat. When you're actually. That's spoken by the casters or the arcane magic. So if you're like actually drawing power from the ottoman they cast magic, you're gonna sound spooky. There's the worm's whisper, which is the dragon speech, which none of you guys would know that you can only learn it as a gift from a dragon. And then there's common, which is pretty much everyone that does business speaks of that. And if you grew up in a railroad territories they can all speak. But yeah, so that's some of the Each territory is all going to have their own native language. So they'll end up being like 30 languages in the world. Oh wow. So that actual. So that way we can actually make use of knowing like languages for once. Right. We usually don't do that too much. And there may be some like old world stuff too that comes up like some archaic languages from back in history prevailing or whatever.
Speaker B: Thought about taking the linguist bin Gives you an extra three at that time I figured you just picked four professions and then you had six points to level them.
Speaker C: So I was going to figure, well.
Speaker B: Your dad made to study like the language of the church so you'd have Latin.
Speaker A: Yeah.
Speaker B: Whatever else I don't know might take that yet.
Speaker A: Well, you guys will have XP to spend, so. But we'll worry about that next week once we get some downtime, I guess. And I'm still thinking a little bit of how we'll handle leveling up depending on what you want to do. Because that's also when you do your downtime projects. It's between adventures is when you level up and do down time projects. So I guess do a recap and we'll hop into it if everyone's. I think so. For the most part.
Speaker D: Yeah.
Speaker A: Pretty much. Yeah. So last time you guys showed up at the 10 foot wide sinkhole in the pouring rain, Audrey and Jacques went down it, fought some clockwork tarantulas that spit acid. And Doc joined you guys and you like hopped through, popped over some pillars in the water that had the undead trout. You guys each like blossom boots or got damaged boots. We're jumping across that. Then Audrey swam through the thorn hole that was underwater. Then Jock followed him. I guess Audrey got pricked. And then the gator came out. Jock got almost ate by the gator.
Speaker B: Nothing to do with the gator.
Speaker A: Yep. Doc decided not to try.
Speaker C: And mainly I thought it bit him in half. And I had a gaping extra belly button.
Speaker A: And then Andre and Jock made it into Orzine's room that had the quick.
Speaker D: Silver walls, the wood floor with the.
Speaker A: Geometric design or zine. He's like in the whole talk those loud raspy tips is accent. Those green eyes that were glowing. You found that like he's an immortal. Kind of looks like a dried up corpse for the most part. Then you guys gave up one of your like chances at winning to get Doc teleported to your room and healed up.
Speaker C: Thanks.
Speaker A: And then you guys played poker for your lives. Y'all ended up succeeding Audrey just barely.
Speaker C: Almost.
Speaker B: Yeah. Audrey almost rolled a new character yeah.
Speaker D: And then.
Speaker A: Yeah. So then we left off. Oh yeah. Then he also provided you guys like a thousand year old whiskey. Bottles of whiskey each. So you each have a thousand year old bottle of whiskey.
Speaker B: I'm just gonna wait till he grows up so he can really enjoy it.
Speaker A: Yeah. And you guys are on your chest now, right? Yeah. So yeah. Then you guys played the poker after he summoned the fancy table of poker. And then he won. And we got to the point where he was asking what you guys wanted for your rewards. But. But I guess we're going to retcon a little bit. And after he wins, Orzine asks Audrey, have you unlocked the power of your coins?
Speaker B: I just know that every time I threw it away, it always came back.
Speaker A: They will return to their owner.
Speaker B: So no, sir, I have not figured out how to unlock anything.
Speaker A: He's like, well, focus your mind and reach out with that touch of weird. We'll see if it's. If you're strong enough yet to power them up. So yeah, you can get. So you give me a mine. So you got the 2D6 plus mine. And then I guess you have sorcerer. So if that. Do you have a positive rank in that. You add that your role also.
Speaker B: That's just a zero for now.
Speaker A: Yeah.
Speaker B: So I figured he's still.
Speaker A: Yeah. Yeah. So then it would just be the 2D6 plus your mind.
Speaker B: 2D6 plus 1 9.
