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Session 19.2025.03.01

AI Transcribed Audio

Speaker A: Yeah.

Speaker B: So you'll see her again soon.

Speaker C: Yeah. You guys are here for treasure. Elderite.

Speaker D: Funny thing, it's always where you least expect it. I wouldn't expect it in a library.

Speaker A: Never know what you're going to find in this place.

Speaker B: Says as long as it's not like the Scorches maze.

Speaker C: Yeah.

Speaker A: No.

Speaker C: If I see a spinning color wheel, I will punch you. Where? These traps in this maze we were in and there's this spinning color wheel and just randomly would trigger one of several different traps. And they were all incredibly inconvenient. Like make you blind or just knock you out. It was like around a corner too. So like we got to the point where like Steve's like, I guess I'm the guy. Like we tie a rope to his leg, let him go around the corner. We're like dragging it dodge and block.

Speaker B: Which is still better than the singers.

Speaker C: And it was still like a 50, 50 chance.

Speaker D: Yeah.

Speaker C: We got to the point and we just saw the spinning wheel on the wall. We're like, nah, we don't need that treasure.

Speaker B: To the point of go in, take the hit. We survived it, get pulled out, build.

Speaker C: Up, we got a lot of loot. That trap just absolutely. One of the other traps was like, there's a spell. It's like a cacophony of spirits, like pop out and they're all like super loud. So you have this like mental horror. Yeah.

Speaker D: Dissonance.

Speaker C: Yeah. This is massive amount of damage. And then you're frightened. I think you were frightened naturally.

Speaker A: Yeah.

Speaker B: And if you stayed there too long, it just got worse.

Speaker C: Yeah.

Speaker B: There's like the earworm that wouldn't die.

Speaker D: Yeah.

Speaker A: Pathfinder has some brutal traps.

Speaker C: Yeah, that's true.

Speaker A: But that's the system. We were playing Pathfinder too.

Speaker D: Okay. Yeah.

Speaker A: To some gnarly traps.

Speaker B: By the end it was like, all right, I got all the one.

Speaker C: Hit me.

Speaker D: Come on.

Speaker C: Somebody made a really comprehensive online like character sheet tracker called Path Builder. Yeah.

Speaker E: It's the old out. That would have just been an exeric fighter. Because I didn't want to go through building a character.

Speaker C: I gave the guy the $6 or whatever because it's not even a monthly subscription. It's just like a one time. Like I would have given you more for to let you make custom items and stuff.

Speaker D: Yeah. These are out of stuff. Yeah.

Speaker B: If we stayed with that system too much longer. Yeah. I would have bought into.

Speaker D: Yeah.

Speaker C: It was worth it. But now he's. He's porting in the all the space content for the Star Finder. Yeah. Starfinder. Because they're. They merged.

Speaker A: Oh, the second edition is.

Speaker C: Yeah. Merging the systems. So it's after the remasters.

Speaker D: Future fantasy.

Speaker C: It's kitchen sink, everything. Imagine what Laser Wizard. You got it. Yeah, exactly. Let's go.

Speaker B: Sucked into a new world, released from a block of ice.

Speaker C: I mean, the next character is Laser Wizard. When you ask what his name is, he's just going to say Laser Wizard.

Speaker D: Laser Wizard.

Speaker C: That's his name.

Speaker D: It's the coolest thing you could think of.

Speaker C: His parents knew from the beginning.

Speaker A: Laser with a Z.

Speaker C: Yes.

Speaker D: He was born to be Laser Wizard.

Speaker C: Laser. It's L, a z o r0.

Speaker A: Runs around. Hacker man.

Speaker C: That's right. Laser wizard and Hacker man. Yeah, that's what it was.

Speaker B: What was that? It was like Kung Fu.

Speaker A: Yeah, yeah, yeah. That was weird. Netflix short or whatever that was.

Speaker C: Super Mario.

Speaker B: The Valkyries riding Raptors.

Speaker C: It's been a while since I watched that.

Speaker B: It's almost like captain. No, Dr. Horrible.

Speaker D: Yeah.

Speaker B: I almost have to watch it every so often. Just.

Speaker C: Yeah, one is very rewatchable. Have you ever seen Dr. Horrible? No. During the writer strike, some people got together and they was just making weird crap and push. Pushing it online just to show like, hey, he needs to make money.

Speaker D: Yeah.

Speaker C: But it was a bunch of friends of like Joss Weaver at the time. So it was like what's his name that plays. Yeah. Nathan Fillion and then Neil Patrick Harris and they have just another bunch of actors and actresses. You know, I've heard of this. Yeah, yeah. And it was like a three parter, but it's like a sing song thing.

Speaker A: Yeah.

Speaker C: So it's like a musical. I've absolutely heard of this. Yeah. It's pretty funny.

Speaker B: You checked is about me. 15 minutes.

Speaker C: It was only 3x little ear worms in it.

Speaker B: Yeah, there's a whole lot of earworms in it.

Speaker C: Captain Handler.

Speaker B: This is what paid to do. You might not want to do that.

Speaker A: All righty. Let's see. Yes. Wes, since you've been here a second time, you can just knock and come to see. Don't worry about waiting anymore.

Speaker C: I don't even knock. I'm just like.

Speaker A: Yeah, yeah, you can just come.

Speaker C: Should I call out? We're the degrees. Knock. Call out.

Speaker B: He's really close. You and Caleb must have been over here so often.

Speaker D: Yeah.

Speaker B: They'Re fan then.

Speaker D: Yeah.

Speaker C: Told me to stop sparting the door. It's really expensive.

Speaker D: Yeah. Having to replace it everywhere.

Speaker E: So I can replace it every Saturday.

Speaker A: Yeah.

Speaker C: So I guess turn the handle down. It was a big upgrade.

Speaker A: That sucked.

Speaker E: Every Sunday. Home Depot liner door.

Speaker C: Yeah, exactly. I just walk in with another piece of wood.

Speaker D: The usual.

Speaker B: Isn't that about the time when you buy it and you just have a bloom? An empty room's just filled with doors.

Speaker C: This is my door. Sorry, guys. They were out of. Out of pine. You got burks to stand.

Speaker A: I think Swami's gone next week.

Speaker C: Yeah, sorry for those.

Speaker A: Short notice.

Speaker C: Short notice for me too.

Speaker A: It's a week, so that's like. It's short notice. It be a Friday.

Speaker E: Yeah, Saturday at 3.

Speaker A: I think that's only happened like once. Not from. I don't think it was Swami, but a couple people have called.

Speaker C: I've had to do work stuff before, but that's pretty rare.

Speaker A: So then I guess for next week, do we just want to do a one shot sabicola or skip? We have it. Basically. It's another. It's a system called Frontier Scum, which. It's like old school, OSR style. You have like less than.

Speaker D: Have we.

Speaker A: You haven't.

Speaker E: That's. That one we did when the train.

Speaker C: I listened to the recording of that and like they didn't tell me in like 30 seconds in, a guy dies. I was like, he didn't make the jump. They were jumping to the train. Yeah.

Speaker E: Got ran over by the train.

Speaker C: I had to back up the recording because I was like, that guy's dead.

Speaker E: Well, the best is he started with a sledgehammer and a double barrel shotgun. Yeah, it's just like, ah, he was too heavy. Big old sledgehammer and a shotgun.

Speaker C: Too much weight.

Speaker D: It hurts.

Speaker A: Oh. So we could do another one shot with the Coyote gang. That system. If you guys want to, or if someone else wants to GM a one shot. That's the option too. We don't have. We don't have to decide right now.

Speaker C: Well, while we're talking about it, my girlfriend is going to come into town.

Speaker D: In a couple weeks too.

Speaker C: So I'm not going to session or something there.

Speaker A: That's fine.

Speaker C: What is it with the women so demand.

Speaker D: It takes so much time. Where.

Speaker B: Where is she from?

Speaker D: She lives in Seattle right now.

Speaker C: Oh yeah, because that's where we just. Or I just moved from. So she stayed. I know for a little while. She might move out here at some point, but. Nice.

Speaker D: We're both enjoying it right now. Yeah, it's working. Good. Okay.

Speaker A: Nice. Yeah. So I guess we can decide that before when spinning.

Speaker D: Sounds good.

Speaker A: Sure. But let's see. I had something I was gonna say related to different systems we have. Frontier scum is what we keep playing for. The savage. One shot. There's something else I was gonna say, but I'll see if I remember. Oh, and then I need everybody's mind and defense.

Speaker E: Oh no.

Speaker A: I guess we'll just go with doc.

Speaker C: And go three mind, two defense. Then.

Speaker D: Yeah.

Speaker C: I suck at everything else. Don't ask me to shoot anything.

Speaker B: He's got a mind of two and the defense of two.

Speaker C: One and one.

Speaker A: Oh, he hasn't leveled up. But these guys are defensive. Oh, that's true. And then Jock new mine and 1B.

Speaker C: What is this?

Speaker E: Just a guy on our backyard.

Speaker C: He's been there every session.

Speaker E: Really wants.

Speaker C: Every night.

Speaker D: That's cool.

Speaker E: He wants to play. She doesn't ask.

Speaker D: He's just really shy. Yeah.

Speaker C: This character's background is that he's been telling us for three years.

Speaker D: So he knows everything about.

Speaker A: Oh, I remember what it was. Or we could do a one shot in this fist.

Speaker C: You should do this.

Speaker E: You know Metal Gear Solid.

Speaker D: Yeah.

Speaker E: It's like metal gear solid 18.

Speaker D: Okay.

Speaker E: You're soldiers and you get powers.

Speaker A: And it's also super lethal. You can just get dive once.

Speaker C: I always make three characters.

Speaker E: Yeah, yeah.

Speaker A: That's the other thing too. They'll make.

Speaker C: And it's.

Speaker A: Yeah.

Speaker C: So that way we'd have like a.

Speaker A: Square lot and it's. But you play one guy. Then if you die on your like next turn you're. You have a new guy like just like come out the shadows.

Speaker C: He.

Speaker A: Could you get deployed to the thing.

Speaker C: There he is. I've been here the whole time.

Speaker A: All right.

Speaker C: So.

Speaker A: Yeah, that'll be.

Speaker B: I must mention.

Speaker D: Yeah, exactly.

Speaker E: There one skill you get. Or I guess you pick two.

Speaker A: I don't. Yeah, I'll pick two.

Speaker E: But one of them was you can be an artist and you can just draw whatever you want and become real.

Speaker A: Yeah, but it's a.

Speaker C: It's.

Speaker A: It's modern day setting roughly. There is some like occult magic. There is some like Metal Gear Solid.

Speaker E: Solid.

Speaker C: But it's just wacky.

Speaker A: Yeah, okay.

Speaker C: Yeah, I have a big inspector kind of big bad.

Speaker A: Yeah, we'll do a fist. One shot.

Speaker C: There's like a D100 kind of table of like powers that you get to mix around and do stuff. I had a guy who could like multiply himself but also was a cannibal. But you can't let anybody see you eating it. So I'd be like. I be like, you guys go ahead.

Speaker E: He had a chainsaw.

Speaker C: They had a chainsaw.

Speaker A: The game Is crazy.

Speaker E: Sounds wild.

Speaker C: Yeah. It was a weird combo because when he ate people, he got like a health bonus so I could boost my health and then like multiply myself. But it spreads your health out.

Speaker D: Yeah, yeah.

Speaker C: For having more. So it's this really weird combo.

Speaker E: Yeah. Introduced.

Speaker A: Yeah.

Speaker E: I think you get two at the start.

Speaker A: Yeah. Yeah. We'll make all new hair.

Speaker C: Because he also had the thing where he was. He would grow.

Speaker E: You could. I had the XP system.

Speaker C: Yeah. So he must have had three skills. Yeah.

Speaker E: Because like, if you survived a mission and did your goal, you got an xp.

Speaker C: It's a big difference if you get one more skill, like their survivability goes way up. I think we've all lost the character. Oh, sounds like.

Speaker A: No, I haven't. I haven't yet.

Speaker E: You did.

Speaker C: Oh, that's right.

Speaker D: I did.

Speaker A: Yeah.

Speaker E: The last time I ran, two people got shot, like right away.

Speaker C: Remember Mom?

Speaker A: Yeah, it was Mom. And then whoever I was playing, I didn't like that guy. So he was fine. But then the next guy had to like teleport stuff to his hands. So I was just like, yoinking people's guns into my hands. And then like shooting a hustler own gun. What you did on the boss.

Speaker E: But then the boss just kept pulling on pistols.

Speaker A: I was like, whatever he strapped, man.

Speaker C: Yeah.

Speaker E: And they're like all gold 45s, not gold 45.

Speaker D: Yeah.

Speaker A: That's just a goofy system.

Speaker E: Yeah.

Speaker C: It's fun. It's great for a one shot.

Speaker D: Yeah.

Speaker E: It sounds pressure. A one shot.

Speaker A: Yeah.

Speaker E: So we'll do that.

Speaker A: So that'll be fun. And then we'll probably. Yeah, I'll drop the book or the link to where to get the book. And then character creation is really just like bold. Oh, yeah. And it's a powered by the Apocalypse basic base system, so it's pretty similar. Yeah. Type of system we played the most, I think is 2D6.

Speaker C: 2D6 or 3D6.

Speaker A: Yeah. We're done grabbing. And I guess Pathfinder was the only D20 system we played for any extended time. We almost played. It was almost a year of Pathfinder sessions.

Speaker C: A little bit of stars.

Speaker B: No, Caleb did dnd.

Speaker A: Yeah, Caleb did one shot. That was like two. Was it two sessions?

Speaker E: I think it was like three.

Speaker D: Yeah.

Speaker C: Stars for bed and stars. Head damage, dice.

Speaker A: Well, it also had the skill too. So it had two D6. That one.

Speaker E: And we broke Caleb's D and D because he wasn't ready for us.

Speaker D: How'd you break it?

Speaker E: Oh, he was like. Was he like 17. He was his first time Dming him.

Speaker D: Yeah, yeah.

Speaker E: So we were just like, he had a friendly lich.

Speaker A: He had a friendly Lich and I was a paladin.

Speaker C: Yeah, yeah. He was learning. Like, in your head is the gm. You can't just go, this is the rail. Exactly.

Speaker E: We were doing.

Speaker D: He was telling a story, doing D.

Speaker E: And D. And he didn't explain like, oh, this is my own world. So there's friendly liches. So it's like D and D were like, this is an evil lich. Let's.

Speaker D: Let's go.

Speaker C: Yep, pretty much.

Speaker B: No. Why are you going to kill him?

Speaker D: That's a lich. Well, then we're going to find his feng tree.

Speaker C: Yeah.

Speaker E: I feel like that's what we were trying to do.

Speaker C: He took it pretty well, but he was just like, afterwards, he was so tired, he was like, oh, my gosh.

Speaker A: And then, then he also gave. Are you familiar with, like, Portal, the video game? He gave us a bow that had the portal ability.

Speaker E: We were just like dropping people's heads and moving around.

Speaker A: And then at the very end, we ended up. We killed everything. And then we, like, brutalized the boss with our portal bow. You were a monk. Yeah, that's right. So we like opened a portal and he'd like, drop kick the guy through the portal.

Speaker C: I get back into going through it. Just like.

Speaker E: Yeah, I'm sorry, that was a bard.

Speaker C: Yeah, I just.

Speaker E: Vicious knock.

Speaker A: Were you a warlock?

Speaker E: Yeah, I think you're a warlock.

Speaker B: I just remember getting an egg at the end. I don't know what was in the egg. It hadn't quite hatched yet. There's a flaming skull that was tortured. Why are you going to kill me?

Speaker C: The Halbo is fun, though.

Speaker D: Yeah.

Speaker A: And then at the end, we found a room that was full of, like, sentient weapons or whatever. We opened the door and heard him talking and then we just shut it and left.

Speaker C: We don't need to go in there.

Speaker D: That's somebody else's problem.

Speaker C: Feels like.

Speaker E: He was not ready for building a nice world and then having your players just destroy.

Speaker C: Path of chaos and destruction. There was the one I wasn't in. You were telling me about where it was like the first session I think I missed and you were like.

Speaker A: It was the second one.

Speaker C: Yeah. You were like in some, like, maze or something and you were like, exploring.

Speaker A: Yeah.

Speaker C: Going like, outside the bounds of where he was wanting to go and stuff. And he was just like, whatever.

Speaker A: Guys, we did lock his lich indoors, because we didn't. We locked him Inside his own.

Speaker E: And he was like, a painter. Lip too.

Speaker A: Yeah.

Speaker E: I remember my guy just went and started, like, drawing mustaches on all his paintings. And you just see him, like.

Speaker D: It.

Speaker B: Was a touchy feeling that she was artistic.

