Speaker A: X equals this. What is. Yeah.
Speaker B: I might have to step away from the table for a while.
Speaker A: This car going this feeder.
Speaker C: This time. And the horses start running.
Speaker B: Yeah. You weren't allowed to train with your costume.
Speaker C: And you hear the dragonflies.
Speaker A: So you know you chose the wrong train.
Speaker C: How long till the Malta cocktails light you up? I think we still got a few of those.
Speaker D: Yeah. You guys still have a bunch of moltos?
Speaker A: I have seven.
Speaker B: A few. Yeah. It's just this container.
Speaker D: That's what the horse is for.
Speaker B: Yeah.
Speaker D: That was all from the practice. One of their first adventures was they were fighting it. They had to go chase down a vampire. Like just probably over over prepared a little bit.
Speaker A: Six holy mowers. 28 silver bullets.
Speaker C: Doc had already been nibbled on and we weren't taking a chance. That happens.
Speaker B: Oh.
Speaker A: When you talk to the tavern about moonshine. I just provide a whole case.
Speaker C: Farmer's Little helper.
Speaker D: Yeah. That's. That's the slang in this world for dynamite.
Speaker B: Oh that's. Yeah. I took that boon a dynamite. Seems fitting for a prospect.
Speaker A: Maybe I use my dynamite. I thought I had one left.
Speaker C: Yeah.
Speaker B: Maybe both do. I took one and threw it at that house.
Speaker D: Yeah. I think on the train you were talking about deciding if you're gonna throw the dynamite on the cluster of guys that are trying to run the train.
Speaker B: On the train. Yep. It was considered from them. I do.
Speaker D: So west for your. For the completion of your. I guess party to character. Why don't you give me a 2d6 rule.
Speaker B: See what you get here. 7.
Speaker D: 7. Oh that's. That's perfectly fitting for so your mutation. And this will make sense to you guys a little bit later. Is Wall crawler. Nice.
Speaker A: Right.
Speaker D: Let's see. Where's the. Actually what it does. Yeah. So you have unusual ridges instruction on your hands and feet that allow you to climb any sheer surface in difficult weather.
Speaker B: Yeah.
Speaker D: Gain a bonus die. Which in this system is basically like a bonus. You'll roll three and then take like the two highest or roll four and take the two highest. Depending on how many bonus and final penalty is the opposite. Counter it.
Speaker B: Yeah.
Speaker D: Yeah. And they kill each other. Yeah. They counting that on. Let's see.
Speaker B: You guys always do it where minus success or do you add the modifiers All.
Speaker D: I'll usually tell you what you need to roll.
Speaker B: Okay. If something goes up in difficulty it's a high.
Speaker D: Yeah.
Speaker B: But usually 9 is usually like okay.
Speaker D: For the most part. Yeah. I'll just say you need to hit.
Speaker B: A nine plus for Me.
Speaker C: Just harder to hit than it should be.
Speaker B: 2D space.
Speaker C: Is the wall walking his weird ability for channeling or is that just.
Speaker D: That's something else with his character.
Speaker A: With Song.
Speaker C: It's passive.
Speaker D: It's part of it. Yeah, it's part of his. The result of something he's been through. Cool.
Speaker C: In the previous system, the Weird west, our characters all had that one weird ability and it cost us to use it. If you maxed out the the bars, well then we were permanently weird. We rolled a new character and that one went on to become something like.
Speaker B: Yeah, see creature thing possibly. What system was that before?
Speaker C: Weird. Weird West.
Speaker B: Weird Weird West.
Speaker D: Yeah, it's powered by the Apocalypse. It's like like a four page system. It's a small one.
Speaker A: It was a cool good one shot.
Speaker B: Are these the same characters or you switch characters?
Speaker D: Yeah, we. We had them rebuild. Yeah.
Speaker A: Because that.
Speaker D: That system had like no progression or anything. It would be cool. It was neat for one shots but as far as like mechanical character truck, there wasn't any. Found this one after I looked through a bunch of different Weird west systems.
Speaker B: There's a ton of them.
Speaker D: Yes.
Speaker B: I don't know how many are good.
Speaker D: Yeah, that was me. I collected several that. A couple of them. Other ones might be. Would probably be fun and work in the setting. But this one was the closest to cool.
Speaker B: And this big one yet where we were like.
Speaker D: I hate that.
Speaker B: Like I played somewhere. I was like, I would like do a long term of that.
Speaker A: I think Uncharted World was probably the closest.
Speaker D: Yeah.
Speaker B: Yeah.
Speaker A: Because that one that just.
Speaker D: That was a Powered by the Apocalypse system. Very good. The combat was resolved like didn't matter what was. The combat was like you could be fighting like a hundred guys as a dude and it was one roll. And depending on that role, you either described like how you decimated the threat, like all the guys or handled the threat or it was a mix between the player and GM describing what happens or the GM just said what happened. It was kind of weird. We like. Yeah. We actually like doing like a little tactical. Yeah. Some tactics.
Speaker B: Yeah.
Speaker D: And we'll. We'll usually like throw down minis or I'll be driving.
Speaker B: Yeah, yeah.
Speaker D: Stuff on.
Speaker B: You got this all set up.
Speaker D: Might as well. Yeah.
Speaker B: So yeah, it's worked out pretty well how long you had this set up.
Speaker D: I think that's projector number two, which is maybe okay. Yeah. I upgrade because the first one I had was like 600 by like 4. Like it was terrible res. That one's actually HD so it looks nicer.
Speaker B: Yeah.
Speaker D: It's mostly readable.
Speaker C: Yeah.
Speaker D: Probably three pre Covid, I think.
Speaker C: Yeah. It was pre Covid when we got.
Speaker D: It, so it's been a while, I guess.
Speaker A: Yep.
Speaker D: Time's flying.
Speaker C: When we first played Dungeon World, we had it.
Speaker D: Yeah, I guess so. Yeah.
Speaker B: Okay.
Speaker D: So, yeah, that was like four or five years. Five years ago now. So I probably got it like a year after I moved in.
Speaker B: Yeah.
Speaker A: Because we were going to do the tv.
Speaker D: That's right. I tried the tv. That didn't work out very well. I built the box for a flat screen and set it on the table, and I put it. It's like. It felt too cramped. And then it's like, I don't want to cut a hole in my table to, like, do that stuff. So it's like, I have that nice ceiling there up there. So it's like.
Speaker B: Right.
Speaker D: It's hanging a projector, plus you can.
Speaker B: Automatically draw on it.
Speaker D: Yes.
Speaker B: Right. Which is nice. It actually has helped a lot. Yeah. You have a terrain map, and then you. Yeah. Add some detail as it dynamically changes. Like, this guy died.
Speaker D: Yeah.
Speaker C: This wall got blown out.
Speaker B: Yeah. Make sure that actually was a dry erase marker, but I don't recognize this one.
Speaker D: There should only be dry erase on the table. Okay. Yeah, I guess.
Speaker B: I think that's really how.
Speaker D: Any other review.
Speaker B: So I guess.
Speaker D: And I guess I always do, like, a recap, so kind of like a TV episode. So last time on Savicola, that's the year 1866, and we're in the month of mud flow. So it's, like, always raining. Actually, it's not.
Speaker A: No, it wasn't raining.
Speaker D: That's right. You guys were in the mount inside the mountain, so of course it's not raining.
Speaker A: Was it raining for once?
Speaker D: And then I get. Savicole is like a swamp planet. So, like, think like, Dagobah type swampy, tropical. And we're in the, like, monsoon season right now, so it's just raining, like, all the time. And if you need, like, more paper or anything we have. There's a bunch of paper on the. By the printer over there if you need something for notes or whatever. And let's see. Yeah, so I guess last time it was cloudy. Little 95. Humidity between high 70s, low 65. Yeah, we'll go play on Tatooine next time.
Speaker A: No more tattoo. No tattooing.
Speaker D: Oh, let's see. I guess you guys, before we do that, you guys should introduce your characters and describe what they look like, and then we'll and then Wes will introduce your guy in a little bit.
Speaker C: I figured that was just going to happen as we're going through and.
Speaker B: Yeah, yeah.
Speaker C: As we meet.
Speaker D: Yeah, let's do. Let's do that. That'll be more fun. Anyways, so we'll. So, yeah, think about your. What your guy looks like and stuff. But yeah, a bum.
Speaker A: No, he doesn't look like a bum.
Speaker D: All right, so, yeah, so Audrey's looking fine.
Speaker C: He's still dressed.
Speaker D: Good. All right. Yeah. So last time Jacques, who is played by Nick, learns his father's still alive in territory 19 from Madame Luna. Then you guys left her fortune telling place, I guess in the auditorium. You guys headed to the Cog Topolis Saloon in the Innovators Hub, where Jacques met Lightning Norris and got invited to a meeting at 10pm and then he was. Lightning Norris gave Jacques. It's kind of like a business card that has a mind pick with like a veil over it. Audrey had soda for the first time.
Speaker A: An important discovery.
Speaker C: Otter's had a lot of firsts in this game.
Speaker D: Then you guys headed to the Great Library of Mithras and the Academy of Knowledge district. You guys got library cards?
Speaker A: Yeah. Yeah.
Speaker B: Did you look memorable Treasure? Yes. I got a copper library card. True.
Speaker A: It was copper.
Speaker D: Yeah. With your fingerprint, like, etched on it. Yeah, etched in it with your name.
Speaker C: Yeah. Ben Dover's got a library.
Speaker B: Yeah, that's right. We're all giving our names and he gives us Ben Dover. Says a library card with his fingerprint. Your name is officially Bend Over. Yeah, not on his computer. We're just on his library.
Speaker A: My library car is just Bend Over.
Speaker B: They're asking for too much information in the library, I guess.
Speaker D: And then Doc met with the head librarian, Anton, and learned a bunch about the Stygian Library and how to get. Well, I guess that there is a door to it here at the Great Library. Jack and Audrey located a probable Obelisk location under Nightmore. Audrey's point is high up in the Fortress of Light.
Speaker B: Yeah.
Speaker A: That just kept going up.
Speaker B: Yeah.
Speaker C: No matter how high we land.
Speaker D: And then the other coin that was showing on Jock's map. Magical map. Is getting closer.
Speaker B: The only one. Yep.
Speaker D: Oh, okay.
Speaker B: So.
Speaker D: Okay. Yeah. So now we'll. Oh, so it's about 10pm the night. Yep. You were given like Norris gave you a location to meet at the. At a warehouse at the very edge of the Innovators Hub.
Speaker B: Chuck's little brother. What was this meeting for?
Speaker D: He doesn't know.
Speaker A: He.
Speaker D: He asked the guy about Elder right And then dude told him to, like, shushed him. And then. And he also. And then Jack also helped him with the blueprints he was working on, which he would realize was like a forge.
Speaker B: It's gonna be like an Elderite anonymous meeting for people that ask about elder. Right.
Speaker D: Yeah.
Speaker B: They just want you to stop asking about.
Speaker D: That's not the book.
Speaker A: Being a bunch of dudes with rubber hoses.
Speaker B: Beat that out of you. First world. Right? You don't talk about him.
Speaker D: But yeah, so he went to. Yeah, so that was the meeting. So he got pulling nickels.
Speaker C: Oranges.
Speaker B: So it was a bad meeting.
Speaker D: So. Yeah. So Jacques asked about the. The elder. Right. And got shushed, basically. And then he got a little business card that was just like a mind pick with a veil on it and was told to be at this place at 10pm so that's where we're at. So Audrey and what, you guys are just talk. Doing whatever. So we'll worry about that later.
Speaker C: You want to go exploring?
Speaker B: Where are we? Are we in the library?
Speaker C: Nowhere. At the hotel.
Speaker D: So you can be wherever you want. It's. It's 10pm so there's no curfew.
Speaker B: So do you just go out, Andre?
Speaker A: Audrey might. He's gone.
Speaker B: I'm just like. So I just follow you.
Speaker D: All right.
Speaker B: Can't let you go out alone. After the goat.
Speaker C: The goat was fine.
Speaker D: All right. So after.
Speaker B: Went to the hotel and he bought him a goat, but just for giggles and had it sent to his room.
Speaker A: Just provided anything.
Speaker B: Yeah. So you, like. You have a coat. He's like, great, send it to his room. And so he gets in his room.
Speaker C: Went to a bathhouse, had a pretty lady and a goat.
Speaker A: And you drank a lot and Bud Tractors.
Speaker C: So the goat should be free. Release the goat.
Speaker B: So they did release the goat.
Speaker C: So I have no idea where the goat is.
Speaker B: You're a hero, though. So we're gonna go out goat hunting or whatever it is you're looking for. Okay. So I follow you. Just keep you safe.
Speaker D: I did.
Speaker A: Without a perfume.
Speaker D: And then we'll get to your guys's adventure after we do.
Speaker C: That'll give me a chance to go.
Speaker D: Through the restroom and figure out where I went. Yep.
Speaker A: Rolling Dag.
Speaker D: Oh, yeah. So, Jacques, you see a. You come up to, like, a small triangular warehouse, stands like a sharp. Almost like a shard of, like, darkness because it's, like, kind of dark in there. All its brick walls seem to absorb the faint light. And then you see Norris greet another pro. As you're walking up you see Norris greet somebody. So Wes, you can introduce. You can describe what Jock sees from about like 15ft away.
Speaker B: Yeah. So Cash is my character's name. And you probably see kind of older gentleman. He's a little gnarled and hunched over. Like life has taken a toll on his body. A little bit weathered skin. He walks with a little bit of a limp, but otherwise looks fairly vigorous, fairly healthy. He's got like a fairly long, like graying beard and he wears like a wide brim hat, which at this point probably just keeps the rain off more than the sun. But. Yeah.
Speaker D: All right. Yeah. So you see that person walk in.
Speaker B: It's a literal Cash, like. Yes.
Speaker D: And then. Yeah, then Norris like sees you approaching, waves and greets you.
Speaker A: He's not at him.
Speaker D: He opens the door for you, you walk in, and then he follows you in behind. So. So, yeah, so Cash and I'll. Wes, I'll be just referring to you guys. Cash now unless I have like a play, like something for. It'll be like player or whatever.
Speaker B: Yeah.
Speaker D: So, yeah. So chat. Okay. So Cash and Jack, you guys are walking in west or Lightning Norris. I guess I can tell you what Lightning Norris looks like. So. Yeah. So Lightning Nora sees. Young, early 20s, about 5:10. He looks Caribbean, kind of average body, diamond shaped face, but he has amethyst eyes and his hair's in like cornrows and has like amethyst coloring, like streaked through it. When he greeted you, he was pretty blunt in his speech, but his accent is Tim Curry.
Speaker B: Okay.
Speaker A: There's a lot of temporary going on.
Speaker D: There has been a few. Yeah. And then like your. The general first impression that you've had of him and you've. You. I would say you've probably interacted with Norris some before as you're a recent inductee. And then he. Norris, you've never seen him without his top hat. He's always has a top hat. Yeah. So. Yeah. So as you guys are walking in here, Norris is falling behind you. You see kind of like some few rows of chairs, sparsely populated. There's a. You see roughly like 13, like hooded figures. They basically, they're both. All of them are in like normal clothes except for the guy that's up front talking. He's in like this big, like almost like a buffalo like fur coat kind of like very like big and furry. And then he has a like a hood up with like a veil over his face so you can't see his face. And same with the other hooded people. All of them have like the Little like veil over their face so you can't see faces. They have little eyeballs. So he's up there just talking to the group. And Norris shows you two guys tail like two couple seats in the back. And then as. As he's finishing up his speech.
Speaker B: He.
Speaker D: Just addresses the other members. There is this to remind him that our mission is to unearth the UN to unearth the hidden deposits of eldritch, the hardens its potency and to unleash its transformative power upon the world. We will not rest until the foundation of society. Society or shaken end. Until the old order is cast aside.
Speaker B: Sounds good. Exactly. That's what we're all about. I'm here for it.
Speaker D: And then he goes. And as he's speaking, he has his voice sounds like a smoker. So he's got like that raspy like. He addresses Norris and as I see you've brought the initiative and a new prospect. And he goes. And then he looks over at you, Jack, and it's. And goes. Nora says you are interested in elder Rake. You're like, I am.
Speaker A: You guys sound interesting.
Speaker D: We are all about the elder rank.
Speaker A: So you guys just meet and talk about it or you actually do still every kind of sarcastic.
Speaker D: He kind of. He like that Scott like a. A chuckle. But you can tell, like his demeanor is like. He's kind of like a little offended at not being taken serious seriously.
Speaker B: Y'all just talk about elder right here. Do you actually have any. Let's go right for the jugular.
Speaker D: And he. He goes, well, that's first. You would have to prove your worth by bringing us some. And then maybe we will share our secrets.
Speaker C: Sorry, I'm not even there. And I can feel the tension from China.
Speaker B: You stupid. I'm looking.
Speaker A: Oh, Doc just takes a drag from a cigarette for a second, thinks about it.
Speaker D: Give me a mind roll.
Speaker A: His mind.
Speaker D: Yeah, just your mind. So. So just with all the atmosphere in here, so you would get a little bit of a sense that anyone reaching for anything.
Speaker C: No.
Speaker D: It'S. It's more that like you go like that there is something possibly sinister here. But it. But something that definitely will change. Could change you forever if you pers. Like just the way they're talking and their hiddenness. And you don't. And most of the people are like. They're all covered up. You don't. Besides, Norris and Cash are the only people that aren't like veiled or have like baggy like bigger clothes on and stuff. So it's kind of hard to get a Sense of what they're. What they would even look like. But there is, like. And just the atmosphere in the place is kind of weird. No.
Speaker A: Then I'd ask them, like, you have a location, or are you just gonna send me on my way and say, have fun and, like, painting stuff?
Speaker D: He turns to. He looks over to you, Cash. And she goes, since you're the newest, you will help him if he wishes to find the elder. You've been successful once.
Speaker E: That's right. I've known him before.
Speaker B: Friend Spot, some Eldorite.