Speaker A: All right. That's exactly right. So as you actually. Which. Which one are you? Yeah, so which. Yeah, you said focus on one of them. So which one? One or two. Which token do you decide to focus on?
Speaker B: First two.
Speaker A: So yeah, as you kind of like reach out with the. The weird into that you feel access to like a new power that kind of floods into your mind. I hope you can read that. If not, I'll print it out bigger. Okay. And you kind of see. You see the rune on the thing, like light up or Zinga is good.
Speaker B: It's kind of fun.
Speaker C: Let's try the other one.
Speaker A: Oh.
Speaker B: No. That would have got me Harmon.
Speaker A: So this is. So you do have. So the hero points there. You can spend them to re roll. There's at least a re roll option. And there's I think something else too. If you want to burn.
Speaker B: You could hard set it to four. But I need nine to be successful.
Speaker A: Correct. Yeah, nine or better treat.
Speaker C: Thank you to the snacks.
Speaker A: Oh, then you can. There's also. There are. There's another optional. I think it's probably pushing. So if you want, you could push. You take damage when you do it but you can re roll one or both of your dice. Find that one first by damage.
Speaker B: Just take them to resolve after the rather than likewood.
Speaker A: No, there's a. No, it's an optional roll. Or after you've done if you fail. Oh yeah, here it is. Give it everything. If you don't like the result of the rule, you can give the task everything you've got. And for two points of lasting damage to lifeblood or resolve it happen which this would be resolved damage. You get a second chance to make the rule. So you. You could. So if you want to take two lasting damage to resolve which is just a different way you mark the damage.
Speaker B: Which so two lasting. That means that when we're done those never come back. They're completely spent or.
Speaker A: No, they'll come back. You can always heal up. No it'll actually be damaged. That takes a day or two to heal. And like that's the way you mark it on your sheet is different also. That's the. The X with the cross in it.
Speaker B: I think I'll spend a hero point and go for luck of the gods. Roll one or more dice again or set one roll dice before.
Speaker A: Okay.
Speaker B: Oh, that's bad. That's even worse than the first one. How many times can you use hero points? I think till they're gone or I.
Speaker A: Think it's just once per.
Speaker B: That'S so bad. I'll pull out a different set of d sixes.
Speaker A: Yeah, I'll say. I think for now I just knew that we wanted.
Speaker B: Okay. There's sweat beam down his forehead. He's like that takes a lot out of a person.
Speaker A: Yeah. So do you reach into for that the end of the second coin you feel it. You hear like you hear of a booming Cajun laugh and you're head. That's just like laughing at you. And you take one lasting resolve damage.
Speaker B: Laugh at me, will ya? I'm gonna do it again.
Speaker A: He's here. Better luck tomorrow.
Speaker C: K.
Speaker A: And then Orzine sees you like lynch. He kind of chuckles a little bit. It's like oh, you've met scorches.
Speaker B: So this is how you communicate with Scorches. Just flub your attempts and.
Speaker A: Said that. Or he goes that. Or if you really want to test your luck or gamble, just hold the coins and call for them. But I would only do that if you're desperate. He's worse than a double.
Speaker B: I'm now looking at my thousand year bottle of whiskey. It's like head hurts. Exactly.
Speaker A: And then. And then he just Goes, oh, good luck tomorrow. So, yeah, I hope you unlock them because they may be strange, but they're useful.
Speaker B: I can definitely see that.
Speaker A: And then he goes. And he, like, kind of like claps you on the shoulder. He's like, all right, gentlemen, now for your gifts. What do you want?
Speaker B: My mind has been bouncing around on so many different possibilities, and I'm fine too.
Speaker A: Like, if you, if you're not 100% sure yet that we can just like recon and be like, oh, I did this.
Speaker B: The most recent one is the ability to communicate with anybody else that has a scorches cut coin. It does not matter what language they speak. That. That's the recent spinning, but because we're.
Speaker C: Kind of Highlandering the coins, right?
Speaker A: Yeah. You, you, you would have known from or seen that, like, this is like a Highlander. There's only. There can only be one.