Speaker D: Yeah.

Speaker C: Kind of paintings throughout this imaging My son.

Speaker A: Yeah. That was pretty brutal.

Speaker E: Pretty. And at the end, like, I.

Speaker A: My paladin, like, fictionally, I just, like, eventually smited the. Smited the Lich by, like, just, like, melting them and dissolving them at the end to kill them off.

Speaker C: You get when he actually messaged me and be like, is Caleb okay? Afterwards, like, he had fun. He just was, like, resilient. Yeah, it was. Yeah, he was. But it was kind of, like, it did make him, like, mentally tired because he was just like, oh, man. Just keeping up with everybody. That was ridiculous.

Speaker B: DMing assuming.

Speaker D: Yeah.

Speaker C: And he kept going, like, why he was a friendly Lich. He kept saying that over and over. That was the thing that got him the most, was that you guys wanted to kill this Lich.

Speaker A: Well, I told him, too. Like. Like, I'm like. Because he didn't. He didn't tell us about the lore, right? Like, he, like, Liches were friendly as well. So I'm just. So we're all. This is just regular D and D. Regular. So we. We told. Like, I told him that.

Speaker C: Friendly. L don't care. He's.

Speaker A: Oh, yeah. So I, like. I told at the table, like, well, that's what. We, like, decided to attack him or something. It's like, you need to. You needed to tell us that similar.

Speaker B: Craziness in Dragon Age with a happy indentured servitude and training to ship them at other places. And he had everything but the name. And he had it when he went up, met everybody, and everybody's just like, tell us the name. Tell us the name. We're gonna go end this guy. I can't remember his name.

Speaker E: That was Dragon Egg. He got kidnapped. And, like, all three of us were, like. We spent a session or two just trying to find him, right? And then the guy that kidnapped him was, like, part of the church, but he wouldn't say his name. And we knew him. We asked about him. And, like, one whole session, like, say the name. Say the name as players, like, we're gonna end this guy.

Speaker C: One of the sessions that he got kidnapped him to were like. Because he just ran off by himself.

Speaker E: And his character was a girl.

Speaker C: Then we're like, later on, like, it was after the session, it's like, you realize, like, if you're Just a little girl and you run off into the city at night, you're probably going to end up in a brothel or something worse. You know, like, we're pretty tame here. But, like, think about your character before. You learned a lot from those sessions. Now, he like DMs and stuff for some of his friends, but he's. That was a learning experience.

Speaker E: One name and that whole story would have been.

Speaker C: Yeah.

Speaker B: Oh, it would have been so different.

Speaker D: So.

Speaker B: And I could see the. He's trying to think of the name. You're like, no, nobody's feeding him any information. I mean, they did well.

Speaker E: Yeah.

Speaker B: Not metagaming in this scenario. Totally different direction. Amaranth would have been burned to the ground.

Speaker A: Oh, yeah. Well, I think we were getting to the point, too, and I think probably you, as the gm, sensed that, like, we were getting to the point that we were just going to start burning stuff in this city because we couldn't find our party member.

Speaker C: Flush them out, pretty much. Another.

Speaker A: Because in that one, you'll probably. As you play with us, you'll hear Sunset Riders. And that was like, our original, like, party name for our Dragon Age.

Speaker C: One of the characters that Kayla played was a mage. And in Dragon Age, if you, like, fail your spell roll, you.

Speaker A: You.

Speaker C: If you, like, critically fail, you have to roll down this, like, special table where lots of bad things can happen. Wild magic. And there's two layers of, like, failure where you actually get lost in the fade, where magic comes from. Your character might become, like an abomination creature all of a sudden and stuff, or you just die. And so we get to this big bad, and Caleb's got all this firepower, and he immediately casts a spell, critically fails right at the start of this big fight. So he's just stunned in the fight, and he, like, he fails his first role. Is it three he has to fail, or is it two?

Speaker E: I think it depend on if you took the training.

Speaker C: Yeah.

Speaker E: So you.

Speaker C: I think he had failed twice. He had one more roll, and his character is kind of like this salt of the earth, kind of woods, wood, tribesman thing. And he just goes, just. Perfect character play, by the way.

Speaker E: It's what your character would totally do.

Speaker C: It's just like. Like, he says, caleb, what kind of roads does your character have?

Speaker E: They're really nice.

Speaker C: They're really nice. And they're like, you know, fiery red. And all this happened. He just looks over. Who is Jimmy?

Speaker E: Sorry.

Speaker C: He goes, I take his robes.

Speaker E: I think it's Steve, because that was like, on our first session.

Speaker C: During the fight, it was one of us.

Speaker B: Because you had that one cabin.

Speaker D: Yeah.

Speaker A: Oh, you know, it was probably me. No, I don't think. No, that wasn't. It was. It had to. I think it was you.

Speaker C: I just go back and forth. What do your ropes look like? And yes, I take them. In the middle of this fight, he strips Caleb's character, who's. Caleb's, like, already stressed that his character's going to die. Now he's just in his skivvies. And then he failed the next role and died, like, right after he took the roof. Died naked and afraid. So he's had some. Some moments in the group.

Speaker E: His next character was like, on his. Erasmus was like a follower of that character. So he was trying to get the rose back.

Speaker D: Made up the mission.

Speaker C: That's right.

Speaker E: And then because he kept asking Kai, like, oh, do you have your robes on? It's like, Kai doesn't care. Those.

Speaker C: Actually, you ended up giving him to, like, the specter version of him in the fade. Somebody pulled them out at one time.

Speaker E: But I think, yeah, in the fade, I think I gave him back. But then in the real world, I think I just buried him.

Speaker C: He was a pretty chaotic br. It's fun. Skinny.

Speaker B: I've never seen such a crazy way of skinning it in.

Speaker C: Oh, that was. Yeah, that's funny.

Speaker E: I forgot about that.

Speaker C: Sorry. I went down memory lane.

Speaker A: He used. He used like a long sword or something to try and skin an animal.

Speaker E: He used a long sword, like a small knife.

Speaker C: I don't even know how you would do it.

Speaker E: And you're trying to use telekinetic as well?

Speaker C: Yes.

Speaker E: And so he was doing it with his mind with a long sword.

Speaker B: He's been, like, dipped in blood. He is just a mess. He goes into an end and everybody's.

Speaker C: Like, where are you?

Speaker A: Well, then my guy's like, the lives.

Speaker E: In the woods and was like, here, use this. And like, my guy would have done it perfect. Just how he was built. He's like, no, I got this.

Speaker C: He liked the idea of using his.

Speaker D: Mind in a mine in a long.

Speaker A: Source.

Speaker C: Intended for that. I don't know.

Speaker D: Not a lot of mages getting animals.

Speaker A: Yeah, right.

Speaker C: You gotta worry about the one it is, though.

Speaker D: Yeah.

Speaker A: Let's see. All right, so last time in South A Cola Jacques meets with Lightning Norris and a bunch of veiled people is told to bring a piece of Eldritch in order to join Cash Virgil, a new member of the cult.

Speaker E: See if I join.

Speaker A: Oh, let's see. Told to find An Elderite vein to like complete the become a full member or to get let in the inner circle I guess would be more. Yeah. You get a mask? Yeah.

Speaker C: You get access to the good toilet?

Speaker D: Yeah.

Speaker A: Let's see. Norrison Norris is. Yeah. Lightning Norris is Cash and Jacques point of contact. He told you guys you can find him at the Concopolis saloon. Cash and Jack team up to find Elder. Right. They head back to the Slingshot Saloon and Innovators pub where Jack gets Cash a room on Doc's tab. They sit down and enjoy the big band and singer waiting for Doc and Audrey to get back. Then Doc follows Audrey up to the Pell Riders hall. Got stopped by the entry guard and decided to wait till tomorrow. They talked to the observation deck controller learned spades will be the hall around 2pm Audrey follows the coins pull deep into the warriors enclave and finds a 10×10 foot metal doors in the side of the rock wall guarded by four pel riders. Doc steps out Guards immediately draw guns. Doc goes steps back Doc a lot of guns drawn.

Speaker C: Why?

Speaker D: I don't know.

Speaker A: They headed back to the slingshot so the party reunites there. Doc and Audrey are introduced to Cash chit chat plan next steps. The next day 13th of Leadpool which is the eighth month of our nine month calendar. I think it's nine months. Yes. Yeah. In this world for whatever reason nines, nines and threes were like ended up being like a theme for building our world for some reason the world has three moons. One of them is like is all is visible every other day. And then the other ones have longer cycles.

Speaker C: Fascinating.

Speaker B: And the world spins north to south, not east to west.

Speaker A: Yeah, I forgot about that.

Speaker D: Yeah.

Speaker A: The sun rises in the north.

Speaker D: It shouldn't be but it is.

Speaker E: Yes.

Speaker A: And then. And then we still. We kept the 24 hour day because that was just whatever. Yeah. But there's 16 hours of light and like eight hours of night.

Speaker B: The witching hours from about two to.

Speaker A: Four which is like I guess where. Where the weird and like darkness is strongest.

Speaker C: The Shadow is strongest 2 to 4am yeah.

Speaker D: Okay.

Speaker A: Oh yeah. And then you got the supplies for the library. You got weapons for Cash. Jacques fabricated a pel rider's talk pointy headed up there to meet Spades. Cash successfully convinced Spades where he got his coin.

Speaker E: I didn't think about that until we got there. Yeah, I was like oh.

Speaker D: Then you.

Speaker A: Guys met and chat with Spades. Snake Eyes, Winchester lazy and Jawbone. Doc misspeaks and is born by jawbone again. Party notices Divisions in the pell. Writers learned Ramses was trained by jawbone. See. Then Doc, Jacques and Audrey get their church boon coins. Told to keep them hidden and to meet with church leaders to redeem it.

Speaker B: Every 24 hours.

Speaker C: You'Ll have your coin.

Speaker A: Six hours cash. Got another Pel Rider hawk point for making a real one? Yep. The lady laugh Jock uses his map with a. With a boon, and it reveals eight other boom.

Speaker C: For the record, I thought that was going to end badly. Like, really badly. Giving fake stuff to the police.

Speaker D: I did do it.

Speaker E: I think about to God, I was.

Speaker D: Like, oh, yeah, curiosity question.

Speaker B: Did the fake coin show up on the map?

Speaker A: You guys didn't. Those were Pale Rider coins that you use. They're different from the church boons.

Speaker E: They're the church boom.

Speaker A: The fancy, like, solid gold coins with the mithras insignias.

Speaker D: That's right.

Speaker A: Burned into it.

Speaker B: I was thinking they're the pill rider coins.

Speaker D: Different currency.

Speaker A: Yeah. And so you guys ate it. You ate more of those. Eight of them were located in the fortress, plus the. The, you know, the three you have, and then the stack of them that were with the secretary of the council room of the Pel Rider hall. Let's see. Then you guys headed to the great library in the academy, where Cash got a library card and was told that they could teach him to read. Right. Then the party met with Anton, the head librarian, who is the.

Speaker D: Oh, dark.

Speaker A: Who's the look? 60 ish African with his skin and bones, square face with his charcoal eyes. He has like. His eyes are just charcoal. He doesn't have like iris color or pupil color, but he has that sweet pixie cut with that pale blonde. And he talks too loud in the Haitian accent. Yeah. So you guys met him. Doc has left the hearthstone in Anton's office. So that is where we pick up, as you guys will say, you guys are still in Anton's office. And he goes talking much too loud for your proximity to him. I'll ask if you guys have any more questions before I take you to the entrance.

Speaker C: Say, probably, but I don't know what those questions are yet, unfortunately.

Speaker B: Got lots of questions. That's why I'm going to the library for answers.

Speaker A: I don't have any. Like. All right.

Speaker B: No, this is. I can ask this when we get back. If I get back.

Speaker D: You say homage.

Speaker B: Oh, Audrey's had a lot of close calls.

Speaker A: Yeah, that's true. Oh, wait till you meet Audrey's pack. That will be exciting.

Speaker D: Okay.

Speaker A: He almost died to get that.

Speaker C: Yeah, we almost dig that.

Speaker A: That's true. Oh, and then Steve just. Audrey can be between 16 and 18.

Speaker C: Okay.

Speaker A: As far as age. So wherever you want.

Speaker B: In between that, we'll take him with the young England.

Speaker A: I think I'm just gonna make that probably a rule, at least for when I'm GMing. 16 will be, like, the youngest your therapist can be. And also just. I talked with Nick, too, that, like, Jacques would not let anyone. The younger 16, probably even come around, travel with him. But also, like, generally just like back in that time to, like 16, it was like you're close enough to an adult or expected to act like one on that.

Speaker B: I can see that even being younger for acting like an adult. There's so much more expected during that era.

Speaker D: What? You're 12.

Speaker B: Go milk a cat.

Speaker A: Cat.

Speaker C: Or a.

Speaker B: Exactly. Whatever you do, don't push your brother in the.

Speaker A: Yeah. So Anton walks over to the elevator. You guys get in there. He pulled out a silver card and I guess also cash. And I guess it's not just cash, because cash would know this. But what's the player. Silver and gold are essentially equal in this world because silver has effects on the beard. So it's the church. So it's highly valuable in that regard. So their heritage possibly being more valuable at times, just depending on its location because it's used. It's used to fight the weird. So silver will generally act like what, like a magic weapon would in some. In different systems and stuff. So it'll generally have some sort of effect on anything that's weird from the hand.

Speaker D: Okay.

Speaker A: Yeah. Yeah. So he pulled out a silver card swipe. So the doors close, and then you ride the elevator down for like, 10 minutes.

Speaker C: Oh.

Speaker D: Oh, wow.

Speaker B: Well, we were all the way up at the top, so it'll take a while to get all the way back to the bottom.

Speaker A: I would say it. It probably normally took about like, five minutes. So they get to the top. That's a pretty fast. I'll say it's a fairly fast elevator. The L Library is like 100, 200ft tall. Yeah. But anyways. Yeah. You ride it for like, twice as long. Like, it feels like you went to the bottom and then down more. See, after about 10 minutes and everyone's standing in the elevator listening to everyone breathing.

Speaker D: Yes, exactly.

Speaker E: It's really awkward filling it up with.

Speaker B: Kind of a really long ride, except for going down instead of.

Speaker A: Yeah. So you guys. Yeah, you keep going down, and then it opens up, and there's still. It's. It's all like stone shelves, like, it's like a long hallway, stone shelves full of books and scrolls. It's dusty down here and it's only lit by like torches like every like 20ft away. So it's very dim down here. And Anton says, follow me. And you guys walk through like it's amazing here too. Another 5, 10 minutes and before he comes up to just like a regular wind door. You do see that there's like. There is actually like old like dried blood, like on the ground.

Speaker B: Did the librarians bring back something?

Speaker A: He goes, no, that was an unfortunate thief that we used to create the door.

Speaker B: I hope it doesn't need another coat every now and then.

Speaker C: If Doc had glasses, he would go.

Speaker A: He has no it. It was only needed once.

Speaker C: I'm not going to ask any other questions.

Speaker A: So, yeah, he says, make sure you have a map. And this is also GM to players that you'll need a piece of paper or something to draw. If we need paper, there is some on the shelf right under the printer. There's being the Matt's. It doesn't. It'll just be boxes and lines. It won't be. And you'll want to start at the top. And if we need a pencil or something, I have some of it.

Speaker B: Like the top portrait or the top.

Speaker A: Landscape, however you want to. I'll tell you guys mechanically how this is going to work. And then Anton would tell you that you know this place, you can find information about anything that you want in here. It's just going to be how deep and how long it takes. So mechanically for you guys, players, each of you can have a question if you want to look for answers about something or locate like information about anything. All right. Actually got an elder. Right. Goodie. And then. Yeah, you're looking for like all the locations or.

Speaker B: Okay, well, as much as information as I can get on it because.

Speaker A: So that's. That's what I'm saying. Like you can literally like if you want to say, how do I build a spaceship? You can find that information in here. But that may take a very long time based on. Or you may need to go very deep to get it. So yeah, so you're looking for the location of this. The obelisks, the Orine obelisks.

Speaker B: I can get a patron. Life should get easier.

Speaker C: I think people have said that before. And then regretting it.

Speaker B: Audrey's to the point where the only.

Speaker C: Way out is through.

Speaker E: Yeah, thank you. Already have the other. Right?

Speaker A: Yeah. And Anton would be like clear that like you can get one question per visit answer.

Speaker C: Who'S answering the question that.

Speaker A: So like, he just like the. The way that, like the library. That's just the. Like, you will find your information for what you're like, you'll find a book, you'll find out information. Yeah. You'll find the information you're seeking. It just as a matter of timing and how deep you have to go. Yeah. And that he does his.