Speaker E: What do you say?
Speaker A: You know a spot. I'm ready. And go get some.
Speaker E: Well, I don't know a spot, but I bet we could find it.
Speaker B: Anyway.
Speaker A: Now I knew someone else.
Speaker C: You just need a sample.
Speaker B: Oh, it always just starts from the sample. Great. First, it's free. Yep.
Speaker E: What are you saying? My name's Cash.
Speaker A: I'm Jock.
Speaker C: All right.
Speaker B: J.
Speaker E: We could do this.
Speaker B: Yeah.
Speaker A: Then you would see.
Speaker B: Yeah.
Speaker A: Yeah. He wears, like, a duster, and it's just black. Everything's black on him.
Speaker B: Oh, hell it is.
Speaker A: And then he's got, like, a leather vest.
Speaker B: The gunslinger.
Speaker A: Yeah, just jeans and boot. And then he has, like, the wine brim hat. It's like the circle. I don't remember what they're called.
Speaker D: Yeah, yeah.
Speaker A: And then the black bandana around his neck. And then you would see dual revolvers on his hips, and you wouldn't know.
Speaker D: Your long guns. The city does not reach people.
Speaker A: And he's, like, lame, kind of iron, muscular. And then he has scars and on kind of black hair. And then his eyes have a thing in the dark.
Speaker D: Nice.
Speaker B: It's for giving the ladies to smolder.
Speaker A: Yeah, that's right.
Speaker E: So what's your interest in Eldorad?
Speaker B: Why?
Speaker E: Are you looking to build something?
Speaker A: Build weapons?
Speaker E: I learned it the way you think.
Speaker A: Things that will shake foundations.
Speaker E: And destroy the old order.
Speaker A: Doc's hand is going along with it.
Speaker D: Yeah. So then the. The leader, he just goes, well, Doris, these two will report to you.
Speaker A: And once they collect some more elderite.
Speaker D: Samples for us, or even find a vein, he just goes, oh, we'll get in touch. Then.
Speaker A: Jacques has. I'm like, oh, we'll find a vein. Under his breath, he would have said that. Oh, I'll find a bank.
Speaker D: Then you see, like, the other members have, like, broken up into, like, little, like, clicks or clumps of people, and they're kind of just talking and stuff.
Speaker A: Yeah.
Speaker D: And then. And you don't hear, like, nobody uses, like, any. You don't hear Any real names? Most of the people don't even. Like, they're also zaled. Yeah. They're all veiled. They're all, like, kind of anonymous. You don't. Yeah. You don't pick up any names. They just. You just hear them talking about a particular, like, location where they're like. They don't even. You get the sense that they're talking about a single year, like, a specific location, but you don't ever hear. Sure. The mention of where it is. You get the sense that it's probably close, but no direct connection.
Speaker B: Oh, I forgot.
Speaker D: Oh, yeah. And you guys also have. I totally forgot to read the rest of that. But as you walk in, you'd actually see that the room is actually illuminated with runes that have been, like, drawn on the wall and. Yellow. Yeah, sorry. I totally forgot about that. Yeah. Yeah. So.
Speaker B: Yeah.
Speaker D: Inside, the glowing yellow ruins etched into the walls casts an eerie light, like ambers from an 11 fire. The air is heavy with the scent of smoke and ozone, and the shadows seem to twist and rise around the warehouse's angular walls. Yeah, so that Definitely. Yeah. So I totally skipped that whole card here.
Speaker C: Matches your eyes, you know?
Speaker D: Yeah. So then, like, the leader guy steps down as go joins another clump. And then Norris is just like. He just goes, well, yes, you. You can always leave a note at the cog. Topolis, when you have some research. And he goes, jacques, I thank you much for fixing that problem I had in my blueprints. Maybe we'll have to collaborate a little bit more. But unless you have any questions, you need to leave.
Speaker A: All right, let's go.
Speaker D: All right.
Speaker A: We didn't have an end. Or anywhere. We didn't establish that last time. I just go back to.
Speaker C: Yeah, we didn't sell shit. But that was the plan.
Speaker D: Yeah.
Speaker C: To go back to.
Speaker B: I guess.
Speaker D: Yeah. They say what district did you guys wanna. That'd be them. Did you guys want to find. Was it the academy area that you guys wanted to get an inn, or was it back here by the library.
Speaker C: Or Innovation because of the meeting that John had.
Speaker A: Yeah, we hadn't decided Jacques wouldn't care. Where are we sleeping?
Speaker D: All right, you guys are at the. You guys will be in the Innovators hub at the Slingshot. And it's a fancy. Another fancy hotel thanks to Doc's credit rating.
Speaker A: Doc's buying the drinks.
Speaker D: Oh, that's what Jacques would be like.
Speaker A: Let's go, Cat. Let's go get some drinks.
Speaker E: You don't have to tell me.
Speaker A: Bar where Doc's Buying drinks with his credits.
Speaker B: It's just the assumption. You're like, let's get drinks in your head. It's like, let's have Doc get us some drinks.
Speaker A: Great.
Speaker C: Oh, your challenge will be finding him.
Speaker A: Let's charge the room.
Speaker C: Oh, I'm with this guy.
Speaker D: Yeah. They say, well. Well, let's say you guys established, like, that place, and then you can get if. And then I guess, Cass, if you had a room here, that's fine. We can make one up. Or you. Or you just arrived recently.
Speaker B: I'll have just arrived that way. I don't know anything. I haven't met anybody yet, you know.
Speaker D: Yeah. So you just arrived at the Fortress of Light. So where's the book? I think it's there at the end. Not the. The Fortress of Light book, the directory. So this is the place you're in.
Speaker A: That's huge. So we haven't.
Speaker B: We're in the Innovators, Hub.
Speaker D: We said yes.
Speaker A: I mean, look at that thing.
Speaker D: So I'll swap the map over. So you guys are actually. Right now, you're in the home territory of the church. You're at this, like, castle place here that's actually inside the mountains. So it's like they've carved out the mountains over, like, a thousand years.
Speaker A: Yeah.
Speaker D: Um, so kind of like Mines of Moria kind of feel dwarf. It's. The place is massive. There's like 200,000 people that just live here and function. These other routes here, like, on the map over here. Yeah. I can say I have a little arrow, too. Those actually go out to, like, mining towns of around, like, a thousand people. So that would be like, a good reason, too, for Cash to, like, show up here. They're always looking for workers.
Speaker B: Yeah.
Speaker D: But. Yeah, so that's kind of like. That's where you're at. You're in the heart of the church, essentially. And then we have. And those are just the places. And this is kind of like our. You guys are all in Innovators. Hope. Now this is kind of the structure of the actual Fortress of Light.
Speaker B: Sure. How they connect to each other.
Speaker D: Yeah.
Speaker B: Keeps going up.
Speaker D: Yes, it does. That was actually pretty good. But, yeah, that's in. This map's more for. I guess. Well, for you guys, too. To help you orient a little bit and. But also for my own sanity. But yeah. So Cash and Jock, you guys get back to the slingshot. You guys, Jock gets cash or room. This place is fancy. There.
Speaker A: Stick that over there, too.
Speaker D: It's known for live bands. Like, they have, like, I Guess like the old, like large, like jazz band type thing. Oh, that's right. Yeah. They have like a large jazz band stuff going on. And there's also like a gambling hall. So there's. They have a little bit full on casino.
Speaker A: I went to see if Doc and Andre were there, and they weren't. I just been like, yep, go listen to live music.
Speaker B: I don't know where we went yet.
Speaker D: No. Find out. Yeah. So Jock and Cash, you guys, I.
Speaker B: Appreciate you covering me.
Speaker A: It's all good.
Speaker C: Have you figured out your credit rating?
Speaker D: It's a.
Speaker B: It is a four, actually.
Speaker C: You're covered.
Speaker B: You're.
Speaker C: You're fl.
Speaker B: But I. But I took the playing nothing floss. So I have less equipment. I probably, like lost all my stuff other than maybe the cash and my one. I have a money pick too. That's it.
Speaker C: A little late right now.
Speaker D: Yeah. So Doc and Audrey, how late do you stay out?
Speaker C: Oh, there's no time.
Speaker A: Not with.
Speaker C: I pushed Doc out the door. It's like, come on, we're gonna go.
Speaker B: We're gonna go.
Speaker C: And we're heading to the warrior quarter because we have our challenge coin from where we were taking out the. The bandits. So it's like, come on, we're gonna go use a coin. Hop a tram.
Speaker B: And Doc's just quiet. It's like, all right, I'm just on for the ride. Sure you don't want to wait for junk? Use the coins.
Speaker C: We can leave them a note.
Speaker B: All right. I'm bored. I have an idea what time they're getting back.
Speaker C: I think they might fire up on the mountain.
Speaker B: You might be dead for all I know.
Speaker D: It is. So you guys catch a tram, and that's another thing. Like, there's. There's roads, but then they also have aerial, like tram cars that are. That people can hop to get on around faster.
Speaker C: So I leave a quick note for. For Jacques at the front desk when he comes back in so he knows where we took off to party with the warriors. If you want to follow, bring your coin.
Speaker A: We'll see.
Speaker B: Yeah.
Speaker D: So you guys get on the tram.
Speaker C: I'm gonna be so bummed if they close because all the warriors feel they.
Speaker B: Need to go to bed early.
Speaker D: And. Yeah, you say it's about a. Probably a 20 to 30 minute tram ride I have to swap out in the different districts because you go through.
Speaker B: The longer it takes.
Speaker D: Three different.
Speaker B: More disappointed I am than I said yes to this.
Speaker C: Yeah, just wait till Audrey falls asleep on your shoulder because it takes so long to get up there.
Speaker B: Push you out of the rickshaw or whatever running there.
Speaker C: Just a power nap before the time.
Speaker B: Push the door up.
Speaker C: Hey, if you do that, just let me know if I've landed whatever district I'm in. Trying to figure out what happened.
Speaker D: Yeah. So you get. Take the tram up to the area. It takes about 20 minutes to get into the warriors district and then you're heading to the Pel Riders hall.
Speaker B: Okay.
Speaker C: Sure effect. That was it.
Speaker A: Yeah. That's where we had. Those coins were from the Pel Riders.
Speaker C: Yeah. Well, I wasn't sure if it would be in their hall or if it was like another one kind of like the cog.
Speaker D: Yeah. So you get up there and as you're approaching it, the building's quite massive. You just get this like. And it's been there. It's old. Stands as a testament to their unyielding spirit of the. Of their. Of the Pell Riders. It's grand, imposing, crafted in an ornate baroque architecture style. And there's. There's a lot of hellriders coming in and out, even at like 10:30 at night. As you approach it, it has like this imposing facade rises before you, adorned with intricate stonework and sweeping like arches and ornate luster upholstrates. And the rust huge stone seems to glow with a warm golden light as if infused with the fiery passion of the Tellriders themselves.
Speaker B: Are just big.
Speaker D: And you see like the symbols of Mithras like carved all over it. And for you guys and for. Mostly for Wes, I'll show you that reminder what it looks like. So this is like the holy symbol.
Speaker B: Of Mythos and the fortress of light is the Mithras.
Speaker D: Yeah, it's like that's.
Speaker B: That's one religion.
Speaker D: Yeah, yeah, that's like the church's headquarters. Is the Fortress of Light where you guys are at? Yeah, it's the mountain in the mountain. Like the Vatican.
Speaker B: Yeah, yeah.
Speaker D: Yep. Very bad at Canyon. And the. The territory you're in is called the Peaks of Light and the mountains. The mountains in this territory themselves actually have like glowing like crystalline mount like tops on them.
Speaker B: Let's see. Yeah.
Speaker D: So as you. As you go through the doors, entering the hall, you're developed by a sense of grandeur and history. Towering ceilings adorned with ornate plaster work, glittering chandeliers. Air's thick with the scent of tobacco smoke, leather and the faint tang and gunpowder. The hall echoes with the sound of laughter, the clink of glasses, the murmur of hushed conversations as the Pel riders and their forging bonds with each other.
Speaker C: Otter's Torn, he's like, shock would so love this place.
Speaker D: And then like, just as you like get in the door, you're stopped by a short adolescent. So it looks like a pel Rider squire.
Speaker C: Older or younger than me.
Speaker D: So you're what, 16? Seven?
Speaker C: Barely.
Speaker D: I mean, so almost the same age. He's like Pacific Islander looking.
Speaker B: So he's bigger.
Speaker D: Yeah. So he's. He's too a skinny dark brown eyes and he's got. Trying to almost like the, like. Almost like a vulpet with like. With some like streaks of like blue like painted into it. He's got a Spanish accent and he just goes, hold on there, you two.
Speaker B: Is he behind us?
Speaker D: No, he's in front of you. Like, you guys kind of walked into the entrance and started to like go into the hall. And he just like, oh, hold on. What are you doing in here?
Speaker B: I just immediately in my hand, like, flip it over my fingers, like, have it pop up, hold it out.
Speaker D: He's like, all right, sir. And he's like, hand it over. If you'd like to come in, I'm down. Where's yours?
Speaker C: Won't be that way. It was such a cool coin. I was going to use it as a souvenir.
Speaker D: Like when he, like when he. When you give him a little like, I guess, trouble or what, like kind of like, oh, there's no trouble. Kind of like not like when you don't comply quickly. You see his hand go down to his gun.
Speaker C: That's cool.
Speaker B: What model is that? How close is he to me?
Speaker D: He's probably like close enough. Like couple. Like, I'll put her too shoulder and.
Speaker B: Just say, my friend's not as experienced as you are.
Speaker D: He. When. When you go to. When you touch him and he immediately like just turns on you and says, do not touch me, sir.
Speaker B: That's good.
Speaker C: Well, that's good. I was going to give you a hug.
Speaker B: He hasn't. He hasn't been around as much as you have. I apologize.
Speaker C: So I. I folded it out of my pocket and I. I gave him a coin.
Speaker D: All right.
Speaker C: Incompatible. Do you remember the name of that guy? I remember the dragonflies. The dragonflies were cool.
Speaker D: Oh, yeah. He does ask you, like, who gave you these? Do we know who gave him truth? Yeah. Yes.
Speaker C: Yes. That's the name.
Speaker D: It's like, all right, where's he at? He goes, you'd have to go check with the. With this batch, actually. No spades. He'd go, spades does it. Not here. He's in the area which you are Certainly not allowed into.
Speaker C: Can I have my coin back? We'll come back later.
Speaker B: It's like sure want to come back later. Yeah.
Speaker C: We'll bring Ja next time. This could be really fun.
Speaker B: This long sigh and look at the kid.
Speaker D: Sorry.
Speaker B: Trouble. Yeah. We can have a coin but like.
Speaker C: John Spade invited us to share a drink. We had fun taking out robbers.
Speaker B: And when would we best find him here? One hour.
Speaker D: Probably morning breakfast.
Speaker B: Well I know Jacob. If I was here in the morning.
Speaker C: Here it's got to be stronger. He's going to need whiskey to get out bed.
Speaker B: All right. Get her things back.
Speaker C: And then site C. We might as well look around the world corridor.
Speaker D: I guess they also to tell you or you can check with observation deck. Okay. Which is just down that hall.
Speaker C: Thank you. Audrey's getting ready to say and where's the tourist is coming out.
Speaker B: May I ask your name here man.
Speaker D: You call me Ax.
Speaker B: And I push you actually pretty hard. And your patience.
Speaker D: He's still. He's like extra serious because he's like a teenager trying to like make his way be a soldier. Pel like Hell rider in training. And then I guess for West Pel riders are almost like boogeymen in this world. They're like all elite. Like gunslingers. You think like kind of like marshals.
Speaker B: Yeah.
Speaker D: They just come in and like this is what we're doing almost inquisition.
Speaker B: Like so law enforcement.
Speaker D: But yeah. They would be like the law. The law arm. Plus like I guess like hit squads or Warhammer 40k.
Speaker B: Yeah.
Speaker A: Converter die.
Speaker D: Oh yeah. Type of people.
Speaker B: Crusader. Yeah.
Speaker D: So there people are generally give them like a white berth. They. They are. They're all dangerous men. Their level of like fanaticism or is it's kind of usually hard to tell.
Speaker A: Are you sure you want to take.
Speaker D: Your actor until you start talking to one.
Speaker C: That's why he's granted like this could be fun.
Speaker D: And they also all have like usually all of them have some sort of divine powers that they can call on from that are granted by Vithris in their training through the church.
Speaker B: They sound cool.
Speaker C: We met one retired. You don't know the full story behind it. She was stern but fun.
Speaker D: Yeah. Okay. Yeah. So you guys.
Speaker C: After the observation.
Speaker D: Yeah. 0 promise not to make me fly.
Speaker C: And if the coins give me a tug then I'll.
Speaker D: No, you don't feel any. Any movement from your co.
Speaker C: Higher. You can't believe it. Swear somebody conquered this hill. Put a coin on the top.
Speaker D: No, actually you probably would feel it insanely faint.
Speaker C: Any particular Direction?
Speaker D: No, like level, but like deeper into the. Not. Yeah, I was going to say it's hard a little bit like deeper into the enclave. The, the PAL riders are like I guess near like the front or I guess where you come in. They're like kind of that one, that building is one of the main ones you would have run into.
Speaker C: So with the tug, would it be a place that I would think that we would be able to walk into or is it like eerie level? We don't have access. Or we could try getting access and I don't want to imagine what would happen.
Speaker B: Yeah.
Speaker D: Today you just feel like a very faint tug deeper into the enclave.
Speaker B: Do you see something.
Speaker C: As we're walking inside over there. Let's check out the observation first, see if space there. And then we'll, we'll just kind of loop our way through on our way back to the tram to live.
Speaker B: Yeah, I'm following you on that one. Let's go.
Speaker C: You're such a good doc.
Speaker B: I'm a board doc. That's what you're a board doc. I'm a board doc.
Speaker C: Well, I'll try not to make it too interesting.