Speaker C: That's what it sounded like last time. It's like we have some adventures coming, whether we like it or not.
Speaker A: Yeah.
Speaker B: But other than that, Audrey would still be like, whatever you think's going to.
Speaker C: Help me the most.
Speaker B: He's that level of, oh, crap. What I get myself into, I have no idea what I'm going to need.
Speaker A: He goes. He goes, well, if you want, whatever will help you best, then let me out and I'll be your patron. Oh, okay.
Speaker C: Actually, talk with me out loud to.
Speaker B: Go, oh, well, Audrey be considering this. He's like, and how do I get you out?
Speaker A: He goes, as far as I've been able to determine, there's six obelisks that bind me to this place. They're in this region, but I do not know where. The Turk will know, I'm sure.
Speaker C: Stop.
Speaker D: Inner Scrooge McDuck.
Speaker C: If I start biting on them now.
Speaker B: That would be a boon. Be able to swim through money.
Speaker A: Yeah, yeah. Instead of just dying.
Speaker B: 750 pound bag of gold coins.
Speaker C: Random side story. When each of us turned 13, my grandparents on my mom's side gave us gifts. Angie and I both got a hundred dollars. Matt had a. They bought a cruise to Alaska. But my hundred dollars was in silver dollars. Oh, wow. And I spent them all on a Nintendo. But up until that point, I just played with them. It was like. It was like having like a 13 year old.
Speaker D: Yeah.
Speaker A: A hundred dollars in silver coins.
Speaker C: You're like, it would have been about.
Speaker B: 50 silver coins too, but, like, it was pretty amazing.
Speaker C: Yeah. Silver set point when I, When I spent them. I'm pretty sure my dad actually bought the Nintendo with a regular hundred dollars. And checked the coins for a while because he was like full 13 year old. I wouldn't be surprised if he actually still has them. I should ask him but just like playing with the coins just reminds me of having 100 silver dollar.
Speaker A: Yeah.
Speaker B: That'S something I might have to work on tracking down information. Is there a way I can be completely hid from everybody that has a scorches coin?
Speaker A: It's like they're a home in beacon.
Speaker C: Well, I guess we all are screwed.
Speaker B: Well I'm glad you're coming along down the stream with me.
Speaker A: He also goes but with my reduced like with my contrary like I can only affect like things in here. Like like my power is balanced within like this structure for the most part.
Speaker C: Secret.
Speaker B: Yeah.
Speaker A: That'S like that is. That is like the. If you let me out I'll be your patron. Like I'll need to become my apprentice. Like it's kind of like you were looking for a career.
Speaker D: Where are these pillars?
Speaker A: They're in this territory like I can.
Speaker B: Would they show up on the map?
Speaker A: No.
Speaker C: He.
Speaker A: He also he goes like the they were erected like a thousand years ago so.
Speaker B: Well I mean the map that actually got us here.
Speaker A: No that that only points to coins. Then when you look at it you do see a new mark that's north of you up in the shining Peak or the Peaks of Life. That's right. That's what they're called. Which is the mountain range that's part of Grimwater and where the church headquarters fortress is.
Speaker D: Dang it.
Speaker B: Consider you got something to let me walk through wall.
Speaker A: He chuckled and goes yeah if you want to. If that's what you're. You want that for your gift I'll give you have a ring over here.
Speaker B: Well until I can figure out where the towers are. How does he get along with like Nanook and some of the other.
Speaker A: You against I guess. Oh yeah if you're. Are you asking him that? Are you just trying to get the sense of it?
Speaker B: Well at first trying to get the sense of it I mean I thought.
Speaker A: I disdain you would have got disdain or maybe outright like anger out would be towards n. He lets you put him in a box otherwise he would. He hasn't just said anything about any of the other. Any other creatures or beings from onward.
Speaker B: As the conversation kind of went on at some point I probably ask like so I know you don't like Mithras is there. How do you feel about the rest.
Speaker A: Of the world as long as they don't cause harm? I. I don't mind, they harm innocence and they burn. Okay.
Speaker B: Which almost begs the question, so why did you end up in here then? If that's the basic tenant, it seems like a.