Speaker B: Deity question. So I've got two, but that one.

Speaker C: Seems the most pressed.

Speaker B: When the notes got planned for me.

Speaker A: Also, it's. It would be stuff that's like re. Would be recorded. Okay. So, like, not necessarily like. Yeah.

Speaker D: What's the meaning of.

Speaker A: You just get 42.

Speaker D: Yeah.

Speaker A: You step in the door and it says 42. It says get out.

Speaker C: Yeah.

Speaker A: So it have to. It would be something that would be like, written down or recorded. Like, it would be information. It wouldn't be like prophecy, but even that wouldn't like, you could maybe find a prophecy, but it would be fairly like. That's wouldn't be necessarily meaningful.

Speaker B: So the library is more hard facts.

Speaker A: Yeah. Well, yeah, I was gonna say that's. Yeah. That's what Anton would tell you. Like, this is facts and history. But you can learn history of the. Of you potentially of. Because it does contain everything that is and ever will be written down. But the way our. I guess, our world. So you could read about stuff that happens in one of the. In a different, like, branch or different wheel. You would be able to know your future. Yeah.

Speaker B: Imagine the blueprint you could find.

Speaker A: Yeah. So that's like. So I guess to west, like our. The world is like. Time is like essentially like a wheel. It's just rolling forward, but then there's like infinite wheels. So, like, if you time travel, you're actually going to a different wheel.

Speaker C: Okay.

Speaker A: That your character didn't exist into before.

Speaker C: Yeah. So it's more like dimensional travel than time travel.

Speaker A: Yeah. And if you went back, you're actually just jumping to a wheel that's further behind. So it's just like wheels just like spin up and over.

Speaker C: I would tell Anton be like struggling a little bit with the knowledge that I should ask for if I didn't have one question.

Speaker A: Well, you could go. You could. There's no. You can come in here and go in as much as you want, but.

Speaker C: To rescue my sister is with your knowledge. Is it to fight the Shadow? To gain the power of the Followers of Mithras? So I have light to fight the Shadow. The books aren't going to know where my sister's at but they might know about the Shadow world, as I said.

Speaker A: Yeah. So they may know of the enemies you may encounter or the beings that live in that place.

Speaker C: So it's kind of all I know so far.

Speaker A: He advises the. Probably information on the land would be more helpful or the people that inhabit it.

Speaker D: All right.

Speaker C: Figure out what you want right here. Yeah.

Speaker E: Mine would probably be understand Eldorette and.

Speaker A: Like how to forge it. Okay.

Speaker E: That type of stuff.

Speaker A: Yeah, that would. Yeah.

Speaker C: It's one thing find another thing to actually do.

Speaker A: Okay. Yeah, no, that would be a really good question. Use it to.

Speaker E: That'd be fun. It's forging it without having.

Speaker B: There's a way safely use it as crafting material.

Speaker D: It's a miracle. Yes.

Speaker B: But Superman didn't make anything out of cooking.

Speaker A: Yeah, that'd be fun. So I guess for Doc, or you want like information on the Shadowland or like whatever. Like.

Speaker C: Yeah, I guess the Encyclopedia of the Shadowlands so I can just sit there and just read about features, the layout the Shadowlands in.

Speaker E: You ask about the Wikipedia. Yeah, I got a copy of Wikipedia.

Speaker C: That's right.

Speaker A: Okay.

Speaker C: Sounds like a flash drive it to.

Speaker A: A good ton of plastic.

Speaker B: The first time you get the flash drive. The second time you hope to find something that lets you read the flash.

Speaker C: That's right. For a thing called a laptop.

Speaker A: Yeah.

Speaker E: How deep would you have to go to some computer technology?

Speaker D: This laptop doesn't have usb.

Speaker B: I think that's bad. Wait till you got to charge the battery.

Speaker C: Yeah.

Speaker D: We own a bicycle pedal charger.

Speaker C: It's the lightning mage.

Speaker E: How deep would you have to go to find a space shuttle?

Speaker A: Yeah.

Speaker E: Or like in the 1800s.

Speaker A: No. Yeah. So I'll tell you mechanically. So, like when you so find the information, the lowest one is just basic information found in most libraries in the real world, like in your world. Then the next one is specialist information that would be like experts or a special collection of information that most likely someone. Then there's obscure information that would be like few scholars and it's jealously guarded as stuff that people know but don't share. Then there's information that has been forgotten entirely in the world. So this would be stuff like maybe about like Nanook or some of the other deities or Venuses that existed before the. Before Mithra showed up and failed the world. That kind of information because it has been a thousand years. So like stuff before the. Before the church rose to power and started like purging stuff. And then 40, or I guess the highest one is information that has never been uncovered in the real world or in your world. So. Yeah. So like building a spaceship that you'd have to go the furthest, the deepest, to get down to that.

Speaker B: Is there a time frame as far as once you go in, you got to get there within a certain amount of time or you're forever trapped or you're automatically kicked out? No.

Speaker A: So the door where you're at, you can always. You could actually just go into the first room and be like, nah. And then come back out. And then if you go back in again, that it's a new place, it's a new location. Like, you won't know where. So that your entrance is always there. You will. You will. And Anton will tell you this, that you will. You will likely find other doors to other places. They could be here, like nearby or even connected to this library that we don't know about. Or it could be other libraries in other parts of the world. Or you could literally on a different world.

Speaker B: Okay. Yeah. I was just thinking it'd be like scuba diving. When your kings go out, you're either out.

Speaker A: No, he would say, like, you're. You're in there like, as long as you want to survive. He says there. There is like food and refreshment that you will find some of the places that's safe to eat. We know how time works. You don't know.

Speaker C: You mentioned that before. I remember now.

Speaker A: I say it's normal just for my sake and everybody's sake that there's something.

Speaker C: Out here that's right.

Speaker E: Doing the interstellar thing. Seven years or whatever.

Speaker A: Yeah.

Speaker D: Oh, yeah.

Speaker A: That. Or maybe since it's like the anwin and it's potentially timeless, that we'll just roll. Like I figured let's do that. When you go. When you're in the Anwin, we'll just roll maybe like a D20 or something. Like how many days have passed?

Speaker E: I thought may depend on like, how much knowledge you wanted. Like if you wanted to. Forbidden stuff. It was like you have to spend.

Speaker A: No.

Speaker E: Like a bunch of time.

Speaker A: No. Yeah, we're just gonna do that. Let's do that. And does that sound.

Speaker E: I don't care.

Speaker A: That sounds fine.

Speaker E: I'm down for rolling day.

Speaker A: Okay.

Speaker C: Rolling dice for when you.

Speaker A: So when you. So you're enter. You're entering the Anwin, essentially, but in this specific location of Amwin. But when you leave, when you come back into the. To your world or whatever, we're just going to roll a dice and that's how many days have passed. So it could be one to get the skull cracker. Do we want to roll the D100?

Speaker E: Yes.

Speaker A: Sure.

Speaker C: Might as well, right?

Speaker A: All right.

Speaker E: The D100 crossing the plane is.

Speaker D: Yeah.

Speaker C: By the way, that interstellar scene where they're on the water planet. The music actually when it ticks, the beats of the music is intentionally made to be what? It's a year?

Speaker A: That's seven.

Speaker C: I can't remember how long was he.

Speaker E: Up there because I think it's. They're there for like an hour. I don't remember that. It's like every couple minutes is like a year or seven years.

Speaker C: But they specifically said they made the music. That every beat was the time interval of how much time the guy up top waited. They did that intentionally in the soundtrack.

Speaker A: That's cool. Yeah, yeah. Okay. Yeah. So you guys go in and Anton, I would tell you that because he's been in here, he's been in and out of there several times. People just tell you that when you exit.

Speaker C: Okay.

Speaker A: Some number of days old, at least one's unknown.

Speaker E: If your sister dies, roll a D100. I'm sorry.

Speaker A: But it is. Yeah, yeah. He does tell you that like there, there is food and drink in there that save. And he also says there will be evil. Hopefully find rooms that are safe to sleep in.

Speaker C: When you say that though, Doc would be like, well, she's been in danger all this time. She could have been dead already. So I have to come to grips with that.

Speaker A: Yeah. Oh, that's right.

Speaker B: Somebody want the door locks for my path finding.

Speaker A: What's that?

Speaker B: Somebody want the door locks for my pathfinder.

Speaker A: Oh yeah, the wall locks.

Speaker C: Yeah, yeah.

Speaker A: What it was. Yeah, whatever it was. Yeah.

Speaker B: And they, you set them up to lock the door and they were locked. Nothing. Just come.

Speaker A: Well, no, it, you, you'd go in a room and you'd lock it and the other side is replaced by a wall. So like the door was not there.

Speaker C: Just doesn't even exist.

Speaker A: Yeah, yeah. So you like, you'd have to like break the wall down and like go on the door. Oh, that was something you guys found in the auger, wasn't it?

Speaker B: That was the Mecha Woman.

Speaker A: That weird magic shop or something. That's another place that we'll probably eventually go into again. Okay. Yeah. So that one's. I mean Elderite. Let's see here. Elderite.

Speaker B: I collect all three coins.

Speaker D: You probably have to take them to turning.

Speaker C: That's true.

Speaker A: And then also based on your guys's like, mind you already, like that does give you an initial progress. Not going to tell you guys your progress. I'll just say I'll let you know when someone. Let's see.

Speaker B: You might be able to find the last book of that of.

Speaker C: The Dove and Gun song.

Speaker D: That's true.

Speaker E: That's just the dove and desperate.

Speaker A: Yeah.

Speaker C: You don't need the elderite knowledge. That's what you need with that book. Because they're not written in our world. So maybe they're coming out here.

Speaker E: We're still waiting for the guy to finish them.

Speaker C: Maybe it's a feature.

Speaker B: I just got a little mechanical bird that we stuff all sorts of written material in and we send it back and on the first one. Was it the first three books? First two.

Speaker D: I don't know.

Speaker B: Anyway. The first part of this. The dub in the desperado.

Speaker E: Yeah percent but Jackson.

Speaker B: And we just kind of joked about the message of that night. Like what is the rest of the song?

Speaker C: Yeah.

Speaker E: It's like Game of Thrones.

Speaker C: Yeah.

Speaker B: The Name of the Wind King. Killer Chronicles.

Speaker A: So good.

Speaker C: You haven't read this. Even though it's not finished. It's still repeated.

Speaker B: I hope I'm not dead by the.

Speaker C: Time it finally ends.

Speaker A: I know.

Speaker C: Right? I feel like it's a race between him finishing that book and Star Citizen actually becoming a game.

Speaker A: I already have finishing the book.

Speaker C: I'll play it again.

Speaker E: This is getting too stem for me. You blow up, you lose all your stuff.

Speaker C: I think they are going to change that.

Speaker A: I hope so. Yeah.

Speaker C: They're actually talking about was making like a cost.

Speaker A: Eating and drinking.

Speaker E: Get rid of it.

Speaker D: Right.

Speaker C: It's not needed. Stems would be okay.

Speaker D: Like optional.

Speaker E: You're always in a suit. Not bigger suit.

Speaker A: His feet.

Speaker C: Yeah.

Speaker D: Still see.

Speaker C: You know.

Speaker B: Put her doing action.

Speaker D: Yeah. It's still soothing.

Speaker A: Eating.

Speaker C: Drinking is so Jacky.

Speaker E: Definitely. When the food in games like the fur or a hot dog. Like you're in space and you know hot.

Speaker D: That's space too right there.

Speaker C: Yeah. I think it's probably like different flavors of paste.

Speaker A: Yeah.

Speaker D: Like a go beer.

Speaker C: Exactly.

Speaker E: The and or wall paste.

Speaker C: Yeah. Absolutely.

Speaker B: You're in a spaceship. You go to star bases. You get out. But you never got to get out.

Speaker C: Oh leave interest.

Speaker B: This is old. This is like isk for currency.

Speaker D: Oh Eve.

Speaker A: Yes.

Speaker D: Yeah.

Speaker E: If you like Excel sheets.

Speaker C: It is. It is a spreadsheet simulator in space.

Speaker E: I know nothing about it other than the big space battles I have.

Speaker C: It's really fun but it's like it's time consuming.

Speaker B: Let's put it this way. You read your Book to learn something new. And you log out because it might take you a few days.

Speaker C: It's literally running while you're out, whether you're logged out or logged in. The timer's running skill, so people, like, make multiple accounts so they have, like, multiple skills on certain characters.

Speaker D: So you guys have something to do. Yeah. Okay.

Speaker B: Battles.

Speaker D: Big one of each.

Speaker C: That's the coolest thing about that. Like, there's wiki pages for the battles.

Speaker A: Yeah, it's like reading some.

Speaker E: Yeah, let me have the big wars.

Speaker A: All right. So I'm also building, like, I don't know what you guys are gonna encounter or find as we go.

Speaker C: Well, it's been fun. It was great to get to meet your character. I'm gonna start thinking about my next one already.

Speaker A: There will be a bit of a delay as I like, oh, you're good.

Speaker C: But.

Speaker A: Oh, that's good. And roll it up until you find it. And look up the what it.

Speaker C: Equivalent of about four hundred to four hundred and fifty thousand dollars in U.S. currency. At the time, this was like, in 2014 or something. Oh, just in the hardware, because you could spend the isk and the plex things where you could subscribe with it. So they equated that to money. And it was over $400,000 worth of US dollars in in game currency. And they said that either it was either sabotage or someone forgot to put funds in an account to pay a bill for, like, a really important, like, shield generator thing on this, like, massive, like, construction yard. And all these players came in mostly on one side to, like, fight this battle. It was super expensive. And the person complained and actually wanted the devs to roll it back. And the devs just said, next time, pay your bills. That's all they said. They were like, there's one economy man. Sorry, you know, careful who you trust. But there's been two or three really, really big battles. But the battles are crazy because since it's one server, it uses, like, a really slow tick rate. So you've got thousands of players in, like, one zone. The simulation slows way down, where everything is still and people are just calling out, like, focus this battle down. So you're like, click. And then it's like, okay, I'm gonna go to coffee. Yeah, I've made my room. Yeah, it's almost turd based at that point. People just lose millions and millions of is creative stuff.

Speaker B: Second, I believe the one where they manipulated the the clan or the guild, reworked everything and then took off with all the money out of the bank. They still never caught the guy.

Speaker C: Yeah, they like worked their way up into the echelons knife and stolen.

Speaker A: What? Yeah.

Speaker C: What a heist.

Speaker B: The complete.

Speaker C: Yeah, yeah. Again the devs were like, careful who you trust.

Speaker B: It's the most laissez faire. As far as admins, it's like, we'll make sure there's gas in your ship.

Speaker C: But they obviously have an economist or two on their staff for that game. Crazy.

Speaker A: This is so random.

Speaker D: Oh yeah.

Speaker C: I used to do a council where they would elect players, the computer community would elect players and like 10 or 12 of them will get flown all expenses paid to the headquarters. Iceland or Ireland or something.

Speaker B: Iceland I think Iceland.

Speaker C: And they would actually sit with the devs and do a Q A with them about where should the game go? Yeah. And the players actually elected the representatives. I'm like, that's pretty rad actually.

Speaker D: Sounds very fun.

Speaker C: Seems like something you should do with just about any intellectual property. It's like, yeah, let's hear what the fans think.

Speaker A: So yeah, you guys enter into this. Enter the room. So you can. So on like the top of your paper you can put a box and then, and then you're at. At depth zero. So that's like each, each time you go. And we'll. I'll tell you here once I. Oh, so yeah, once you enter a location, you can stay here, you can stay there and like ex. Like kind of explore or sleep or whatever or you can go deeper or you can go back and go back, just goes up next. So if you go back here, you leave, you exit and then if you go deeper. Yeah, then I roll on the location and details table and you guys go down deeper and you. So you can go, you can actually go like, you can go deeper and then go back up and go deeper again and it will actually make another location on the next layer.

Speaker C: Can you choose to go back to the one you're in?

Speaker A: Yes. Yeah, you can, you can, you can go. So if you went down like four times, you could go back. Assuming. Assuming an event or something didn't erase the exit.

Speaker C: Yeah, if we went parallel on the plane that we're on and explored more.

Speaker A: Space, you, you can't, you don't. You can't go sideways. So you'd have to go back. Yeah, yeah, you can't go sideways as far as I can.

Speaker B: So it's like a tree.

Speaker A: Yeah, you're essentially building trees and there you may find exits in other places that actually loop back up to somewhere else in the tree. In the tree. So it may expand out or if you flee for if you run, you actually. You'll skip down and actually lose the way to get back up. So then you'll have to. You'll actually be in like a new area, whatever depth you flute fleeing to. And then you'll have to find a way to get up to reconnect. Yeah. Or find an exit to get out.