Speaker B: Let's go. They're trying to fit. Piss off any pill.
Speaker C: He's got no sense of humor. He's all anxious to die. I don't know why.
Speaker B: Like the touching.
Speaker D: Oh yeah. So you, so you're going to the observation deck. Okay. Yeah. So you get up there and you actually like exit out of the mountain and you're like, I don't know, probably like 5,000 people. Like you can see like far out there. There's some like big, there's like several like big telescopes like mounted on like these solid stone pillars. There's a couple people, hellriders manning them. And then you get shouted at by an older like late 40s.
Speaker A: Hey kid, what are you doing up here?
Speaker C: Looking for a friend.
Speaker D: And who's that Spade?
Speaker C: I don't know. Is it Spade, sir? He didn't say rank.
Speaker B: I'm just back aways just a little bit.
Speaker D: Yeah, yeah. So when you turn to see you see like a 5, 10, middle aged, dark African looking person. They're very like thin, rectangular face and they have gray eyes, shoulder length hair that's tan colored. Oh, and he yelled at you with the Sylvester Stallone voice.
Speaker C: Little Italian there.
Speaker D: But. And he goes, why you'd be looking for spades.
Speaker C: He invited us up for a drink. We took care of some robbers on a train.
Speaker D: When they're coming into that, he goes, all right, let me Check the flight schedule.
Speaker C: Thank you sir.
Speaker D: And he like looks down through but he's like behind like a desk. And as, as he's like looking through stuff. You hear that dragonfly buzz go like overhead. As you see like this like a squadron of four like in the west. These are dragonflies that are big enough for humans to ride.
Speaker B: That's cool.
Speaker D: But you hear them giant bumblebee's built by.
Speaker C: Totally catch Andre's attention.
Speaker D: I guess you would catch the glint of like the sun crystals or torchlight clicking off their underbellies as they fly by because I guess it would is dark. But he goes yeah. Then the guy finishes looking through and he's like, oh, he's off. He scheduled for. He'll be off a little after 2pm I can send a message to him. 2am 2pm 2pm okay.
Speaker C: So you just started a shift. Cuz it's 10 at night. That's a long day.
Speaker D: That's the best time to catch him. It'll be 2pm he should be in the hall.
Speaker C: Thank you sir.
Speaker D: And he goes, what's your. What was your name?
Speaker A: Make sure he knows who you are.
Speaker C: Audrey.
Speaker D: All right, Audrey, you show up back here at the hall and two. Two. We'll make sure he's around.
Speaker C: Sounds good. Nadri thanks him for his help.
Speaker B: And.
Speaker C: He'S watching dragonflies as he walks away.
Speaker B: I make sure you don't get run over by something while you're watching the sky and walking into the road.
Speaker C: Walking into a pillar.
Speaker D: Or any off to anywhere else start heading towards your nudge.
Speaker C: Yeah. The long way back to the tram. So we bump into some guard that says what the hell are you doing here?
Speaker D: When you're in the general like enclave here, there's a lot of like civilians and a lot of soldiers too.
Speaker C: But if the tug of the coin puts me into a place I really should not an oddity.
Speaker B: Oh.
Speaker D: As you're like wandering around it, if you're following the tug you do get deeper into the area and probably from. I guess. Yeah, you're following it. You come. Come around a corner and you just see like a metal door with like four pel riders standing in front of it. It's just a. It's just like a metal like 10 by. Yeah like a 10 by 10 door or a pair of. Yeah, we'll do a pair of doors just into the side of the mountain and there's four pel riders standing around it.
Speaker B: Your kid, you got your work cut out for you.
Speaker C: It's looking that way. Do we Dare talk to him.
Speaker B: I just walk up towards one of them. Excuse me, sir.
Speaker D: As soon as you like start approaching.
Speaker B: I don't approach fast.
Speaker D: No, no. Like even it's like. And I would say too like, there's no traffic in here. Like you can get like the. This is kind of like something that's out of the way and like you just like step closer and they all just draw their gun and say, leave behind.
Speaker B: So they know what part of town we're in.
Speaker D: Said, none of your business. You leave or die.
Speaker B: I said, okay, back up. And I say it's the nunya part of town.
Speaker C: Because that would be my first question to come back. So it's like, where are we?
Speaker B: Not your place.
Speaker C: Okay.
Speaker D: But yeah, as you. As you're like, leave that. It's tugging towards that.
Speaker C: Towards the door.
Speaker D: Yep.
Speaker C: We might need to save this one till last.
Speaker B: Maybe.
Speaker C: On the plus side, at least we didn't have to go any higher up.
Speaker B: This is the boss, though.
Speaker C: That might be the spider up above us. This is the mid boss. Yeah.
Speaker B: Are they dressed any differently or do they have. Can we differentiate them? Because I know they have like the.
Speaker D: No, I was gonna say you. I don't think you would have to. Riders don't. You haven't seen any like rank insignias or anything. They basically are like kind of all dressed the same. They all have like. Really the only distinction would probably be like their, like their facial hair and their hairstyle. But otherwise like, they just have like the same uniform.
Speaker C: So no special ceremonial guard?
Speaker B: No, they.
Speaker D: They look old. I'd say they look all older to Audrey.
Speaker C: Everybody looks older.
Speaker D: Yeah. So they would look like. Because how is Doc? How old is Doc? Like 20s, like 20s. They look older. I say they'd probably be closer to like what, like Ramsay's age. Okay, so like 40 to like 40, 50s.
Speaker C: No. When we got the Boone from Ramsey's, was that just like a written script or was that like another coin?
Speaker D: That was a telegram she sent to. Okay. The co writers headquarters to let them know.
Speaker C: Okay, well I definitely can that dropped in them. We could do lunch and get Booms.
Speaker B: Not at that door though. I don't know.
Speaker C: I don't know what's behind that door. That could be where all the boons are kept.
Speaker B: Maybe.
Speaker C: That might be the vault where all the good stuff leaves.
Speaker B: Well, it's got one good thing in there according to your map.
Speaker C: That's true.
Speaker B: Go back and see if the guys have come back. Yeah, see, Come back we don't know about. You see See if Jock's still alive.
Speaker C: We should see if this meeting went well.
Speaker B: Maybe part of the cult now.
Speaker C: Could be.
Speaker B: But at least he'll probably be the cult leader.
Speaker C: In the short term. He would definitely fly to the head.
Speaker B: I'm not shaving my head for any cold, even if it is rock stuff.
Speaker C: I don't think Jacques a head shaven yours or anybody else's. Well, he might part up. He might part.
Speaker B: Yes. But usually with your skull, start trudging back.
Speaker C: Yeah, it's straight on banter. And occasionally there'd be a stuff. Wow, look at that architecture.
Speaker B: It's.
Speaker C: It's really cool. I wonder. I wonder if it's worn.
Speaker B: I don't know. I'm still thinking about the fact that this walk has had us caused people to touch their guns twice.
Speaker C: This is nothing.
Speaker B: This is a normal day. I guess.
Speaker C: Definitely better than that trip. We're gonna be chased by a house.
Speaker B: Yes. Thankful I had some assistance from. Was it the farmers?
Speaker C: Farmer's Little Helper.
Speaker B: Farmer's Little Helper.
Speaker D: Tiller's Delight. I think those are the.
Speaker B: Yeah. Tiller's Delight. Tiller's Delight sounds lovely.
Speaker C: It's the best for stump removal.
Speaker B: Yeah. When I thought about settling down with a house, I didn't intend it to actually sit on me. It wasn't my design.
Speaker C: Well, at least it didn't catch you into another little shed.
Speaker B: I got chased by a haunted house. Literally. Yeah.
Speaker D: So I guess you guys get back. I'll say it's probably like 11:30 or our cash.
Speaker A: And how long is the show? The music?
Speaker D: I'd say I would probably go to midnight.
Speaker A: Jack would snow me up.
Speaker B: Yeah, Cash is up too. He's probably a little inebriated at this point. It's a drum.
Speaker A: That's Joy. Smoking and drinking.
Speaker C: Did you ever get to know.
Speaker B: Guess not.
Speaker D: No. No.
Speaker B: Oh. Oh.
Speaker A: Jock would have, but then he probably would have thought about where it was and was just like, nah, I'm not getting on the train for half an hour. Go to Hellrider.
Speaker C: You always like a challenge.
Speaker A: If I saw them, I'd wave them over.
Speaker D: Yep. Yeah. So around shooting my gun in the air. Desktop. No.
Speaker A: Jock knows how to control his alcohol in his guns.
Speaker D: All right. Yeah. So you guys. So, Jack, you wave over Audrey and Doc to your little table. So what does Cash see now? Yeah.
Speaker B: Yeah. Well, actually he's man's late 20s. He's got brown hair, hazel eyes if he's close enough. And a short, trim, pretty tough beard. Generally is fairly neat. No scars, but I have a nice AI Picture that. I start time on nice. That's generally how he dresses. So he's kind of got country formal.
Speaker D: Yeah.
Speaker B: Stays pimped. He looks like a man of profession, not just the feel. He's wearing a duster and a brown hat, and he's kind of walking behind an exciting little young man.
Speaker C: Chuck, you wouldn't believe what we see.
Speaker B: I just guessed.
Speaker C: Had a power two.
Speaker A: I was like, hey, you guys rode the train and didn't sightsee them?
Speaker B: Yep. Pretty much got guns pulled on his way. Yeah.
Speaker C: Power riders have no sense of humor.
Speaker B: Yeah. What's he see?
Speaker C: A young kid. I think he might be closer to 13 than 16, so.
Speaker B: Wow.
Speaker C: Yeah, it's one of those things of.
Speaker B: I was traveling with him. I'm not sure.
Speaker A: I don't know how, but the work day.
Speaker B: Huh.
Speaker C: I made it to. I think we met at Braves Landing. I had come through one way. And then you two had been traveling together. We kind of hooked up.
Speaker A: Ja. Really takes care of them. Protects him.
Speaker C: Gives him life experiences.
Speaker B: Yeah.
Speaker C: Dress fairly nicely. A lot nicer than you probably expect. He's still wearing his fairly new duds that Nora bought from Unkept hair.
Speaker D: Just.
Speaker C: Just a kid. I mean, skinny, wiry and naive.
Speaker B: He.
Speaker C: He kind of stands out. The filter isn't quite there.
Speaker B: That would be about it. Right now, he's looking pretty good.
Speaker C: If you've seen him a week ago.
Speaker B: He'D be looking pretty. Well.
Speaker D: You know, they are my friends.
Speaker E: Hey, my name's Cash. Are you guys gonna help us find Eldorad?
Speaker B: I know I'd like.
Speaker A: This is new partner.
Speaker B: I just go. Colt.
Speaker D: Okay.
Speaker B: Just checking. Got an unofficial back on.
Speaker C: They didn't get their head shaved.
Speaker A: We did find Nicole.
Speaker E: Well, I am in the cold.
Speaker A: Oh, you are?
Speaker B: Okay. No offense.
Speaker E: I don't want to join the cold.
Speaker B: Does it involve shaving your head?
Speaker E: I don't know. They always wear these hats.
Speaker B: I think I'm good. I already have a weird gang that I'm in right now.
Speaker C: Did you get a sample?
Speaker A: No sample. We have to go find it.
Speaker B: I thought that's what you went there for, was to get a sample. Now you have to find one for them.
Speaker E: Prove your worth. You belong.
Speaker B: Well, I got some. I got some land here in the capital I can sell you if you're. If you're for it, because that sounds like a scam to me.
Speaker A: That's what Jock feels like. Like.
Speaker B: Yeah.
Speaker D: Oh, trust me.
Speaker E: Trust me, Jacques. It changes you.
Speaker D: I'm sure.
Speaker B: I just look at both of you.
Speaker C: Like, kind of squints a little bit. It's like you really don't need them. You just needed a sample. All right, maybe we'll convert you out.
Speaker A: They felt like a lot of talkers, so we'll see.
Speaker D: Yeah, but you would have got, like, to the sense of the. Like, the guys that were actually, like. Were like, they're serious. Like, there is something like legit going on there. They're just super secretive is what Jock.
Speaker B: Would have got to sense protecting of real.
Speaker D: Right.
Speaker B: Is this at the hotel?
Speaker A: Yeah, it would have been at whatever shows the music.
Speaker B: Gotcha.
Speaker D: Yeah, it's just a. Like a big band playing. There'd probably be someone would get like some lady or some dude held cash.
Speaker A: That's the man that's footing the bill.
Speaker B: I'm like on that note. Yeah. You know, deep. Okay, I'll go for a soda this time. No way. So I just blow my eyes and go to the. I just get you what everybody else got anyways, Doc, if I had enough.
Speaker C: Y'all trying to make me an alcoholic.
Speaker B: That's when you say that like we had our guns drawn on us twice on one trip with this guy. I'm getting whatever I'm getting.
Speaker C: You can have whatever you want.
Speaker B: You're gonna have whatever I want.
Speaker A: Broiler.
Speaker B: Yes, sir. That's right. I'll just drop it in front of you.
Speaker E: It's healthy.
Speaker B: I'm liking this guy.
Speaker D: Yeah.
Speaker B: So we just joined you guys. I don't know how long I'm finding them. Staying up. Going to unwind for my walk for a few.
Speaker A: Yeah.
Speaker C: Oh, lunch up at the Bo Cor. Before I forget, 2:00pm Late lunch.
Speaker B: Oh, lunch. The Warriors. He might probably part of the Pale Riders.
Speaker E: Oh, he's a pale ride.
Speaker B: Yeah, big guy. We got into a scrape on the train on the way down here. I don't like those.
Speaker E: Cause issues.
Speaker B: I think some of them are too bad. Some of them aren't too bad. Some of them seem like they're maybe not after the same thing. The others are getting the feeling that not every tail writer is the same as another tailwriter. Which is a problem.
Speaker A: Old school versus new school.
Speaker B: I'm thinking the new school's not so good. They like the old school. Thinking. So the ones that helped us at the train weren't too bad. But then they made us bring in the thugs that we shot up. So we get a drink with Spade. I think it's a reward. I'm not sure, considering I just had my, you know, had guns pulled on me. Twice. For talking to.
Speaker C: Audrey's kind of curious. He wants to get in and see if there's like pictures of old tail riders. Let's see if you can find Ramsey.
Speaker B: There you go. Yeah, we do have another one that's pretty.
Speaker A: Doc's not too thrilled about seeing tail riders.
Speaker C: Just watch out for the little kid at the door. He doesn't have a sense of humor.
Speaker B: Well, just consider it information gathering. I think that's more in my mode right now. Yeah. After my conversation with. Was it Anton? After my conversation with Anton. Might need to look at more information on what these pill writers are actually like because we've already encountered it once just trying to get here. Then I've almost been shot twice. One of them's his fault. They seem to have several chips. I think they've got my chips on their shoulder somehow. That's for sure. They're on edge.
Speaker E: They just need to go a little way out.
Speaker B: I'm liking this guy more and more.
Speaker D: So anything else you guys look like too?
Speaker A: Nope. Doc if I stay up until the show and then go find his room and pass it.
Speaker B: Yeah. Doc is planning on just doing the rest of the evening bookstore in the morning.
Speaker C: Maybe use papers.
Speaker A: Someone wants to start something.
Speaker B: Did I get to bring up with you guys about the Anton thing? I can't remember if we got to sync up or not.
Speaker D: You guys would have had time to do that.
Speaker B: Okay.
Speaker D: Yeah.
Speaker A: Because we were at the.
Speaker D: But like, as far as like actual, like talking about it at the table. No. I don't think you guys actually didn't know talking about it.
Speaker B: I just want. I would just say at some point. I don't know that I would trust your, you know, cash yet. I find an opportunity at some point to make sure that we were on cash drinks. But. But they make sure you guys are caught up.
Speaker A: Yeah.
Speaker B: From a table perspective. I had talked to it that was.
Speaker A: Going into the doorway.
Speaker D: Yeah. Yeah.
Speaker A: Quantum place.
Speaker B: I got information from a guy in the library that knows about. Okay. These hidden places. Okay. But I have a relative that's potentially in one of these places.
Speaker C: We might be able to find a proper spider man.
Speaker B: But I would have pressed on you guys to say I'll go in alone. But I would much prefer if you guys be coming. But you gotta go willingly. And I can't promise that there's going to be any kind of reward from it other than what I need. So if you're not in. That's okay. But I'm.
Speaker A: Doc would be interested.
Speaker C: Oh, Audrey. This adventure.
Speaker B: He's in adventure. But it may be your last one.
Speaker A: Doc's adventure side of doing.
Speaker D: And you would know like Doc would have shared too that like you can find information about anything in there. That's what he was told.
Speaker A: Yeah. I hopefully share that.
Speaker D: You're like yeah, yeah.
Speaker C: We need a spill stream.
Speaker B: And I would also divulge more about my weird experiences with the zazzak sky and the caution I got from Anton about him in the shadow. And just making sure that you guys are aware. I would just say when we go in like, oh, whatever we get in there wealth wise can be yours. My goal is my goal with my sister.
Speaker A: So money.
Speaker B: Yeah. So whatever share I would get with this split with whoever else goes in. I don't need it. I just need to get her back. And that can be my payment. Whatever we find.
Speaker A: Sounds good.
Speaker B: And then my. Oh, he's coming back from pm.
Speaker E: Chuck. Chuck, got bad news, buddy.
Speaker A: What do you got now?
Speaker E: There's no elderite in the outhouse.
Speaker B: Okay, good.
Speaker A: Check it out.
Speaker B: Yeah. How thoroughly did you search? A little concern.
Speaker E: And then I want to go wash off.
Speaker B: Be more shocking if you actually found something. Mission was fast.
Speaker A: Yeah.
Speaker C: So that's how it's made.
Speaker B: Hopefully it's like that super valuable. Amazing. There's just like one like super fat guy in town that's. That's his weird ability. Drinks whiskey and.
Speaker D: Right.
Speaker B: It's like make friends with him.
Speaker C: Hasn't been sober in how long?