Speaker A: He goes, because my power is drawn from the on one and not and I'm not a dragon to send it. Okay. And you like this world would have like, kind of like our world has like dragon mythologies and stuff. Like there'd be a little bit of it. They generally like the Horde and some of them are good, some of them are bad or bolts. You know, they're kind of the general. But they can be extremely powerful creatures.
Speaker B: Is there any way to defend against them? I have a feeling as this quest goes on, dangerous things will. Well, even more dangerous things will come to find me.
Speaker A: He just goes, well, the Mithras. You'll just hope you don't draw his full attention. He'll either just eat you or put you in a box. He's probably raising an army or has raised it on me. I've been in here a thousand years. So.
Speaker B: Is there a way to communicate back as far as within? So it's like this is what we're finding out. We'll provide you with information. Kind of an ongoing relationship. Not as strong as a patron.
Speaker A: He has. Yeah, you can use this pigeon and he whistles in like this mechanical like pigeon flies over and sits on his shoulder.
Speaker B: So we write a note and tie it to its leg. Or does it just instantly chirp in your ear?
Speaker A: No, you just tell it what you need and it'll re. And it'll fly back to me and relay it and come back.
Speaker B: Being trapped, hid here a thousand years, I imagine information to be more valuable than anything else.
Speaker A: He kind of shrugs and it's entertainment. Unless you let me out. Then it will be useful.
Speaker B: Why don't you talk with the other two? I got to think about this.
Speaker A: He just goes. He looks at the at Doc and Jock and goes same deal for you I guess too. You want to let me out or help get me out? I'll be a patron. I'll be your patron.
Speaker C: Well, I'd be helping him either way.
Speaker A: But I don't know if I need.
Speaker C: To spend the food on you.
Speaker A: But.
Speaker C: I'm probably planning to either help him or die doing it.
Speaker A: Look over at you, Doctor.
Speaker D: Just be like old, right? Ever heard of it?
Speaker A: He would probably. Oh, it's. I thought you like how you described it. And he would go no, you wouldn't know what it is because it's post veil or part of the veil. Fairy. He's been in here for a thousand years. But you could change the lore on that if you want. And it could just be something that's existed and it's become more. It became extremely rare. Now it's starting to show up again since the villas.
Speaker D: Location of this stuff, you know mine, it's full of it.
Speaker A: He just goes like it's like I don't know what it is. I wouldn't be able to help you find it. But you can describe it. But there's probably something in here that could help you locate stuff. Locate it?
Speaker D: Yeah. I'd explain what it is, where it came from and how it came from the veil breaking and affects the iron and silver. That's a chance to.
Speaker A: So he just like she just need a metal detector.
Speaker D: I guess if that's all you got.
Speaker A: Well you just go to all you describe it. Silver or iron that's been touched by the weird compass.
Speaker B: It shows you what you desire most.
Speaker D: That I guess that'll work.
Speaker A: You want compass or like a map that can tell you where it's at.
Speaker D: A map would be better because you never know how long it is.
Speaker B: Map of the zoom feature.
Speaker A: Yeah. So he thanks for a little bit. And then a scroll case comes floating out of the wall.
Speaker D: And he goes.
Speaker A: Get yourself a pizza. What do you call it? Sorry Elden.
Speaker D: Right.
Speaker A: Old. Right. And punch it to this and it'll mark any spots within 250 miles.
Speaker B: It.
Speaker A: And just turn the looks at dot. Well doc. Well I've had a little time to.
Speaker C: Think about this but not much but we travel a lot and I end up patching this up a lot. So it'd be nice if we could cut down how much we have to travel. So if I could have something that we could set a location and then choose to immediately come back to the ID. But if cards still on the table huh?
Speaker D: Right.
Speaker C: Does he still have the cards on the table now?
Speaker A: Yeah, probably. You guys are probably just sitting around.
Speaker C: Yeah, I just pull out super sorts, you know, pull out a couple of aces and say so wherever we put this ace, I want this ace to be able to go back to the location of the other ace as a group. So we could travel this one way instead of two ways. Sometimes we know we're coming back.