Speaker C: Sounds hazardous.

Speaker A: Yeah, this place is pretty interesting. Oh, let's see. Yeah, the door, we should go through it.

Speaker D: Are you sure?

Speaker C: No, I'm not sure. I'm not even sure we should be here.

Speaker A: And then also I guess I will tell you like. So, yeah, I'll read. Let's see, where is it? Oh, yeah. So the library is totally indoors. There's no windows, no signs of. That's theoretical. Outside. Some locations are lit by fireplaces, candles, soft lamps. The bulk of them are dark, as are the spaces between. So you think of it, you are like walking around in this huge library. But then the only locations are like these places that you're finding and you traverse between them. So. Yeah, so locations are just simply points of particular interest between them. The library sprawls out over many floors. The network of corridor staircases and rooms all lined with books. Nothing interesting. If it were interesting, it would be the location. So just traveling from one location, the next, it takes a turn about 10 minutes.

Speaker D: Yeah.

Speaker A: So that's the. That's the other thing too. Like once we enter a location, you guys kind of like describe what you want to do and that'll essentially be like a turn. So like 10 minutes go by or whatever. And then I'll. Then I roll on an event table and see what happens. And that will happen like that after. Every time you guys do an exploration.

Speaker C: Turn, we just see a bunch of books.

Speaker A: Yeah, you're always going to be like seeing books and stuff until you get to one of these locations, which is what you guys just essentially walked into. As in a location, doors are not normally locked. So if you find doors, you'll find.

Speaker B: One graphic novel with a napkin.

Speaker A: And then Anton did tell you you can go between locations by smashing through the ceiling. They're generally about 10ft, I think that are 10 foot poles, 6 foot, 8 foot ceilings. I guess if we put a hole.

Speaker B: In the ceiling, will the owner of the library get mad at us?

Speaker A: Yeah, he. Yeah, Anton would, I guess told you too that the librarians are. There's several orders of them.

Speaker B: For a place that loves knowledge, I'd imagine screwing up the place where the.

Speaker A: Knowledge is he does mention that he would. He'd warn you that like if you piss off the libraries, then the librarians, they will start coming after you. But he said there's. There's red, yellow, black, gray and white librarians.

Speaker D: Red, yellow.

Speaker A: Yeah.

Speaker C: So that black and white, gray and.

Speaker A: White and yeah, there is black. So also the red ones maintain like the infrastructure of the library. Said the yellow ones maintain the books. The black ones maintain the portal. So there's a likelihood you will. You could meet one. The portals are the in and outs of the library. So there's. There's possibly you may even meet some in this first location. Oh, the gray ones take care of the rest was dead. The white ones tend to the calculations.

Speaker C: Spirit world has bean killers calculations.

Speaker B: We should put a portal here now. I'm not sure if we need a portal inlet, but we've got space for this many books.

Speaker D: Yeah.

Speaker A: Yeah. And Anton would have told you that the. The librarians are like diminutive, standing no more than like five feet tall at most. Slender, almost enunciated frame under their voluminous robes. This is. Wide eyes peer out from their pallid faces. They said most. For the most part they're furious, stealthy. So they're. You may not even notice them when visitors are around and can make themselves scarce with surprising speed and quietness when they wish to.

Speaker B: If we catch one, can we talk to them or do they like to.

Speaker A: You can talk to them. And that's some of the stuff you'll. Not everything in here is trying to kill you and you will like not everything.

Speaker B: Restless, Dead.

Speaker A: Yeah. There. Yeah. And Anton would have told you that, that like you're gonna encounter friendlies to like straight up hostile stuff.

Speaker B: So where are you from?

Speaker D: Okay.

Speaker A: Okay. Yeah. So you guys, you step in. Into a. To a map room. All over the. All over this particular room. Or picture frames. Maps. Some of depicting. Some of them are familiar to you guys, others are unknown to you. Some of them are even like completely like foreign looking. So think of places like. Like under dark areas. Caverns like Zanga Marsh like giant mushrooms. Places like Sequoia, like massive forests. Like all these different lands. Even some like barren like asteroid type pictures. You're seeing all this stuff and the room is lit with candles. They're just stuck on top of the bookshelves and on every table. Some like old fat droobly ones. There's pools of like wax on the ground and stuff. And this room is well lit.

Speaker C: I would continue to kind of slowly walk through.

Speaker D: I don't Know what you guys are doing.

Speaker C: Yeah, I'm not necessarily based on what he said, there's not going to be ton of info that I'm interested in here. But maybe you guys. Because this is all basic info you said. Yeah.

Speaker A: So there's maps and stuff. And I'll say if you're. Since. Because you're essentially looking. You can. A map would be helpful for you potentially. Map for actually maps for everyone except for Twilight Ball. Like. Yeah, that or even Shadowlands.

Speaker C: That'd be considered. Would that be considered basic?

Speaker A: No. So the way like. So in this particular room, since three of you are looking for maps. Give me. Let's see this. Oh, never mind. Yeah. So you guys will actually each. No, you don't need to roll. You guys will actually earn two cards. Actually, you guys can track your. Keep your own progress too. So you each earn new progress. Or except for Jack, because you're not looking for a map would help you.

Speaker B: How many projects do I need to be successful? I want successful.

Speaker A: Never mind. Yeah, I'll let you know. So essentially what will happen, like the way you guys will. The way you find your information that you need. Because the whole point is like, you're wandering through this place. You're learning stuff as you're growing and stuff. And you'll have your complete information once you've gotten deep enough to what your number is and you have enough progress.

Speaker B: For little fox guides.

Speaker D: Yeah.

Speaker A: Okay. Yeah. So. Yeah. So. So Doc is kind of looking around, making your way to like the next way down. What's Audrey doing?

Speaker B: Some reason. I think Audrey would get a ball of wax.

Speaker A: All right. Like the ball of wax Cash getting anything particular?

Speaker E: Thanks, though.

Speaker C: Just trying to learn.

Speaker D: Yeah.

Speaker A: And then I guess Jack too is. So you guys saw.

Speaker E: It's following the herd.

Speaker A: So I saw today you guys kind of just walk through, look at taking the sights and go down to the next level. Essentially go to the next location.

Speaker D: Yeah.

Speaker A: Okay.

Speaker E: Make sure no one wanders off.

Speaker A: All right. So this next location will be at depth 1.

Speaker B: Stay behind to play with wax.

Speaker E: Push Andre along. Great.

Speaker B: Might need to make an impression of.

Speaker C: The key or something.

Speaker E: Yeah.

Speaker C: Or is moving on.

Speaker D: Need something to do with your hands.

Speaker B: These people touching other things.

Speaker C: Probably good though.

Speaker B: For some reason I just like.

Speaker D: I don't know.

Speaker B: I might need it to make an impression of the key. I may need to screw up somebody's log.

Speaker D: There you go.

Speaker C: Just jam it in there. Yeah.

Speaker B: Or maybe just play catch. It's not explosive wax.

Speaker C: That sounds cool.

Speaker D: Does that exist?

Speaker B: It can.

Speaker C: Between the Two of us. Your climate.

Speaker D: Actually.

Speaker C: You got used to that exclusive.

Speaker D: Yeah.

Speaker B: It's bubble filled with nitro.

Speaker A: There you go.

Speaker C: Is that one of your profession things? I mean, no minor. But I do have the fistful of dynamite bonus.

Speaker D: There you go. A boom. Yeah.

Speaker A: Oil. Yeah. Yeah. There Definitely.

Speaker D: Yeah.

Speaker A: Yeah. There would be oil fields and stuff. Yeah.

Speaker C: Getting ideas over there. I can see your grander now.

Speaker B: You have to have some sort of oil with trains.

Speaker A: No.

Speaker E: I just learned this week that I could take gasoline and then put styrofoam in it and make. Basically make Naples.

Speaker C: I haven't tried it, but.

Speaker A: Illegal.

Speaker B: All fun stuff is. Is it?

Speaker E: I don't think I want to store.

Speaker C: That in my house. I just want to read it.

Speaker B: They probably started having cars in the major cities. It wouldn't be very fast.

Speaker A: Gas is actually made.

Speaker D: Lamp oil.

Speaker E: People used to wash their clothing.

Speaker D: Crap.

Speaker E: And you have someone get the stage.

Speaker D: Yeah.

Speaker C: It was a period where gas smell better than the humans. So they were okay with it.

Speaker E: Blind already. Smell anything.

Speaker B: Just don't walk next to an open flame.

Speaker C: There's not like today. People shower all the time.

Speaker B: People get sick when they do that.

Speaker C: I'm afraid. Get the consumption.

Speaker D: Yeah.

Speaker C: Some medical journal. All the guts are just labeled consumption.

Speaker E: Pretty much.

Speaker C: I'm not sure what that was. Did you buy something?

Speaker E: Parasites and pan.

Speaker B: So that's what's in the cigarettes.

Speaker E: I don't find that out for a while.

Speaker C: Cigarettes are still healthy.

Speaker E: That's right.

Speaker B: So do you roll your own or do you buy them?

Speaker E: I figured Jock always has them. He's kind of like either like an anime character or something. He just has a box.

Speaker C: Always.

Speaker A: Yep.

Speaker E: He always has one in his mouth. And even when they're like wet, he just pulls another one.

Speaker D: Yeah.

Speaker C: Likes to have it.

Speaker E: Yeah.

Speaker B: Enchanted item.

Speaker A: Yeah.

Speaker E: One of his weird says weird items. Endless cigarette.

Speaker C: There's some portal from another world.

Speaker B: The other side's like, damn, I'm back again.

Speaker C: Right.

Speaker D: I'm smoking all these.

Speaker E: It's like my summoner guy. Like, the rule was on Dungeon World. That summoner. Like, I think I rolled the next success. It came from somewhere nearby. I just didn't know where.

Speaker D: That's cool.

Speaker C: It's like money events. Like his wallet.

Speaker E: I throw parties. And then that was like 100 gold. So I just roll it and be like, oh, I have 100 gold. But who knows where.

Speaker C: Like the cash rooms.

Speaker B: Somebody goes to get in that safe. Casino. Where'd it go?

Speaker D: Yeah.

Speaker C: Some of the grenades of dubious quality.

Speaker E: Yep. Oh, I forgot about them. Summon grenades.

Speaker C: They almost killed you one time.

Speaker E: Somebody.

Speaker C: Well, it wasn't the smartest thing, but we're gonna summon some grenades and we all stand around and watch.

Speaker D: Yeah.

Speaker C: Oh, I want to see. Someone wanted them.

Speaker E: I don't remember.

Speaker C: I think I'm the one who asked him like could you summon grenades? So we tried and then we all stood around.

Speaker E: I think one came in late, one was lit when it came in. So I got a mixed success.

Speaker D: Yeah.

Speaker E: And that was.

Speaker C: Hilarious.

Speaker A: Yeah, that did happen a couple of times, I think.

Speaker E: And then I stopped doing it because people were getting. I almost died. I'm just selling those anyway.

Speaker C: But you did it a couple more times when we were destroy form but it was like run over to the corner by yourself. Just something.

Speaker A: Yeah. One of them. You did like a powder keg. Yes. And that also like almost killed you guys.

Speaker E: Yes, it was a powder keg. We needed something bigger.

Speaker A: All right. Sorry that took so long.

Speaker B: We shouldn't summon a nuke.

Speaker A: Yeah. So you, you guys are going proceeding to the next location and it's as you like start entering this place. It's built like around this long descending staircase that's like a couple hundred feet long and it's a chap. Some sort of chapel. Like high arched ceilings and like pillars along the stairwell that support this. Support it in there. And like when you get like near the bottom of this weird chapel that's like built on like the spiraling staircase. There's a pulpit with a small lectern built into it and there's a book city on it.

Speaker E: Who's going to look?

Speaker C: You can't read though, right?

Speaker B: Are there any markings as far as what religion? It's just kind of a non descript.

Speaker A: I say here it would just like it feels like almost like a generic religious place. It would feel similar to like some of the fancier cathedrals that would. Would be in Saba Cola. But you don't see anything like specific.

Speaker B: For a specific denomination or.

Speaker A: Yeah.

Speaker E: Well, I didn't burst into place.

Speaker D: So are you reading the book?

Speaker A: And there's also like a little bit behind the pulpit is like a. An altar that has. Yeah, there's. There's always bookshelf. Like it's always. You can always tell it's a library. But these locations are like like a deviation from like the standard of just like shelves of books.

Speaker C: Well, he goes and looks at, look at the shelves and walls to see like what kind of books are in.

Speaker D: Here in this particular thing.

Speaker C: Yeah, I do the same public of the Walter.

Speaker A: Oh yeah. So Audrey goes up and so talking.

Speaker E: I'd be keeping an eye on Audrey and Cash to see.

Speaker A: Yeah, you guys go and look at the book.

Speaker C: Neighbors in the flames.

Speaker E: Guess they get grabbed through the book.

Speaker A: What do you guys have for light? Cuz there this place would actually be dark.

Speaker C: Who brought an. I got my mining helmet.

Speaker A: So yeah, so it's dark and so so you guys.

Speaker C: This place is full.

Speaker A: Of paper and quite dry.

Speaker D: Very quick.

Speaker A: Yeah. So Audrey, you walk up to the got a lighter the. The book on the pulpit and it's a bestiary. Strange monster. That might be.

Speaker D: Interesting.

Speaker B: All right, go ahead. I let Doc know what I found and I crack it open to see if it identifies where the. The strange beasts are located.

Speaker D: If it's a.

Speaker B: A Shadowland Beastiary or a Savicola beastiary.

Speaker A: Romeo D6 5. Yeah. As you're flipping through it, you no clue where any of these creatures are from and you see everything from like. Like a lot of the traditional like D and D monsters like owl, bears, centaurs, you know, like weird like green humanoid. Like it works elves and dwarfs and halfway you see like all these collections of weird people and monsters from here, but you don't see anything that you recognize. It's all foreign monsters to you. I guess monsters and creatures.

Speaker C: Might as.

Speaker D: Well keep it, right?

Speaker B: Only if we're going there.

Speaker D: What if we see that whatever that is a rust monster. What is that?

Speaker E: Half man, half horse?

Speaker B: Who would have thought jelly was so dangerous? That's a black pudding.

Speaker A: So yeah, you. You would find that and you would be all I'd say. Yeah, and it happens to be that you can like read it too. So you do would read descriptions of those things that you guys were talking about.

Speaker D: Dragon.

Speaker B: All over the universe, huh?

Speaker D: Is this what the. What's in the Shadowlands or No, I don't know.

Speaker C: It doesn't say.

Speaker D: I hope not. Shadowlands.

Speaker B: Never been a Shadowlands.

Speaker A: You've been to the Shadowlands?

Speaker D: No. I thought you guys had. No, no.

Speaker B: We're planning our next vacation.

Speaker D: Okay. That's true.

Speaker C: My sister's been there though.

Speaker D: Yeah.

Speaker B: I wonder if she's got a semi home.

Speaker C: Hopefully it's her choice.

Speaker B: True. So what's on the altar behind you?

Speaker A: Yeah, as. As Cash as you walked up to seeing a box of silver ammo.

Speaker D: 20 shots. Whoa, it's dumb.

Speaker B: Pistol, rifle, shotgun.

Speaker A: Whatever you guys want it to be. It's 20 shots of silver ammo.

Speaker E: That's worse.

Speaker A: Either be. Yeah, either revolver ammo. I guess Cash found it. So we'll say it's medium. Revolve ends, for instance. Medium or balder. I don't know.

Speaker C: 20 silver pipe bombs. Let's go.

Speaker D: C.

Speaker C: These are mine. Scrape them your back.

Speaker D: Who needs some. Some silver bullets?

Speaker C: Probably all do.

Speaker E: I still got 28 from our previous adventures.

Speaker D: I have instead of 28. All right.

Speaker B: I think that silver rounds made shots the best shot. So he got the bulk of the ammo.

Speaker D: That makes sense.

Speaker C: Yeah. I actually have two bullets left.

Speaker D: Well, you can have like 10 more.

Speaker C: Once you guys know that first.

Speaker E: And this system, you guys can probably shoot better.

Speaker C: I can shoot better than the other. Not as good as you. I don't know how good of shocks you guys are.

Speaker B: You're good shocks the dicer in my favor. Audrey is impressive.

Speaker C: Right.

Speaker D: I'm always a good shot.

Speaker A: Yeah. So, doc, while you're wandering around looking, you come across a block door that's like black and kind of ominous.

Speaker D: You at least take six sil bullets. I love one of my guns with silver.

Speaker C: Any markings on the door?

Speaker A: No, it. It's just like a blank. It kind of has like an ominous feel to it because it's black.

Speaker C: Would this be like to go down or would this be.