Speaker B: Oh my gosh. We'll find him. And they call him the golden goose.
Speaker C: These have the right aids.
Speaker B: Terrible.
Speaker A: Does cash need any equipment?
Speaker B: That sounds like it.
Speaker E: I'm a little down on my luck but you know I can make do. I've been through worse probably I don't remember when.
Speaker C: I'm sure I was dice got Ben Gamble.
Speaker B: You got a little scratch for be quick on the team. I don't know what normal equipment would be in this game. I just have the deck. So I don't know if I should have a gun or what.
Speaker D: But yeah, if you want to have a. A medium revolver which I think does D6 damage. Yeah, it's a D6 and like a buck knife. That's totally.
Speaker A: That's pretty much all I have.
Speaker D: Yeah. These guys are don't have like they just have regular guns. No one's gone gun. Well I guess except Doc he has a. Oh, now you have a silver saber.
Speaker B: Yes. Yeah.
Speaker D: And then I guess jock does have a saw. Is it just double barrel with a silver bayonet on it?
Speaker A: Yeah. It can Take off. It's basically my knife is silver.
Speaker C: He's got a shotgun with a silver bayonet. I've got a saw off shotgun for being a little kid. Audrey looks like a porcupine once he pulls out a lot.
Speaker D: But the buck knife is D3 damage plus a strength. Yeah, but yeah, you could. You could have that here with you already or go shop too.
Speaker E: I appreciate you. Phil's outfitting me. That's not a kind. I'll definitely, definitely return the favor someday.
Speaker D: Part of the crow.
Speaker E: You think we're gonna get in like a bat or something? Is that why you bought this gun?
Speaker A: Most likely with us for sure.
Speaker E: Anything to get the other r.
Speaker D: Yeah, I guess that's one thing you would know. Your character, since you've been prospecting is that especially in the last like 10 years, Caverns and mines and stuff have gotten a little more dangerous just because of like the weird creatures coming, like out of the ground or becoming more aggressive. That kind of stuff.
Speaker B: Just.
Speaker D: Yeah.
Speaker C: How do you feel about centipedes?
Speaker E: Centipedes?
Speaker A: Big one.
Speaker E: They don't taste bad.
Speaker B: You don't get.
Speaker E: Fine.
Speaker C: What if we got big enough that there's some definite meat on them?
Speaker E: Is it juicy, Slimy?
Speaker C: Explosive?
Speaker B: I like explosive.
Speaker C: We got one. If you're not careful, it'll eat you.
Speaker E: Really?
Speaker B: Yeah.
Speaker C: You fall down. I'm not even sure if it tastes.
Speaker E: Well. I've had a good laugh.
Speaker D: I know.
Speaker C: But even better are the mushrooms.
Speaker B: I pull out that measure that I have, and you see your gun.
Speaker C: Something go.
Speaker B: Actually reverses it. Repulses it.
Speaker C: Pushes you back in your chair and you lean back with it.
Speaker B: I let you play with it. It's just on this metal mushroom with like gold flex in it. And anything that's metal, it's like pushing.
Speaker D: Away a little all the silverware.
Speaker E: This is amazing.
Speaker B: So you have a place where there's more of it. We don't sure what to do with it yet. So you might know more than me if that's actual gold in it. But he bites it.
Speaker D: You. You do like, you do like bite a piece of the mushroom out because it is. It's like flat crate. If you didn't fight it that hard, that, yeah, that's fine. But no, like, I'd say just see your prospector. You'd see that that's. It's legit gold in there.
Speaker E: That's real gold you got doc.
Speaker B: I'm like, well, shoot, we need to go back there.
Speaker C: We plan to anyway.
Speaker A: We were planning to eventually.
Speaker B: Yeah. Pretty amazing. If we can just grow it. Maybe I shouldn't have picked this one.
Speaker D: So there was more in there?
Speaker B: There was.
Speaker D: Yeah.
Speaker B: There were seven plants. Well we have a place where some of this stuff is interesting. I'm like. May I have that back please?
Speaker C: What'd it taste like?
Speaker E: It was metallic and a little salty. I don't know, maybe you have something in your pocket.
Speaker B: No, it's just it like to be in like a little cloth that I just put in my bag. Right. Maybe at one point it some jerky in it or something.
Speaker E: Else. Want to go back there?
Speaker B: Eventually we're going somewhere else first.
Speaker A: What is actually.
Speaker B: What's that?
Speaker A: You got a pressing matter.
Speaker B: Mine is like I need to find my sister.
Speaker D: Yeah.
Speaker B: So we need to do that one but. Oh but that's. I don't know if everybody wants to do that with me or not it especially you but I would just be pretty frankly. Yeah. My sister's missing and apparently she is sure need to. What? I can only say Shadow. Hell. I don't know what it is.
Speaker D: The Shadowlands. I guess that was the actual name.
Speaker B: So I talked to. I talked to a librarian about it and he knew about the on wind that he didn't know about the shadow. So I've got two problems. I need to go to the ongoing to read about the shadow so I don't get killed in the shadow so I can find my sister who may be about to die in the shadow because some lady that I paid a coin to tell me my future knew about my sister and says she's in danger. So there you go. There's the whole quick story. Wow.
Speaker E: I thought I had problems. All right.
Speaker B: My sister definitely. Does Cash know about the almond and the shadow or anything you would know.
Speaker D: About the Onwin is like that's. That's like where you're like weird. Like where some weird powers come from that you can like draw on, but also like your mutation. You would know that you would know a little bit of the Elder, right? Is made from the energies of the onward. So you would. You would know of that.
Speaker B: I probably wouldn't have said Anton's name in front of Cash. I would just have said I know somebody that knows the entrance to some of these places. Mainly trying to keep his name out of stuff.
Speaker E: Well that's interesting. Going somewhere we're not supposed to be that other people don't know about?
Speaker B: It's pretty amazing, but it also could be lucrative. So if you're looking for riches, it may be an interesting place to find them.
Speaker E: I'M looking to score, gentlemen.
Speaker D: Knew that.
Speaker B: Well, I'm not going to tell you that. It's not going to. You know, it's going to be easy, but it will be new. So if there's something rare in there, that'd be a place to find it.
Speaker E: Let's go.
Speaker D: Sleep first. I'll say you guys slept in the like.
Speaker B: Yeah.
Speaker D: Over like breakfast. And like you went. You went to General in the morning and got cash. Yeah. So this is all in the morning.
Speaker A: While we're waiting to meet our 2pm lunch.
Speaker B: Yeah.
Speaker A: That we're gonna have to get cash into.
Speaker D: I was gonna say you guys, like, that's just a coin. There's no expiration date on it. It expires.
Speaker A: I'll spend the day making a fake coin.
Speaker D: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Give me.
Speaker A: If I. I don't even know what it's made out of.
Speaker D: I was gonna say.
Speaker B: Well, the third time we got our goods pulled.
Speaker E: Of course, this time they started shooting.
Speaker B: Yeah, exactly. I say cash.
Speaker D: Why don't you give me.
Speaker A: No.
Speaker D: Yeah. Mine. Plus your miner or prospecting. I don't remember. Yeah, whichever would apply more to like looking at this coin to determine like what metals it's made out of.
Speaker B: Nine plus three is 12.
Speaker D: All right. Yeah. So you know, the. That's just like. Basically just like an iron stamp coin. The design on it is intricate, but.
Speaker E: It'S not a precious metal.
Speaker D: Yeah. So you could go acquire some of that.
Speaker A: There we go. A new weapon.
Speaker C: That just we were talking about.
Speaker D: And you would have. There is. I don't remember which one it was in. This place is too big. Oh. Down the bazaar there's a blacksmiths like area that you'd be able to get some raw like iron, like two mushrooms switched into a coin if you wanted to. So you could go and do that. And then if you want to give me your inventor. Just.
Speaker A: Inventor.
Speaker D: Inventor. Well, in your mind, like your role to do that is see if you can build yourself a coin.
Speaker A: It would be 10.
Speaker D: Yep. So you spend. You spend the whole time up till like getting close to 2, like to 1. Several hours late carving and make producing your duplicate coin to get into the Hell Raiders.
Speaker C: Audrey's impressed.
Speaker A: I'd give cash mine. And I'd just be curious to see if this would work. Like, Carrie will need this. Where we going?
Speaker E: Get me to the buffet.
Speaker A: All you can eat and drink.
Speaker E: Perfect. I love hanging out with you guys.
Speaker B: You say that now.
Speaker C: We're at the general store. Could I find a chalk.
Speaker D: Yeah.
Speaker C: And some sort of string Carbon fiber would be amazing, but I really don't know.
Speaker D: You can find string. Yeah. You can find some obvious.
Speaker C: Remember whatever they heard getting stuck in a labyrinth.
Speaker A: Bring some breadcrumbs.
Speaker B: Yeah.
Speaker D: Say they probably string in this case.
Speaker C: We'll just run it from room to room.
Speaker A: There you go.
Speaker B: Yeah. Definitely would get you know a book with some stuff to draw on to for mapping stuff for light. So two lanterns.
Speaker D: You guys all do have.
Speaker A: Dominant rings.
Speaker C: Well that's what it'll take to get the lantern and everything else.
Speaker B: Can I get like a helmet that has a light on it? Like a minor help mining helmet?
Speaker C: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Speaker D: Those would.
Speaker A: Those are credit ratings. You probably could.
Speaker D: Those should exist in the 1860s.
Speaker A: It's just the little candle ones they used to have the oil.
Speaker D: Yeah, that's what it was carbine that.
Speaker C: You put in it. It drips water and it's acetylene gas that you light.
Speaker B: Yeah. It's a little wick or whatever burner.
Speaker C: It just shoots a flame out.
Speaker D: Yeah. You can find a miner's hat versus.
Speaker C: The C. No touch candle.
Speaker D: This reading I just looked up minor half in the 1860s stuff just went down.
Speaker B: So I'm trying to get somebody else on portion goes down again.
Speaker C: Somebody's pushing another update on Saturday.
Speaker D: Saturday. No, it looks like the. At least in the. According to the AI anyway. So maybe lying. But they have the candle holder. Minor hats.
Speaker C: Okay. Everybody wants to come out a little later.
Speaker D: Yeah. For the 1860s. Yeah. This has candle. So yeah. You guys can get minor hats that have a holder for a candle. Loves it.
Speaker E: This is amazing.
Speaker B: Candle in front of two beer things on the side. Crazy strong.
Speaker A: That's jocks with the whiskey.
Speaker B: That's two whiskey bottles upside down with cork. Yeah.
Speaker C: Two straws. One you blow into to get the whiskey to come out of New inventions.
Speaker B: Just waiting to be made.
Speaker A: Right now I get my lab going and then there'll be a bunch of crazy stuff.
Speaker B: Yeah. Plus with the. Okay. Yeah.
Speaker D: So I guess any other. Anything else before we just supplies.
Speaker B: General supplies for the length of time that we might be in the reaction. The mute space because they told. He told me that it may take more time than we.
Speaker A: Zark's got a cigarette.
Speaker B: That's right. That's how we find our way back. It's just the cigarette. But we need to be able to map and we need to be able to have enough food and water to get in and out. So I would supply it for that and have lots of light. Now what else did you say they're generally offended by the same things that living creatures are offended by here. They weren't like susceptible to silver though, right? Or was it silver?
Speaker D: They were now. He didn't. He didn't mention much about like he would have mentioned that of the librarians, but they're basically human that exist in.
Speaker B: There or were human because I'd asked him about defending myself.
Speaker D: Yeah. He said yeah, it would have been guns are fine. Silver could help. He didn't mention a whole lot of like, what kind of like stuff you'll encounter in there. So there's. There can be things that are dangerous and things that aren't because he said it just. It changes every time. So you don't know what's gonna be in there and you don't know what path he'll end up taking to find that information here after.
Speaker C: Mark up the walls this time and come back and see if Marsh is still there.
Speaker B: I know a guy on the inside. Can't trust him, but I know a guy. Should I just gear up? Yeah. The major cash has. Can we get. Would it be hard to get one of the dusters that we have for catch?
Speaker D: No, those are standard because that would give an armor.
Speaker B: Right. D6 minus 4. Yes.
Speaker D: Yeah.
Speaker B: What does it look like? They were not tail riders, but got some uniform.
Speaker C: Jack is all. All in black. Audrey's probably looks like really beat up warm leather.
Speaker B: Yeah. I would just gear you like at a shop towards. Pick one of these that suits. Okay. But the armor is just rolling a D6 minus 4 and that's how much it reduces in damage.
Speaker A: So do you want it to be.
Speaker D: A negative number or you want it to be a positive number?
Speaker B: It can't be negative. Yeah, but you roll the one minus four, it's zero.
Speaker D: It's zero. Yeah.
Speaker B: So it doesn't reduce. Yeah, Correct. Yeah, got it. Got.
Speaker D: That's a little different. And if that becomes too weird to do, then we. There is the option for just like fixed. But. Yeah, but we haven't fought a whole lot.
Speaker A: So two encounters.
Speaker D: Yeah. Okay. Yeah. So I guess three of you went chopping. I guess while Jock was. Yeah, Mike went and got his. Got this iron shaped and then carved up and stuff. Audrey docking cash for shopping for an extended trip into the library.
Speaker E: No, I'm not much of a reader.
Speaker C: It's an amazing place.
Speaker E: I just thought you needed a lot better car. But I'm glad I got a pistol.
Speaker C: Now that might punch your card.
Speaker E: What did you guys do last time you were in the library?
Speaker B: This is the first Time. Oh, oh, that library. Yeah, sorry. You checked out some books.
Speaker C: Grimwater History. And that was largely because the other two books, for the Devil Desperado, haven't come out yet.
Speaker D: Yep.
Speaker B: There's a series of novels they're looking for. But also we were looking to see some older maps. Had some info we needed versus some of the newer maps. Sometimes people take things off maps when they're not gone yet.
Speaker C: How well traveled are you as a prospector?
Speaker E: Well, I found my way around quite a bit, actually.
Speaker C: Mostly on the ground.
Speaker E: But I like what you're saying about these hidden gems that may still be out there. Gets my lip sweat just thinking about it.
Speaker B: When it tastes gold, that's a good sign in this new place we go to have you wary about tasting a whole lot of stuff. All right, none of this has been there before.
Speaker D: Yeah. So they didn't matter where they were researching maps. It's just the territory down here south as a bit of a reference. Okay. Yeah. So you guys. So you guys check out or you just hold the rooms for pay for.
Speaker B: Honestly, if we're going to go into the. I want to probably just check out. Have no idea how long we're going to be in there.
Speaker A: Yeah, well, we're going to do the.
Speaker D: Lunch and then go to the. Yeah, yeah.
Speaker A: Time to check out.
Speaker B: We go into the. On Wh. And find out we were there for a month. My credit rating has gone down by four. It's been ten years. Yeah, exactly. You own the hotel now.
Speaker D: All right. Yeah. So you guys hop on the. You finish your shopping in the Great Bazaar. Hop on a tram to the Warriors Enclave, which is a much shorter trip because you're only one hop away basically here nicely. It's connected directly. So you're only there for like 15 minutes or so.
Speaker B: And then. Yeah.
Speaker D: So you guys are approaching the Hellriders Hall. As you guys are entering it, you get greeted by a different person. Just holds you up like, all right, so the. Yeah, so the. The person who stops you like an old timer. This time they're like in there. Looks like they could be in their 70s, Middle Eastern. They're kind of chunking bat sitting on their stool. Sky blue eyes with like a narrow face, like a Dutch accent. And then when he's talking, he's like. Sounds like he's out of breath all the time, but he's just like, hold up, guys.
Speaker C: Does he seem to be in a little lighter mood than our.
Speaker B: We got the. The stoner Pale Rider.
Speaker D: Yeah, I. You would like.
Speaker C: I mean, I still have like, stern, but not quite as quick to go for the gun. And, yeah, he has kind of, like, authority.
Speaker D: And he's kind of got like, grandpa vibes, I guess. Nice grandpa vibes. But he's just like, hold on, guys, what should we doing up here?
Speaker C: He kind of looks around, like, tossing.
Speaker A: The coin here to see Spade.
Speaker D: Let me have your coins.
Speaker B: Just snap it out. And doctor falls down, leaves the impression.
Speaker C: As we're going in, I asked him, so where does Mr. Spade usually say.
Speaker D: Oh, you probably find him with the other wind runners over there at that table. And you see, like, a collection of, like, four. You do say, like, Spades off it. Like, it's like, in a corner. But EDCs see spades over there. You kind of. You vaguely, like, recognize, like, another face, maybe two, because he didn't interact with the other. The other three that were with him at the time. But you do, like. Yeah, so you see Spades up in the corner.
Speaker C: So if I offered to shake his hand, what would his reaction be? Kind of like, thank you.
Speaker D: He did. He. He would shake your hand and be like, oh, the useful ignorance.
Speaker B: I actually would laugh.
Speaker C: Andre is like, huh?
Speaker D: Then he kind of, like, pats your patsy on the head. He's like, oh, so deep. You'll learn in time. And now get out of here before I have to get stern.
Speaker C: Andre's not quite following the conversation.
Speaker B: Like, okay.
Speaker C: Go ahead and enter.
Speaker D: Yeah. So you guys are entering into the great hall is just a massive chamber filled with long tables. There's a couple, like, big fireplaces along the walls. And then there's just several dozen hellriders in different groups at the various tables. As you start making your way over towards Spades, he does, like, he stands up. So you guys see 5, 10, late 40s, Middle Eastern, rectangular face. He's got hazel eyes, and he's got, like, long, flowing locks that are, like, pulled back in, like a kind of like a ponytail. And his eyes have kind of like a citrine, like, coloring to them. And you kind of get the. And then you're reminded that he gives off, like, a pompous, like, feel to him. Like, you're. And he just greets you very formally. It's like, hello, welcome to our hall. And he has a. He has a German accent. And then he just yells, squire, get over here. And, like, some squire that's, like, standing, like, along the wall comes, like, sprinting up.