Speaker A: Sorry. He goes yeah, I think I got something around here that's similar to that. So you kind of like like thinks for like a minute and then like out of like one of the piles of like treasure a pyramid like floats out like it's not Great. Like. Like a one foot like square pyramid like floats out and then there's. And then like a gold ring that has like a anchor. It's just looks like a gold like wedding band or something. Doesn't look very interesting. When he floats over he's like here. He sets out the tail and it's like put the anchor wherever you want to come back. I'd suggest at least like 10 by 10 rook. Be safe.
Speaker C: All right.
Speaker A: And then whoever's touching you with this ring, it's got to concentrate for like a minute. Then he'll come back back with all our stuff.
Speaker C: Take our horses too. No. No. Okay.
Speaker A: You have rings for that?
Speaker C: That's right. Yeah.
Speaker B: We have the fancy horse rings.
Speaker A: Totally forgot about that.
Speaker C: No.
Speaker B: My friends will be left behind.
Speaker C: What's that?
Speaker B: My friends will be left behind.
Speaker C: Well, we'll figure that out. It still could be really just me.
Speaker A: So little move people sized.
Speaker C: Okay.
Speaker A: That you can fit in here. Actually I'll just say a ten foot circle. That's what that's the hills be what you can fit in a 10 by 10 like circle cube.
Speaker B: I'll be explaining. That would work back for it. Two parts. One something that will open any door or close any door. So locked bar doesn't matter. We'd be able to get through the door. And then if you want I'll take the pigeon along with and we'll send you entertaining tales of our our journey.
Speaker A: Like I appreciate it. I can send messages back. But yeah.
Speaker B: A way to to open or close doors. Nothing would be able to debar a path. Please.
Speaker A: Yeah. He like reaches behind himself and like motions. An ordinary looking key just like floats over without any like put it down on the table. It's only like it's pretty pretty small. You can see that it's got several runes carved into it. It's like this little opening lock anyone dating doors. If you run into magical stuff that may or may not work depending on the strength of the enchantments on them. It's part of normal stuff.
Speaker B: There's a mischievous look that he Audrey also gets in like even safes the door.
Speaker A: It's got a keyhole on it. You'll be good.
Speaker C: I'm not sure I like that smile.
Speaker B: Oh, it's a little bit of the. The Misgenius. What if it doesn't have an actual keyhole? If I touch the key to it won't work. Or does it have to have a keyhole on it?
Speaker A: Needs a keyhole. This one will adjust. It'll get bigger or smaller needs.
Speaker D: It does need a keyhole.
Speaker B: Goes over cuts a strip of leather. Where is it like a bend it.
Speaker A: Yeah. When you like the ring that's with that pyramid. When you like look at like on the inside of it, there's a bunch of like roots carved into it that have like a faint like shadow shimmer to them. But yeah, It'll be a 10 by a 10 foot cube. It's like the space that will transport. So anything in a 10 foot cube around you will go if it's touching you or touching someone that's touching you. And then for the skeleton key, any mundane stuff then like that has a keyhole or whatever. Is no effort. You just use it. But we'll say like other doors that don't have keyhole or magical things that'll get turned into a rule if you have to like channel weird things it.
Speaker B: Gently. Hello.
Speaker A: Are you happy with your prices?
Speaker B: What's the name of this little birdie?
Speaker A: Of course. Hold up.
Speaker B: Had a gym camera and it's just too.
Speaker A: He goes, it's oral goum.
Speaker C: You asked for it.
Speaker A: Yeah.
Speaker C: Or for short. I don't know.
Speaker A: I can't. He's just gonna. It's gonna be horror Horo lo. There we go. That's for sure.
Speaker B: One of the dangers of being the DM come up with really cool names. But then you realize how many times you're gonna have to say it.
Speaker D: Yeah, you can come up with it and then you don't pronounce it. And then you say it at the table. You're like, oh, I know how to say this.
Speaker A: Platinum.
Speaker C: Benedict Cumberbatch's name. Bumblebee. Cumberbund.
Speaker D: Yeah.