Speaker A: Here? You have no clue. Okay. It's a locked door. All right. It would.

Speaker C: There's nothing. What makes it ominous? Just the fact that it's.

Speaker A: It's black and it just kind of has an ominous feel to it.

Speaker C: And put my ear close to it, but don't touch it.

Speaker A: Don't hear anything.

Speaker D: I smell anything.

Speaker E: Not my jack fan.

Speaker C: I smell cigarette.

Speaker D: Cigarettes, and B.O. all over.

Speaker C: What kind of books are they seeing in the shows?

Speaker A: So they're just. They're all different kind of books. And I'm just gonna just say that, like if it's not like they're just gonna be like uninteresting and not useful. I'll tell you guys, like, when you get to a location that has particular stuff, but otherwise this would just be like walking around in the library as far as like what you're wandering steps. Yep, it's exactly. That's exactly what you guys are doing is like. But it's all dark and not brain. Yeah.

Speaker C: I just back away from the door and say a bad feeling about that.

Speaker E: Maybe later.

Speaker D: Yeah.

Speaker A: Yeah. So I. Yeah, if you guys want not shove it. This is room. I guess location number one at depth one. I'm just numbering them as I roll these up in this here. I'm just starting from zero and numbering them. All right, so you guys want to sit here and go Deeper.

Speaker E: Go deeper.

Speaker B: My brain's becoming Swiss cheese. I play the game a lot too.

Speaker A: Should get some library music.

Speaker C: Sound of a Copy mission.

Speaker E: Yeah, everyone.

Speaker B: It's kind of that bluesy flow of music that runs through it.

Speaker C: Yeah.

Speaker A: Yeah. As you guys wander down, as you wander through the stacks that the next place we wander into is a planetarium. And it's covered with its. That's got a high domed ceiling. Lanterns project dots of light that resemble like alien constellations. In the center of the room, a large clockwork or remodeling the solar system. A lamp burning in the center and long arms that hold model planets, moons and comets in place. The whole thing clicks and grinds as it slowly turns.

Speaker C: Do I have a frame of reference of what that actually is represented that.

Speaker E: Would kind of break Jock's brain.

Speaker A: You guys, like.

Speaker C: If you.

Speaker A: I would say like at this time that you would. You might guys have some passing knowledge of like astronomy and understand that that stuff exists. But I don't know how much any of you would have like actually like. Or any of it. I mean the.

Speaker C: Maybe I ran across it from st.

Speaker A: Yes, there you go. Yeah. This wound.

Speaker B: It must be this time.

Speaker C: Doc might actually. Like when he sees that. Doc might actually swear out loud and be like. Like when he notices what it is. Like how his mind blown to see it. Somebody model it in 3D.

Speaker E: Like that'd be crazy.

Speaker C: If he realizes what it is. It's like. That's what I'm wondering is if he would actually recognize because he saw drawings or something he might translate.

Speaker A: Yeah, there would. There would be probably model like crude stuff. I'm not sure what was in the 1860s actually existed. But you guys would have some. I'd say you. You would probably recognize what it is from your Call it like going to school and like the. The fortress of light itself up in this. I think it's up in the spire. They actually have an astrology or not astronomy shut off and be like, you guys, this is.

Speaker C: This is like the sun and the planets and stuff sent you a stink eye.

Speaker B: So is this our planet?

Speaker C: I don't even know if I could actually tell which one.

Speaker D: Are we the big one?

Speaker C: I don't know. I tried to make a guess. Like I think that one because we have.

Speaker D: What. How many suns do we have?

Speaker A: We have three moons, single sun.

Speaker C: So I would. I would find the three moons and just be like I think that's us and those are our three moons. They have names on them.

Speaker A: Oh, I see.

Speaker B: I don't have two Thick flags. Yeah.

Speaker A: No, they don't see any. You don't see any names, but like. And then a lot. Almost all the bookcases in here are actually just filled with like stacks of loose paper and documents, piles and blocks with string and stuff. But there are some books at the ground level area with the planetarium that are all about astronomy, astrology.

Speaker D: Oh.

Speaker C: Didn'T really ask if you can check out books here.

Speaker E: Yeah. Jock with pocket.

Speaker D: Do what do you.

Speaker C: Do it with subterfuge or do we know?

Speaker E: You would see him probably walk out and flip through it because it would be like this would just be information.

Speaker D: Yeah.

Speaker E: And J would just like stay getting those dusters.

Speaker D: This is amazing.

Speaker B: How much can little birdie hole.

Speaker A: You don't know.

Speaker B: Does Audrey suddenly have it.

Speaker D: Me?

Speaker A: And then you do see like there are some at the base too. There are some controls to adjust to letting mess with it. The position of the. I guess the time.

Speaker C: Controls maybe looking.

Speaker B: At controls, it's like, can he make sense of it? And then to prove the theory that he can make sense of it, he would probably look at them. So this is today.

Speaker A: I say I guess you wouldn't. As far as I guess doc would maybe understand that it like is showing like roughly where the moons should be for the time you guys entered in. Entered into the library.

Speaker B: Hey, Chuck, you want to see where they are on your birthday?

Speaker C: I'm like, sure, that's cool and all, but we're at somebody else's house right now.

Speaker A: So like, let's go jock and go party pooper.

Speaker C: Grab you by the cop and like start flowing like, let's go, guys.

Speaker B: But I almost got it figured out.

Speaker C: You're going to figure us out here in a second.

Speaker D: Not be valuable on there. That's all a waste of time.

Speaker A: Yeah. While you guys are like talking and shocking, you see a yellow librarian who quietly walks into the.

Speaker C: Into the room. And it's a little hat balance. Say, how do you. This is quite an impressive model you have here.

Speaker D: Oh.

Speaker A: He kind of like looks at you a little bit.

Speaker D: Just.

Speaker A: Thank you. That's like super, like raspy, like dry, like part of the voice. Like rustling paper as I'm talking. And I just feel.

Speaker D: Thank you.

Speaker A: Did you take those books? And you see him like looking directly at like the spots where some books are missing.

Speaker C: You're talking to me.

Speaker A: He. He just like. He like. Well, he does ask like you. But then also he kind of like looks at like everybody.

Speaker C: I just said, no, I do not.

Speaker D: Do you.

Speaker C: Do we have the ability to check out books here?

Speaker A: No.

Speaker C: Is there a way for us to take the knowledge from this room and learn from it?

Speaker D: And you.

Speaker A: Braids.

Speaker C: But nothing wrong with writing stuff down, right?

Speaker A: He goes, no, that's cool.

Speaker E: I would take them out and say, sorry.

Speaker C: Just be like, hey, I found him over here.

Speaker A: No, as soon as you, like, pull about, he, like. He, like, is, like, almost, like, next to you, like, midline. Like, made no noise, and he kind of, like, gives you, like, this dirty look. But, like. Yeah. Like, they have, like, these huge eyes and, like, their pallet face.

Speaker E: Like, sorry, I didn't know.

Speaker D: Like, whoa.

Speaker C: Yeah.

Speaker A: And then he just goes, okay, so kid gets him in, and he, like. He just was, like, right over to the. And puts it back in the. The spots where, like, they. They miss. Yeah.

Speaker E: So interesting.

Speaker A: You guys want to stay here or go deeper or go back?

Speaker E: Go deeper.

Speaker D: When in doubt, go deeper. So my papi always said.

Speaker C: You said I was like, your pappy's still with us.

Speaker D: No, must have went too deep caving.

Speaker B: Before we go with the yellow library still there, I would ask how we get a key to the black door. Not that we would want to use it.

Speaker C: Yeah. I would kind of double on it and be like, oh, yeah, yeah. What is with the back black door?

Speaker A: He shrugs, and he was. Not my concern.

Speaker B: Which librarian?

Speaker C: Black. Okay.

Speaker D: Something for this.

Speaker E: Exciting.

Speaker D: Good to know.

Speaker A: Yeah. But then, like, as you like, actually, you. And then. Yeah, he just, like, does the books, and it's just, like, disappears.

Speaker C: Just like an actual librarian.

Speaker A: Yeah.

Speaker B: Home Depot.

Speaker D: Yeah.

Speaker A: No, the funny. The fight. That cracks me up, though. That. That was just a. That was a random encounter that I rolled, and it was a yellow library. Yeah. Not to spoil the magic, but it does. It's like, oh, wow.

Speaker D: So fitting.

Speaker A: Okay. Yeah. So you guys are making your way through the stacks of books and winding your way through, and you come upon a boiler room that's lit with candles.

Speaker C: Is this down?

Speaker A: Oh, yes. Yeah. You. You guys went down. Yeah, to the next depth. Three. Yeah. So the. So it's like there's no. You kind of just, like, walking along, coming to this room. No bookshelves against one wall. It's just a huge, black iron furnace over which a tank of water boils. And you see large pipes are channeling steam elsewhere into the library. They're just. Yeah. So that's just boiling there. And then there's some pipes that go off into the. Off into the darkness of the library.

Speaker E: Try and be perplexed a little bit. Why they need a voiler in this place.

Speaker B: Central Pe.

Speaker C: Yeah.

Speaker A: And you would. You would probably have seen like other like tubes like running overhead in some of the other rooms. Too different. They use it to cook people steam.

Speaker D: Buns.

Speaker C: Where they make those flesh tapes that came up at.

Speaker A: Oh.

Speaker C: And that was another fun story. Yeah. We found this cape that was made from like.

Speaker E: Well, Jacob described it how it was like human flesh sewn together. And he just like. I put it on just immediately.

Speaker C: Yeah, immediately causing like, like.

Speaker B: So turned it around so it could suck on him.

Speaker C: Yeah.

Speaker B: He turned the robe inside out.

Speaker C: Well, the inside had like a constellation. Starry looking thing. He thought that was cool. And that's when he turned it inside out.

Speaker B: Looks he was getting.

Speaker C: Maybe, maybe it was that. But that was what the other side looked like. Looked like starry night, which he thought was cool. But the rest of the time he's just rubbing. He's like undead faces on his body.

Speaker D: Yeah.

Speaker C: They started giving him an infection. He like finally took it off and he was like. You notice on your body he was getting nibbled on.

Speaker D: Yeah. Oh, no. What this? Cursed items.

Speaker C: Cursed. It had some kind of benefit if you didn't want to get rid of it. But it was going to kill him. So he finally like burned it in.

Speaker B: Some crazy magical fire because it had the faces on originally he had it outside and everybody that came across it.

Speaker E: This dragon age too.

Speaker C: So yeah, the average population's like.

Speaker A: So.

Speaker B: Yeah, it had some sort of special effects. We turned it inside out.

Speaker C: Pretty much be the same as like today. You just ran around with a cape, made up faces like, what?

Speaker D: This is not charming.

Speaker A: Yeah.

Speaker D: This is not okay.

Speaker B: The pale writer said, yeah.

Speaker C: I don't.

Speaker B: Know where you got that boy. You mean be purified, right?

Speaker A: Like he didn't even wait.

Speaker D: He was like, put it on.

Speaker A: Yeah.

Speaker C: Our son is adventurous in that way.

Speaker A: Yeah. So as you guys are. Are you guys, I guess actively going to engage with a room or you kind of just like want like walking through? I'm just looking.

Speaker C: I'm just looking at books as I go by there.

Speaker A: There's actually no books in here if.

Speaker B: It'S lit with candlelight. Considering we were in the dark chapel, Audrey probably take that as a sign that maybe it's time to carry a candle.

Speaker C: If you get close to the furnace, I'd be like, don't touch.

Speaker B: We can cook our meals right here.

Speaker A: Yeah. As you guys are cook our beans. Five skeletons and like overalls with like cleaning, like tools and stuff come walking and chatting to each other.

Speaker C: Like normal chatting.

Speaker B: What Are they chatting about?

Speaker A: You get to bits and pieces of like philosophy and existential chatter. Well, and there are. They're articulate.

Speaker C: What color are they? Garnet.

Speaker A: Oh, they're just, they're like, they're just like humanoid skeletons and they're wearing like, they have overalls and they got mops and brooms and they like are just chatting. And you see some of them as they're like walking by. They're like dusting or like mopping the floor. They're just talking to each other.

Speaker E: Just take one missing the cigarette butt out and drop it on the floor just to see what they would do.

Speaker D: All discussions go, big philosophical discussions.

Speaker A: And then they like notice you. And one of them goes, oh, hello, hello. And then he goes over and it's like, you visitors need to not litter, please. And he goes over and like picks up the light.

Speaker E: Another cigarette. Be like, sure thing.

Speaker D: You can talk.

Speaker A: Yes, sir.

Speaker D: Who are you? What are you doing here?

Speaker A: Clean the library.

Speaker C: It looks very clean.

Speaker D: Yeah. Hats off to you. And I take my hat off. Thank you.

Speaker C: What's this boiler doing?

Speaker A: He looks at you. Well, if he could make expressions. He looks at you. Oh, kind of like turns his head sideways, breaking steep.

Speaker C: I'm just saying. What's it fueling? Keeps the library warm and powers the various devices.

Speaker A: Yes.

Speaker D: Like that model of the solar system.

Speaker A: Yep.

Speaker C: This is pretty amazing invention.

Speaker D: Do you guys know where we could find any information on Eldorad? No. Okay.

Speaker B: Padre looks at you. Here's the answer.

Speaker E: Yep.

Speaker B: Thought we found a guy.

Speaker C: Yeah.

Speaker D: Yeah.

Speaker C: So you know people generally who are caretakers of a place know a lot about it. What would you say if you all had advice to give us while we're down here? What would be some guidance?

Speaker A: Oh, he, he. They got the skeleton talking to you.

Speaker D: Just.

Speaker A: And like the whole time too, like he's like mopping the floor and like tying like all the rest are doing, like, and they're kind of like talking. They're like. Oh yeah, you can tell like that. That's like they're. That's single mindedly like what they're devoted to is what they do. There you go.

Speaker B: There you are.

Speaker A: I guess they, they just go. Don't piss off the librarians is the best thing you can do in here.

Speaker E: Good to know.

Speaker D: Good job.

Speaker C: What do you guys know about the black doors?

Speaker A: They lead usually deeper into the library.

Speaker B: How do you get a key to them?

Speaker A: You don't.

Speaker D: Are they unlocked?

Speaker A: No, it's locked.

Speaker C: Or how would you get access?

Speaker A: If you're skillful Enough.

Speaker C: How would you get access to get into one so as to not piss off the librarians? Oh, they.

Speaker A: They won't care if you open the door. They say don't like steal and break the books and damage the library. That's really there.

Speaker D: Okay.

Speaker A: They're doing their calculations. They get mad when people mess with them.

Speaker C: Then why is it locked?

Speaker A: I don't know.

Speaker C: Interesting.

Speaker D: Why. Why are you a skeleton? If that's not rude to ask. I just never seen it like this.

Speaker A: I suppose I was a humanoid or something at some point, I guess. Whatever skeleton this creek can belong to, it's not made this way.

Speaker E: Are they actually human skeletons? Different ones.

Speaker A: I would say they're humanoid. There probably would be some that look human, but there would be like some that are a little different looking, but for overall it's humanoid.

Speaker C: This is our old party. They're all party mikes.

Speaker A: Yeah.

Speaker D: So you work for the Gray Librarians then, since they're the restless dead. Or are you not dead and simply animated like a machine?

Speaker C: But yeah, that's probably closer.

Speaker A: Animated.

Speaker B: I think they're possessed. It's not their bones.

Speaker A: Oh.

Speaker D: How do you become a necromancer? This is all.

Speaker C: Necromancer. The place with explosions.

Speaker D: Good combo.

Speaker A: He chuckled and was like, well, I'm.

Speaker C: Sure he could find the information to do that.

Speaker D: I've changed my question three times.

Speaker A: He just chuckled. You're gonna have a bad time in.

Speaker E: Here next 20 sessions. Just gonna be going in and out.

Speaker D: Till we die. The last piece of knowledge got us killed.

Speaker B: And then you're the skeleton.

Speaker C: Yeah, I just make small talk. Travelers then.

Speaker E: We're the cleaning crew when I die.

Speaker B: Put me in here.

Speaker C: It's technically not a party life. I said, well, it's been a pleasure.

Speaker D: Talking to me and we'll probably. We'll get out of your way. We've enjoyed it as well.

Speaker C: Thank you. You guys go back and try to open that door.

Speaker E: You want to go deeper, don't you? Need to go deeper. Deeper.

Speaker D: We gotta go.

Speaker A: I was gonna say, yeah, that. I guess when you ask too about the door, then the skeleton just says like it goes deeper, but he doesn't know like how much or anything.

Speaker C: Yeah.

Speaker A: Could get.

Speaker D: Or it could be speed.