Speaker B: I used to imagine the Mortal Kombat.
Speaker D: I think it was.
Speaker A: Yeah.
Speaker B: Throws the spike up, grabs the killing.
Speaker D: Yes, Mr. Spades sleep get drinks for these fellows. And then he, like, notices you. He's like, who are you?
Speaker E: Me? I'm Cash. I heard a lot about you, Mr. Spade.
Speaker A: I don't remember giving you a coin.
Speaker E: No, you didn't. No, I got my coin from a different situation. But you guys made them sound. These guys made it sound so good.
Speaker D: Coming.
Speaker E: Spending my time with you and whatnot. So I figured this would be a good use of it. What a centipede.
Speaker D: He's kind of like. He, like, almost cracks his fun. Yeah, he almost cracks a smile. And he goes. And he just goes.
Speaker A: And who.
Speaker D: And what was the name of the writer that gave you your coin?
Speaker E: Oh, yeah, let's see. I think it was Trowel. Yeah.
Speaker D: Do you know.
Speaker E: Actually, that's really close to him. Do you know Trowel?
Speaker A: Yeah. Doc or Leno said, name a tool. It's like everyone's been, like, axed.
Speaker B: So at this point, Doc, Doc, when he asked, like, what was his name? Doc would actually kind of turn and stand next to the pale rider and go, yeah, what was his name? Because, like, mentioning.
Speaker D: Is.
Speaker C: Audrey is sitting here, big eyes going back and forth.
Speaker B: So you say trial. I just kind of. Oh, my gosh.
Speaker D: Oh, yeah. Gary. A peel, roll, Plexi. I don't know if you have a career that would be useful in this situation with your story.
Speaker B: Well, maybe. Maybe Drifter or something.
Speaker A: Drifter, yeah.
Speaker D: Yeah. So you add that and then appeal. So. Yeah, yeah. And then throw in a bonus die for creative name.
Speaker A: Important.
Speaker B: Okay, so 10 total.
Speaker D: Okay. Yeah. So.
Speaker A: Might be before your time. Spade.
Speaker D: Fade. He. He just is like, all right.
Speaker B: He.
Speaker D: He buys like. He doesn't tell it. He can't tell that you're lying. And like, the. The pel. Riders are. They're not a super. Like, they. They don't all know each other.
Speaker B: Whatever.
Speaker D: It's a large group. So. And there's people stationed all over. It's very similar to, like, real world military.
Speaker B: Yeah.
Speaker D: So. Yeah. So, yeah, you. You come off of that. That comes off as a legit story.
Speaker E: Close enough.
Speaker D: Yeah. So that is. So. Yeah. So then the squire, like, what.
Speaker A: What.
Speaker B: What do you have to drink, Mr.
Speaker A: Best Stuff.
Speaker B: I would ask you, like, what do you have that. That isn't anywhere else? You have something that's unique to you?
Speaker D: He goes, yes. He goes, yes, sir, we just happen to have the writer's ale.
Speaker B: Are we allowed to.
Speaker D: Oh, you had.
Speaker B: You paid a coin. You can have him. So you can partake in all the. And I think I should do that. Might as well try the thing that I'm not going to be able to have.
Speaker D: Yeah, yeah. So he kind of like looks at.
Speaker A: Area 1 and 4.
Speaker B: Any.
Speaker A: Any foods?
Speaker B: Yeah, same question.
Speaker D: Well, it's. Nobody see Dragonfly.
Speaker B: Nobody see Dragonfly.
Speaker D: Oh, that's what he mentions. Like we have, we do have dragon legs, if you would actually. I guess he'd call them emerald legs because they're actually called Emerald Darter. Darters is the actual like name of the giant dragon.
Speaker B: We do have emerald legs.
Speaker E: Taste like sympathy.
Speaker B: That's the world equivalent. It tastes like chicken.
Speaker A: Yeah, it's a grim dark worm.
Speaker B: Things are.
Speaker D: Oh.
Speaker B: Oh.
Speaker D: Yeah. So I'll do the I as well.
Speaker B: Yep.
Speaker D: I guess with. With your guys's traveling. Travelings you would like that's. It's not un. It would be an uncommon food but not unheard of. It. I'd probably like fall under like almost something like dog or tarantula. Like one of those things that you don't necessarily think that people would like, want to eat.
Speaker B: Sure.
Speaker D: But if they.
Speaker B: I look around the tables, like what do I see people mostly eating?
Speaker D: You'd see all like. He'd probably see a lot of vegetables and a lot of like beef of you know, meat of some kind. Like. But I'd say they generally eat a lot of. A lot more vegetable plant based diet in this particular. In this fortress.
Speaker C: Is Spade still with us?
Speaker B: Yeah, he's got a squirrel. No, he's like, I ain't seen with these guys.
Speaker D: Yeah, no, he. He like stood up and like walked up to you guys and greeted you and then yelled at the squire to get over here and the squire's taking your order and then he like walks over.
Speaker C: Okay.
Speaker B: He's still there.
Speaker D: Audrey.
Speaker C: Probably looking at Dennis, babe. What he recommends.
Speaker D: He just goes. I like the. Just the standard Pharaoh and some legs occasionally. So he doesn't.
Speaker B: Okay.
Speaker D: He doesn't have like a particular heat. You would get the sense that like he eats the for fuel. He doesn't. He doesn't.
Speaker B: He's not free.
Speaker D: Yeah, he's not. And I. A lot of the power riders too are just like, they're practical when it comes to like a lot of stuff. Part of it is just their training. They'll eat because they need to.
Speaker C: I would be curious what the standard fare was.
Speaker D: It's a lot of vegetables with like a lot of vegetables and then with like a little bit of pretty standard stuff that you could.
Speaker B: Onion.
Speaker D: It's all nice because it is. They. They especially up here would get the cream of, like, the crops that are grown in the fortress.
Speaker B: We're playing Warhammer. We went to this restaurant and Jake was rolling, like, some D100 tables of, like, what food was available. When we got this place where it was like, yeah, it's like this chum bucket place or something. And it had onion husk soup because, like, all it had was onion husk soup. It was just like, water with a hint of onion. Yeah, pretty much.
Speaker D: Yeah.
Speaker B: It's like Lacroix onion flavor ass. Terrible.
Speaker A: It was only like, a copper.
Speaker B: Oh, yeah.
Speaker D: And then, like, the next. You had. You ended up missing next session. So then we're. And. And in that. In Warhammer fantasy, there's actually a condition or like a disease called galloping Trots, which is basically, you just have diarrhea.
Speaker B: Yeah, like the run.
Speaker D: And so that would. That became like, the meme for when someone missed a session once they had the galloping trots bucket or whatever. Yeah, that's right. But in Warhammer, that one, once a session, the GM could just tell the player they had to go find a bathroom immediately or poop their pants.
Speaker C: Really?
Speaker B: Yes.
Speaker D: The diseases in that system, what an interesting game.
Speaker B: They're super weird. Yeah.
Speaker D: And then I think one time, Audrey or not, Steve's character got, like, concussed and kept Felony, though. Or was it Caleb?
Speaker A: It was Caleb who got concussed.
Speaker D: Yeah, his character got concussed. So they were.
Speaker B: They.
Speaker D: And he kept filling the roles so they were like, he was down for, like, three weeks in world while these guys are, like, out, like, doing their flying their trades, making some money while they're waiting for their friends, getting, like, concussion. Yeah, that system is brutal.
Speaker C: It was. And the humor was so dark.
Speaker A: Warhammer humor.
Speaker C: It's like you're near depression. It's like nothing is going right, but the humor is good enough that it raises your morale just enough for you.
Speaker B: To push forward a little further.
Speaker C: Yeah.
Speaker D: Yeah. So you guys get your. Your food over ordered, and then Spades walks you over to the table and introduces you to. To Snake Eyes Winchester. Another person called Doc. Yeah, we'll change that one. Yeah.
Speaker B: My name's Doc.
Speaker D: And lazy.
Speaker B: What?
Speaker D: Lazy?
Speaker B: I thought you said lady.
Speaker D: Oh, my name's lady. How did that.
Speaker B: Snake Eyes Winchester. Job done and lazy.
Speaker D: Yep. And they all rolled out as guys. So they're all. I think they're all dudes. Yep, they're all guys. Like, Snake eyes is like 5, 10, mid-40s after, like, dark African chestnut brown eyes. He's also got, like, long hair. That's Ash blonde. Yeah. He, he just greets you with his Boston accent. Hello. And then Winchester. He's almost 6 foot, late 30s, near like Caucasian, European looking. Got light green eyes. His, his longer hair is pulled up in like a messy bun that's like graying already. He greets you with a gravelly New Zealand accent. Good day. And then jawbone. He's like in his early 70s, five eight, Native American looking. Stun, like brown eyes, long face, kind of fat. His head's actually shaved, but you see like bits of like, like this got like a red tinge to it and then lazies. Oh, I guess. He greets you with a very precise Nigerian species. It's like howdy. And then lazy. 5 9ish, mid-30s, he's Indian, he has black eyes, shoulder length hair. That's hilarious that all their guys, almost all their hair is rolled out. It's dark brown and it's just, it's just free. He greets you with a stuttering German accent. Just like hi. And then spades. Like these guys are the. Well, three of them helped stop that recent train robbery just the other day. So I tossed him a coin and this guy got a coin from. From trial from somewhere else. How did you do not.
Speaker A: Welcome him.
Speaker D: So they kind of need to kind of say thanks for the, the help.
Speaker B: We don't take kindly to people robbing the trains.
Speaker A: Yeah, that's why you don't rob the main trains.
Speaker B: That's true.
Speaker D: They chuckle because the train they robbing was from was from like a hub city to the church and it's like two days total distance. So these guys like flew out from the mountain.
Speaker B: You say that. I have like a nervous stuff. Great. Simple.
Speaker D: But yeah. And then they're like, yeah, the green Gator wasn't too happy that their train got delayed and lost their guards. Yeah, that was the train. Yeah, the Green Gator is the train.
Speaker B: Yeah.
Speaker D: The Green Gator family railroad. But then they kind of like, oh, so kind of like making like small talk and then ask what you guys are like up to. Like any interesting stories to share?
Speaker B: Like yeah, thinking about which ones can I share? Yeah, like show the bite mark from. Tell the story of the kid and the little tiny kid vampire that can vanish.
Speaker D: Centipedes.
Speaker B: Not where. No.
Speaker D: Yeah. The, the older. The old guy in the group be like, oh, I'm shot. I've fought a few of those nasty baby vampires in the last decade.
Speaker B: Ain't no fun. Those are that common. Huh.
Speaker D: Well, with all this weird and shadow crap coming along, especially in the twilight. That front line is nasty.
Speaker B: I did some protection cream trips, like helping with protection of work and crews on the railroads and some camps and stuff. It's not the front lines, but definitely those little pockets of people are pretty, like, basically vape for monsters. I've seen some dirt stuff, but can't imagine what you all have seen.
Speaker D: Yeah, Spade disco. Yeah. Jaw bonies. He's probably saying everything there is to see.
Speaker A: That's weird.
Speaker D: And that's the old 73. Old guy.
Speaker C: Hubby wants to test this out. Says, have you ever seen a walking house?
Speaker D: That's true. He's. He thinks like. He's like. He goes, no, I don't think I've actually seen a walk in house.
Speaker B: Where'd you see one Nightmore?
Speaker C: It was incredible.
Speaker B: Old Town. I said, yep, I saw it up close because it was chasing me.
Speaker D: And you would. You would. You'd see. You see jawbone's like, face like, get dark. And he goes. He just goes. I remember that place.
Speaker A: At a circus that skins people's faces and makes masks out of them.
Speaker B: They were in that town. Few less skinners now raise a glass, you know?
Speaker D: Oh, so you've met Giggles. We've been trying to catch that devil and the clown for a while.
Speaker B: We got some of his buddies.
Speaker D: Good.
Speaker B: Actually. You got. You guys got some of this place. Yeah, I was busy distracting the house.
Speaker A: Yeah, you were running from the house.
Speaker B: It took a whole stick of gosh. Can't remember what name of it is. Took a whole Tiller's Delight.
Speaker C: It kept on moving.
Speaker B: It kept on running. He just made it mad.
Speaker D: Like. That's pretty impressive.
Speaker B: Dark magic or something that made that happen. Well.
Speaker D: Maybe I'll tell the council then.
Speaker B: Tell them what?
Speaker D: What you just told us about Nightmare.
Speaker B: Oh, yeah.
Speaker C: There should have been report made too.
Speaker B: Maybe.
Speaker C: No.
Speaker B: Yeah.
Speaker D: Yeah. Ramsey would have sent her.
Speaker C: Ramsey would have sent it. It would have been Audrey's, kind of. He's not sure if he should mention the name because he doesn't know the back history. It's like, we didn't go in alone. Somebody went in with us. She knew what she was doing. Thank goodness she knew what she was doing.
Speaker D: Yeah. He would then ask, like, who'd you go with then? Was it just you four then?
Speaker C: She's older. Might have been. I don't know. Well, for age, everybody's older.
Speaker D: Yeah.
Speaker B: There was nothing subterfuge about that going in there. She didn't ask us to not tell.
Speaker D: No, she specifically told you guys that she was heading to Rattle City to report some telegram to the church.
Speaker A: She left the parade, I think just because it was changing.
Speaker C: Yeah. Ramsey blacksmith over Braves landed.
Speaker D: He. He just goes, well, b. You know, Ramsey, I just.
Speaker B: I lean into it that we do.
Speaker A: We do.
Speaker B: Good woman.
Speaker D: One of my best squires.
Speaker B: Really. Well, you've done good.
Speaker C: Once we got done, she said she would report the. The matter, but we haven't seen her since we came here.
Speaker D: Oh, I'm sure she.
Speaker B: She. She.
Speaker D: She said she was going to report. She reported. It's probably council probably already knows that.
Speaker B: Well, she got firsthand. So if you want to know what's going on.
Speaker C: Is at the worst haunted house. Literally, the house is moving, the ghost are riding, and the clowns. The clowns are chasing it.
Speaker D: Yeah, the clowns are surprised. Yeah. So Cash would probably know some of the history. You would probably have heard of Nightmore. Sounds like a bad carnival, but it was a. A place. Oh around the time the veil. Like shortly after the veil got torn before and the beard was kind of like just starting happening that the Pell Riders and the government of Brimwater rounded up like a ton of the crime families and gangs and stuff into Nightmoor and then basically like sieged the city. And then during that process, when people started getting killed, specters were starting to rise out of them. So, like, the city became like flooded with specters and now there's a murderous gang of clowns that live in there. And then also this giant moving house that you guys. That they. That these three encountered before that.
Speaker B: But scary enough, definitely not scaring people's faces off. Turn them into your devilish masks, whatever else they're doing.
Speaker D: Yeah. Yeah. So you guys would stay there and swap stories and stuff. Unless. Unless there's any specific questions you guys want to.
Speaker C: Would be curious about. What's the process to become a pale thing. Started as stories about adventure.
Speaker D: Any. Either. Any of them. I guess the. The. The old guy dsc. Well, either be an orphan and get picked up by us or find a writer that's willing to squire you. You're pretty young, so training would be hard at first. You have time to make up, if that's really what you're interested in. But that's your life until you get out.
Speaker C: Get out of my life. I'm not sure if I'm ready for that.
Speaker D: And you. You and Audrey would probably know a little bit about that, just since your dad's a. A preacher.
Speaker C: Oh, well, there'd be like the lore.
Speaker D: Yeah.
Speaker C: But this is kind of like. So how do you get in the army. Well, you go march around and you go through basic and then you meet somebody in the army. It's like, so how did you get in here? Well, this nice guy brought me a piece of paper, said, sign here. So kind of like the myth versus the reality.
Speaker D: And you had like. And all the guys there said would say, we're. We were orphaned. They are all orphans.
Speaker C: After doing the story about Nightmare, I was like, get. Randy's mentioned something about a boom. Where would we go for anything on.
Speaker D: Go. He goes, well, you go check with the council secretary. Then he points down like down like a hallway that's off the thing. And it'll be like they'll go check the records. If your name and description match, you'll be all right.
Speaker C: This is good information to have.
Speaker B: That older guy there when we're talking about the different creatures and stuff. And they've seen a lot of stuff. You ever, ever heard of people actually go into the Ironman? I hear people in bars also talk about a shadowland. You guys ever have to deal with that?
Speaker D: You would see that, like almost like the air gets sucked out of the room and you realize you've reached something you probably shouldn't have said.
Speaker B: The shadow, just.
Speaker D: Just the animal and even the. Yeah. And the shadow, like they kind of all like narrow their eyes and like look at you. And the older guys goes, I think you misspoke.
Speaker B: Yeah, I was talking about then I just drink.
Speaker D: Oh.
Speaker B: But I've noticed that it was about the animal and not the shadow.
Speaker D: It would have been like the animal would like triggered it. But then when you like mentioned like shadowlands. Oh, that would have been less. And they. And I think they. All the older gentlemen. I think you misspoke. We met the Twilight wilds.
Speaker B: Oh, yes. That's just some name that some idiot in the bar. It's my apologies.
Speaker D: And then I got confused too.
Speaker B: And the.
Speaker D: The older. The old jawbone discos. Because that will probably be the only warning light you're likely to get to this place. So be very careful with who.
Speaker B: What you speak about disrespect.
Speaker D: It's not a matter of disrespect. It's not disrespectful. And what a disrespect. That's disorders from above.
Speaker B: How about them Bears.
Speaker D: But yeah, then like after they kind of. After he like says that, then they kind of like go back to chit chat and stuff.
Speaker B: Like inside I'm like, no to stuff. Yeah.
Speaker C: Jeff wants to pick a fight. Terminology to be used.
