Star date
A planet shattering industrial accident occurred in the Devil's Abyss on planet Ungolla. Burnell Station, which was orbit Ungolla, has taken massive damage and is being evacuated by AIM. The party was “asked” by the Ebon Circle to retrieve a critical scientist from a secure location before she was transferred off station. The party arrived on the scene, comprised the security and started blasting. With several close calls, explosions and gun shot wounds the party as made it to their ship with Krista.
Star date 50.8.30 - 50.9.13
The party made it onboard the Rocksteady with Krista, just as the station lost power gravity. With some skillful fly by Horace the party avoided being noticed and made through the jump gate arriving in Outer Delpi. The met Mr. Perez just outside the jump gate and docked with his class 3 Battleship, Stellar Hawk. Krista was delivered and the party was awarded with a favor and a reduction in debt. After getting surgery to repair their gunshot wounds the party departed for Calisto to acquire some much needed gear. The arrived on plane at Selena City and Elric spent a favor to secure everyone's new class 2 item.
Looking for a new job the party excepted a Scarlet Regiment post to acquire and deliver a cargo unit from a AIM shuttle for the next day.
Star date 50.9.14 - 50.9.21
The party learned new skills. Scouting for the mission Elric accessed a network and got noticed. Later he tried to hack in to AIM's secure network, got blocked and two squads of enforces sent after him. Gabriel was on overwatch and took out one of the squads just as they were about to catch Elric. After that the party quickly left the scene. Later that day Elric successfully hacked into AIM's network and got the pilots dossier and tried to put Horace into the system as a replacement pilot, but was detected and Horace earned more debt with AIM.
The party decided to just hot scoop the entire cargo shuttle into the cargo hold of the Rocksteady and with some skillful flying and little bit of damage to the Rutabaga it was a success. After some close calls with local authorities the party delivered the cargo and collected their payment.
The party headed for Paragon Port and left the guard and pilot, Halie, at the station before heading out of system to Cygnus Helix. Arriving in Cygnus they checked the job board and accepted a job to hunt on the jungle world Toturn.
You have arrived in Cygnus Helix.
Star date 50.9.21 - 50.10.1
The party arrived at Toturn leaving the Rocksteady in orbit. Horace piloted the Rutabaga down to the surface, through dense clouds, 10,000ft tall trees, while dodge flying creatures and successfully locating and landing at the Purgatory camp. The party got more information on the apemen and what happened to the first hunting party. Horace scrounged up some local flora for a soup and the party spent the night with original hunting party.
The following morning the party set out into the dense jungle. The first day was a quiet trek with the only challenge being a massive fallen tree over a rushing river.
Day two started off well until a cliff face was encountered with the first body hanging from it. Once the party climb up the cliff apemen started attacking and throwing rocks from the trees. The party gunned down apemen, dodged or shot down thrown head sized rocks and clubs, while climbing and jumping across rocky vine bridges. The party made it through the area with Horace getting a broken hand and Gabriel suffering a back injury when he fell from an unstable rock. Once some distance had gained from that area, camp was made and injuries were attended to.
Day three the party arrived at the crashed ship.
Star date 50.10.1
Upon entering the ship, our team encountered a trap and spotted a group of ape men approach the ship and successfully eliminated them. The team then proceeded cautiously, disarming a trap along the way. In the research room, Gabriel almost got grabbed by a apeman as he tried to push open the door, it was stuck. Unfortunately, Elric had to sever its arm to defend themselves and subsequently eliminated the creature. After approximately 10 minutes, the team managed to cut open a door and gained access to the research area and a terminal, where we acquired valuable information about the slugs on Toturn.
Amidst the tension, we heard the sound of metal tearing and noticed flashing lights. Moving forward, we entered the galley and encountered more hostile apemen, whom we swiftly dispatched. Progressing through the galley, we faced another door that took us approximately 10 minutes to cut open. Once through, we encountered a small leak in a pipe, which Gabriel was able to shut off and Elric promptly patched, sort of. In the corridor was a class 2 and class 1 item.
Gabriel cut a small peephole in the next door, revealing a fire in the engine room. Elric used his laser to cut open the door. Gabriel skillfully extinguished the fire. With the situation under control, we sent a message to the Purgatory Camp, updating them on the status of the ship. Elric, command his AI companion, to fly the Rutabaga and flew it to the location of a crashed science ship.
The team completed the mission and earned a class 2 cargo that now needed to be picked up. With our objectives accomplished, we made our way back to the Rocksteady to heal and get ready to return for the slugs.