Speaker C: 100. Yeah. Good luck getting that.

Speaker B: Jupiter.

Speaker C: It's a oneway door.

Speaker B: Open door.

Speaker C: This is the worst.

Speaker B: We look like there's no oxygen on the other side of that door.

Speaker C: Just straight into space.

Speaker D: We space ourselves. That's the weird west tpk, right?

Speaker C: It sounds like something that Tombo Holders or whatever.

Speaker D: Yeah.

Speaker C: Cthulhu's door has a technical body. This door feels really cold to the touch. Are you sure you want to open? Okay.

Speaker A: Yeah. So you guys are making your way down to the next depth, though, or I believe, where you guys are at.

Speaker C: Yes.

Speaker A: An ostuary. A collection of bones packed tetra style into, like six glass front and display cases, each neatly labeled with who it was taken from, when it was taken, the circumstances of their death and what killed them. Oh.

Speaker B: Still want to be a necromancer?

Speaker D: This is amazing. Look at this guy. He got a rail spike through his.

Speaker E: Spleen trying to laugh at some of them. Like, oh, look at that one.

Speaker A: Doc, Doc, Doc.

Speaker D: What does this one say?

Speaker C: Just walk around, read them.

Speaker E: This guy ate a dynamite stick.

Speaker C: Do you see that over the armor that took the cannonball?

Speaker D: Yeah. Oh, yeah.

Speaker C: I had a bad day.

Speaker B: Oh, it's a short one.

Speaker C: Yeah. At least you didn't feel it.

Speaker A: And when someone got a D4, they.

Speaker D: Want to rule four.

Speaker C: It's good. Maybe, maybe.

Speaker B: That depends on the system.

Speaker A: So.

Speaker E: Yeah.

Speaker A: So, Doc, I guess since you're a doctor and have knowledge of, like, general, like bones and anatomy and stuff, in like each of those cases you, like, find like, you see like four bones. In, like each case, there's six of them. So there's like 20 bones or something like that that are particularly interesting and maybe and would be interesting those outs, like outside of the library. Like, you see them, like, type boat.

Speaker C: Like just their quality and quality and.

Speaker A: Just like, what's their shapes or like what they are.

Speaker C: It's like, who's in charge of the displays? Who would we piss off? You could have some. They might talk back. We just talk to skeletons. Yeah. Are any of the names of the individuals, people that we would realize from.

Speaker A: Our history, but I'll leave that to you guys because, like, it is like, this is. This is where I guess you guys get to make up this part if they are or if they're not. Because it does. It is. They're just labeled. It was taken. Who they were taking from, how they died.

Speaker C: I'm actually gonna go ahead. Dragon nod bones. And it is some poor soul that was chewed on by a baby dragon. It's going to be my old language, my Shadowlands. What's that?

Speaker B: Shadowland creatures.

Speaker C: Yeah. Or guess. Are these creatures.

Speaker A: You guys, what was it? Storig? St. No, was that your second gun? Strog of the dwarf Re. That got eight.

Speaker C: Yeah, it's like slightly chewed, slightly acidified damage.

Speaker A: You should share that story. For Wes. And that's also just Doc reading the plaque for west, too.

Speaker C: That was the one where Caleb got one shot by the baby dragon. Right. But then we were like climbing up like mushrooms in the room and stuff. But this. We just could not hit this dragon for. To save our life. Yeah. It was just chewing the crap out of us. We pissed it off by waking it up with a. Like throwing a chemical fire.

Speaker D: Yeah.

Speaker C: And that was like the only damage we did to it. Just cleaned you up from there pretty much. I think we hit it like maybe two or three times. Strategically, we didn't do so great. We got insanely unlucky.

Speaker A: Yeah.

Speaker B: We just needed to keep the mage a little further from the front line.

Speaker C: He was all the way back.

Speaker A: It was. It was that if he was five feet back, he was fine.

Speaker B: Yeah.

Speaker C: Because like, if this was the whole room and the grid squares were like, you know, and he rolled. He actually like, basically came in the door and went, I'm gonna stay here.

Speaker A: Yeah.

Speaker D: Yeah.

Speaker C: And the thing came down, just went, whoa. It took him out. I just remember you measuring it too, because you're like, we'll see if it gets back. Oh, yep.

Speaker A: Insta died.

Speaker C: He was a good sport about it. That was another time where you were like, message me like, Caleb.

Speaker D: Okay.

Speaker C: He was laughing about.

Speaker A: Yeah, so. And. Yeah. And these bones are in their display cases and if you wanted to take them, you would have to smash the glass to get them out.

Speaker C: Just. I don't think you would.

Speaker A: Well, I guess there's. You can also. Yeah, I guess there also you can unlock, you know. Yeah. If you wanted to get the bone to do that, smash the display case or unlock it.

Speaker C: Now, I mentioned I can find the right people. Very valuable. But we still got more stuff to look for and I don't want to get on the library bad side. Before you give them any. Are there any books in here?

Speaker A: There. I mean, there was like, there's always like books around. Anything on necromancy, but no, that, like. Yeah, that would be like something that would be information you're going into finding. Like, you're not going to find, like, actually just a book. Like this is you going to a library researching and collecting notes and stuff and collecting like, okay, this. Now I have a complete picture.

Speaker B: Oh, this would be like necromancy 101 or something that just kind of. It wouldn't be the full thing.

Speaker C: Is the. Is the Shadow realm considered on our plane or off our plane?

Speaker A: It is. So I. I guess the material planer or our existence of like what you guys experience. Whatever is called Omnia and the shadow planes is. Is in Omnia like you, but like player, like player wise. I'll set tell you it's a planet, but characters won't. You guys have no clue what it is.

Speaker C: But here, like this might be where I would find shadow creature knowledge.

Speaker A: Yeah.

Speaker C: There'll be a possibility to Steve's point that maybe one of the bone segments is beings from the shadow environment.

Speaker A: Yeah, I'd be like. If you want to say one of the cases it's got. Because it does tell you where it died. Like. Right. Did I read that?

Speaker C: Yes. How it died, were it then.

Speaker A: Yeah. So it would be like. Like striag. Yeah, I would have striag like fractera otari and like caves under otari, like in that description. Yeah, I was going to say. Sure.

Speaker C: Death by dragon.

Speaker A: Yeah. So if you want that. So if there's a creature in there. Yeah, I'll say. Yeah, it's a. It says Shadow Orc, Shadowlands.

Speaker C: Okay.

Speaker A: And then it has like. I'll say it has like slave camp and you can roll me a D100.

Speaker B: Closer.

Speaker D: Yeah.

Speaker C: Let'S see if it actually rests.

Speaker A: Yeah, it will eventually.

Speaker D: Maybe it'll happen.

Speaker B: Oh.

Speaker C: 52.

Speaker A: Yeah. So yeah, he says, yeah, so it was enslaved, died in slave camp. 52. And you see like it's a complete like collection. So it's almost like chimpanzee orangutan type. Like long arms, kind of like shorter legs and like more like try to say almost Klingon skull. Like it has like ridges and the bones are fairly like dense. Like they look. They look like probably twice as dense as. Aren't you?

Speaker C: The bones like cracked or open or. I can like see inside them. Sure.

Speaker A: I mean, I guess you can tell me.

Speaker C: I would see that and be like, who can unlock this cage or this case? Do you break any. I said unlock around.

Speaker A: What was that?

Speaker D: Yeah, you got a big ass.

Speaker A: Oh, wow. Yeah. Okay. Yeah, so yeah, so Jock just smashes it open. So as you do that, you see all the bones. The bones in that case start to jiggle. And see this. You actually see the. The creature like start to form like flesh coming back. No, just the bones start to. They actually animate and formulate creatures.

Speaker C: Are there any weapons in the cage?

Speaker A: No, it just has like. It's like it's end bones are like they look like they had and they end in like claws, like maybe an inch or two long claws forming.

Speaker C: I actually want to take my saber and just Try to hack its hands off while it's forming.

Speaker A: All right. Yeah, you can do that. And then we will.

Speaker E: That's how jock unlocks.

Speaker B: I thought they were unlocked. Can you go over and check one of the log cabinets? Kind of check the knob.

Speaker C: That's just a melee rule.

Speaker A: Strength.

Speaker C: Melee.

Speaker A: Yeah, strength plus melee.

Speaker C: Yeah, just not great for me. Oh, that'll be a 10.

Speaker A: All right. Yeah. So you. Like I said it would have been like, very easy anyway, so you don't need a seven, but yeah, you hit it and like, your saber just kind of like slides, like, right on, like chips, a little bit silver. Okay. Yeah, you hit it, but you see, like, it's still. It doesn't do a whole lot of damage, but. And then. All right, so I need.

Speaker B: Oh, Andre's eyes are just big.

Speaker A: He.

Speaker B: He doesn't know what's happening at that other end.

Speaker D: Yeah.

Speaker B: Nobody'S cursing.

Speaker C: I see that. I just like, shock.

Speaker A: Oh, and we haven't used the whiteboard in a while. That's where Audrey got his. Almost died and got his pack.

Speaker B: Yeah.

Speaker A: Okay. Yeah. So you guys can go ahead, I guess. Either grab some.

Speaker E: Grab.

Speaker A: What is it for you grab five minis, I guess. Or throw five minis on the. The table. And the west, too, if you want. You can, like, get up and go look at them.

Speaker E: Most of them are fantasy.

Speaker A: Yeah, there's. We don't really have too many.

Speaker B: I was looking for a minor or something. Yeah, something.

Speaker A: And then you grab a green one for the bad guy.

Speaker D: Sure.

Speaker C: You said he's kind of.

Speaker A: He's about there. He's about 5ft tall, roughly as he's formed up. And then I need to.

Speaker C: He's a little hunched over on his back.

Speaker A: See?

Speaker D: Better paperwork.

Speaker B: I don't know. You got a small one already up there.

Speaker D: That.

Speaker E: All I would have is the little pirate thing.

Speaker B: That'll work.

Speaker A: Yeah. You also can look after sessions. You'd actually find one. A walk.

Speaker C: I'm just gonna grab this guy for now.

Speaker B: Close enough.

Speaker D: Sorry about that.

Speaker B: It.

Speaker A: All right. Pre Prep this monster.

Speaker B: You weren't expecting anybody to open that case?

Speaker A: No, I didn't know it existed.

Speaker E: Not jock sound.

Speaker A: Nice. So I've only read through this book once, so I'm still. Thankfully, everyone's pretty quick.

Speaker B: Hey, Doctor.

Speaker D: Huh?

Speaker C: I don't remember that one.

Speaker B: I was drawn to the med bag.

Speaker D: I know.

Speaker B: It's a mask.

Speaker A: Oh. So actually it kind of vaguely forms, but the. But the bones are still, like. Are just like spinning around, kind of like floating around, almost like a swarm.

Speaker C: Okay.

Speaker A: Okay.

Speaker E: Like in the case door, did they come?

Speaker A: No, that, like when you smash the case, like, the bones, like, kind of shifted and kind of like flew out of the case and. And then kind of like actually. What? Yeah, we'll see. Like, they, like, flew around a little bit and then formed this guy, and then that's when Swami slashed at him. So there is still kind of like this taking shape, chimpanzee Klingon thing. Long arm, about five feet tall. Oh, yeah, yeah. It's not. And it's. It's arms are reach down to, like, past its knees. Okay. Yeah. And then for combat, I remember what we got. Yeah, that's. Yeah, look it up. We haven't done this very much.

Speaker C: All right, maybe.

Speaker B: And then.

Speaker A: So start engagement. Well, actually, no, we don't need the engagement rule. So we'll just do priority roll. Yeah. So it's 2D6 plus mine, plus initiative 6. Okay. So past 9, plus 10, 14. Okay. So. All right, so Audrey and. Audrey and Ja go. Will go. And then the bone monster goes. And then we got Doc and Cash. Can you guys both build? Right?

Speaker C: Yes.

Speaker A: Okay. All righty. So Audrey and Jacques, what do you do?

Speaker C: Or do we get stuff for failure?

Speaker A: Oh, yeah, you get a RP point. Yeah, no, that's why I need that.

Speaker C: I have like 11 RP.

Speaker A: Yeah, but I mean, you can spend 10 to get one XP, so that's one of those things. So. Yeah, that's the other thing too. I need to check in on those occasionally to see how much we have to make sure the economy is not, like, less than. Yeah. So combat. Let's see, you guys, you do have movement, which is 8.8yards, plus your agility, or you can double that and take a penalty die. Or you can quadruple it and just, like, run around. And we'll just say it's like 30 by 30ft. It's not super room. It's not a. I'll say it's a smaller room.

Speaker C: So I act at it.

Speaker A: A 20 by 20. Yeah, I would say. And then Jock would be really close too. Audrey and Cash are within gun range. So you guys are within or close.

Speaker E: Enough as the bones are spinning around everywhere.

Speaker A: Yep. So, yeah, you can do. So Audrey and. Yeah, Jack, you guys are up. So you guys can do what you want to do.

Speaker C: Yeah, I would have hacked at him and saw that it wasn't effective. I would have started backing away.

Speaker E: I wouldn't have been too far on my pistols and shoot.

Speaker B: Probably be looking for cover to start looking at the Other bones Are they. Are all the bones kind of spinning in their cases?

Speaker A: No, just the one that got shattered.

Speaker E: Don't break the glass.

Speaker C: I would say that's when you bring the guns out. You're like, don't hit the glass. Yeah.

Speaker D: Don't miss. Let me add.

Speaker A: It's agility. So attack agility plus ranged. If you're doing a range.

Speaker E: 12.

Speaker A: Okay. Then minus the creature's defense, still hits. So you roll Both of revolvers is 2D6.

Speaker E: Need.

Speaker A: No.

Speaker E: Yeah, I'm shopping. And that's only four damage.

Speaker A: Okay. Yeah. Shoot. You see bone chip off, then I back up. All right, Audrey. And like, this is like you guys. It's. It's essentially group initiative. So you guys can, like, coordinate your. Your moves when you're in the same. So Audrey just backed up, or are you going to shoot from where you're at or.

Speaker B: At first, Audrey probably looking for cover because he's not sure what just happened.

Speaker C: There's just this.

Speaker A: Audrey gets cover.

Speaker B: Spinning bones.

Speaker A: Oh. So, yeah, the. The bone beast gets between. Actually, you just see him, like, explode outward. Like, he, like, disassembles his bones fly over the entire room.

Speaker D: You got it.

Speaker C: And then.

Speaker A: Yeah. So each use some money here. Okay. So cash and yacht, you guys get hit by a bone for three normal damage. So on your damage track, you'd start on the duster. We can get it. Oh, yeah. And you're Duster G6 minus 4. Yeah, if you got 5 or 5. Yeah, the same to get. Reduced it down.

Speaker E: Oh, I got five.

Speaker A: Oh, nice. See, we took two.

Speaker E: Then what do we do on our.

Speaker A: On the far left side, it's just a splash on Life. Left side. Yeah. On Lifeblood. Yeah. It's just a slash for each one, or is it. Yeah, just. Oh, yeah, for each spot. Yeah, for each one.

Speaker D: So moving.

Speaker A: Oh, yeah. Yeah. And then it, like, reforms.

Speaker D: I don't know what you do there.

Speaker A: All right.

Speaker E: Something new every day.

Speaker A: Cash and Dot, you guys are up.

Speaker C: All right, I'm just gonna.

Speaker D: What the heck is going on?

Speaker C: Then I'm gonna grab my pick in.

Speaker A: Two hands and run up and try.

Speaker C: To smash his skull.

Speaker A: All right. Yep.

Speaker C: Rush is up there when he says I am. I'm pulling out my pistol when I hear him run past me.

Speaker A: Yeah. So you. It'd be strength plus melee.

Speaker C: Okay.

Speaker A: And you're going for nine. Nine or better. Twelve. All right. Yep. And you roll up your damage.

Speaker C: Was there a bonus for double sixes?

Speaker A: Did you roll double six? Oh, gotcha.

Speaker C: I have.

Speaker D: I have it up To SO five damage.

Speaker A: So what? What's the damage on your actual weapon? D6 heavy 6H. So two.

Speaker C: And take the better of the two.

Speaker A: Yep. All right. And then you then add your strength. All right. Awesome. Yeah. You run crunches into the pick.

Speaker D: Should be gradients modes, right?

Speaker A: Yeah. You see. You see it like crunch down into them and you see like crack, like several minutes smashed up. All right. When we come back to the top of the new route, so Doc and.

Speaker E: Shock move to the side so I.

Speaker A: Can get a shot.

Speaker D: I don't shoot my friend.

Speaker C: Yeah, I would move back from him and shoot.

Speaker A: What?

Speaker C: What's that?