Speaker B: Finally they just. They don't even attempt his name. They just a character that he played.
Speaker A: You're no smug. Exactly.
Speaker D: You're strange.
Speaker A: Sherlock.
Speaker B: That guy. What's his name?
Speaker A: Yeah. He chuckled after saying the name. And it's like you just call him Oro.
Speaker B: Does he have a travel size or does he always state about the signs of opinion?
Speaker A: Just always stay the pigeon. Okay. You can put books inside them. So that'd be appreciated. How does get big?
Speaker C: What do we do?
Speaker A: Books.
Speaker B: I don't know is. Are books fairly common?
Speaker A: They would be because like 1866, like.
Speaker B: I mean the printing press is in play.
Speaker A: Like because I. I basically based the tech like this world off like. Like looking at like 1866, like America or the European like books were column like whether you could read or not. That might be different but like printed stuff was more like pretty common. Was common I just had all the dime novels and that kind of like, that kind of stuff. Any books? He goes, yep, the more the better.
Speaker D: Ask them. So where you find these pillars? What do you plan to do once you're out? Yeah, you're challenge everyone. Card games, put them in your wall.
Speaker A: He laughs and goes, maybe be entertaining for a. Maybe just the bad guys. But my main goal would be to slay Mithras.
Speaker B: The deity of the world.
Speaker A: Yeah, he said he had the dragon the veil up and cut off the world from the. On the.
Speaker D: I don't need a Patreon, but.
Speaker A: I'd.
Speaker D: Be willing to help with that. Help me understand what weird. Any other ideas of making things.
Speaker A: I'm sure I could help.
Speaker B: If we find one of the spires, we'll break off a chunk and touch it to the map. But it shows where the others are.
Speaker A: Yep. That map will show you the location of minerals or objects of the same nature.
Speaker C: Good question.
Speaker B: Every now Audrey gets lucky.
Speaker D: He put the bottle of whiskey on the map.
Speaker A: Do you see like on like the. On like this radius?
Speaker D: Like, see if it's just bottles and not any bottle.
Speaker A: You see like the three, but then you see like, like a big giant mass like 100ft off the side of you. And you'd like, look in a date like that. You just see the wall, you see.
Speaker D: Like a tight mass, like, well, this is handy.
Speaker A: And then you don't see anymore.
Speaker B: Are there any other caches we should be aware of?
Speaker A: And as soon as you like remove it. Like as soon as you take it away, you can see the map just goes. It just looks like a rolled up piece of old parchment.
Speaker B: He takes a scorches coin and sets it down on there. Pulls out his own map. It's like.
Speaker D: 250 miles. So we'll see at least the elder, right?
Speaker A: I actually, I actually need to measure because you may actually see something. You may see, you may see your coin that's on your bat. Yeah, yeah, I would say you, you see it pop up. You see one pop up, like, but then you also see one that's within like 100 miles of you. And it appears to be moving.
Speaker D: Towards us. Maybe. Is it like moving kind of fast or would it just be like, like it's like how far are we zoomed in?
Speaker A: You would see, you could see that it's like moving slow, like super slow. Because it does, like the edge is like 250. So you do see like, you see one coin and it does kind of give you like, I guess a view of The.
Speaker C: Yeah.
Speaker A: You know, so you can like when you pop it up there, like you'd almost feel like an energy. Yeah. Let's say you see like you'd feel like a wave like disperse out. And then you'd like watch the map like kind of fill out with like the topography. And you would see like near the top edge of your map and like up in the peaks of light in like the fortress of the church, you do see a scorches climb. But then like to the northeast of you near the edge too. Yeah. Let me located like say on the edge of it along the train track you see a coin heading south.
Speaker D: Does everybody have a coin? Have one of those maps or did Audrey just have.
Speaker A: No, they I guess or zine would say anyone that owns that has found a coin has a map. Map burns up when you chase air.
Speaker C: Coin might be the best thing that we've ever found.
Speaker B: So other than taking coins that destroys their map, is there any way that the map I have to be destroyed? This one's cool.
Speaker D: Or you destroy it and it just shows up again like the next day.