Speaker D: Yeah. And you like. And like while you've been in here for like an hour or two or whatever, you would see that there is like, there is definitely like a distinction between like the guys that you're sitting, which would seem to be more, more normal. Power Rider. They don't have like the zealot, like fanatic at least feel more like law enforcement kind of guys. They're just, you can tell they're all very dangerous people. But they have kind of like they're professional. Yeah, it's more like they're just professional doing their job. They love doing what they're doing. They honestly believe it. They're like helping people. Even though like some of the. And then you can do. See some of the other groups in there that have just like a different air about them. Almost like the arrogant, like I'm better than you. Especially if you catch any glances from some of them that they give you like dirty looks like, like why the hell are you in my, my castle kind of place. You can tell that there is like some different just groups and you would probably. And you would tell that they like some of them. Like there's almost like divisions in the room of like groups of hell riders that there is like some friction between these groups between I guess the more fanatical like arrogant type ones. And then like the more like professional law enforcement type.
Speaker B: Doc's probably done asking questions.
Speaker D: Guys.
Speaker A: Someone kept looking over. Jock would have a really hard time not being like, what do you want? You know, got something to say.
Speaker D: You would, you would, you would probably.
Speaker A: Would be smart enough not to.
Speaker D: Yeah, that's what I, that's what I was gonna say is as being a gunslinger and being around like these kind of people, you would know that they're like trying to goad you to like poke you, like react so they can just like blast you or rub you in the slammer or whatever. There's definitely some like not. Oh, like they're trying to provoke you. Yeah, yeah, Covert. Like going to a bar near a.
Speaker A: Military basin, trying to fight with someone in uniform.
Speaker D: Get the whole bar beating it. Yeah, there is some of that from some for sure.
Speaker A: Yeah, Jack, whatever. He'd probably be done with the place after that.
Speaker D: Yeah. Then I guess then if you guys, you guys head over to the, towards the council chamber, you walk by like I guess this down a particular long hallway. There's a memorial wall and it's mostly a candle lit space and there's tons of like portraits and likenesses of fallen Pell riders and you can see that there's probably like hundreds of them because this building been there for several centuries. Just long hallway. Then you get down to the. The end, the console chamber. It's a wood door that's open. And then you walk in and you get greeted by a very tall lady, like 6, 2, 30 years old, native American looking. They got bossy green eyes and their hair is kind of just like puffed out, kind of like wild and unkempt looking. They. It's got little streaks of green gray, and they have a French accent and they kind of speak flowery. Flowery.
Speaker C: Good afternoon.
Speaker D: How can I help you? She looks at like, whoever, I guess.
Speaker C: And the little kid said, I think.
Speaker B: I got a boom.
Speaker C: Can I check?
Speaker B: She's six two.
Speaker C: So he's got to stick his hand out and get her attention.
Speaker D: All right, name and who gave it? Audrey Wick.
Speaker C: Ramses. He tries to be very concise. It's like only given kind of like you're in school.
Speaker D: Yeah. Oh, yeah. She. She's like, all right, one moment and she like walks over to another side of the desk and there gets out like this big letter book and like flips through it for a little bit. It's like, all right, I see your name and it looks like you match description. And then she like reaches. She takes a. She has like a like a key ring thing. She goes. Squats down and unlocks like a fault. You hear like a metal coin clink. And he comes out and then flicks you a gold coin. And then you like, as you see it, like flipping through the air, you tell it at like, glance. You know it's like pure gold.
Speaker B: Slow Mo for your Hear the song Dreamweaver.
Speaker D: Oh, and it's got. It's got mithris.
Speaker B: My new best friend.
Speaker D: Signia is like carved into it. Yeah.
Speaker C: So if you catch it. He said, so what do I do with this? She just said we were getting a boom. She didn't say what the boom.
Speaker D: She goes, well, that lets you ask the church for a favor.
Speaker C: And they can't turn me down.
Speaker B: Depends on what you ask.
Speaker D: There are limits to it, but for the most part, yes.
Speaker B: David, you and get a single use.
Speaker C: Audrey just kind of looks at it and she.
Speaker D: And she also goes, keep it hidden. Don't share that you have it. They are extremely valuable. Not just because it's solid gold, but what it represents.
Speaker C: Thank you, man.
Speaker D: Thank you for your service.
Speaker C: Can reach out because Docker jocks there is like puts in his pocket. These guys got one too.
Speaker A: Step forward and be like, Jock Valdez Ramsey.
Speaker D: All right. And she just. It goes over the book and like checks real quick because the entries are all together. It's like. Does the same thing. Unlocks the. The box under the counter, stands up and then like flicks you the same coin.
Speaker A: Grab it.
Speaker D: All right. Yep, same thing. Flex your coin. And then she goes.
Speaker B: And she goes and looks at you. She goes, well, sir, if you really.
Speaker D: Want to earn one, you just have to do a great deed for a Pell Ranger. According to my ledger, these three rode into Nightmore with Ramses to retrieve her guns.
Speaker C: Remember the clowns?
Speaker A: Yeah. Like.
Speaker D: Yep, they face down.
Speaker C: They sent in the clown clowns.
Speaker D: But more importantly, they face down specters and a giant.
Speaker A: And a moving house.
Speaker D: Yep. So. So Mr. That's the kind of the. The task if you'd like to earn a boot. Yeah.
Speaker E: Do you mean we go to any sort of haunted house?
Speaker B: Hang out with us long enough. It's fun to have.
Speaker D: She chuckles a little bit. It's like, oh, I don't. I don't have. I don't give out the missions. I just make sure stuff's taken care of.
Speaker E: Moving or.
Speaker D: She really liked it. Laughs.
Speaker A: You cracked me up, sir.
Speaker D: And then she like, she reaches under the desk and flicks you another like pell writer. Great hall token. Thanks for making me laugh.
Speaker B: Seems real. Actually.
Speaker C: The other one you had was real too.
Speaker E: That's true.
Speaker B: Yeah.
Speaker A: I kept the fake one.
Speaker D: It worked though.
Speaker B: Yeah. They had no issues with you coin.
Speaker A: They just remember you didn't give me any. Make a bunch of them plug this in, see what the market.
Speaker B: Get free lunch out of it. Just name a random fool when they ask where you got it from. We had spades, so you got.
Speaker A: If anyone's named Ho.
Speaker D: Yeah. So you guys have any more business in the hell writers? All I do after that.
Speaker A: Pull out my Molotovs and let's go. Blazing glory.
Speaker D: That would be Blazing glory.
Speaker C: I'm sorry you just sacrificed your coin.
Speaker B: Yeah.
Speaker D: Yeah. So you guys, I guess. Where are you guys off to now?
Speaker C: Could you ask about that.
Speaker B: That door in the back on where your map was in forward at this lady.
Speaker C: Yeah.
Speaker B: Might be a safer place. That's true. I just say. I'll take this one. Just talk to mellon. Say I have a question. We were. We're not from this area obviously but so don't want to necessarily offend anyone but I upset some people over in the part of town just popping through there. I don't want to offend anyone again. So what kind of Place is that. That I need to be steering away from. Why is it so important she just goes, I think you're mistaken. Understood me. That's the second time today, maybe the third. Yeah. My apologies. I'll be on my way. Thank you for your service.
Speaker D: Thank you for earning the room. Don't waste it.
Speaker B: I'll be back with more heroic deeds. I gotta laugh.
Speaker C: As we're walking out. I pull the coin out. It's like, how many of these to find out what the name of that place is?
Speaker B: Put that away. We're walking out. You're outside like, wow, look at this.
Speaker D: No, actually, yeah, the. The lady would have been. I think you're mistaken. Unless you'd like to give me your boon back.
Speaker B: I just look at you.
Speaker C: But it just got.
Speaker D: She destructs.
Speaker B: Be very specific in this case.
Speaker D: Yep.
Speaker A: Make sure you know what you're talking more and ask.
Speaker C: Well, there's a litany of questions involved.
Speaker B: With what I want to ask.
Speaker A: You almost don't even know.
Speaker B: Like, start.
Speaker D: Yeah. She. She mentions like, you should go talk to the church and ask what you want and see if they'll even rent your boot. You're not sure you want to spend it now? The answer to your question.
Speaker C: Well, I'm wondering how much it'll. Yeah, I'll hold on to it for now. He kind of slips it into his. In his pocket. It'd probably be a waistcoat. That's where the pocket watch would go.
Speaker B: Doc's been rebuffed enough times today. He's just about the point where he just wants to run around the street yelling, shadowlands. Shadowlands. Running around naked. How many people can I offend at once?
Speaker C: The Audrey can trade in the baker through the door and get what he wants.
Speaker B: Right, but how do you know.
Speaker C: But he doesn't know if he could actually pull that off.
Speaker B: Right.
Speaker A: Start the underground newspaper like that old daily one that used to have, like, Fat Boy.
Speaker B: Right? Yeah. Or when we started doing, like, the. The street woman that ended up, like, becoming our, like, house Carl Warner. Yeah. You start getting like, her.
Speaker D: Your street network. Yeah.
Speaker B: Sherlock Holmes style.
Speaker C: At some point, if you can't figure out what he's been using for it, he'd probably have you drill a hole in the top. I'm using his necklace.
Speaker B: All right. I look at Bulmer and I say, with this, just from experience, I don't know what I can ask for. If someone was. Now, just to be clear, were they offended that I said Shadowlands or that I talked about the Twilight lines at all it was.
Speaker D: It was more. It was the mention of the in when like as forbidden. Like you should know about this. Okay Kind of deal. Like but the shadow.
Speaker B: But the Twilight wild is not a big deal.
Speaker D: No, you would. You would know that the Twilight Wild is a monster controlled territory that is fighting the church and the storm jungle territory up over here.
Speaker B: I just asked. I said it's something like this being able to get me message. No, actually get me the church to help me rescue somebody from the tr.
Speaker D: She. Because you need to get a meeting with the church and ask for it.
Speaker B: Or ask if that's not outside the realm of things you've heard before.
Speaker D: That bone can get. Can do a lot.
Speaker B: Okay. Look at you guys and go. That might be the better route to go get the people that hate what's going on with Twilight Wilds know the most about it to maybe help us go in and even if it's a few extra turns.
Speaker D: So I will tell you that the Twilight Wilds is not the Shadowlands.
Speaker B: The Shadowlands is in the Twilight Wilds.
Speaker D: The door. The door to the Shadowlands is in the Twilight Wilds.
Speaker B: So the Shadowlands doesn't exist to them. It's offensive on its own. Because I shouldn't know about it.
Speaker D: I don't know if they would. I don't think they would even know, honestly. It was the Anwin that was triggering the Shadowlands. Like there. Maybe they would think you meant Twilight Wilds because that place is shrouded in like twilight all the time. It's the Anwin talking about the Andwin.
Speaker B: I'm just wondering if I could convince some Pill riders at the church giving Pill riders to go with us into the Twilight Wilds. And then once we got to the Shadow door or whatever be like, hey, just go with us in here too because we're here.
Speaker C: You need this more than I do.
Speaker B: We'll cross that bridge if we come to it.
Speaker D: Yeah. So on. On the map there, that red hash is basically a front line on the front lines of the war. So think probably like Civil war, World War I. Kind of like everything's like dug in and there's. And you. You guys have seen the post. All of you would have seen posters like join the Storm Guard. You know the storm. The jungle needs you. Like all these recruitment posters are. You know, join the church, turn. Join the church forces. You go fight that because that's the monster. They're coming control of that. Yeah, that's actually a good name for the army. That's gonna be higher. Yep. That's gonna be the. That's the name of the church's army is the choir.
Speaker B: Cool.
Speaker D: And then, like Grimwater, their. Their. Their army is called the Reapers. So you got Storm Guard, the Grim.
Speaker B: Reapers, and then the church, the choir.
Speaker D: So learn a little bit about that. What do you guys want to do now?
Speaker A: I'm in the weird place.
Speaker B: I got to find out. The problem is I got to find out where the door is. If it was doorless, we wouldn't have to go into the. I'm not entirely sure. I mean, I could maybe talk to Zastax, but I don't know.
Speaker A: Like, we have to go into the hand as our next step.
Speaker B: But I'm saying if we knew where the shadow door, we wouldn't have to go into at all.
Speaker D: Probably gonna have to go into the library. Yeah. Though you guys know, like, you could talk to Madam Luna some more because she's told your sister. She's the one that told you. Told you where the doors are.
Speaker B: She said she didn't. She just said it was there. I thought she didn't know exactly where it was. That's what I thought, but I thought I would ask questions.
Speaker D: I don't remember if you took the.
Speaker C: Map and pushed against the door before we go through.
Speaker B: Lights up all the doors, baby.
Speaker A: On the map. Let's see if anyone else has one.
Speaker B: Like, we're just gathering all sorts of coins. Yeah.
Speaker C: Audrey likes this idea. Just see what it does. If nothing else, there's.
Speaker B: Wow.
Speaker A: We'd wait though, because we're in some.
Speaker D: I don't know where we're at. I think I said I don't know if you guys would. You would know enough not to be talking about. No.
Speaker C: This is like we're walking out.
Speaker B: Like.
Speaker D: Yeah.
Speaker B: She did say though, that the like don't flash your coins around. Like it's not linked to you. If you get somebody's moon, you might.
Speaker C: Start an assassin view from Go to.
Speaker A: Show for like 20 coins. We've done a lot last doors.
Speaker B: This party is loosely chaotic neutral.
Speaker E: Always convince me.
Speaker B: Like, more gold coins. Let's go watch the map light up. Looks like something out of Mario Worlds coins.
Speaker C: And at some point, I know Audrey's going to take one of the scorches coins into Boone. What happened?
Speaker B: They touched.
Speaker C: If they're like divine, would they spark?
Speaker B: I mean, she would. If she would tell me, I probably would have asked her then where the locations are. I mean, I still have. I still have. Would have had an interest in talking to Anton because of my relationship with Zestax.
Speaker D: No, I remember she told you that there. The doors are in Twilight Wild, but she didn't know what was in the Shadowlands. That's why you were going to. Into the library to look research Shadowlands.
Speaker B: Oh, okay, I misunderstood. I thought that she was saying she didn't know exactly where the door was, so I would have asked her.
Speaker D: No, she. She told you that there. There's doors, plural, in Twilight Wilds. And I'll just say as. As like GM declare it's not going to be super difficult to find doors in the Twilight Wilds. It's getting to them that's going to be the hard part.
Speaker A: Right, right.
Speaker B: Because monsters.
Speaker D: Because monsters. And it's a freaking war zone.
Speaker B: That's why I'm thinking, yeah, just ask the church to go in. But I don't know that they would. I won't be able to talk to them about the doors, but we could talk to them about getting in. And.
Speaker D: So. And I guess the, the lady that gave you the boons would tell you that these are like, you'd be meeting with like high ranking church people. These aren't like people that would probably be under. That would be directly reporting like the Trinity. Right.
Speaker B: Okay, cool.
Speaker D: You wouldn't be. Yeah. So that these would be people that would have authority to enact things.
Speaker C: They're going to get you an audience.
Speaker D: That's. Yeah, that's a lot of it. And then they'll decide how much they'll help.
Speaker B: My trick is whether or not they would agree to take me to a shadow door.
Speaker D: You always go out and ask them.
Speaker B: Yep.
Speaker D: You have the. You have. You've earned that privilege now.
Speaker B: No. Well, how you guys doing?
Speaker C: Well, what time of day is it?
Speaker B: I'd say.
Speaker D: I'd probably say. I'll just say it's like four. You spend a couple hours with spades.
Speaker B: If you guys want to go, try to go to the library. I mean, the library is beneficial to other people just for knowledge. You have interest in going there for information.
Speaker C: Oh, we all do.
Speaker B: Yeah. So if you guys want to go to the library, we still can. And I can find the information about doors that way. But getting there is a whole other thing.
Speaker C: No, definitely before we leave. I mean, let's face it, unless Audrey could walk through walls and becomes ex. Extremely hard to detect, that coin is out of the trade.
Speaker B: Well, go to the in or skip it and try to go to the Shadowland and decide the crazy Twilight Wilds Library. We have to go into the hang.
Speaker C: But let's scale our Weird.
Speaker B: Yeah.
Speaker C: We might be able to handle.
Speaker B: Yeah. I don't know about going into the war zone. We have to find a way to get to a door without go through siege weapons.
Speaker D: And there would. I mean there would also. I mean there would be like softer zones. Yeah. And then. I mean the railroad is active. I mean you might have to fight monsters off, but the railroad is still active going up north to territory one as the. As the railroad's trying to expand up here. So that's a potential to get up through the front line.
Speaker B: So.
Speaker A: Just follow down for whatever we have the gear.
Speaker C: We're going to need more silver bullets before we go up.
Speaker B: So.
Speaker C: Yeah.
Speaker B: Do you want to get more silver bullets now? Is that what you're saying?
Speaker C: No. Before we go from the twilight wild.
Speaker B: Okay, got you. It might be helpful in the animals, but I don't know how much time we have for silver bullets.
Speaker C: Might need to go see Ramses.
Speaker B: See if she wants to go with us.
Speaker C: Well, that would be really good. But she was looking for a new home for her guns too.
Speaker B: I don't know that she wouldn't go with us because I just pissed off a room full of talking about it.
Speaker C: You didn't upset them. You just.
Speaker B: I violated an order Slice Taboo. But she's technically not with them anymore. Correct.
Speaker C: And she's looking to home her gun soon.
Speaker B: Oh, I. I see.
Speaker C: Where you're Ramsay's going would be great. But Audrey's like if she's not firepower would be good.
Speaker B: Yeah. How far away she go?
Speaker C: All the way back to Brave Landing.
Speaker A: That's a long way.
Speaker B: That is a long way.
Speaker C: But we're going to be going by Nightmore anyway.
Speaker B: Robbie.
Speaker C: It's a possibility of a spire. Unless we find a better map in the library. Where we're going to.
Speaker B: Now the arch's concern is just time. The more travel we have, the more likely my sister's gonna be dead. Or something worse.
Speaker A: We have to go back to the Madam lady and ask questions. Or we go into the library, put questions, whatever. Get more locations closer to the door.