Speaker A: Oh, yeah, you did. You didn't do your turn, did you? Oh, sorry. Yeah. So. So Doc is.

Speaker D: 8.

Speaker C: I think you can spend a point to make it right.

Speaker A: Yeah. If you want RP, spend an RP point. Yeah. 12. You might not even need to shoot. Yeah. Just his. I forgot he did.

Speaker C: Yeah, that would make it a nine.

Speaker A: All right. That connection. You roll your diamond, cracks in his shatter his skull and the bones collapsed.

Speaker D: What you guys do?

Speaker E: Someone broke the glass.

Speaker D: Probably one of those necromancers, you know.

Speaker C: They got to put it away like.

Speaker D: Oh, my gosh.

Speaker C: You got it. So we.

Speaker E: Magic going on just got peaks.

Speaker D: What the.

Speaker E: You missed all the fun, Andre.

Speaker D: I have a bone shard in my shoulder. Oh, yeah.

Speaker C: I could do a mid one. Oh, yeah.

Speaker A: So if you guys took damage. I forgot about that.

Speaker C: Yeah.

Speaker A: So you take. You take the down the damage, the normal damage you received, which is what you guys took. You divide that by half, and then the half turns. What's left turns into lasting damage.

Speaker D: So you do.

Speaker A: You guys get to have one X.

Speaker C: So I erase the one slash and then give it an X. Yeah.

Speaker A: Yeah.

Speaker C: I can actually do a moderate roll to heal the point of damage or a mighty success for two legendary success. The three points of. So I'll work on you guys real quick. And that would just be my. Is it mine plus profession or it's just plus profession.

Speaker A: For.

Speaker C: For healing.

Speaker A: Yeah, it would be your. It would be your mind plus your profession. And then as you guys are taking that time to heal.

Speaker D: Audrey continues to.

Speaker B: Look at the bones.

Speaker A: You hear the bookshelves shift and change, and you can no longer exit. You can exit up from here. You can no longer go back from here.

Speaker B: So we can only go down.

Speaker A: Yep.

Speaker C: Doc sees that in squares.

Speaker A: Yeah. So you erase your. Yeah, erase the align going up from this room.

Speaker C: I got a bonus die for using my fancy tools.

Speaker A: Nice.

Speaker C: Oh, these that only get 11 plus 6.

Speaker A: So 17.

Speaker C: So you guys can erase your last life. Blending. So making it a mighty success requires spending something.

Speaker A: Right.

Speaker C: Or you have to get double six.

Speaker A: You have to roll double sixes. Yeah. And maybe. Yeah.

Speaker C: So then you can spend a point to make it.

Speaker A: Then you can spend a hero point to make it legendary. And that may be something that we do. If you guys want to convert something to a mighty success with RP points that probably be like five or something that we may do. Because that does let you give some options.

Speaker C: Yes.

Speaker A: So actually I'll write that down.

Speaker C: Okay.

Speaker D: So we broke around.

Speaker C: I want to. I want to take the skull of this creature. One of the abilities I had in the other system was to like learn about the creature by doing like autopsy. When I like study this at some point and try to get everything I can learn. Bone marrow. Like understand it. Sure.

Speaker A: Are you doing that now or are you just storing it?

Speaker C: No, I'm just going to store it.

Speaker A: Okay.

Speaker C: The school.

Speaker D: Bank.

Speaker C: Yeah. Well, we got to find a way out of here.

Speaker D: Looks like.

Speaker A: So you can. And this is where like you can chop through the ceiling to go. Go up.

Speaker C: Can you chop. Can afford to go down?

Speaker A: Yes. If you want to chop, you can also just exit.

Speaker C: Hey, what's up, Mr. Pickman, you want me to do.

Speaker A: Yeah, the exit. The. I guess the go back route is removed. But you can go deeper. You're not like trapped in this room, but you can go deeper. Deeper.

Speaker E: We need to go.

Speaker C: There's no side to side. It's just underneath.

Speaker D: Go deeper.

Speaker A: Yeah, you want to go side to side. You basically have to go back up and then go down all these locations.

Speaker E: Someone's gotta learn something here too.

Speaker A: Me too.

Speaker D: Progress right away.

Speaker A: Yeah, that's. I'm really curious to see how this, that this part actually plays out like. Yes. Yeah, that, that part. I'm not sure how that like fully plays out in us.

Speaker D: Oh.

Speaker A: That'S pretty funny. Okay.

Speaker C: Yeah.

Speaker A: So you guys go down deeper and you come across another ossuary, but on the ceiling.

Speaker C: Don't touch the cubes.

Speaker E: I'm breaking the glass.

Speaker A: But you see anything? So we got a D8 for me or hand it to you.

Speaker C: A six and a three.

Speaker A: Okay.

Speaker D: Six.

Speaker C: Three.

Speaker A: Okay. Yeah. So you walk into the, into the ossuary room, but on in the ceiling, you see tons of just like glass tubes that crisscross the ceiling and stuff. And you see two different substances flowing through them.

Speaker C: Is this a level five?

Speaker A: Yes. Yes. One of them is like wax colored and the other one looks like oil, petrol. Gasoline. Which I don't know if gasoline existed. Weird. Yeah.

Speaker D: Flammable stuff.

Speaker E: Library. There is a lot of flammable stuff.

Speaker A: And. Yeah, I was gonna say you would. You would get them. Like all of you would kind of like realize that, like this place is like a tinder box. It wouldn't. If you started fires in here, you'd have to like run for it.

Speaker E: It's bad. That's plan Z. Yeah.

Speaker B: If you break the glass in bed.

Speaker D: Case of emergency. Great Blast cop.

Speaker B: First time in the library. I'm going to get banned for live. I gotta remove my library.

Speaker E: Dr. Probably just wondering what they do with all the wax oil or gasoline.

Speaker D: Or.

Speaker E: You see that type.

Speaker B: It's embalming fluid.

Speaker E: And then continue on. If there's nothing.

Speaker D: We try to follow the pipes a little bit.

Speaker C: That.

Speaker A: Yeah, that's true.

Speaker D: Could be good.

Speaker A: Yeah. See is don't glance at the books.

Speaker D: Just you go out.

Speaker A: Yep. I would look at the books just.

Speaker C: To see what kind of books are in.

Speaker E: See if I see anyone forging.

Speaker A: No.

Speaker D: Statement.

Speaker B: Level up and back down again or into level six.

Speaker A: So. Yeah. Since I guess you guys could.

Speaker D: Go.

Speaker C: Up to try to work our way.

Speaker D: Back to the balloon room. So we know we have a round outage here. That works for me.

Speaker E: I could try it.

Speaker D: That feels so deep here. So too deep too. Really.

Speaker B: When you're going to go out with style.

Speaker D: That's a good one.

Speaker B: It's quick and memorable.

Speaker C: I don't think we're high enough.

Speaker D: Level you shall not exactly.

Speaker A: All right. So did you guys go up or down?

Speaker C: I like your idea. Up and back out. See if we can get to another, like level four room levels do we gain? Well, four was like unknown on your playing information. We've already found a creature from the Shadow Realm.

Speaker A: Yeah.

Speaker C: So kind of know where you want to be in.

Speaker D: So we'll go up.

Speaker C: Although we haven't seen anything that eldritch.

Speaker D: But.

Speaker C: And then try again.

Speaker A: Yeah.

Speaker C: We probably go up twice Next because the 3 and 4 should be able to find.

Speaker A: Oh, you can only go back if you have a line to go back. So like, you guys can go back up to. Was it depth four and then go down to five again.

Speaker B: That's until we find a door that bypasses our broken line.

Speaker A: Yeah.

Speaker B: We're not going home again.

Speaker A: Yeah. You guys don't know how to like get back up. Yeah. You'd have to actually chop through the ceiling to get back up to that area.

Speaker C: If we chopped up from the blocked room, would that take us to an Alternate three.

Speaker B: Not to take us to the three we left.

Speaker A: It would be. You'd be between locations. So then you could go. Then you could go like lateral, I guess, and then you'd be on that location. But there's no. Because of the way this place is, is like you're just wandering around in the stacks running into locations. And the bookshelves physically like rearrange. So you have like no. You have no clue how to get back.

Speaker D: Where.

Speaker C: Where do you start digging then?

Speaker A: No, you just.

Speaker C: You can find a way deeper.

Speaker A: Yeah, you can just walk down. You don't have to chop through the. The.

Speaker C: You start chopping anyways.

Speaker D: Feel good to swing my pickaxe on the.

Speaker C: So we want to go six.

Speaker D: Is that what we're doing? Yeah.

Speaker C: It sounds like a bad idea. Only if it eats us.

Speaker A: Yeah. So you guys travel deeper into the library. Come across another chapel.

Speaker C: In the church of Ellery, hopefully.

Speaker A: And on the code again. This one's like constructed very similar to the last one. You were in on a fairly hefty looking book on the podium.

Speaker D: It's called Dungeons and Dragons.

Speaker C: It's a picture of us, one of us is dead.

Speaker A: And then there's a crossroads. Yeah, it looks like there's a. And then on the alter is a bottle of what looks like.

Speaker E: The book.

Speaker A: And see what it is. It's a hyper dense dictionary as you look through it. You spent the time you could learn. Learn a single language to near native fluency. How much time that be something you have to like take.

Speaker E: Can we take this?

Speaker A: He could take it if you want.

Speaker D: We just gotta evade.

Speaker C: We've already like probably pissed off a few people by digging a hold of glass.

Speaker D: That philosophal skeleton said don't piss off the library. Yeah.

Speaker E: It was a yellow one that.

Speaker A: Got the yellow one, but for the bones.

Speaker C: Get out of here soon.

Speaker E: Stick the book and the bird.

Speaker A: What happened?

Speaker B: We haven't tried yet. If I put it in, can I pull it out?

Speaker E: It's not our understanding.

Speaker A: I don't think you have. Did you try before with other. Other ones?

Speaker C: Try with the random book first.

Speaker A: Yeah. You don't know then when you put books in there, you don't know where they go?

Speaker E: No, see, that's the problem.

Speaker A: So you don't know.

Speaker D: So it's not even valuable.

Speaker C: Yeah.

Speaker B: So if. If we did do it, how screwed.

Speaker E: Are we if the yellow one comes by, where's the book?

Speaker B: It's in the bird.

Speaker E: It's in the bird.

Speaker B: Give me the bird. Yeah, I'm not sure if you want us to do that, sir.

Speaker C: But you can honestly say you don't have it. But we sent it who knows where, so it's not even useful to us.

Speaker E: Yeah, we know who gets it, but we don't know what he does with it.

Speaker B: He's just trying to catch up.

Speaker C: Yeah.

Speaker B: He didn't get more newspapers.

Speaker C: This is.

Speaker D: Come on, like, pick it up.

Speaker E: Take a look.

Speaker D: Look at it.

Speaker C: Yeah.

Speaker A: As you take it up and look at it, your weird senses, kind of like your connection to the weird, like tingles a little bit. It's not just normal ink.

Speaker D: I wonder if I wrote that book on the bully. It was used, right? Yeah. We should write something with it and see what happens.

Speaker C: Maybe make a door.

Speaker E: Be a lot of ink to make a door.

Speaker B: Now we just have to scratch it out.

Speaker D: It's a little detail.

Speaker E: The best draw.

Speaker C: Doctor, I pull out some paper and actually, like write something new. Yeah. I'll get my ink pen out and be like, all right, uncork it. I'll take like some ink out of it on my pen, on my paper. I'm just going to write the shadow. What is it called? Shadow. Real Shadowland.

Speaker A: Shadowlands. Right.

Speaker C: Just right. Shadowlands. Colon and then just kind of macro. See if anything happens.

Speaker A: Looks like very nice ink, but otherwise you can't. Yeah, it just looks like very nice ink to you.

Speaker C: Cork it, I guess.

Speaker E: Keep it for now.

Speaker C: Sniff it. Taste it. Do you taste it?

Speaker D: Yeah. Seems like something like I would do. Oh, yeah. That's really like a black mouth.

Speaker C: I only get this picture of the. The old claymation thing when I was a kid with the. The Christmas special with the minor guy, Yukon Cornelius. He always throw his pickaxe and then he'd grab it and flick the end and go, nothing.

Speaker D: They're very oral fixated people. Yeah.

Speaker A: Give me a mine. Roll your prospector with pro plus prospector.

Speaker D: Oh. 9.

Speaker A: Yeah.

Speaker C: 13.

Speaker A: Smells like June spirit. I was going to say.

Speaker C: Yeah.

Speaker A: Would you actually tasting it, you definitely tell it. There's something like enchanted about it. And then with your tongue tickles with the next. With those extra, I guess, levels of success, you realize that the Incan's invisible to certain groups of, I guess, people. Slash positions.

Speaker B: I'm sorry, you're just not weird enough to read this.

Speaker E: Apparently.

Speaker C: We're.

Speaker D: We're weird enough. All right. I mean, let's take it.

Speaker C: At this point, I'm not sure we can get in much more trouble. Guys. We gotta. We're gonna have to find some stuff because we're gonna be in some serious trouble.

Speaker B: Keep going down.

Speaker E: I ain't gonna go up.

Speaker B: Yeah, send them back down.

Speaker A: Because wasn't there levels?

Speaker E: Like, level three was like.

Speaker C: Yeah, we're on six.

Speaker A: Yeah. So you guys could go back up to five and then go back down and then go down to another six connection. So then you'd have, like, three connections to this level.

Speaker C: I could call in a favor.

Speaker B: I'm in the library.

Speaker A: How do I.

Speaker E: Even go up and then back down?

Speaker D: Okay, we can try it.

Speaker E: Figure out how to go back to.

Speaker D: Five and then go back, come down to six again in different places.

Speaker E: Figure out how to get cash up to the ten foot ceiling.

Speaker D: Oh, I can get up there?

Speaker A: Yeah. All right, so you guys go the glass case.

Speaker B: Jump.

Speaker E: Don't break the.

Speaker D: Do you really want to get up? Like, do we have to go through a ceiling?

Speaker E: Yep, we have to go through a ceiling.

Speaker D: I can do that. No problem. I'm a. I'm a digger, remember? I'm a miner.

Speaker A: All right, let's.

Speaker B: I thought miners dug down. They didn't dig up.

Speaker D: They dig everywhere. Up, down.

Speaker C: Don't we have to go just back normally to five and then dig down?

Speaker B: Yeah, we go back to five.

Speaker C: If we go to five, we don't have to dig anywhere.

Speaker B: And then we come back down to.

Speaker D: It's only if we want to go.

Speaker C: From four to three that we have to. Yep.

Speaker E: Okay. Yeah, I'm gonna use the door, I guess.

Speaker C: So just going through the door generates a new location.

Speaker A: Yeah. Yeah. So, yeah. So what you guys do. Yeah, so it's like. Yeah, you're just. You go back to a room, and then you wander into a different direction in the library. So then. Oh, I found another location. Then you. If you go back to where you know you came from, and then you go wander in another direction, you make branches.

Speaker E: I understand it now.

Speaker A: Cool. Yeah, Very good. So, yeah, I guess I think as depth as, like, the wit, like, you're going deeper and deeper into the. Further away from the entrances, I guess is a better way to think of the depth as you're just going further and further away from where you came into the library. All right, so you guys went up to which five?

Speaker C: One. And then we're going back into another six.

Speaker A: A different six. Okay, so so you guys went back up to the auctionary with the molten. Okay. Yeah. So as you guys come back up there, as you get back, heading into that area, I'll be coming across another.

Speaker C: Alt in a store in the Blackson oil room.

Speaker A: Yes. Like in that location area Was it there before? Nope.

Speaker B: Is it locked?

Speaker A: Yes. Knock on it. Sounds like knocking on metal door. Come on. Knock back. Nope.

Speaker D: How do I open this thing? Does that hinges on this side?

Speaker A: Yeah. Yeah. Like, I mean, just locked. It's locked. And you could break it down if you wanted to or rip it off the hinge. Like, rip it off the wall. Whatever. It's up to you guys how you want to interact with of this. I mean, I'm gonna try to just. Audrey, you do have that sovereign key.

Speaker D: What does that do?

Speaker B: That unbox? Just about anything.

Speaker C: I was wondering if anyone had assets in the first place.

Speaker B: Because you're too busy breaking up the glass.

Speaker E: Feel like guilty.

Speaker C: Got a holocaust cloak and a wheelbarrow and.

Speaker D: What?

Speaker B: He pulls it out on the chain he's been wearing around his neck. Little sovereign kidney. He goes up to the black.

Speaker E: No, I remember him getting that.

Speaker A: He got it from a routine. Yeah, that's. It's been a few sessions.

Speaker B: That was the gift from him. Is like, I might have to get. Doesn't do anything for guards, but it should work wonders on doors.