Speaker A: It's like that set right there. Gorgeous. Is a. Is a tricky build up.
Speaker B: In case of trouble, burn the map. We'll get it and get him later.
Speaker A: End it here for the image and since it be not. Yep. So did we learn anything? You are important about the world.
Speaker B: Yeah.
Speaker D: Location and stuff. Yeah.
Speaker A: Did we locate a mem. Wait. No. Never mind doing. Yeah, I would say.
Speaker B: Yeah.
Speaker A: No, not that. The treasure. Yes. Now the enemies. We didn't fight anybody, so that's enough. And then we didn't solve a problem without violence, which is a new one. That's true.
Speaker B: It was a great discussion. Got into the coin. That was a violent second one.
Speaker A: Was a bit painful.
Speaker D: But now there's going in the RP points.
Speaker A: Yes, those. So you guys get two RP points and then Audrey or I guess Steve, you would have one for filling that role too. So whenever you fill a hole you get. Okay, a point. Just like we just like dungeon. Well, essentially you get an RP point.
Speaker D: My 12 other points don't count.
Speaker A: If you guys know how much luck you have. Okay, you can roll that. You can add that to your hard mini points. We'll just roll that over because it was earned.
Speaker C: Yeah. The hard way.
Speaker A: Yeah. Yeah.
Speaker B: Let's see that. Two crummy rolls for the hero points.
Speaker A: That's kind of scary.
Speaker B: Kind of curious to see what we'll be able to buy with those.
Speaker D: I like the system too. Haven't done Anything?
Speaker A: Any low lights or highlights? Nope.
Speaker D: Highlights getting matte and got items.
Speaker A: Yeah.
Speaker B: That will prove useful. The system. I think we're just gonna have to play through it.
Speaker A: Yep.
Speaker B: I totally misunderstood careers.
Speaker D: Yeah. Like I read through what we're supposed to with this. Like now I'm doing this at the table.
Speaker A: But I've read most of those sections several times over. Cassandra's just like what you really wanted. A mental one. Read the scale section on scale. That's weird.
Speaker B: I was using Google for a while as I was figuring out something. So it's a 2D6 system. Do I roll 2D6 and just or check and put it in there? Oh yeah.
Speaker A: I solved that problem.
Speaker D: Yes.
Speaker A: Any long term goals? Any new ones? I guess. How do you guys.
Speaker B: Coins and spires.
Speaker A: Yeah.
Speaker D: The pillars eventually go back to that gold mine.
Speaker A: Yeah.
Speaker D: Let's get that running for Jock. And then Jock's going to try and find an elder.
Speaker C: Right.
Speaker D: Mine and start building. You may be coming.
Speaker B: He was looking for a home for guns too.
Speaker A: Yep.
Speaker B: You might become the new character for the sun and the moon.
Speaker D: We'll see how projects works because Jock may become a side character more depending on how long this project stays.
Speaker A: Well those you do, you make progress once on your downtime and then you go on another adventure and you come back and do it again.
Speaker D: Oh yeah. That's what I was wondering about the foundation.
Speaker A: You can spend XP on progress. Like more progress points so you can finish the faster at the cop.
Speaker D: He would definitely look into like if we clear that gold mine, like hiring people, like starting a workforce type thing.
Speaker B: Deep down he wants to make his own relics.
Speaker A: Yep.
Speaker D: Yeah. And I saw his backstory change and they're like that's what he started out like smuggling crap in the other place. And then like they noticed that he was smart and could pick up things and just understood things. So they like started learning Smith and crafting.
Speaker B: The system does look like it puts an emphasis on mind more so than other ones.
Speaker C: Yeah.
Speaker B: Yeah. Like D and D. The only time you ever put points in intellect above 10 for wisdom was if you had a caster that needed those specific.
Speaker C: Or a rogue because sometimes the rogue's intellect would affect her and it skills the best. And so if you really wanted like a super tricked out skilled rogue that was dancing, playing instruments, robbing people blind, picking locks when you chose intel.
Speaker D: Then I took my fly. Took enemy and offended your what? Oh for my fly. I took enemy. Oh, so I have to have a rival.