Speaker D: I say that we'll get you a.
Speaker B: Bag of coins, but you would lose out on the library.
Speaker D: That's the only thing the library. Going into the Stygian Library is not. It's just like there's an open offer. There's no time limit on that.
Speaker B: I thought that getting to my sister though.
Speaker D: But getting to your sister.
Speaker B: Going to.
Speaker D: The library, it does have answers. Like you can find any information there. Madam Luna told you that there's Mall. There's not sing. There's not a singular door in that. There's just all of ones. There would be some close to the front lines or they're just, you know, that's not going to be hard to find. Like it's the Shadowland. She didn't have any information about. She just knows like that's where your location of your sister is and that you need light.
Speaker B: Well, I leave it with the group. And what do you want to do? Or you guys want to say I'm sorry about your sister?
Speaker C: No, I'm saying it's up to you as far as what we find in the library or if you want to talk about.
Speaker D: Yeah, I think this is. This is Doc's.
Speaker A: This is Doc's choice. Jock's. Like, this is your call on that.
Speaker C: That would decide.
Speaker B: Well, Doc Winter. Doc would ask because, like, we could go to the Twilight Wilds right now which is the fastest opportunity and just vote for doors. But we know nothing about the Shadowlands, which we could get from the inwind. I don't know how long it would take to search the animal. So I have a question mark on that of you guys care about missing the library. You want to go straight for the Twilight Wild. So are you more comfortable?
Speaker D: And the. And the help with the. The library, you can. You can exit the door you enter unless you lose your way. Like Anton would have told you that so that you could go in there and go.
Speaker B: And I got the mapping stuff.
Speaker D: So go in there and check it out a little bit and be like, nah, this is going to take too long. Let's balance.
Speaker C: We get lost. We hope we find a door that drops us in the Twilight.
Speaker A: There we go.
Speaker D: Yeah. That's what. And he would have mentioned that. That like, if there are other exits that you can find but you don't know where they're going to come out. They could be close or you could literally be on a different plan.
Speaker A: Cool, boy.
Speaker B: Let's just go to the end. We have a lot of stuff we could get information on y. It might solve several problems at once. Going there.
Speaker C: Come by the door and find out you're dealing with again.
Speaker B: Right. Okay. I want that armor. Yep.
Speaker D: To the library.
Speaker B: Yep. All righty. Try not to make choices for your characters because it's about. You're dangerous.
Speaker A: I'm fine with.
Speaker C: Matches with Audrey's backstory. It's kind of how he got in the mess he's in right now. And he can't go back. He can only go through. He can only Go forward, junior.
Speaker B: Yep.
Speaker A: Who knows who I hate next?
Speaker C: Kind of like that little kid at.
Speaker B: Braziland you killed my paint. Back to Antons.
Speaker D: Yeah. So you guys get to the. The great Library. So. Yeah, so. So, Cash, as you're, like, walking up, it's like this massive spire that's probably like several hundred feet square that is like several hundred feet tall inside this, like, huge tavern. It's almost like, been carved as, like, a support. And you see, like, windows and this is the Great Library of Mithras. You guys can go in there. You guys get greeted. I don't remember your name. Ina. I think it was Ina. Yeah. Aina greets you, says, welcome back. What can I help you with? You all have library cards. She goes, all right, sir. It will send you over to Geneva first. And I'll. And I will phone Anton.
Speaker C: You're gonna have to talk to Anton shortly.
Speaker B: So.
Speaker D: So, yeah, so Aina, like, gets on the telegraph and taps a message to Anton. And then I get Jock and the rest of you guys go with Cash over to meet Geneva. He's like mid-30s, Pacific Islander, light green eyes, long hair, it's auburn color. She kind of. Her accent is pirate and she speaks kind of. All right, what can I do for you?
Speaker E: I need a library card.
Speaker D: All right. Yep. All right. I just need you to sign those papers and hand over your thumbprint.
Speaker E: All right?
Speaker B: Puts a big X.
Speaker D: She has. She goes, I mate. That will not do.
Speaker E: That's my mark.
Speaker D: What be your name?
Speaker B: Cash?
Speaker E: Virgil.
Speaker D: I mate. And then she. She gets a new piece of paper and writes Cash Virgo on it for you. And then has you stick your thumbprint in ink and then stick it on there. I make this. This be doing much better. All right, Give me. Give me a moment. And she goes, like, walks around a corner and you hear, like, metal, like, getting, like, etched and stuff. And then she comes back. This I mate. Here's your. Here'll be your, like, your library card. The card, it's like. It's like pure copper. And it's got your name, like, etched into it. Then your fingerprint is, like, etched into it. And then there's a bunch of, like, little runes etched along the top edge of it. I hope you. If you ever would like to learn to read, your library offers. Or read or write, I guess. Read or write. Tagashi just assumes he can't read because he can't write. Oh, she just goes, I. If you'd be wanting to read and write, we could be teaching you.
Speaker E: Well, I might as well. While I'm here. See how the letters work.
Speaker B: But then you learn from a pirate. I only can write like a pirate talks.
Speaker D: I mean, she goes, oh.
Speaker C: You'D be.
Speaker D: Needing to sign up for the classes.
Speaker B: All right. It's.
Speaker D: It's. You'll be taking me time to learn your letters.
Speaker E: And so I can't do it while I'm here.
Speaker D: I.
Speaker B: All right, lesson one.
Speaker C: D, Y, E, R, Y.
Speaker D: And then she's like, you be coming back when you have time. All right, I will.
Speaker E: Thank you.
Speaker D: I. Yeah. So then you guys make your way back and Anton reply and just says, you send them up. So, yeah, you guys go into an elevator and then ride it very, very top. So like several minutes later up this elevator, you see Doc swipe his card on the thing and like kind of lights up a little bit. You guys take this elevator all the way up to the top.
Speaker B: Oh.
Speaker D: You guys step out. It's basically just like a big open room. And it's like all like windows up at the top and behind like a large wood desk with like, there's just tons of books and stuff piled up, busy. You see like a 60 year old, 58 African guy that's like just like skin and bone. He's like really thin, square face. And then like, he doesn't have any white. Like his eyes are just full charcoal. Like black. Has like a blonde, like pixie cut for hair.
Speaker B: That's not disturbing at all.
Speaker D: And he talks too loud in a Haitian voice. And he just goes, oh, welcome back, Doc. And I see you brought friends.
Speaker B: I did. Said we are marginally prepared to venture into.
Speaker D: The library. Good.
Speaker B: I said I have a favor to ask before I pull out my little transporting pyramid. And I ask because his office is pretty big.
Speaker D: Yeah, his office is big.
Speaker B: It's probably like ISS because I showed that to him before or I showed it to him before until now. We're like, I store this here.
Speaker D: Sure.
Speaker B: And use it as a location in case it's needed.
Speaker D: Say you're. You probably will not be able to recall from within the library.
Speaker B: From within the library, but from without.
Speaker D: Yeah. Like you've been recalled to here if you're not as long as you're on this planet. Yes.
Speaker B: Not from the library, but. Okay. I might just use this as a safe haven. I need a place to put it just in case because it's just around with me all the time. But it's not exactly useful if that's the case.
Speaker C: You kind of tug your jack. What if you set it up just inside the thing?
Speaker B: But would it work inside the place?
Speaker D: Not likely. Or that place. That's strange stuff to imagine.
Speaker B: I don't want to lose it.
Speaker C: Oh, agree.
Speaker B: Yeah. But if we end up going to the wilds and it gets hearing points back eventually.
Speaker C: That was the idea. If the library is on the same plane.
Speaker B: Right? Right.
Speaker C: If it would be able to get us back to the door. But it sounds like it would short out, so.
Speaker B: But if we exit a different door, but we're on the same plane, we can at least get back to the library if we'd like. Somewhere on the other continent. Just be like, okay, let's go.
Speaker C: Isekai ourselves. What's that Inadvertent. Isekai ourselves. That's cliche from a lot of anime work. The portal opens up in high school and they're pointed off to another planet to say a demon lord or something.
Speaker B: Yeah. So I just put it up in his office, maybe with some other decorations to make it look manduscript.
Speaker D: Oh, he. He had to say it. That's safe up here.
Speaker A: Okay.
Speaker B: I give about a ten foot. There you go.
Speaker D: Oh, not a.
Speaker A: Not a.
Speaker D: Not an issue.
Speaker C: Does he recognize it?
Speaker B: I showed it to him before.
Speaker C: Well, being is where you got it from.
Speaker B: Oh, gotcha.
Speaker D: He just knows that it's like a magical art fact. He didn't. He didn't ask about the origins or anything. He doesn't seem to care. But we're going to end session there.
Speaker B: Cool.
Speaker D: Because that would be a good way.
Speaker B: To kick off next week. Yeah.
Speaker D: You're gone next week.
Speaker B: I'm no longer going to be gone next week. Oh, sweet.
Speaker D: Yeah.
Speaker B: That trip got postponed, which is finally.
Speaker D: Yeah.
Speaker B: All right.
Speaker D: All right.
Speaker B: Let's do like a pure art.
Speaker D: All right, so end of session question. Did we learn something new and important about the world?
Speaker A: Don't mention stealth capel writers.
Speaker B: Yeah.
Speaker D: That's important. And then, like, west, you're. You're also, like. You'll have extra weight.
Speaker B: Everything I was learning. Yeah. I would say that is relevant, though, as far as learning it. How much the Church is actually suppressing information about what actually exists.
Speaker D: Yeah.
Speaker B: And that.
Speaker D: That's what, like, Javone would like. That's what he would convey, like, more covertly. It's like, that's from above. You don't talk about this stuff.
Speaker B: And the schism between the pillar. Yeah. Is much more clear.
Speaker A: Oh, definitely Seeing all the different kind of division inside the.
Speaker D: Yeah.
Speaker B: There's a bigger problem going on.
Speaker C: Ramsey hinted at it.
Speaker D: Yeah. Yeah. So that's. That's one rp boy. And I guess west too.
Speaker A: We. We.
Speaker D: XP is what you'll get for characters. And that's basically after adventures. So you'll.
Speaker B: And adventure is like a story arc.
Speaker D: Yeah. So kind of like this. The library thing. This will be an adventure that you guys will get XP from. And I'll just tell you guys when you get xp.
Speaker B: Yeah.
Speaker D: But yeah. RP is the player. The player. I guess better currency that we.
Speaker B: Yeah.
Speaker D: That you can do. Spend on. Do we overcome a notable monster or an enemy?
Speaker C: That squire was pretty mean. Guard was rude.
Speaker A: No, I don't think so.
Speaker D: We loot memorable treasure.
Speaker A: Got the boon coins.
Speaker B: I don't already have this.
Speaker D: Yeah.
Speaker B: We actually got enough.
Speaker A: Made a fake coin that got him.
Speaker B: I earned one of those for real. I guess we actually have the coin now though. Because they couldn't take it from us before. But now it can. So I guess we do have that movie. We couldn't steal it until we got it.
Speaker D: Yep. Did we solve a problem without violence?
Speaker A: Was there a problem that needed violence?
Speaker C: Yeah, well, we had a few. I mean Doc had a gun pulled on him at least twice. Made him nerve.
Speaker B: Solve any of those problems though?
Speaker D: No. But Cash being able to successfully like that. Like that was going to be a problem.
Speaker B: Yeah.
Speaker A: I didn't think about that. Then we got there and I was like, well.
Speaker B: All right.
Speaker D: Yep. So that's. And then I guess. And I also like to ask any low lights. And this can just be either just about the session. Anything that your character did or any of that stuff.
Speaker B: I pissed off the table right here. We learned a lot about Pale. Not still don't know how I feel about him.
Speaker D: That. That's good because that's kind of how you should feel about it.
Speaker C: That's the healthy survivor.
Speaker B: You're fully caught up on Pale Rider. We all share the same mindset pretty much. Yeah.
Speaker A: Doc doesn't like them.
Speaker D: Any particular highlights or anything that you.
Speaker A: Just picked up on you partner?
Speaker B: Yeah, definitely.
Speaker C: Audrey knows where coin number 30 is.
Speaker A: Yep.
Speaker B: It's the worst place. It's like some vault.
Speaker D: Yeah.
Speaker A: That's when our max level will come back.
Speaker C: It depends on the ability of the other coins if.
Speaker B: And you get them.
Speaker D: Yep.
Speaker B: That's one of those moments where you save scum in the game just to see what happens.
Speaker C: Oh yeah.
Speaker B: They one shot me. I guess they're not going in there for a few levels. Yeah.
Speaker C: You start looking at inventions and whatnot. Okay. We set the smoke bomb off here. Gets attention.
Speaker B: You go for a run.
Speaker C: Oh, the door's electrified.
Speaker B: Yeah, exactly. Yeah.
Speaker D: You know, I guess any new long term goals for characters or party.
Speaker B: Stay alive.
Speaker C: You got any dreams?
Speaker B: Stay alive and get rich. Basically. Yeah. Look for treasure. Yeah. Find. Find nice, nice sweet treasure. Going to a place where stuff will be rare. Because rare. Anything we find in the end one that we could take out will be like probably super taboo and super valuable. Hell yeah.
Speaker D: Yep.
Speaker C: You don't get like an anwin aura that triggers.
Speaker B: Why do you smell? It's like the animal who. What movie? Where you been boy?
Speaker D: I would say with. With cash here. Since you have the trader. I don't think anyone else has trader career. You would probably. You would know like since it's only zero. You would. You would probably hear rumors or whispers of like black markets that deal with weird like stuff. So you would. You don't know where they're at but you kind of like have a sense that there. That market exists.
Speaker B: Come in handy. I was probably like a failed trader at some point.
Speaker A: Jock can get his lamb going.
Speaker B: Yeah. Prospects. Exactly. Became a drifter after that. Then a mountain man. Prospectors where I really, really settled into my element.
Speaker C: Every time you got close to town.
Speaker B: Yeah.
Speaker C: Grounded ways.
Speaker B: You're like I'm a trader influencer on Instagram.
Speaker D: And then I guess plans for next session. And this is. Well, this is. That will help you guys I guess to think about next session. But also mostly to help me prep. Yeah. But knowing the library's number one right now.
Speaker A: Library and see where that takes us.
Speaker B: And I mean I think the time pressure is on the sister storyline. So I feel like that's where our.
Speaker C: Time passes in the end.
Speaker B: I apologize in advance for the death of our party.
Speaker A: It's all part of the game.
Speaker E: Yeah. If we go out, we're gonna go.
Speaker B: Out in a cool way. So I'm good with it.
Speaker A: We got our weird net we haven't tapped into yet.
Speaker D: Yes. That is kind of like the photo crap buttons that you can. You guys can pop and then suffer the consequence to your bodies for that.
Speaker C: But that would probably be what would be a medium used for spell casting.
Speaker D: Like the.
Speaker C: To prevent corruption. Because I. I've got that sorcery profession. What would be a. A medium.
Speaker D: Like this.
Speaker C: So I use like the coins as.
Speaker D: A medium to do all like. And then so you're. You're source using your sorcery actually like casting spells and stuff like that. You're draw. I'd say you're drawing. You're actually drawing so little power from the animal that it won't. You're not going to corrupt. But when you guys actually use the weird. Like, that's more like you just open the faucet. Your body becomes like the conduit and you're like just nuking stuff or like getting out of like amping yourself up to. That's more of like, I need to. Okay, this is like, oh, crap. Emergency break glass. Like, you're just like going like Super Saiyan or whatever, you know. But your sorcery stuff. No, that won't. That won't actually like damage your body.
Speaker C: Otherwise, before going in the library, I'm gonna be like, I gotta find.
Speaker B: I don't know if it's a bracelet.
Speaker C: I don't know. For all I know is a boon quench. I actually.
Speaker D: I would say the scorches coins.
Speaker C: I mean, they have abilities.
Speaker D: They could. They would be. They would. They could be a conduit. Yeah, let's. Yeah, let's do that. So if you're. If you're using any anuin energy, like the sorcery stuff, without a conduit or a patron or whatever, that will be corrupting. It'll just be like one point. But you have the Scorpious coin, so that would be like a conduit.
Speaker B: Tracking the corruption part. Okay.
Speaker D: That's resolve damage. It's a. No, it's. It would be a separate. Just number. And then once it hits your resolve total, then we. You reset to zero and bold mutation.
Speaker B: Okay, so I have to make it my correction track.
Speaker D: Yeah. So you're. Because you're at like what, eight or seven or something like that?
Speaker B: I had two more.
Speaker D: Two more. Okay. Yeah.
Speaker B: But I. I couldn't roll and go over actually. So I was. Was it.
Speaker D: Yeah, you had at three. Yeah, three was the max corruption you could take at times. Yeah, that's what it was. Because you could roll one more time.
Speaker B: I could do without going over risking.
Speaker D: Yeah.
Speaker B: So I did seven in the temple.
Speaker C: On the original one.
Speaker B: I did one.
Speaker D: Yeah. And then whatever your resolve is, because you're. That's based off your mind. So like your willpower can help try and make you better at like focusing.
Speaker B: It when you're across that bridge. When we come to it.
Speaker D: Yeah. So I guess I got for next session the Lion Stingian Library and then probably to the Twilight Wilds into the Shadowlands.
Speaker A: Yeah, sounds about right.
Speaker B: Exactly.
Speaker D: That's going to be.
Speaker C: If we had a better idea where the spires were, we could probably knock that out.
Speaker B: And what was that? What was it? Roan.
Speaker C: To get us there.
Speaker D: And I'm looking forward to when Cash gets to meet Orine.
Speaker B: That should be fun.
Speaker D: That's gonna be fun. No you don't. Yeah, you want.
Speaker C: That is a surprise.
Speaker B: Yeah.
Speaker D: So yeah, I don't know if you guys would even. You wouldn't have shared that with. With Cash yet either.
Speaker C: So maybe some thousand year old whiskey, but that would be about it.
Speaker B: Probably not that.
Speaker D: Yeah.
Speaker C: But that'd probably be how it starts.