Speaker A: Yeah. So I guess Cash, you see Audrey as he pulls out this key. And you look like you get. You kind of get a glance at it. You don't. You're not sure what it's made out of just from, like, looking, glancing at.

Speaker C: I'd have to taste it.

Speaker A: You don't know what it's made out of. Oh, you see, like, starts.

Speaker D: Water.

Speaker B: Sees you longing for his key, and it's like. No, no, no.

Speaker A: You do see, like, you get, like, a quick. When you get the quick plants that you see, like, there's actually, like, runes that are, like, carved into it, and they're actually ever dirt, constantly shifting. So. Yep. So you don't. You don't see a keyhole, but as you get close, one just forms where you're putting the key.

Speaker E: Bend back a little bit from the door.

Speaker B: All right. I don't know. Is this a magical door in the sense that I've got a roll for it, or is it more of a mundane door and it just kind of.

Speaker A: As you put the key in and twist it, you. It just unlocks.

Speaker E: I'd actually stand next to Audrey and, like, hold his collar.

Speaker B: Getting one of them harnesses was to keep grabbing around the neck.

Speaker E: It'd just be like, your shirt.

Speaker B: So I go ahead, I unlock the door, and bring the key back, put it away.

Speaker A: All right. So you guys are on five, right? All right.

Speaker B: And wherever the door is going.

Speaker A: I'll let you Guys, do it. Roll me a D6 if you can.

Speaker E: Since you open it.

Speaker A: Yeah, six. All right. With a plus one. So a seven. That door leads to depth 12. If you wanted. You walk through it. Yeah.

Speaker C: You just hear. Don't go.

Speaker A: So and so.

Speaker C: Yeah.

Speaker A: So you guys. So yeah, if you go through it, shoot some ladders.

Speaker E: I wouldn't. There's nothing like ominous.

Speaker A: No, the door itself just has a. An ominous feel to it. But there's Audrey's all in, you know, let's go.

Speaker E: If I see anything, just be like, yeah, let's go.

Speaker A: All right. Sometimes the. The RNG is just freaking amazing. This is ridiculous. Okay.

Speaker E: It's another church. I'm leaving.

Speaker A: No, it's not. It's better. Yeah. So as you guys descend out, like walk through the stairwell. You come up to a porticellus. Close the cross or blocks entrance into the room. In the room.

Speaker B: Find a lounge singer.

Speaker A: Yes, we do.

Speaker D: In its interest.

Speaker B: It's one of the safe spots. Get something to eat.

Speaker A: Let's see.

Speaker B: There was a dartboard bin. Wow. You'd like go all the way down and it was a safe area. It was a bar.

Speaker A: Yeah.

Speaker E: I don't know why I do them.

Speaker A: High ends. All right. Yeah. So you see through. Through the Port of Solace and you see a gnarled, dark like wood door set in a stone frame. Black iron hinges and a sturdy lock. The whole thing, door frame and lock is engraved with horrible looking sigils that they actually like almost hurt to look at them.

Speaker D: Well, I wonder what's in there.

Speaker B: We can find out.

Speaker C: We should start chomping our way up.

Speaker A: And you do also in that room.

Speaker E: That's all that's in here.

Speaker A: No, there's also like. That's like set in the wall. There's still like the bookcases and everything. But that's like the main feature of that location is this.

Speaker C: Oh, a notable thing.

Speaker A: Yeah. Then this gnarled wood door in this stone frame that's got these runes and sigils on it that just like almost caused physical pain to look at the.

Speaker C: Ender dragons behind that.

Speaker A: But then you also do see beyond the porticells in that room, sitting on like the top of a bookshelf, a weapon. And this guy will be up to you. But it's a melee weapon. So like think like medieval melee weapon. I want to pick that.

Speaker E: You guys.

Speaker A: You actually. It actually has like, like it like has a glow to it and like, I guess it's, it's. It's intended for warfare, I guess. It could be a war. Pick most for a thing.

Speaker B: Oh, pick camera on one side.

Speaker C: I got zero strength. Zero man. The blunt bladed piercing front pick.

Speaker B: Arrows are handy. We never had to worry about them getting stuck.

Speaker A: Yeah, if that's what you guys wanted to. It's either that or it's a sphere. That's up to you guys. Yeah. And the port of cells is long.

Speaker E: Look at ag.

Speaker B: He pulls out his key and tries it on the port.

Speaker A: Yeah. Which is funny because there is like no keyhole. But when you get close one just like for like the. Like the. Like the central bar kind of just like deforms.

Speaker C: So good at picking locks.

Speaker A: They just form.

Speaker D: You get ready.

Speaker B: You lose your mind from that thing. I'm closing this port clip.

Speaker E: You get ready for something.

Speaker D: Yeah, I'm about to lose my mind. No.

Speaker B: Of course, depending on the state of your mind, you might be able to dig your way to the surface before we came out.

Speaker D: That's probably true.

Speaker A: Yeah. Yeah. So yeah. You turn it and it just goes up and then the ceiling.

Speaker C: I pull out a holy water in one hand and my silver pistol the other.

Speaker B: I'll take a look at the books in the room while cash is.

Speaker C: Yeah.

Speaker B: Climbing the case for the pig.

Speaker A: Yeah. Yeah. So while you guys are in that, I will ask for. This is for your characters, I guess to determine like how. Actually I'll just add any of your guys or do any of your characters just engage in like willful sadism, cruelty such as torture, murder out of spite.

Speaker D: No, no.

Speaker A: Murder. No.

Speaker C: Oh, spite.

Speaker A: No. Well, this is a different one. Just. This is just like straight murder.

Speaker C: No, I gotta kill people. But not like.

Speaker A: No, no. This wouldn't be like in defense or like fighting people or. This is like murder to murder somebody.

Speaker D: It's a no.

Speaker E: At some point.

Speaker A: Okay.

Speaker E: Definitely in his younger.

Speaker A: This one's unnecessary violence or mayhem. Such an arson pointlessly attacking people or attacks designed to outrage what you did.

Speaker E: You did.

Speaker A: You said murder already, so that's fine. And the party may not know that about you. They misnow that either. We might suspect.

Speaker C: We wouldn't be surprised.

Speaker A: Okay. Yeah. So anybody there on that level, unnecessarily violence or whatever?

Speaker C: Definitely not.

Speaker A: Doc.

Speaker D: I don't think so.

Speaker A: Yeah. And then next serious theft.

Speaker E: Definitely yes.

Speaker D: There's probably a time or two.

Speaker A: I.

Speaker D: Was a drifter for a while. Tough to live.

Speaker A: And then I'll.

Speaker E: And then definitely with my own training company.

Speaker A: The lowest. Yeah. Then the lowest level is trespassing, trust, petty theft or other minor crimes.

Speaker E: Oh, definitely. Yeah.

Speaker A: So I say you guys are for. As a party, you're probably like level two average.

Speaker D: Yes.

Speaker A: Yeah. Level two. You're not. You're not that.

Speaker C: Thanks for making it sound better.

Speaker A: You're not that depraved of people. People. You've done things he needed to do. But. Okay, so. Yeah. So, yeah, you've opened the portal. You've gone in the room. Yeah. So. Okay, that's good to know. All right, so then at the gate.

Speaker C: Just let you go do the key thing.

Speaker E: All right.

Speaker A: Yeah. So, Audrey.

Speaker D: Yeah, I'll go in alone.

Speaker A: Did anyone go in the room? Okay, you guys are like, at the location, but you haven't like.

Speaker E: I would have gone in the room at, like.

Speaker C: I make sure I'm on the same side of whatever we just.

Speaker A: Door. Yeah.

Speaker C: I'm probably on, like, high alert for what it's worth.

Speaker D: And maybe like, creeping up to it.

Speaker C: Because there was a locked room and it's glowing.

Speaker D: Yeah.

Speaker A: Yeah.

Speaker C: At the risk of sounding like pie, I'm just inside the door.

Speaker D: Famous lasso.

Speaker C: I'm about to get crit, aren't I?

Speaker A: No. Yeah. Okay. Yeah.

Speaker C: Yeah.

Speaker A: So you guys are in there. That's always a good. Yeah. So what do you guys do?

Speaker B: I'll be looking at the books at level 12. There should be something.

Speaker E: There's gotta be something going down here.

Speaker D: Yeah, it's right there. I'm going for it.

Speaker A: Yeah.

Speaker E: I just be watching Cash and watching.

Speaker A: It's not on like a display. It's just like, how the hell did he get trapped?

Speaker E: Yeah.

Speaker B: With an appendix of a map of. This is how you let him go.

Speaker E: Desperado 4 and 5.

Speaker D: Come on.

Speaker E: It's gotta be down here.

Speaker A: Oh, yeah. So captain, you grab you my way up there and grab it.

Speaker D: Yep.

Speaker E: I'll just be watching.

Speaker A: You haven't. They don't know you can walk on the actual players. Yeah. So you just see him just kind of.

Speaker C: Yeah, I just Spider man up.

Speaker A: They're like, okay.

Speaker D: Wow. He really wants that.

Speaker C: We're like, what the. Yep.

Speaker A: And then.

Speaker D: Give me strength.

Speaker A: Yeah. You grab it and you immediately feel like power, like, emanate and like surge into your hand from it. And then that's actually maybe one. One. That's where we're gonna end the session.

Speaker B: And then your arm falls off and then he jumps.

Speaker D: Exactly.

Speaker C: I turned the stone.

Speaker A: I will jump to end of session.

Speaker D: Get a mix spot 1k.

Speaker A: All right. Did we learn something new and important about the world?

Speaker C: Bunch of stuff.

Speaker A: And I would say, yeah, we know.

Speaker D: Better at the library.

Speaker C: Yeah.

Speaker A: Yeah. These are RP points, so, yeah, everyone gets an RP for that. You know, do we overcome a notable monster enemy?

Speaker C: Yeah.

Speaker E: The skeleton name.

Speaker A: All right, another RP for everyone. Did we allude to metal treasure? Probably.

Speaker C: I got the ink.

Speaker E: The ink.

Speaker A: That's true.

Speaker C: I'm about to say you have it now.

Speaker D: Yeah.

Speaker A: So that's a yes. Another RP for everyone. Did we solve a problem without violence?

Speaker C: Breaking glass? I don't think so.

Speaker E: I don't think so. We didn't have a problem.

Speaker D: I mean, what about opening a door? Like a locked door?

Speaker C: Well, I don't know.

Speaker B: The books were put back so we didn't have to fight the library.

Speaker D: That's true too. Oh, yeah. We were like, well, we didn't know. Sorry. Here you go. Yeah, the problem was we got caught stealing.

Speaker A: Yeah. I don't know what we're guessing. I said that librarian wouldn't. I mean, that's good enough for me.

Speaker E: Yeah.

Speaker C: So.

Speaker A: I mean, you could have just shopped the librarian.

Speaker C: That's true. Which. Which to you.

Speaker E: John's smart enough to know he wanted in this place. He's smart enough. Dude, he has no clue what's really going on. He's the only stack in here.

Speaker A: Any low lights, highlights? So for this session.

Speaker C: I wasn't clear enough with Jacques about what I meant by.

Speaker E: It worked.

Speaker C: So we can spend 10 RP for an XP.

Speaker A: Yes, I'm gonna do that. I got 20 RP and you can sit on it. You guys can sit on it. I'm not gonna worry about it until I need expendit. When you actually need to get there.

Speaker E: I'm gonna need a ton of XP for doing inventions.

Speaker A: Yeah.

Speaker E: And hiring people.

Speaker B: And then test subjects.

Speaker E: Nah, there'll be workers, probably.

Speaker A: And then on the library, you guys have questions or do you want and about it so far? Like, is it running all right?

Speaker C: I think once we get the hang.

Speaker D: Of it, I really like it.

Speaker C: Yeah. Yeah, sure. That gives us a way to explore and know what we're doing.

Speaker A: Yeah. And it does not. Does not know in your progress. Exactly. Annoying. Or would you rather. I'm fine. Know what? Where. How deep you need to go.

Speaker B: I don't know what it takes to make progress.

Speaker A: Yeah, that one I'm not 100% sure about. And so far it feels really slow.

Speaker C: Like, are the odds better if we go deeper type thing?

Speaker A: I believe so. So I. Yeah. So I'll just tell you, like. So for, like, Cash's question, you need to hit depth 30.

Speaker C: Okay.

Speaker A: For Doc, you need 40, which is the highest one. Because that information just doesn't exist in this world.

Speaker E: I guess we're going deeper.

Speaker A: Okay, so I mean is that okay.

Speaker B: So it's progress 40, not level 40 in the library.

Speaker A: No, it is like you need. So for like Doc to complete. To get all the information, to get his information, he has to hit 40 and have the progress of 40.

Speaker B: Got it.

Speaker A: And you guys are. And you guys are at. Well, cash is at 15. So you, you get. You have 10 plus your mind as your starting progress. And then like Audrey is at 14, Doc's at 15 and then Jaques at 12.

Speaker C: We just don't know what the final number needs to be.

Speaker A: No, that is. Oh kid. Is 30 is what you need. So you need to hit that progress which you can get with going different levels but you have to get to at least 30.

Speaker E: Okay.

Speaker A: Floor 30. Yeah. Depth 40. They're 30 to 40 to finish your thing.

Speaker D: Now that I know.

Speaker A: Yeah, works for me.

Speaker C: Yeah. I think we were anchored in like single digit depth being that's where I was. We thought four was deep.

Speaker A: No. Yeah.

Speaker B: And it's just why.

Speaker C: Yeah.

Speaker B: You can't go down below for. You'd have to go back up and down.

Speaker A: Yeah, no, yeah, yeah. Explaining that is like the library. It's. It's kind of quantum amorphous. You can think of depth as actual like depth or as breadth to like. It's kind of like the distance. Yeah. Because there are like some like that staircase location you found was like like 100 foot staircase going down. So it's amorphous. That's basically. And then having. I will probably start drawing a map too on the table. So I think that will help myself too. Well like on the. The tabletop. So you guys can. So we all have the same map but also keep your own maps too. So I don't.

Speaker B: I was expecting to go from 5 to 12.

Speaker A: Yeah, apparently.

Speaker D: Yeah, I wasn't either.

Speaker C: I was like we're about to die.

Speaker B: Yeah, Chits and ladders.

Speaker A: So cool. I'll figure out a way to like map for nothing. Yeah. Oh and then I guess next session I guess is probably just library. Oh yeah, absolutely.

Speaker D: Yeah.

Speaker A: We got two weeks depth telescope and then I guess any new long term goals for anybody?

Speaker E: If that held the right mind going.

Speaker C: That thing I think is going, they'd be like, well my sister wasn't that special to me.

Speaker B: You might find a door to the Shadowlands in the library.

Speaker A: Yeah, that's entirely possible. You may find a door depending on it.

Speaker C: I wondered about that.

Speaker A: How the rules are like, no. When you find an exit, you'll know. And I'll read a little bit more because I think there's supposed to be an event happening as you guys enter. Like, the location makes sense because it does feel pretty.

Speaker E: It's just another room, and you just keep going.

Speaker C: This is literally the fourth session and playing this system.

Speaker A: But yeah, then next week I will do a fist bunny shot.

Speaker C: Yeah, I'm excited to hear about that.

Speaker A: That's going to be wild.

Speaker C: Just. It gets. It's easy to get goofy, which is go for.

Speaker E: Yeah, that's a good system.

Speaker A: Nice.

Speaker B: And you learn to let go.

Speaker A: Yeah, that is. Yeah, that is a good system. To get used to character death.

Speaker C: You're playing like a cheap spy novel a little bit.

Speaker E: Yeah. I know that it's like 18 or Metal Gear Solid.

Speaker C: Yeah. Actually, it was a good description.

Speaker B: But I mean, like, for this system, you're careful. You don't want to die.

Speaker C: Yeah. And just.

Speaker B: It's so easy to die.

Speaker D: It's like you might as well yolo.

Speaker C: It's important to use your skills, and there's some stuff that supplies that are limited. And sometimes even your abilities might be limited. Like the mom who died, she had a shield she could do, and as long as she didn't get hit, it would continue indefinitely. But if she turned it off or she got hit, it would turn it off, and then she couldn't activate it again. For that session, it was like a single use shield. So, like, there's some stuff you're like, do I want to use that right now or not? And other skills, you're just like, I could use them all the time.

Speaker D: Yeah.

Speaker C: So it's kind of interesting, but it's fun going through and, like, picking, like, what combos kind of work together. Skills and then. But you won't know until you get on the table, like, what the other players are doing. You're like, oh, this is going to be weird.

savacola/campaign_one/session.19.txt · Last modified: 2025/03/02 10:02 by rabidbaboon