Speaker C: We talked about that.
Speaker A: And then I guess plans Next session. Pillars. Maybe these are like in the middle of nowhere. Yeah.
Speaker D: We'll see if the coins. Pillars are closer or we had.
Speaker B: Well the one coin we got the one from Ramsey's for a boom.
Speaker D: That's true.
Speaker A: We've come for a boon.
Speaker B: Per chance. Can I exchange this coin for another one? I'm sorry but that's in the deepest bowels of unknown and it's not going.
Speaker A: Yeah.
Speaker D: Remember where we're at.
Speaker A: Yeah, I can.
Speaker D: Because the gold mine's pretty far away.
Speaker A: Yeah. You guys are like five days from. Well you're not five days from anything but guy at school. Yeah. Closing. So you're like you're down here. Yeah. And then like nightbore is over here and then the spotted logging camp is over here. The one coin is up here that we're in the fortress of light. Basically the church fortress. And then the other one you see is coming down this like. Is down. It's coming down this railroad over here. Yeah.
Speaker D: And then I have no information on the pillars.
Speaker A: No. Because he. He wouldn't know where they're.
Speaker D: So that's going to be asking around.
Speaker B: Maybe I'm just looking for old ruins.
Speaker D: Yeah.
Speaker A: Yeah. And they were. They were put in a thousand years ago. So.
Speaker B: And they're pretty much in. In this area or this state.
Speaker A: Yeah. They're are.
Speaker D: They would. Yeah.
Speaker A: They kind of be like six spread.
Speaker B: Across the world and.
Speaker A: Yeah. That's why he said it's forming like six pointed like star with him in the center. But he's not. So he knows they're within this territory. Just doesn't know where. Like he kind of like feel out like the like the field limits or whatever.
Speaker B: Give him an idea for range. It's about 100 miles on either direction.
Speaker A: He probably actually would be able to do that.
Speaker D: He's got the ankle bracelet.
Speaker A: It's funny. Yeah. I'd say he. He would have said they're within like a hundred miles of him. Rough. You know. Give or take of. So. Yeah.
Speaker B: So I could see that working at 100 miles. If we took the hounds they'd be able to cover that distance pretty good. And that was true run diameter.
Speaker D: You could.
Speaker C: So.
Speaker A: Yeah. So I guess you guys gonna try looking for those next session or.
Speaker D: I think so. Unless we go after coins. But there's one really far. And then the guy on the train. We'd have to.
Speaker B: Be easier to get backing and then.
Speaker A: Yeah. Yeah.
Speaker D: You can look for pillars and see what we found. Who knows what adventures we'll find.
Speaker B: The idea of breaking into the Vatican secret library.
Speaker A: Not yet.
Speaker B: Yeah.
Speaker A: They may let you in with the boon.
Speaker D: Ramsay was let me build my iron man suit and then we'll go.
Speaker B: Like I said, it's. Can I exchange this coin for another one? The boom might get me in.
Speaker C: But let's say we could tell them a little pyramid's a gift and teleport him. But then we have to get out.
Speaker B: Might want to set that up as an anchor then go in.
Speaker C: Yeah.
Speaker B: We'll unlock the. The lock safe or what wherever it is.
Speaker C: Yeah.
Speaker B: And then we'll. We'll start out. You know we like the most bestest thieves ever.
Speaker C: I wasn't really thinking about it as a thieves tool when I asked for.
Speaker D: It, but I thought about the fact.
Speaker C: That I traveled with YouTube.
Speaker B: Well, I'm not sure if you really. Well, you've probably been a pretty good influence on Audrey, but he's learning how to shoot from Jock.
Speaker A: Yeah.
Speaker C: I have no idea. Any visions of Agent?
Speaker A: No. Yeah. So Steve, the scorches coins are going to be in similar in that like vein. You don't know what you're going to do. But they all will be something like that.
Speaker B: This is like one step away from Jackie Chan adventures. Except they're saying two of these instead of just 12.
Speaker C: You remember that cartoon? I do actually, a little bit. I watched a ton of it.