Speaker D: Okay. Now that.
Speaker A: Would definitely at some point put that Boon coin on that map. Just to see.
Speaker D: You can roll 2D6 actually. Yeah, just do that. Roll 2D6.
Speaker A: Oh, double sixes.
Speaker B: For real?
Speaker D: Yes. Yeah. And you pop it up, you see coins within 250 miles of you.
Speaker B: And that's 12 people, I guess Cash.
Speaker D: You would find that super interesting because he pulled out a map that's got like. It's got like. It's kind of scorched on the ends and like dark runes. And then you see him put the coin on it and all in it. You see it within it like lights up all these different locations of these coins, how many are. And it has the scale on it. So it's like 250 miles.
Speaker A: That's true. They're just all in the bank ladies thing.
Speaker C: Yeah.
Speaker E: It's amazing.
Speaker A: Then I'd put like beer on it and be like, check this out.
Speaker D: You see 12 distinct icons. You don't know if they're stacked. But you do see one that would be like really close to you. That's like pretty bright. But yeah. Each of your coins at full. But you do see some that are actually like in different areas of the Fortress of Light. All right, so that was 12. I guess 12 minus your guys is plus the depot.
Speaker B: Yeah.
Speaker A: So there's nine out there.
Speaker D: So you guys have three minus. So four minus 12. So eight.
Speaker C: There's eight scorches coin is coming our way too.
Speaker D: So if you do check that it is closer gotten like a day closer.
Speaker A: Was Otis the guy from my flaw Enemy or do I have to still make that?
Speaker D: Oh no, we can make that. You. Yeah, we can use him to fill that. Yeah, do that.
Speaker A: Well, I haven't done that yet and I need to.
Speaker D: Yeah. And his backstory? He's. He's actually from. Well, him and Doc are actually both from the other continent. He was with a. Grew up in a monster territory basically.
Speaker B: Yeah.
Speaker A: After the Veil.
Speaker D: Yeah. Yeah, that's true. That would have been like half of your life, I guess. But he was with a smuggling trading company that you. Once you joined, you don't Leave. Or they come and hunt you. So you learn someone's hunting.
Speaker A: Yeah. It's fun.
Speaker D: And then you too, like, as you're learning more about the world and stuff. If you have, like, hooks and stuff that you want to throw out there.
Speaker B: Too, for I'm sure it'll come.
Speaker D: Yeah, it's. Yeah. And then we're pretty, like. We're pretty free with, like, making up new lore stuff. So, like, you could even, like, if you want to, you can say where you found your piece of elder. Right. And you can even just like, pick the spot on any map somewhere and like, tack it in there. Or even come up with this story of, like, what. How you found it. Like that kind of stuff.
Speaker C: You became Jock's best friend.
Speaker B: Exactly.
Speaker D: I hope you enjoyed yourself. I enjoyed having you here.
Speaker B: It was fun playing with you guys. Yeah. That's really fun. Trying to catch up on all the lore. But it wasn't too bad, actually.
Speaker D: No, I hope not.
Speaker B: It's one step at a time.
Speaker A: Yeah.
Speaker B: I mean, it felt like a game with you forever. Yeah. Yeah. I'm looking forward to next week now. Right on.
Speaker D: Yeah.
Speaker A: Have you two had a chance to look at dragon bane?
Speaker B: No.
Speaker A: Okay.
Speaker B: But I can do that.
Speaker D: No.
Speaker A: There's no pressure. I just want to see how you guys feel about the fantasy system.
Speaker B: Like, do like a one shot or a. I'll do it.
Speaker A: It'll probably be a campaign.
Speaker B: Nice.
Speaker A: But it'll be set like, I. I'm gonna gm. Just tell stories.
Speaker B: Yeah.
Speaker A: It won't be like, you know, there'll be some sandbox.
Speaker B: But it won't be on fun to get you a break. And.
Speaker A: Yeah.
Speaker B: I always enjoy when you're dmt.
Speaker D: My character.
Speaker A: There's no pressure.
Speaker D: I'm planned already for Dragon Day. It's gonna be fun.
Speaker A: There's no pressure. I'm still working on the scenario.
Speaker B: Cool.
Speaker D: Yep.
Speaker A: He can be a mallard.
Speaker B: Yeah.
Speaker A: The funniest one I saw online was people were playing the guy with a mallard bard, but he played a horn. And their whole table is like, how do you play a horn? As a duck.
Speaker B: It fits the clamps over his beak. There you go.
Speaker D: Yeah. Yeah.
Speaker B: I'll check it out. Yeah.
Speaker A: There's no pressure there. Figuring out what type of scenario I want to build room.
Speaker C: I think the biggest difference with that one is you want to roll low.
Speaker D: Yeah.
Speaker A: You roll under to do 20. Roll under.
Speaker C: Nice. Dingy. You're always one. Roll high.
Speaker B: Yeah.
Speaker D: And the combat was simple, but it's super tactical and it's pretty lethal.
Speaker A: Yes, it's kind of.
Speaker D: We did a. Yeah, we played some combat.
Speaker A: It's kind of a mix between like more of the crunchy systems and dungeon world. Yeah, it's not as heavy crunch, but.
Speaker B: You have a good feel of those systems. Yeah, I'm sure I'll enjoy it.
Speaker A: That's pretty fun.
Speaker D: And that's the other like too. That's like later on we get more comfortable. If there's ever any like you want to gm like a one shot or something that's always open. We don't care about systems. Like you don't care about systems. Yeah, we'll try anything for the most part. Yeah.
Speaker C: Starts without member was interesting. It was kind of complicated to set up. Which one starts with that number?
Speaker B: Oh yeah. Pretty good one. And the. And the space combat needs revamp.
Speaker D: So this is, I guess future spoilers for you guys. But like when we. When we've had our fill of the Weird west and Sabicola, I am. I have two sci fi ideas. One of them is running Dustbowl Galaxy, which the setting is basically like a virus and war, like wiped out the galaxy and everyone you've been in hiding in the space station for like 400 years and they're finally sending out people so you're like going out exploring the galaxy. And the other one apocalyptic. Yeah, the other one is either. I may look at combining like all the blanks without number systems into like one like Star Trek slash, like space magic. Like Star wars kind of like so. And again this would be. And there would probably be some sort of like ongoing war with like some certain slash tyranid people that are like invading your galaxy.
Speaker C: Yeah, all the books are designed to.
Speaker D: Work with each other or Yeah, I may, I may do that. Or I may just take Dungeon World and we're just playing Dungeon Golden Space. So you have magic and like Star Trek level technologies all in the one same thing.
Speaker C: Playbooks.
Speaker D: Could I have like a 100 playbooks for.
Speaker B: Wow. I mean, I suppose they're not too.
Speaker D: Hard to make, so. No, they're not. Yeah, there's quite a few and there's some crazy ones in there.
Speaker C: How would that blend Fist creation system with Dungeon World? Oh, I mean, as far as the abilities. I mean the Playbook tells what your character can do above and that's kind of how Fist works. But it's more general than fist.
Speaker D: You could probably almost you. I mean you could probably mix a fist character in with Dungeon World. He just doubled it starting like HP. So you have like 10 HP.
Speaker C: Well, that would be the big difference.
Speaker D: But otherwise, generally character creation. Yeah, those would be mixed fines. It's 2D6, so stack of characters, the stats. Yeah, that would actually would work fine. That'd be interesting.
Speaker C: I was just trying to think of playbooks that would be more sci fi.
Speaker D: Yeah, I have. There is a. I do have a setting. It's like adventure world. I don't know. It has actually four playbooks that are space oriented. Plus one of the space playbooks I have is you're actually an aliens that crashed wherever you're playing. Actually, no, you didn't crash. You just came there and visited. So you actually have a spaceship that's part of your playbook that's so wild for fantasy.
Speaker B: Yeah.
Speaker D: So you could be an alien in a fantasy setting with a spaceship.
Speaker A: It'd be no fun. I just need a Vulcan.
Speaker B: And you're just like.
Speaker D: I don't know what, you're just friends.
Speaker B: But your ship has no fuel.
Speaker D: Yeah, yeah.
Speaker B: It's just sitting there like a base.
Speaker A: It's logical. All right, buddy.
Speaker C: Just confusion.
Speaker D: But that probably end up being like next year. Unless we wipe at some point and decide, okay, there's this.
Speaker B: That's how it goes. Sometimes I think we've only had what, two?
Speaker D: We only had one. We had one tpk that is our.
Speaker A: First Pathfinder after Dungeon World. So we didn't realize how.
Speaker D: Yeah, we were playing the beginner box and they went into the. And our party fight the dragon.
Speaker B: Yeah, it was a baby dragon. Yeah. And we had basically our most DPS was my son was this mage and so he's like, well, I'll just stand just inside the door. And so we all like spread out because this little baby dragon is sleeping. Well, we're trying to like climb up on these like toadstool things that were in there and stuff. But we made like too much noise. It wakes up actually we threw bombs on it.
Speaker D: Yeah, it wakes up.
Speaker B: Which the bombs did like nothing to but piss it off. It wakes up, flies down, just goes with like this acid breath. Yeah. And it like is just enough to hit Caleb at the door and it crits him and does double damage and insta kills him.
Speaker D: Yeah.
Speaker B: Like right at the beginning of the fight, we're like, oh, oh no.
Speaker D: Yeah, that's right. He crit failed to save.
Speaker B: He took double do it. Honestly, in Pathfinder if you take more than twice your actual health, like you're just dead. There's no saves. So there one shot killed. He killed him.
Speaker C: Yeah, I remember turn him into a.
Speaker B: Puddle and then it was down, and we're like, we're not gonna have enough damage. And then it was really hard to, like, beat its AC and stuff. So we're just like, this is so bad. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So unlucky in that fight. Yeah.
Speaker A: That was the only party wife we've ever had.
Speaker B: Caleb was a good sport about it, though. He was like, well, I'm gonna roll a new character while you guys fight. He's like, opening the bug, how it goes.
Speaker D: Yeah. And then we've lost a few characters. We've had a lot of close calls. Yeah, yeah. We've had people go down and stuff. Oh, yeah.
Speaker C: Dragon Age, Reggie.
Speaker D: Those are the best stories ever.
Speaker C: We're doing Dragon Age, and they were in a village, and we had two guys that were here that weren't really familiar with table.
Speaker D: I never played table.
Speaker B: Yeah.
Speaker C: Never done it. And one of them was just.
Speaker A: He was chaos.
Speaker C: He was pure chaos, man.
Speaker B: He wasn't. It wasn't that he was making his character to be chaos. He. In real life. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Speaker C: And.
Speaker A: Well, we started off fighting blight. Like, it was blighted wolves, and then. And they were attacking a town or something, and we're getting ready to fight, and then he goes, I'm gonna go run over to this house. And we're like, okay, okay. And he's like, I go inside, and then he starts a fire.
Speaker B: What? Yeah. He's like, I want to burn the house down.
Speaker A: And we're like, what?
Speaker B: We're all looking over here, dude.
Speaker D: We're, like, fighting. It wasn't a super hard fight, but they were hitting hard enough.
Speaker A: They were. It was.
Speaker B: Well, then he comes up. He's like. He comes back finally on the path towards us, and he's talking about, like, yeah, I'm gonna, like, settle this stuff on fire. And my guy's a rogue, so I'm like. I steal a splint and Tinder.
Speaker D: Well, even before that, you. He goes into, like, a house next to us and lights it on fire and, like, comes out. So, like, my guy that I was playing at the time was, like, us, like, six, five. Like. Like, Strong Man Bill. Like, he's a huge dude. So I grapple him and hold him, and his character was like a deck spider.
Speaker B: They didn't even communicate either. It was just like. Just, like. I just grappled him, and he runs.
Speaker D: Up and then rolls. Max damage on his axe hit. And just, like. We just ch.
Speaker B: Yeah. I would laugh at inside because it was just like, I grappled him. You're like, I hit him with my axe. It was just one, two, without any communication. And he was like, you guys could do that. And then he looks over. He's like, let me see his character sheet. He looks over. He's like, oh. Because he's like three or four levels above.
Speaker A: And I was built, like, no fear and damage.
Speaker B: And it didn't kill him, but it was almost close. But then he starts walking up and he's like, saying more chaotic stuff. And I'm like, I. I steal his flint and Tinder. And he was like, I attack you. And I remember who was gming. But he was like. He was like, you actually don't know what he's doing. And I roll. I rolled really high. And he's like, you have his flint.
Speaker D: And tender.
Speaker B: He's like, I attacked me. He's like, you have no idea that he stole it. It's like dawning on him how this works. You know, he just, like, almost killed and like, we stealing his stuff. And we're like, you can behave.
Speaker A: Oh, I would have been so different now in my. Because I was fairly new at him.
Speaker D: We were all real new.
Speaker A: It's like, we would have totally. As soon as he went in that house and lit it on fire, we would have just held the door closed.
Speaker D: That's what I was after. Like, after his, like, oh, tell us.
Speaker B: Just.
Speaker D: Actually just went and held the door shut clean.
Speaker A: Our strength, he would never have gotten.
Speaker B: Yeah. We would have been like, hey, by the way, if you do that, you're going to make these other characters angry with you. We had this other weird issue too, where, like, we were planning an attack. There was like, this wagon was coming with soldiers, and we're, like, getting into hiding places. And he was like, I just ride up on, like, we've been planning for, like, five minutes, and how are we gonna do this? And he's like, I just run up on my horse and attack. Like, the first guy, he challenges me.
Speaker D: To a duel because he had, like, some feet to be able to do that.
Speaker B: Yeah. So he gets off his horse and is like, I want to fight you. So the guy challenges him and he ends up dispatching, like, three or four guys.
Speaker A: Yeah.
Speaker B: So he thinks he's doing, like, really good. Like, you were so lucky right now. So he does kill. Like, he's like, my plan is genius. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's just stuff like that we're getting ready to ambush.
Speaker C: And he's like, just all the way down the road and he's. He's yellow back.
Speaker B: Yeah.
Speaker C: And he's just taking stuff out and everybody's watching the duel.
Speaker B: We finally join him. But, yeah, take killed at least three people by that. Oh, at least.
Speaker D: Yeah.
Speaker B: I. I still enjoy playing with him, but it was like. It was definitely new player at the table. Here's how Tabletop works. You gotta basically join in the mission with other people somehow.
Speaker D: Yeah. Oh, yeah. We didn't know enough either that we didn't set expectations. Yeah. We didn't have session zero. So we're like, there's another kid that.
Speaker B: Came and played with this too. And he was always like, super. Yeah, it was actually fun playing with him, but he was super not cautious. So I always joke that he was the.
Speaker D: The trap tester. There was one we did where you.
Speaker A: Inscribed, like, this big rock room, and there's just scorch marks on the side.
Speaker D: Yeah.
Speaker A: And it was kind of like. And he's like, I'm going in the middle.
Speaker B: So obvious. And immediately he's like, quick.
Speaker C: That was the first night we.
Speaker A: We had two different tables for granted.
Speaker B: Yeah.
Speaker D: That was nuts.
Speaker B: But, yeah, we did not set expectations.
Speaker A: That was just funny.
Speaker B: Scorch Mark said something. What are you doing?
Speaker D: Yeah.
Speaker B: Dragon Age was good to learn on, but I would take that world and probably map it to a different system.
Speaker D: Yes. That system was flawed because you could stack Con. Because I was like, I didn't do it on purpose. So we didn't. Because I was just building a strong guy that was durable. So I just, like, constitution and strength was, like, my only set. And then I guess wisdom was my second one because eventually I was like, oh, I want to get down and be this reaper guy. Which you just did AoE damage equal to your, like, willpowers. You just walked around, just killed people.
Speaker B: Yeah. Same with, like, this. You know, you have spell DC in dnd. In Dragon Age, it was, like, even more busted. Like, you could get to the point of lots of, like, if you were 20, if you were as high as, like, level over 14, a 20 could still just be like, I cast this on you, and you're just. There's nothing. Yeah. It's got to the point that, like, you just become God mode at certain levels where it just kind of got. It wasn't completely balanced.
Speaker A: Yeah.
Speaker B: And then not all the spell trees were complete and stuff. So it's like they'd gotten it to a point where, like, let's get it out there.
Speaker C: It was based on the video game, and they tried to deport it over.
Speaker B: Yeah. Yeah.
Speaker C: It was a valiant effort.
Speaker D: But it was busted. Yeah. Yeah.
Speaker C: Oh, yeah. Well, that's the same problem D and D has. You hit that certain level and. All right, we're gonna go fight. It's not adjusted like Pathfinder. All right. You got more hit points. Congratulations.
Speaker B: So the battle, they do more damage.
Speaker A: Yeah.
Speaker D: Yeah.
Speaker C: So that was. That was an issue. But the lore. The lore is incredible. But you can map it to a different system.
Speaker B: Yeah. I remember playing the first Dragon Age. You really enjoy. Yeah, I. So they played. I ended up playing. I played one, and then I played.
Speaker A: Which one was the third one.
Speaker B: Yeah. And then I went back and played two because I started two and I just didn't. I couldn't get into it. But then went back and after I got past the intro, two was actually pretty decent. Yeah. And they patched it and stuff, so it's better performance. But two was probably the weakest of them. But I. I'm glad I went back and played it. There still was.
Speaker A: Had some really competing for two.
Speaker D: What's that said?
Speaker A: Four is competing.
Speaker D: Yeah.
Speaker B: I played the crap out of three.
Speaker A: I thought it was great. I like beginning and the ending are like the best part of the. Everything in between is kind of just.
Speaker B: Which is unfortunate.
Speaker D: It is.
Speaker B: Ask the Mass Effect was the other BioWare game. Yeah. That's one of my favorite games. Oh, yeah. I'm with you, man. Mass Effect was amazing. Yeah. And it's. Now you can play the legendary stuff which has most of the DLC and it's all high def. And one thing they didn't fix, though, which bothered me was like, if you could fix the user interface for the first game, it was like.